43 KB

Change Log

4.1.1 (2021-10-05)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Granular admin permission for google channel is missing 3194 [enhancement]
  • Space after ticket hook in ticket/zoom 3265 [enhancement] [UX/UI] [ticket]
  • REST doc of Online Notification controler is outdated/wrong and expand param is missing. 3635 [enhancement]
  • Accept 2xx as response for requests in UserAgent 3573 [enhancement]
  • No possibility to enforce auto response if one of the blocking auto response mail header exists 3667 [enhancement] [prioritised by payment] [mail processing]
  • The rake task zammad:package:migrate does not execute migrations for linked packages. 3606 [enhancement] [developer experience]

Fixed bugs:

  • Zammad preflight check warning output causes Syntax-Error in and failing installation 2674 [bug] [migration / update]
  • User search / selection does not always work if you want to correct your search 3696 [bug] [UX/UI] [prioritised by payment]
  • Misleading view of user icons which are on vacation and disabled 3075 [bug] [UX/UI] [ticket]
  • Unable to create a ticket in web app if default for additional boolean value is FALSE 3762 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • scrollPageHeader disappears when answering via email 3736 [bug] [UX/UI]
  • Scheduler ignores "disable notifications == no" 3684 [bug] [notification] [prioritised by payment]
  • Notes on existing ticks are discarded by editing profile settings 3088 [bug] [UX/UI]
  • AttributeManager doesn't display boolean default values within the UI 3271 [bug] [UX/UI] [object manager attribute]
  • Removal of Microsoft365-Channel not possible via UI when having no email address relation 3741 [bug] [channel]
  • Removal of Google-Channel not possible via UI when having a normal email channel of same account 3203 [bug] [UX/UI] [channel]
  • Spaces stay URL-encoded when going back to search results on KB for agents 3378 [bug] [UX/UI] [knowledge base]
  • OTRS migration doesn't import article creation time 3235 [bug] [import]
  • ⚙ -> Manage -> Calendars -> Edit: "Subscribe to public holidays in" sorted wrong 2528 [bug] [UX/UI]
  • Not working unpack of mail body if decrypted body is in signed-data attachment 3705 [bug] [mail processing]
  • Spaces in front of mentions can cause partly content removal 3717 [bug] [UX/UI] [prioritised by payment]
  • ticket.customer_id is current_user breaks email fetching 3503 [bug] [channel] [ticket]
  • Drop files here not disappearing after dropping a file 3725 [bug] [regression]
  • Pending reminder notifications are not sent if ticket is opened in tab 2931 [bug] [ticket] [prioritised by payment] [frontend / JS app]
  • Ical escaltion update the calendar entry to 2:00 am 2157 [bug] [notification] [prioritised by payment]
  • "Warten auf Erinnerung" - Inconsistent timestamps 2366 [bug]
  • Cannot select multiple tickets in ticket overview with shift+click in Firefox 3449 [bug] [UX/UI] [overviews]
  • "Drop files here" drag area not always hiding 3460 [bug] [UX/UI] [help appreciated]
  • Overview names are hidden in mobile view for RTL languages 3500 [bug] [UX/UI] [mobile]
  • CTI Callerlog signaling hides "+" for new ticket if more than one user is found 2930 [bug] [UX/UI] [prioritised by payment] [frontend / JS app]
  • State list of tickets ignore locale for their sorting 3335 [bug] [UX/UI] [ticket] [prioritised by payment]
  • Setting for CheckMK not saved in zammad 3707 [bug]
  • Inline image conversion from jpeg to png causes huge overhead 3538 [bug] [UX/UI] [prioritised by payment]
  • Selecting Textmodules, Knowledge Base Articles and the Mentions Feature are not working for mobile devices on Zammad 4.0 3495 [bug] [UX/UI] [ticket] [prioritised by payment]
  • Can't remove auto assignment timeout 2544 [bug] [UX/UI] [prioritised by payment]
  • The calendar shows Chilean holidays one day in advance 3706 [bug] [UX/UI] [regression]
  • Merge not possible with not set, required attributes 2634 [bug] [ticket] [prioritised by payment] [object manager attribute]
  • Organization removal does not clear organization_id from Tickets 3703 [bug] [prioritised by payment] [regression]
  • Custom date attributes provide inconsistent sorting within grouping 3663 [bug] [overviews] [prioritised by payment]
  • Search results missing for users with two names within lastname 3598 [bug] [search] [prioritised by payment]
  • Mix of binary encoded ISO-8859-1 data in header fields (e.g. to) fails mail processing 3697 [bug] [prioritised by payment] [mail processing]
  • Error 500 / zammad {"error":" 123456 is out of range for ActiveModel::Type::Integer with limit 4 bytes"} 3647 [bug]
  • Freshdesk import works not with more then 30_000 tickets 3681 [bug] [import]
  • Pagination for knowledge base answer sorting breaks sorting 3660 [bug] [UX/UI] [admin area] [knowledge base]
  • Do not send domain and migrate domain out of Google and Microsoft 365 channels 3669 [bug] [channel] [prioritised by payment]
  • Zendesk-Import Connection reset by peer cancels import 3583 [bug] [import] [waiting for feedback]
  • Wrong user is used when "X-On-Behalf-Of” header value is an email that starts with digits 2851 [bug] [API]
  • Allow out of office for one day without setting two days 3590 [bug] [personal settings/menu]
  • Removing organizations removes user and ticket as well 3688 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • FreshDesk Import brings in all users as inactive 3689 [bug] [import]
  • FreshDesk Import doesn't pull in auto-assign domain(s) for organizations 3687 [bug] [import]
  • FreshDesk Import Error - undefined method `body' for 10:Integer 3661 [bug] [import]
  • Zendesk URL check fails with Net::HTTPForbidden 403 error 3679 [bug] [import]
  • Outdated urls on security page (third-party logins) 3627 [bug]
  • Duplicated article after bulk action was executed for newly created tickets without a browser refresh in between 3568 [bug]
  • Text Editor deletes text unrecoverably if quicktext was canceled with Ctrl+Backspace 2886 [bug] [UX/UI] [ticket] [prioritised by payment] [frontend / JS app]
  • CTI-API should handle doubled requests better 3247 [prioritised by payment] [CTI] [specification required]
  • saving Boolean field with empty values 2973 [bug] [UX/UI]
  • Package migrations fail on package installation or update due to codebase self-modification 3580 [bug] [core]
  • In some situations the chat button is visible without a active websocket connection 2258 [bug] [chat]
  • Creating and editing users via office 365 failes with Image source is invalid 3617 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Invalid html signature detection for exchange warning boxes 3571 [bug] [UX/UI] [prioritised by payment]
  • Chat widget cannot load CSS on (sub)domains that contain "ws" characters 3654 [bug] [chat]
  • FreshDesk Import fails with timeout error 3653 [bug] [import]
  • FreshDesk import fails on certain custom field types 3628 [bug] [import]
  • New location notification with X-On-Behalf 3611 [bug] [API] [notification] [prioritised by payment]
  • Freshdesk import subdomain selection fails 3631 [bug] [import]
  • When disconnecting a Chat, customer can still continue posting messages 2559 [bug] [chat] [prioritised by payment]
  • Migration 3.6.1 to 4.1 : No configured business hours found! 3641 [bug]
  • Header links are not responsive 3133 [UX/UI] [knowledge base]
  • Replacing a mention with a new leads to mentioning both agents 3636 [bug]
  • Attachment order is wrong 3584 [bug] [UX/UI]
  • Mention widget show same users several times (if rest requests will return in different order) 3639 [bug]
  • Text Module widget is broken/hidden after pressing backspace (once) 3637 [bug]
  • Monitoring endpoint complains about Failed to run SessionTimeoutJob.perform_now after 10 tries #<NoMethodError: undefined methodid' for nil:NilClass` 3632 [bug]
  • The rebuild of the index is failing 3633 [bug] [chat] [prioritised by payment]
  • Updating package-based installations can break the front end. 3629 [bug]
  • Reply-to header ignored if from contains a system address 2551 [bug]
  • Mentions/Subscribe with read permissions 3615 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Ensure to migrate old calendar URLs for google calendar sources 3618 [bug] [prioritised by payment] [regression]
  • Chat-Message references not cleared with data privacy task 3610 [bug] [data privacy]
  • SMTP-Attachments missing when using the API under high load 2991 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • session timeout does regulary logout active users before timeout because of dead old sessions 3605 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Zendesk import creates new ticket numbers rather than using the Zendesk ticket IDs also as ticket numbers in Zammad 3593 [bug] [import] [ticket] [prioritised by payment]
  • wrong behaviour for the disabled option in session timeout 3600 [bug] [prioritised by payment]

