@@ -379,14 +379,14 @@ export type Queries = {
node?: Maybe<Node>;
/** Fetches a list of objects given a list of IDs. */
nodes: Array<Maybe<Node>>;
- /** Ticket overviews available in the system */
- overviews: OverviewConnection;
/** The sessionId of the currently authenticated user. */
sessionId: Scalars['String'];
/** Fetch a ticket by ID */
ticket: Ticket;
/** Fetch a ticket by ID */
ticketArticles: TicketArticleConnection;
+ /** Ticket overviews available in the system */
+ ticketOverviews: OverviewConnection;
/** Fetch tickets of a given ticket overview */
ticketsByOverview: TicketConnection;
/** Translations for a given locale */
@@ -425,15 +425,6 @@ export type QueriesNodesArgs = {
-/** All available queries */
-export type QueriesOverviewsArgs = {
- after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>;
- before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>;
- first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>;
- last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** All available queries */
export type QueriesTicketArgs = {
ticketId?: InputMaybe<Scalars['ID']>;
@@ -452,6 +443,15 @@ export type QueriesTicketArticlesArgs = {
+/** All available queries */
+export type QueriesTicketOverviewsArgs = {
+ after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ before?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ first?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>;
+ last?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** All available queries */
export type QueriesTicketsByOverviewArgs = {
after?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>;
@@ -877,12 +877,12 @@ export type FormSchemaQueryVariables = Exact<{
export type FormSchemaQuery = { __typename?: 'Queries', formSchema: any };
-export type OverviewsQueryVariables = Exact<{
+export type TicketOverviewsQueryVariables = Exact<{
withTicketCount: Scalars['Boolean'];
-export type OverviewsQuery = { __typename?: 'Queries', overviews: { __typename?: 'OverviewConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'OverviewEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'Overview', id: string, name: string, link: string, prio: number, orderBy: string, orderDirection: OrderDirection, active: boolean, ticketCount?: number, viewColumns: Array<{ __typename?: 'KeyValue', key: string, value?: string | null }>, orderColumns: Array<{ __typename?: 'KeyValue', key: string, value?: string | null }> } }>, pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', endCursor?: string | null, hasNextPage: boolean } } };
+export type TicketOverviewsQuery = { __typename?: 'Queries', ticketOverviews: { __typename?: 'OverviewConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'OverviewEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'Overview', id: string, name: string, link: string, prio: number, orderBy: string, orderDirection: OrderDirection, active: boolean, ticketCount?: number, viewColumns: Array<{ __typename?: 'KeyValue', key: string, value?: string | null }>, orderColumns: Array<{ __typename?: 'KeyValue', key: string, value?: string | null }> } }>, pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', endCursor?: string | null, hasNextPage: boolean } } };
export type ErrorsFragment = { __typename?: 'UserError', message: string, field?: string | null };