Martin Gruner 0e24872409 Maintenance: Automatic process shutdown after certain configuration changes 5 дней назад
activity_stream e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
application_model 70b506551d Follow up 0b6010c390fa7af469a3a4f08d284ae70527e0d3 - Fixes cache handling and use request cache. 6 месяцев назад
authorization 522a702072 Fixes #4945 - Prevent user creation via Third Party Authentication 3 месяцев назад
avatar 1b552ce3c1 Maintenance: Move account location to user current for better context. 7 месяцев назад
channel e422047797 Follow up ed079e358ed4a2c4906f99cb1b68e9766f74a20a - Fixes #5428 - Add negative tests and rollback original skip of missing recipients. 1 неделя назад
chat 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
checklist 78a666cf3d Fixes #5392 - New checklists will not be indexed according to regular conversion in ticket records 1 месяц назад
checklist_template 759949d869 Maintenance: Improve checklists db structure and assets generation. 1 месяц назад
concerns 3c25732f6f Feature: Desktop view - Re-introduce full tab-switching in the new tech-stack. 6 дней назад
core_workflow 4132da0dd0 Follow up 0c93022a - Fixes #5384 - Fixes #5384 - Expand pagination and search logic in the admin interface. 2 недель назад
cti b2a19e1738 Fixes #5233 - Replace undefined but used url variable with a constant containing the placetel sip users api url. 4 месяцев назад
data_privacy_task e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
form_updater 3c25732f6f Feature: Desktop view - Re-introduce full tab-switching in the new tech-stack. 6 дней назад
group cb97b49623 Fixes #4886 - Checklist follow-up improvements 4 месяцев назад
history e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
job 4132da0dd0 Follow up 0c93022a - Fixes #5384 - Fixes #5384 - Expand pagination and search logic in the admin interface. 2 недель назад
knowledge_base 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
link 3010997dd1 Feature: Desktop view - Implement displaying of links section in ticket detail view. 1 месяц назад
macro 631fe63b58 Feature: Desktop-View - Ticket Detail View Macros 3 месяцев назад
mention e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
object_manager 0e24872409 Maintenance: Automatic process shutdown after certain configuration changes 5 дней назад
online_notification e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
organization 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
overview 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
package e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
public_link e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
recent_view e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
report 4132da0dd0 Follow up 0c93022a - Fixes #5384 - Fixes #5384 - Expand pagination and search logic in the admin interface. 2 недель назад
role e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
session e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
setting 0f3ffa168e Follow-up bed390e5fe49a2fa4d9e572d9b5d1644f2bea41c - Fixes #5106 - SSL verification with SAML fails with valid Let's Encrypt certificates 4 месяцев назад
sla e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
store b6d51a711a Fixes #5363 - Moving/Verifying stored files crashes if any file is missing. 1 месяц назад
system_report 5045c3861b Fixes #5402 - Type Error in report page. 1 месяц назад
tag 3af21313de Feature: Desktop view - Implement tags field. 6 месяцев назад
taskbar 3c25732f6f Feature: Desktop view - Re-introduce full tab-switching in the new tech-stack. 6 дней назад
template 18d437eaaf Feature: Desktop view - Create a ticket with a template and showing additional data in the right sidebar 5 месяцев назад
ticket ed079e358e Fixes #5428 - Notification loops because mail bouncing timeouts do not apply to users in system notifications. 1 неделя назад
token daad6ef75d Maintenance: Unify permissions check in frontend and backend 5 месяцев назад
transaction ed079e358e Fixes #5428 - Notification loops because mail bouncing timeouts do not apply to users in system notifications. 1 неделя назад
translation 8be32eff2a Fixes: #5067 - Notifications do not translate a string 9 месяцев назад
trigger e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
user 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
user_device 1b552ce3c1 Maintenance: Move account location to user current for better context. 7 месяцев назад
webhook 0cb60a212f Fixes #5267 - Pre-defined webhook for Microsoft Teams needs to be updated. 4 месяцев назад
active_job_lock.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
activity_stream.rb da77305696 Maintenance: Update dependency rubocop-rails to v2.25.0 7 месяцев назад
application_model.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
authorization.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
avatar.rb 82f0863e89 Feature: Desktop view - Implement avatar handling. 8 месяцев назад
calendar.rb ce4abf8fa1 Fixes #5076 - Duplicates in calendar. 9 месяцев назад
channel.rb 725c7d39db Fixes #5352 - WhatsApp Business channel is not flagged with error state in case of permanent errors. 2 месяцев назад
chat.rb da77305696 Maintenance: Update dependency rubocop-rails to v2.25.0 7 месяцев назад
