@@ -133,15 +133,9 @@ RSpec.describe Whatsapp::Webhook::Payload, :aggregate_failures, current_user_id:
errors: [
- message: '(#130429) Rate limit hit',
- type: 'OAuthException',
- code: 130_429,
- error_data: {
- messaging_product: 'whatsapp',
- details: '<DETAILS>'
- },
- error_subcode: 2_494_055,
- fbtrace_id: 'Az8or2yhqkZfEZ-_4Qn_Bam'
+ code: 131_051,
+ details: 'Message type is not currently supported',
+ title: 'Unsupported message type'
type: type
@@ -156,6 +150,32 @@ RSpec.describe Whatsapp::Webhook::Payload, :aggregate_failures, current_user_id:
it 'raises ProcessableError' do
expect { described_class.new(json:, uuid:, signature:).process }.to raise_error(described_class::ProcessableError)
+ it 'logs the error' do
+ allow(Rails.logger).to receive(:error)
+ begin
+ described_class.new(json:, uuid:, signature:).process
+ rescue
+ # noop
+ end
+ expect(Rails.logger).to have_received(:error)
+ .with("WhatsApp channel (#{channel.options[:callback_url_uuid]}) - failed message: Unsupported message type (131051)")
+ end
+ it 'updates the channel status' do
+ begin
+ described_class.new(json:, uuid:, signature:).process
+ rescue
+ # noop
+ end
+ expect(channel.reload).to have_attributes(
+ status_out: 'error',
+ last_log_out: 'Unsupported message type (131051)',
+ )
+ end
context 'when an unsupported type is used' do