4.1.0 (2021-06-08)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

  • Update description of the session timeout setting 3597 [admin area] [bug]
  • Escalation calculation breaks data privacy ticket deletion 3588 [bug] [data privacy]
  • SessionTimeoutJob.perform_now fails if user no longer exists 3586 [bug]
  • Robots.txt should allow indexing Knowledge Base on custom URLs 3164 [bug] [knowledge base]
  • DataPrivacy may fail to clear user relations 3585 [bug] [data privacy]
  • SessionTimeoutJob.perform_now scheduler job fails on update if scheduler process wasn't restarted 3581 [bug]
  • Freshdesk import attribute ID mapping lookup constants fail application boot in systems with changed default names 3582 [bug]
  • Package migrations fail on package installation or update due to codebase self-modification 3580 [bug] [core]
  • mentioned KB entries with the same title in different categories can not distinguished 3559 [UX/UI] [bug] [knowledge base] [prioritised by payment]
  • Invalid auto assignment conditions may break ticket view for unassigned tickets 3567 [UX/UI] [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Add Greek translation for chat 3569 [chat] [translation]
  • Freshdesk 865 [feature backlog] [import]
  • Invalid html signature detection for exchange warning boxes 3571 [UX/UI] [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Chat on iOS only shows parts after typing 3534 [UX/UI] [bug] [chat] [prioritised by payment]
  • State list of tickets ignore locale for their sorting 3335 [UX/UI] [bug] [prioritised by payment] [ticket]
  • Attachments sent by Zammad not shown in Outlook 3529 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • First response doesn't get solved after answering and state change to pending reminder 3551 [bug] [escalation logic] [ticket]
  • Pressing "Cancel" when creating a new ticket or separating an existing ticket doesn't close tab 2669 [UX/UI] [bug]
  • Don't display profile link if user has no user_preferences.* permissions at all 3546 [UX/UI] [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • No Error Message on Failed Uploads 2383 [UX/UI] [bug] [frontend / JS app]
  • CTI Log performance bad because of reformatting of the phone number 3550 [CTI] [bug] [integration] [performance]
  • S/SMIME: Intermediate-CA verification fails 3397 [question]
  • Status code 500 when trying to sort by groups in text module management 3494 [UX/UI] [bug] [macros] [text modules]
  • Selecting Textmodules, Knowledge Base Articles and the Mentions Feature are not working for mobile devices on Zammad 4.0 3495 [UX/UI] [bug] [prioritised by payment] [ticket]
  • Can't add (or run) DataPrivacyTask if the to remove user has too many ticket relations 3548 [bug] [data privacy] [prioritised by payment]
  • Wrong Variable-Reference for Tags (Trigger, Scheduler) 2769 [bug] [prioritised by payment] [trigger]
  • Broken UI - Create Reporting profile 3499 [UX/UI] [bug] [prioritised by payment] [regression]
  • Ticket selector for first_response_escalation_at, update_escalation_at, close_escalation_at missing 3547 [bug] [prioritised by payment] [ticket] [trigger]
  • new _plugin dir introduces auth:login events which will never get triggered 3508 [bug] [core]
  • Translate link text of link template in organization sidebar in ticket zoom 3543 [UX/UI] [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Ensure Google Calendars are fetched via HTTPS 3545 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Opening user edit dialog with admin.user causes WebApp freeze for 10-20 sec. with 100+ roles 3541 [UX/UI] [bug] [performance] [prioritised by payment]
  • POST /api/v1/users/avatar with empty input -> undefined method `substr' for nil:NilClass 3492 [bug]
  • prevent "CSRF token verification failed!" error 3531
  • Escalation overview and all escalation related triggers/schedulers broken in Zammad 4.0 3523 [bug] [prioritised by payment] [regression]
  • Customer overview doesn't load on change 3479 [UX/UI] [bug] [overviews] [prioritised by payment]
  • Outgoing emails with tables have borders (do not contain design elements in email reset css) 3506 [UX/UI] [bug]
  • Google and Microsoft 365 are missing filter & signature page content 3522 [bug] [channel] [frontend / JS app] [prioritised by payment]
  • Unable to verify S/MIME mail signature signed with certificate chain 3517 [bug] [mail processing]
  • Make session TTL configurable 3520 [feature backlog]
  • local gitlab without https is only partially supported 3512 [bug] [integration]
  • Admin sidebar scrolls up on click on translations menu 3445 [UX/UI] [admin area] [bug]
  • Caller Log: Incoming calls move tabs out of Browser context 3444 [CTI] [UX/UI] [prioritised by payment]
  • KB Edit / Save entries results in JS errors and unsaved articles 3486 [bug] [knowledge base]
  • Full quote shows " wrote:" instead of " wrote" when agent toggled article visibility 2629 [bug] [prioritised by payment] [ticket]
  • Error 500:{"error":"undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass"} - Creating Overview 3490 [bug] [overviews]
  • Not authorized error using Im X-On-Behalf-Of 3468 [API] [authentication] [prioritised by payment] [ticket]
  • Invalid null value for user's last name 3488 [admin area] [bug] [data privacy]
  • mention in email body breaks email parsing 3489 [bug] [mail processing] [ticket]
  • read permission is not enough to display subscribed tickets in overviews 3482 [bug] [overviews] [prioritised by payment]
  • Macros are not displayed within the Mobile View 3473 [UX/UI] [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • UX problem with scheduler and postmaster condition filter is user selection is used 3480 [UX/UI] [bug]
  • Mention does not notify users without full permission on group 3471 [bug] [notification] [prioritised by payment]
  • Mentions migration fails because of unexpected User notification_config matrix state. 3472 [bug] [update]
  • Invalid elasticsearch(-oss) alternative dependency format breaks package installation/update for RPM based installations. 3470 [bug] [update]
  • Startup fails with "Circular dependency detected while autoloading constant Tag::WritesToTicketHistory (RuntimeError)" 3469 [blocker] [bug]