checklist.rb 78a666cf3d Fixes #5392 - New checklists will not be indexed according to regular conversion in ticket records 1 месяц назад
checklist_template.rb 759949d869 Maintenance: Improve checklists db structure and assets generation. 1 месяц назад
core_workflow.rb 4132da0dd0 Follow up 0c93022a - Fixes #5384 - Fixes #5384 - Expand pagination and search logic in the admin interface. 2 недель назад
data_privacy_task.rb da77305696 Maintenance: Update dependency rubocop-rails to v2.25.0 7 месяцев назад
email_address.rb 721f7b2173 Maintenance: Add missing uniqueness validators on Rails level. 10 месяцев назад
external_credential.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
external_sync.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
failed_email.rb 1679f3ae47 Follow-up: 58ec7e9f25617c6f833273cf60f764d5bafd9f37 - Improve email reprocessing. 9 месяцев назад
group.rb 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
history.rb 421f7be2a7 Feature: Desktop view - Implement ticket history. 1 месяц назад
http_log.rb da77305696 Maintenance: Update dependency rubocop-rails to v2.25.0 7 месяцев назад
import_job.rb da77305696 Maintenance: Update dependency rubocop-rails to v2.25.0 7 месяцев назад
job.rb 4132da0dd0 Follow up 0c93022a - Fixes #5384 - Fixes #5384 - Expand pagination and search logic in the admin interface. 2 недель назад
knowledge_base.rb bdd79354cc Maintenance: Update dependency rubocop to v1.64.0 6 месяцев назад
ldap_source.rb c394b6f72e Fixes #5101 - Fetching LdapSource for unknown users fails. 7 месяцев назад
link.rb 3010997dd1 Feature: Desktop view - Implement displaying of links section in ticket detail view. 1 месяц назад
locale.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
macro.rb 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
mention.rb 599e4f01e2 Fixes #5135 - Subscribe/Unsubscribe from Multiple Tickets at once. 5 месяцев назад
object_lookup.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
object_manager.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
online_notification.rb da77305696 Maintenance: Update dependency rubocop-rails to v2.25.0 7 месяцев назад
organization.rb 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
overview.rb 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
package.rb 6e96263fb6 Fixes #5190 - Add support for new tech stack on package installation. 6 месяцев назад
permission.rb 60f0059559 Follow up 58da12c - Feature: Desktop view - Implement Token Access personal setting section. 7 месяцев назад
pgp_key.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
postmaster_filter.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
public_link.rb 4132da0dd0 Follow up 0c93022a - Fixes #5384 - Fixes #5384 - Expand pagination and search logic in the admin interface. 2 недель назад
recent_view.rb da77305696 Maintenance: Update dependency rubocop-rails to v2.25.0 7 месяцев назад
report.rb ca854d308e Fixes #4924 - No possibility to export merged tickets in reports. 6 месяцев назад
role.rb 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
role_group.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
scheduler.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
session.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
setting.rb 0e24872409 Maintenance: Automatic process shutdown after certain configuration changes 5 дней назад
signature.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
sla.rb 721f7b2173 Maintenance: Add missing uniqueness validators on Rails level. 10 месяцев назад
smime_certificate.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
ssl_certificate.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
stats_store.rb da77305696 Maintenance: Update dependency rubocop-rails to v2.25.0 7 месяцев назад
store.rb 520285bba4 Maintenance: Improve handling of inline images. 5 месяцев назад
system_report.rb c4fedde979 Added System Report feature v1. 7 месяцев назад
tag.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
taskbar.rb 3c25732f6f Feature: Desktop view - Re-introduce full tab-switching in the new tech-stack. 6 дней назад
template.rb 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
text_module.rb 0c93022abf Fixes #5384 - Improve heavy used admin objects with pagination and search in admin interface. 2 недель назад
ticket.rb 3c25732f6f Feature: Desktop view - Re-introduce full tab-switching in the new tech-stack. 6 дней назад
token.rb d4099e5003 Maintenance: Solve false gitleaks positives 1 месяц назад
transaction.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
translation.rb d62b0f50a5 Fixes #5139 - Unable to send WhatsApp automatic reminders after 23 hours. 8 месяцев назад
trigger.rb 4132da0dd0 Follow up 0c93022a - Fixes #5384 - Fixes #5384 - Expand pagination and search logic in the admin interface. 2 недель назад
type_lookup.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
user.rb ed079e358e Fixes #5428 - Notification loops because mail bouncing timeouts do not apply to users in system notifications. 1 неделя назад
user_device.rb ad4f2915af Feature: Desktop view - Implement the personal setting section to list and delete user devices. 7 месяцев назад
user_group.rb e054d6ca79 Maintenance: Update copyright information. 11 месяцев назад
webhook.rb 4132da0dd0 Follow up 0c93022a - Fixes #5384 - Fixes #5384 - Expand pagination and search logic in the admin interface. 2 недель назад