@@ -1488,44 +1488,98 @@ void FillSmooth::fill_surface_extrusion(const Surface *surface, const FillParams
params2.density *= 2.0f;
Polylines polylines_out;
Polylines polylines_outNoExtrud;
- if (! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params, 0.f, 0.f, polylines_out) ||
- ! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, float(M_PI/2), 0.f, polylines_outNoExtrud)) {
- printf("FillSmooth::fill_surface() failed to fill a region.\n");
- }
- if (polylines_out.empty())
- return;
- // Flow tempFlow = flow;
- ExtrusionEntityCollection *eecroot = new ExtrusionEntityCollection();
- out.entities.push_back(eecroot);
- eecroot->no_sort = true;
- // float stdflowWidth = tempFlow.width;
- // Save into layer.
- ExtrusionEntityCollection *eec = new ExtrusionEntityCollection();
- eecroot->entities.push_back(eec);
- eec->no_sort = true;
- // print at almost 100% (90%) flow
- extrusion_entities_append_paths(
- eec->entities, STDMOVE(polylines_out),
- flow.bridge ?
- erBridgeInfill :
- (surface->is_solid() ?
- ((surface->surface_type == stTop) ? erTopSolidInfill : erSolidInfill) :
- erInternalInfill),
- flow.mm3_per_mm()*0.9, flow.width*0.9, flow.height);
+ //choose between v1 (no extrusion on second pass) and v2 (small extrusion on second pass)
+ if(surface->area() < (scale_(this->spacing)*scale_(this->spacing)) * 100){
+ //v1 (only if < 100 nozzle² (for a 0.4 nozzle, it's 16 mm² ~ 0.16 cm² ~ half of a 5mmx5mm cube on a notebook)
+ Surface surfaceIncr(*surface);
+ Polygons paths = offset(surfaceIncr.expolygon.contour, scale_(this->spacing));
+ surfaceIncr.expolygon.contour = paths[0];
+ if (! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params, 0.f, 0.f, polylines_out) ||
+ ! fill_surface_by_lines(&surfaceIncr, params2, float(M_PI/2), 0.f, polylines_outNoExtrud)) {
+ printf("FillSmooth::fill_surface() failed to fill a region.\n");
+ }
+ if (polylines_out.empty())
+ return;
+ // Flow tempFlow = flow;
- // Save into layer smoothing path.
- eec = new ExtrusionEntityCollection();
- eecroot->entities.push_back(eec);
- eec->no_sort = true;
- //print the last 10% with 2*15% -> gapfill (if less => gaps)
- extrusion_entities_append_paths(
- eec->entities, STDMOVE(polylines_outNoExtrud),
- erInternalInfill, //speedy (it's generally the most speedy)
- flow.mm3_per_mm()*0.15, flow.width*0.15, flow.height);
+ ExtrusionEntityCollection *eecroot = new ExtrusionEntityCollection();
+ out.entities.push_back(eecroot);
+ eecroot->no_sort = true;
+ // float stdflowWidth = tempFlow.width;
+ // Save into layer.
+ ExtrusionEntityCollection *eec = new ExtrusionEntityCollection();
+ eecroot->entities.push_back(eec);
+ eec->no_sort = true;
+ // print at almost 100% (90%) flow
+ extrusion_entities_append_paths(
+ eec->entities, STDMOVE(polylines_out),
+ flow.bridge ?
+ erBridgeInfill :
+ (surface->is_solid() ?
+ ((surface->surface_type == stTop) ? erTopSolidInfill : erSolidInfill) :
+ erInternalInfill),
+ flow.mm3_per_mm()*1, flow.width*1, flow.height);
+ // Save into layer smoothing path.
+ eec = new ExtrusionEntityCollection();
+ eecroot->entities.push_back(eec);
+ eec->no_sort = true;
+ //print the last 10% with 2*15% -> gapfill (if less => gaps)
+ extrusion_entities_append_paths(
+ eec->entities, STDMOVE(polylines_outNoExtrud),
+ erInternalInfill, //speedy (it's generally the most speedy)
+ 0.f, flow.width*0.05, flow.height);
+ }else{
+ //v2
+ Surface surfaceIncr(*surface);
+ Polygons paths = offset(surfaceIncr.expolygon.contour, scale_(this->spacing * 0.3f));
+ surfaceIncr.expolygon.contour = paths[0];
+ if (! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params, 0.f, 0.f, polylines_out) ||
+ ! fill_surface_by_lines(&surfaceIncr, params2, float(M_PI/2), 0.f, polylines_outNoExtrud)) {
+ printf("FillSmooth::fill_surface() failed to fill a region.\n");
+ }
+ if (polylines_out.empty())
+ return;
+ // Flow tempFlow = flow;
+ ExtrusionEntityCollection *eecroot = new ExtrusionEntityCollection();
+ out.entities.push_back(eecroot);
+ eecroot->no_sort = true;
+ // float stdflowWidth = tempFlow.width;
+ // Save into layer.
+ ExtrusionEntityCollection *eec = new ExtrusionEntityCollection();
+ eecroot->entities.push_back(eec);
+ eec->no_sort = true;
+ // print at almost 100% (90%) flow
+ extrusion_entities_append_paths(
+ eec->entities, STDMOVE(polylines_out),
+ flow.bridge ?
+ erBridgeInfill :
+ (surface->is_solid() ?
+ ((surface->surface_type == stTop) ? erTopSolidInfill : erSolidInfill) :
+ erInternalInfill),
+ flow.mm3_per_mm()*0.9, flow.width*0.9, flow.height);
+ // Save into layer smoothing path.
+ eec = new ExtrusionEntityCollection();
+ eecroot->entities.push_back(eec);
+ eec->no_sort = true;
+ //print the last 10% with 2*15% -> gapfill (if less => gaps)
+ extrusion_entities_append_paths(
+ eec->entities, STDMOVE(polylines_outNoExtrud),
+ erInternalInfill, //speedy (it's generally the most speedy)
+ flow.mm3_per_mm()*0.15, flow.width*0.15, flow.height);
+ }
} // namespace Slic3r