@@ -41,36 +41,6 @@ void Print::clear()
-// Only used by the Perl test cases.
-void Print::reload_object(size_t /* idx */)
- ModelObjectPtrs model_objects;
- {
- tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(this->state_mutex());
- // The following call should stop background processing if it is running.
- this->invalidate_all_steps();
- /* TODO: this method should check whether the per-object config and per-material configs
- have changed in such a way that regions need to be rearranged or we can just apply
- the diff and invalidate something. Same logic as apply()
- For now we just re-add all objects since we haven't implemented this incremental logic yet.
- This should also check whether object volumes (parts) have changed. */
- // collect all current model objects
- model_objects.reserve(m_objects.size());
- for (PrintObject *object : m_objects)
- model_objects.push_back(object->model_object());
- // remove our print objects
- for (PrintObject *object : m_objects)
- delete object;
- m_objects.clear();
- for (PrintRegion *region : m_regions)
- delete region;
- m_regions.clear();
- }
- // re-add model objects
- for (ModelObject *mo : model_objects)
- this->add_model_object(mo);
PrintRegion* Print::add_region()
m_regions.emplace_back(new PrintRegion(this));
@@ -335,7 +305,7 @@ unsigned int Print::num_object_instances() const
unsigned int instances = 0;
for (const PrintObject *print_object : m_objects)
- instances += print_object->copies().size();
+ instances += (unsigned int)print_object->copies().size();
return instances;
@@ -360,7 +330,7 @@ double Print::max_allowed_layer_height() const
// Caller is responsible for supplying models whose objects don't collide
// and have explicit instance positions.
-void Print::add_model_object(ModelObject* model_object, int idx)
+void Print::add_model_object_perl_tests_only(ModelObject* model_object, int idx)
tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(this->state_mutex());
// Add a copy of this ModelObject to this Print.
@@ -389,26 +359,26 @@ void Print::add_model_object(ModelObject* model_object, int idx)
- size_t volume_id = 0;
+ int volume_id = 0;
for (const ModelVolume *volume : model_object->volumes) {
if (! volume->is_model_part() && ! volume->is_modifier())
// Get the config applied to this volume.
- PrintRegionConfig config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, *volume, 99999);
+ PrintRegionConfig config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, nullptr, *volume, 99999);
// Find an existing print region with the same config.
- size_t region_id = size_t(-1);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_regions.size(); ++ i)
+ int region_id = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_regions.size(); ++ i)
if (config.equals(m_regions[i]->config())) {
region_id = i;
// If no region exists with the same config, create a new one.
- if (region_id == size_t(-1)) {
- region_id = m_regions.size();
+ if (region_id == -1) {
+ region_id = (int)m_regions.size();
// Assign volume to a region.
- object->add_region_volume(region_id, volume_id);
+ object->add_region_volume((unsigned int)region_id, volume_id, t_layer_height_range(0, DBL_MAX));
++ volume_id;
@@ -489,18 +459,18 @@ bool Print::apply_config_perl_tests_only(DynamicPrintConfig config)
bool this_region_config_set = false;
for (PrintObject *object : m_objects) {
if (region_id < object->region_volumes.size()) {
- for (int volume_id : object->region_volumes[region_id]) {
- const ModelVolume &volume = *object->model_object()->volumes[volume_id];
+ for (const std::pair<t_layer_height_range, int> &volume_and_range : object->region_volumes[region_id]) {
+ const ModelVolume &volume = *object->model_object()->volumes[volume_and_range.second];
if (this_region_config_set) {
// If the new config for this volume differs from the other
// volume configs currently associated to this region, it means
// the region subdivision does not make sense anymore.
- if (! this_region_config.equals(PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, volume, 99999))) {
+ if (! this_region_config.equals(PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, nullptr, volume, 99999))) {
rearrange_regions = true;
goto exit_for_rearrange_regions;
} else {
- this_region_config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, volume, 99999);
+ this_region_config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, nullptr, volume, 99999);
this_region_config_set = true;
for (const PrintRegionConfig &cfg : other_region_configs) {
@@ -540,7 +510,7 @@ exit_for_rearrange_regions:
for (ModelObject *mo : model_objects)
- this->add_model_object(mo);
+ this->add_model_object_perl_tests_only(mo);
invalidated = true;
@@ -620,6 +590,20 @@ static inline void model_volume_list_copy_configs(ModelObject &model_object_dst,
+static inline void layer_height_ranges_copy_configs(t_layer_config_ranges &lr_dst, const t_layer_config_ranges &lr_src)
+ assert(lr_dst.size() == lr_src.size());
+ auto it_src = lr_src.cbegin();
+ for (auto &kvp_dst : lr_dst) {
+ const auto &kvp_src = *it_src ++;
+ assert(std::abs(kvp_dst.first.first - kvp_src.first.first ) <= EPSILON);
+ assert(std::abs(kvp_dst.first.second - kvp_src.first.second) <= EPSILON);
+ // Layer heights are allowed do differ in case the layer height table is being overriden by the smooth profile.
