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Change Log

2.2.2 (2018-03-29)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • The column widths of a table are shifted after manual change and use of pagination. #1829 [bug]
  • XSS issue in ticket overview #1869 [bug]

2.2.1 (2018-01-30)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • Generated excel report fails to create for special strings in ticket titles (also: CSV formula injection possible) #1756 [bug] [reporting]
  • Need data_option[:null] - Ticket Object Manager #1742 [bug]
  • Ticket search fails for limit exceeding 100 with internal server error #1753 [bug]
  • Unable to send auto reply if from contains 2 or more senders with invalid email address #1749 [bug]
  • Report for Created tickets should not have "merged" tickets #1741 [bug] [reporting]
  • Wrong ticket number count in preview #1723 [bug]
  • Zammad Api for idoit.object_ids broken #1711 [bug]
  • Unable to login with Office365 #1710 [bug]
  • No user preference for out-of-office available #1699 [bug]
  • SipgateController - undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) #1698 [bug]

2.2.0 (2017-12-06)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • email forward of article (like regular email client forward - e. g. forward customers message to third party contact) #573 [enhancement]
  • Take over attachment on ticket split #195 [enhancement]
  • Enable state "merged" for admin overviews, triggers and jobs #1689 [enhancement]
  • Elasticsearchs mapper-attachments plugin has been deprecated, use ingest-attachment now #599 [enhancement]
  • Improve i-doit filtering (without type) #1571 [enhancement]
  • Reset customer selection in ticket create screen if input field cleared #1670 [enhancement]
  • Add config option for intelligent customer selection of incoming emails of agents #1671 [enhancement]
  • Twitter: Allow tweet articles to be 280 chars long #1628 [enhancement]
  • Chat language setting or behaviour in dutch #1618 [enhancement]
  • leading and tailing utf8 spaces are not removed for email addresses are not removed #1579 [enhancement]
  • Import emails with same message_id but target was different channels #1578 [enhancement]

Fixed bugs:

  • Webform isn´t available | 401 Unauthorized #1604 [bug]
  • TimeAccounting ticket condition prevents submit of Zoom #1513 [bug]
  • Unable to re-order overviews in admin interface with over 100 overviews #1681 [bug]
  • Unable to open trigger in admin interface #1666 [bug]
  • Users mail_delivery_failed is not removed after changing the email address #1661 [bug]
  • Tickets are deleted but database is still the same size #1649 [bug]
  • Translation for form widget in Dutch #1623 [enhancement]
  • Exchange Integration SSL Error with self-signed root certificate authority #1442 [bug]
  • Unable to sort overview by priority #1595 [bug]
  • LDAP Integration: Comprehensive configuration cause the import to fail #1457 [bug]
  • {"error":"Role Customer conflicts with Admin"} #1509 [bug]
  • prevent admin from locking out #1563 [bug]

* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator