G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)

togke 11bc4eb08a Update zh_cn/Slic3r.po 3 years ago
.github 8d362ad897 Move all mac build to the BuildMacOs script 3 years ago
cmake 503def7710 Replace avrdude conf generation from C to CMake code 3 years ago
deps 45c8c3722f Add support for building MacOS fat binaries 3 years ago
doc 08971c7351 Update How to build - Windows.md (#1894) 3 years ago
lib 773972cc2c Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/prusa/master' 5 years ago
resources 11bc4eb08a Update zh_cn/Slic3r.po 3 years ago
sandboxes 19e1d877aa Don't use sla::EncodedRaster in SLAImport, revive opencsg sandbox 4 years ago
src 3a3627a2d9 convert version from string to real number for comparison 3 years ago
t ca3d8239c4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/prusa/master' 4 years ago
tests 49e4e20a1b Fix too detailed gapfill 3 years ago
xs 84b28a25e8 Support for forward compatibility of configurations, user and system 3 years ago
.clang-format a695dec51a Merge branch 'master' into tm_arrange_selection 5 years ago
.gitignore 16368c9575 Add some cpp test from mainline (thanks to @lordofhyphens) 6 years ago
.gitmodules 78adfffc61 replace module URL to http 3 years ago
Build.PL 5fbc891707 Slic3r++ to SuperSlicer renamed in all files. 4 years ago
BuildLinux.sh af5c3f13ba update build scripts 3 years ago
BuildMacOS.sh 45c8c3722f Add support for building MacOS fat binaries 3 years ago
CMakeLists.txt 81f78cc993 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/prusa/version_2.3.1' into merill-merge 3 years ago
LICENSE 7308017ee8 Added the AGPL v3 license file 7 years ago
PrusaSlicer.mo 028d853299 Update on Brazilian Portuguese translation 5 years ago
PrusaSlicer.sublime-project a3c1ef509c Further renaming to PrusaSlicer 5 years ago
README.md 3aaab31e07 Revised readme 4 years ago
create_release.py f0289f3cef update release script for mac arm 3 years ago
version.inc 78151c14fc update to localization & move reprap to reprapfirmware to avoid collision with prusaslicer 3 years ago


Slic3r Build Status Build status Build StatusCoverity Status

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So, what's this Slic3r?

Slic3r is mainly a toolpath generator for 3D printers: it reads 3D models (STL, OBJ, AMF, 3MF) and it converts them into G-code instructions for 3D printers. But it does much more than that, see the features list below.

Slic3r was born in 2011 within the RepRap community and thanks to its high configurability became the swiss-army knife for 3D printing. It served as a platform for implementing several new (experimental) ideas that later became technology standards, such as multiple extruders, brim, variable-height layers, per-object settings, modifiers, post-processing scripts, G-code macros and more. Despite being based on volunteer efforts, Slic3r is still pushing the boundaries of 3D printing.

Slic3r has been rebased from the active PrusaSlicer and SuperSlicer forks with an eye towards continuing pushing the boundaries of 3D printing and being an slicer for all printers.

Slic3r is:

  • Open: it is totally open source and it's independent from any commercial company or printer manufacturer. We want to keep 3D printing open and free.
  • Compatible: it supports all the known G-code dialects (Marlin, Repetier, Mach3, LinuxCNC, Machinekit, Smoothie, Makerware, Sailfish).
  • Advanced: many configuration options allow for fine-tuning and full control. While novice users often need just few options, Slic3r is mostly used by advanced users.
  • Community-driven: new features or issues are discussed in the GitHub repository. Join our collaborative effort and help improve it!
  • Robust: the codebase includes more than 1,000 unit and regression tests, collected in 6 years of development.
  • Modular: the core of Slic3r is libslic3r, a C++ library that provides a granular API and reusable components.
  • Embeddable: a complete and powerful command line interface allows Slic3r to be used from the shell or integrated with server-side applications.
  • Powerful: see the list below!

See the project homepage at slic3r.org for more information.


(Most of these are also available in the command line interface.)

  • G-code generation for FFF/FDM printers;
  • conversion between STL, OBJ, AMF, 3MF and POV formats;
  • auto-repair of non-manifold meshes (and ability to re-export them);
  • SVG export of slices;
  • built-in USB/serial host controller, supporting multiple simultaneous printers each one with a spool queue;
  • OctoPrint integration (send to printer);
  • built-in projector and host for DLP printers;
  • tool for cutting meshes in multiple solid parts with visual preview (also in batch using a grid);
  • tool for extruding 2.5D TIN meshes.

What language is it written in?

The core parts of Slic3r are written in C++11, with multithreading. The graphical interface is in the process of being ported to C++14.

How to install?

You can download a precompiled package from slic3r.org (releases) or from dl.slicr3r.org (automated builds).

If you want to compile the source yourself follow the instructions on one of these wiki pages:

Can I help?

Sure, but please read the CONTRIBUTING document first!

Directory structure

  • package/: the scripts used for packaging the executables
  • src/: the C++ source of the slic3r executable and the CMake definition file for compiling it
  • src/slic3r/GUI: The C++ GUI.
  • tests: Test suite for Slic3r. Implemented with Catch2
  • t/: the really old test suite (deprecated)
  • utils/: various useful scripts
  • src/libslic3r/: C++ sources for libslic3r
  • xs/xsp/: bindings for calling libslic3r from Perl (XS) (deprecated)

Licensing and attribution

Slic3r is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.

PrusaSlicer is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3. PrusaSlicer is owned by Prusa Research. PrusaSlicer is originally based on Slic3r by Alessandro Ranellucci.

The GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 ensures that if you use any part of this software in any way (even behind a web server), your software must be released under the same license.


The main author of Slic3r is Alessandro Ranellucci (@alranel, Sound in IRC, @alranel on Twitter), who started the project in 2011.

Joseph Lenox (@lordofhyphens, LoH in IRC, @LenoxPlay on Twitter) is the current co-maintainer.

Contributions by Henrik Brix Andersen, Vojtech Bubnik, Nicolas Dandrimont, Mark Hindess, Petr Ledvina, Y. Sapir, Mike Sheldrake, Kliment Yanev and numerous others. Original manual by Gary Hodgson. Slic3r logo designed by Corey Daniels, Silk Icon Set designed by Mark James, stl and gcode file icons designed by Akira Yasuda.

How can I invoke Slic3r using the command line?

The command line is documented in the relevant manual page.