+ // assert(std::abs(kvp_dst.second.option("layer_height")->getFloat() - kvp_src.second.option("layer_height")->getFloat()) <= EPSILON);
+ kvp_dst.second = kvp_src.second;
+ }
static inline bool transform3d_lower(const Transform3d &lhs, const Transform3d &rhs)
typedef Transform3d::Scalar T;
@@ -674,6 +658,23 @@ static std::vector<PrintInstances> print_objects_from_model_object(const ModelOb
return std::vector<PrintInstances>(trafos.begin(), trafos.end());
+// Compare just the layer ranges and their layer heights, not the associated configs.
+// Ignore the layer heights if check_layer_heights is false.
+bool layer_height_ranges_equal(const t_layer_config_ranges &lr1, const t_layer_config_ranges &lr2, bool check_layer_height)
+ if (lr1.size() != lr2.size())
+ return false;
+ auto it2 = lr2.begin();
+ for (const auto &kvp1 : lr1) {
+ const auto &kvp2 = *it2 ++;
+ if (std::abs(kvp1.first.first - kvp2.first.first ) > EPSILON ||
+ std::abs(kvp1.first.second - kvp2.first.second) > EPSILON ||
+ (check_layer_height && std::abs(kvp1.second.option("layer_height")->getFloat() - kvp2.second.option("layer_height")->getFloat()) > EPSILON))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &config_in)
#ifdef _DEBUG
@@ -724,6 +725,50 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
// Handle changes to regions config defaults
m_default_region_config.apply_only(config, region_diff, true);
+ class LayerRanges
+ {
+ public:
+ LayerRanges() {}
+ // Convert input config ranges into continuous non-overlapping sorted vector of intervals and their configs.
+ void assign(const t_layer_config_ranges &in) {
+ m_ranges.clear();
+ m_ranges.reserve(in.size());
+ // Input ranges are sorted lexicographically. First range trims the other ranges.
+ coordf_t last_z = 0;
+ for (const std::pair<const t_layer_height_range, DynamicPrintConfig> &range : in) {
+// for (auto &range : in) {
+ if (range.first.second > last_z) {
+ coordf_t min_z = std::max(range.first.first, 0.);
+ if (min_z > last_z + EPSILON) {
+ m_ranges.emplace_back(t_layer_height_range(last_z, min_z), nullptr);
+ last_z = min_z;
+ }
+ if (range.first.second > last_z + EPSILON) {
+ const DynamicPrintConfig* cfg = &range.second;
+ m_ranges.emplace_back(t_layer_height_range(last_z, range.first.second), cfg);
+ last_z = range.first.second;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_ranges.empty())
+ m_ranges.emplace_back(t_layer_height_range(0, DBL_MAX), nullptr);
+ else if (m_ranges.back().second == nullptr)
+ m_ranges.back().first.second = DBL_MAX;
+ else
+ m_ranges.emplace_back(t_layer_height_range(m_ranges.back().first.second, DBL_MAX), nullptr);
+ }
+ const DynamicPrintConfig* config(const t_layer_height_range &range) const {
+ auto it = std::lower_bound(m_ranges.begin(), m_ranges.end(), std::make_pair< t_layer_height_range, const DynamicPrintConfig*>(t_layer_height_range(range.first - EPSILON, range.second - EPSILON), nullptr));
+ assert(it != m_ranges.end());
+ assert(it == m_ranges.end() || std::abs(it->first.first - range.first ) < EPSILON);
+ assert(it == m_ranges.end() || std::abs(it->first.second - range.second) < EPSILON);
+ return (it == m_ranges.end()) ? nullptr : it->second;
+ }
+ auto begin() const { return m_ranges.cbegin(); }
+ auto end() const { return m_ranges.cend(); }
+ private:
+ std::vector<std::pair<t_layer_height_range, const DynamicPrintConfig*>> m_ranges;
+ };
struct ModelObjectStatus {
enum Status {
@@ -733,8 +778,9 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
ModelObjectStatus(ModelID id, Status status = Unknown) : id(id), status(status) {}
- ModelID id;
- Status status;
+ ModelID id;
+ Status status;
+ LayerRanges layer_ranges;
// Search by id.
bool operator<(const ModelObjectStatus &rhs) const { return id < rhs.id; }
@@ -861,22 +907,23 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
auto it_status = model_object_status.find(ModelObjectStatus(model_object.id()));
assert(it_status != model_object_status.end());
assert(it_status->status != ModelObjectStatus::Deleted);
+ const ModelObject& model_object_new = *model.objects[idx_model_object];
+ const_cast<ModelObjectStatus&>(*it_status).layer_ranges.assign(model_object_new.layer_config_ranges);
if (it_status->status == ModelObjectStatus::New)
// PrintObject instances will be added in the next loop.
// Update the ModelObject instance, possibly invalidate the linked PrintObjects.
assert(it_status->status == ModelObjectStatus::Old || it_status->status == ModelObjectStatus::Moved);
- const ModelObject &model_object_new = *model.objects[idx_model_object];
// Check whether a model part volume was added or removed, their transformations or order changed.
+ // Only volume IDs, volume types and their order are checked, configuration and other parameters are NOT checked.
bool model_parts_differ = model_volume_list_changed(model_object, model_object_new, ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART);
bool modifiers_differ = model_volume_list_changed(model_object, model_object_new, ModelVolumeType::PARAMETER_MODIFIER);
bool support_blockers_differ = model_volume_list_changed(model_object, model_object_new, ModelVolumeType::SUPPORT_BLOCKER);
bool support_enforcers_differ = model_volume_list_changed(model_object, model_object_new, ModelVolumeType::SUPPORT_ENFORCER);
if (model_parts_differ || modifiers_differ ||
model_object.origin_translation != model_object_new.origin_translation ||
-// model_object.layer_height_ranges != model_object_new.layer_height_ranges ||
- model_object.layer_config_ranges != model_object_new.layer_config_ranges || // #ys_FIXME_experiment
- model_object.layer_height_profile != model_object_new.layer_height_profile) {
+ model_object.layer_height_profile != model_object_new.layer_height_profile ||
+ ! layer_height_ranges_equal(model_object.layer_config_ranges, model_object_new.layer_config_ranges, model_object_new.layer_height_profile.empty())) {
// The very first step (the slicing step) is invalidated. One may freely remove all associated PrintObjects.
auto range = print_object_status.equal_range(PrintObjectStatus(model_object.id()));
for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++ it) {
@@ -916,7 +963,8 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
//FIXME What to do with m_material_id?
model_volume_list_copy_configs(model_object /* dst */, model_object_new /* src */, ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART);
model_volume_list_copy_configs(model_object /* dst */, model_object_new /* src */, ModelVolumeType::PARAMETER_MODIFIER);
- // Copy the ModelObject name, input_file and instances. The instances will compared against PrintObject instances in the next step.
+ layer_height_ranges_copy_configs(model_object.layer_config_ranges /* dst */, model_object_new.layer_config_ranges /* src */);
+ // Copy the ModelObject name, input_file and instances. The instances will be compared against PrintObject instances in the next step.
model_object.name = model_object_new.name;
model_object.input_file = model_object_new.input_file;
@@ -1028,19 +1076,27 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
PrintRegionConfig this_region_config;
bool this_region_config_set = false;
for (PrintObject *print_object : m_objects) {
+ const LayerRanges *layer_ranges;
+ {
+ auto it_status = model_object_status.find(ModelObjectStatus(print_object->model_object()->id()));
+ assert(it_status != model_object_status.end());
+ assert(it_status->status != ModelObjectStatus::Deleted);
+ layer_ranges = &it_status->layer_ranges;
+ }
if (region_id < print_object->region_volumes.size()) {
- for (int volume_id : print_object->region_volumes[region_id]) {
- const ModelVolume &volume = *print_object->model_object()->volumes[volume_id];
+ for (const std::pair<t_layer_height_range, int> &volume_and_range : print_object->region_volumes[region_id]) {
+ const ModelVolume &volume = *print_object->model_object()->volumes[volume_and_range.second];
+ const DynamicPrintConfig *layer_range_config = layer_ranges->config(volume_and_range.first);
if (this_region_config_set) {
// If the new config for this volume differs from the other
// volume configs currently associated to this region, it means
// the region subdivision does not make sense anymore.
- if (! this_region_config.equals(PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, volume, num_extruders)))
+ if (! this_region_config.equals(PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, layer_range_config, volume, num_extruders)))
// Regions were split. Reset this print_object.
goto print_object_end;
} else {
- this_region_config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, volume, num_extruders);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < region_id; ++i) {
+ this_region_config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, layer_range_config, volume, num_extruders);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < region_id; ++ i) {
const PrintRegion ®ion_other = *m_regions[i];
if (region_other.m_refcnt != 0 && region_other.config().equals(this_region_config))
// Regions were merged. Reset this print_object.
@@ -1055,7 +1111,7 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
// Decrease the references to regions from this volume.
int ireg = 0;
- for (const std::vector<int> &volumes : print_object->region_volumes) {
+ for (const std::vector<std::pair<t_layer_height_range, int>> &volumes : print_object->region_volumes) {
if (! volumes.empty())
-- m_regions[ireg]->m_refcnt;
++ ireg;
@@ -1077,52 +1133,65 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
for (size_t idx_print_object = 0; idx_print_object < m_objects.size(); ++ idx_print_object) {
PrintObject &print_object0 = *m_objects[idx_print_object];
const ModelObject &model_object = *print_object0.model_object();
- std::vector<int> map_volume_to_region(model_object.volumes.size(), -1);
+ const LayerRanges *layer_ranges;
+ {
+ auto it_status = model_object_status.find(ModelObjectStatus(model_object.id()));
+ assert(it_status != model_object_status.end());
+ assert(it_status->status != ModelObjectStatus::Deleted);
+ layer_ranges = &it_status->layer_ranges;
+ }
+ std::vector<int> regions_in_object;
+ regions_in_object.reserve(64);
for (size_t i = idx_print_object; i < m_objects.size() && m_objects[i]->model_object() == &model_object; ++ i) {
PrintObject &print_object = *m_objects[i];
bool fresh = print_object.region_volumes.empty();
unsigned int volume_id = 0;
+ unsigned int idx_region_in_object = 0;
for (const ModelVolume *volume : model_object.volumes) {
if (! volume->is_model_part() && ! volume->is_modifier()) {
++ volume_id;
- int region_id = -1;
- if (&print_object == &print_object0) {
- // Get the config applied to this volume.
- PrintRegionConfig config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, *volume, num_extruders);
- // Find an existing print region with the same config.
- int idx_empty_slot = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_regions.size(); ++ i) {
- if (m_regions[i]->m_refcnt == 0) {
- if (idx_empty_slot == -1)
- idx_empty_slot = i;
- } else if (config.equals(m_regions[i]->config())) {
- region_id = i;
- break;
+ // Filter the layer ranges, so they do not overlap and they contain at least a single layer.
+ // Now insert a volume with a layer range to its own region.
+ for (auto it_range = layer_ranges->begin(); it_range != layer_ranges->end(); ++ it_range) {
+ int region_id = -1;
+ if (&print_object == &print_object0) {
+ // Get the config applied to this volume.
+ PrintRegionConfig config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, it_range->second, *volume, num_extruders);
+ // Find an existing print region with the same config.
+ int idx_empty_slot = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_regions.size(); ++ i) {
+ if (m_regions[i]->m_refcnt == 0) {
+ if (idx_empty_slot == -1)
+ idx_empty_slot = i;
+ } else if (config.equals(m_regions[i]->config())) {
+ region_id = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If no region exists with the same config, create a new one.
+ if (region_id == -1) {
+ if (idx_empty_slot == -1) {
+ region_id = (int)m_regions.size();
+ this->add_region(config);
+ } else {
+ region_id = idx_empty_slot;
+ m_regions[region_id]->set_config(std::move(config));
+ }
- }
- // If no region exists with the same config, create a new one.
- if (region_id == -1) {
- if (idx_empty_slot == -1) {
- region_id = (int)m_regions.size();
- this->add_region(config);
- } else {
- region_id = idx_empty_slot;
- m_regions[region_id]->set_config(std::move(config));
- }
- }
- map_volume_to_region[volume_id] = region_id;
- } else
- region_id = map_volume_to_region[volume_id];
- // Assign volume to a region.
- if (fresh) {
- if (region_id >= print_object.region_volumes.size() || print_object.region_volumes[region_id].empty())
- ++ m_regions[region_id]->m_refcnt;
- print_object.add_region_volume(region_id, volume_id);
- }
- ++ volume_id;
- }
+ regions_in_object.emplace_back(region_id);
+ } else
+ region_id = regions_in_object[idx_region_in_object ++];
+ // Assign volume to a region.
+ if (fresh) {
+ if (region_id >= print_object.region_volumes.size() || print_object.region_volumes[region_id].empty())
+ ++ m_regions[region_id]->m_refcnt;
+ print_object.add_region_volume(region_id, volume_id, it_range->first);
+ }
+ }
+ ++ volume_id;
+ }
@@ -1176,7 +1245,7 @@ std::string Print::validate() const
Polygon convex_hull0 = offset(
Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), rotation, model_instance0->get_scaling_factor(), model_instance0->get_mirror())),
- scale_(m_config.extruder_clearance_radius.value) / 2., jtRound, scale_(0.1)).front();
+ float(scale_(0.5 * m_config.extruder_clearance_radius.value)), jtRound, float(scale_(0.1))).front();
// Now we check that no instance of convex_hull intersects any of the previously checked object instances.
for (const Point © : print_object->m_copies) {
Polygon convex_hull = convex_hull0;
@@ -1228,7 +1297,6 @@ std::string Print::validate() const
bool has_custom_layering = false;
std::vector<std::vector<coordf_t>> layer_height_profiles;
for (const PrintObject *object : m_objects) {
-// has_custom_layering = ! object->model_object()->layer_height_ranges.empty() || ! object->model_object()->layer_height_profile.empty();
has_custom_layering = ! object->model_object()->layer_config_ranges.empty() || ! object->model_object()->layer_height_profile.empty(); // #ys_FIXME_experiment
if (has_custom_layering) {
layer_height_profiles.assign(m_objects.size(), std::vector<coordf_t>());
@@ -1437,9 +1505,9 @@ Flow Print::brim_flow() const
generation as well. */
return Flow::new_from_config_width(
- width,
- m_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(m_regions.front()->config().perimeter_extruder-1),
- this->skirt_first_layer_height(),
+ width,
+ (float)m_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(m_regions.front()->config().perimeter_extruder-1),
+ (float)this->skirt_first_layer_height(),
@@ -1459,9 +1527,9 @@ Flow Print::skirt_flow() const
generation as well. */
return Flow::new_from_config_width(
- width,
- m_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(m_objects.front()->config().support_material_extruder-1),
- this->skirt_first_layer_height(),
+ width,
+ (float)m_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(m_objects.front()->config().support_material_extruder-1),
+ (float)this->skirt_first_layer_height(),
@@ -1636,20 +1704,20 @@ void Print::_make_skirt()
// Initial offset of the brim inner edge from the object (possible with a support & raft).
// The skirt will touch the brim if the brim is extruded.
- Flow brim_flow = this->brim_flow();
+ Flow brim_flow = this->brim_flow();
double actual_brim_width = brim_flow.spacing() * floor(m_config.brim_width.value / brim_flow.spacing());
- coord_t distance = scale_(std::max(m_config.skirt_distance.value, actual_brim_width) - spacing/2.);
+ auto distance = float(scale_(std::max(m_config.skirt_distance.value, actual_brim_width) - spacing/2.));
// Draw outlines from outside to inside.
// Loop while we have less skirts than required or any extruder hasn't reached the min length if any.
std::vector<coordf_t> extruded_length(extruders.size(), 0.);
for (int i = n_skirts, extruder_idx = 0; i > 0; -- i) {
// Offset the skirt outside.
- distance += coord_t(scale_(spacing));
+ distance += float(scale_(spacing));
// Generate the skirt centerline.
Polygon loop;
- Polygons loops = offset(convex_hull, distance, ClipperLib::jtRound, scale_(0.1));
+ Polygons loops = offset(convex_hull, distance, ClipperLib::jtRound, float(scale_(0.1)));
Geometry::simplify_polygons(loops, scale_(0.05), &loops);
if (loops.empty())
@@ -1660,9 +1728,9 @@ void Print::_make_skirt()
- mm3_per_mm, // this will be overridden at G-code export time
+ (float)mm3_per_mm, // this will be overridden at G-code export time
- first_layer_height // this will be overridden at G-code export time
+ (float)first_layer_height // this will be overridden at G-code export time
eloop.paths.back().polyline = loop.split_at_first_point();
@@ -1788,7 +1856,7 @@ void Print::_make_wipe_tower()
// Insert the new support layer.
double height = lt.print_z - m_wipe_tower_data.tool_ordering.layer_tools()[i-1].print_z;
//FIXME the support layer ID is set to -1, as Vojtech hopes it is not being used anyway.
- it_layer = m_objects.front()->insert_support_layer(it_layer, size_t(-1), height, lt.print_z, lt.print_z - 0.5 * height);
+ it_layer = m_objects.front()->insert_support_layer(it_layer, -1, height, lt.print_z, lt.print_z - 0.5 * height);
++ it_layer;
@@ -1815,19 +1883,19 @@ void Print::_make_wipe_tower()
- m_config.filament_loading_speed.get_at(i),
- m_config.filament_loading_speed_start.get_at(i),
- m_config.filament_unloading_speed.get_at(i),
- m_config.filament_unloading_speed_start.get_at(i),
- m_config.filament_toolchange_delay.get_at(i),
+ (float)m_config.filament_loading_speed.get_at(i),
+ (float)m_config.filament_loading_speed_start.get_at(i),
+ (float)m_config.filament_unloading_speed.get_at(i),
+ (float)m_config.filament_unloading_speed_start.get_at(i),
+ (float)m_config.filament_toolchange_delay.get_at(i),
- m_config.filament_cooling_initial_speed.get_at(i),
- m_config.filament_cooling_final_speed.get_at(i),
+ (float)m_config.filament_cooling_initial_speed.get_at(i),
+ (float)m_config.filament_cooling_final_speed.get_at(i),
- m_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(i));
+ (float)m_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(i));
m_wipe_tower_data.priming = Slic3r::make_unique<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult>(
- wipe_tower.prime(this->skirt_first_layer_height(), m_wipe_tower_data.tool_ordering.all_extruders(), false));
+ wipe_tower.prime((float)this->skirt_first_layer_height(), m_wipe_tower_data.tool_ordering.all_extruders(), false));
// Lets go through the wipe tower layers and determine pairs of extruder changes for each
// to pass to wipe_tower (so that it can use it for planning the layout of the tower)
@@ -1836,21 +1904,21 @@ void Print::_make_wipe_tower()
for (auto &layer_tools : m_wipe_tower_data.tool_ordering.layer_tools()) { // for all layers
if (!layer_tools.has_wipe_tower) continue;
bool first_layer = &layer_tools == &m_wipe_tower_data.tool_ordering.front();
- wipe_tower.plan_toolchange(layer_tools.print_z, layer_tools.wipe_tower_layer_height, current_extruder_id, current_extruder_id,false);
+ wipe_tower.plan_toolchange((float)layer_tools.print_z, (float)layer_tools.wipe_tower_layer_height, current_extruder_id, current_extruder_id, false);
for (const auto extruder_id : layer_tools.extruders) {
if ((first_layer && extruder_id == m_wipe_tower_data.tool_ordering.all_extruders().back()) || extruder_id != current_extruder_id) {
float volume_to_wipe = wipe_volumes[current_extruder_id][extruder_id]; // total volume to wipe after this toolchange
// Not all of that can be used for infill purging:
- volume_to_wipe -= m_config.filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower.get_at(extruder_id);
+ volume_to_wipe -= (float)m_config.filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower.get_at(extruder_id);
// try to assign some infills/objects for the wiping:
volume_to_wipe = layer_tools.wiping_extrusions().mark_wiping_extrusions(*this, current_extruder_id, extruder_id, volume_to_wipe);
// add back the minimal amount toforce on the wipe tower:
- volume_to_wipe += m_config.filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower.get_at(extruder_id);
+ volume_to_wipe += (float)m_config.filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower.get_at(extruder_id);
// request a toolchange at the wipe tower with at least volume_to_wipe purging amount
- wipe_tower.plan_toolchange(layer_tools.print_z, layer_tools.wipe_tower_layer_height, current_extruder_id, extruder_id,
+ wipe_tower.plan_toolchange((float)layer_tools.print_z, (float)layer_tools.wipe_tower_layer_height, current_extruder_id, extruder_id,
first_layer && extruder_id == m_wipe_tower_data.tool_ordering.all_extruders().back(), volume_to_wipe);
current_extruder_id = extruder_id;