123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487 |
- import os
- import re
- import requests
- from github import Github
- from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode
- ORG_NAME = 'ydb-platform'
- REPO_NAME = 'ydb'
- PROJECT_ID = '45'
- TEST_HISTORY_DASHBOARD = "https://datalens.yandex/4un3zdm0zcnyr"
- CURRENT_TEST_HISTORY_DASHBOARD = "https://datalens.yandex/34xnbsom67hcq?"
- # Github api (personal access token (classic)) token shoud have permitions to
- # repo
- # - repo:status
- # - repo_deployment
- # - public_repo
- # admin:org
- # project
- def run_query(query, variables=None):
- HEADERS = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {GITHUB_TOKEN}", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
- request = requests.post(
- 'https://api.github.com/graphql', json={'query': query, 'variables': variables}, headers=HEADERS
- )
- if request.status_code == 200:
- return request.json()
- else:
- raise Exception(f"Query failed to run by returning code of {request.status_code}. {query}")
- def get_repository(org_name=ORG_NAME, repo_name=REPO_NAME):
- query = """
- {
- organization(login: "%s") {
- repository(name: "%s") {
- id
- }
- }
- }
- """ % (
- org_name,
- repo_name,
- )
- result = run_query(query)
- return result['data']['organization']['repository']
- def get_project_v2_fields(org_name=ORG_NAME, project_id=PROJECT_ID):
- query_template = """
- {
- organization(login: "%s") {
- projectV2(number: %s) {
- id
- fields(first: 100) {
- nodes {
- ... on ProjectV2Field {
- id
- name
- }
- ... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
- id
- name
- options {
- id
- name
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- """
- query = query_template % (org_name, project_id)
- result = run_query(query)
- return (
- result['data']['organization']['projectV2']['id'],
- result['data']['organization']['projectV2']['fields']['nodes'],
- )
- def create_and_add_issue_to_project(title, body, project_id=PROJECT_ID, org_name=ORG_NAME, state=None, owner=None):
- """Добавляет issue в проект.
- Args:
- title (str): Название issue.
- body (str): Содержимое issue.
- project_id (int): ID проекта.
- org_name (str): Имя организации.
- Returns:
- None
- """
- result = None
- # Получаем ID полей "State" и "Owner"
- inner_project_id, project_fields = get_project_v2_fields(org_name, project_id)
- state_field_id = None
- owner_field_id = None
- for field in project_fields:
- if field.get('name'):
- if field['name'].lower() == "status":
- state_field_id = field['id']
- state_option_id = None
- if state:
- for option in field['options']:
- if option['name'].lower() == state.lower():
- state_option_id = option['id']
- break
- if field['name'].lower() == "owner":
- owner_field_id = field['id']
- owner_option_id = None
- if owner:
- for option in field['options']:
- if option['name'].lower() == owner.lower():
- owner_option_id = option['id']
- break
- if not state_field_id or not owner_field_id:
- raise Exception(f"Не найдены поля 'State' или 'Owner' в проекте {project_id}")
- # get repo
- repo = get_repository()
- # create issue
- query = """
- mutation ($repositoryId: ID!, $title: String!, $body: String!) {
- createIssue(input: {repositoryId: $repositoryId, title: $title, body: $body}) {
- issue {
- id,
- url
- }
- }
- }
- """
- variables = {"repositoryId": repo['id'], "title": title, "body": body}
- issue = run_query(query, variables)
- if not issue.get('errors'):
- print(f"Issue {title} created ")
- else:
- print(f"Error: Issue {title} not created ")
- return result
- issue_id = issue['data']['createIssue']['issue']['id']
- issue_url = issue['data']['createIssue']['issue']['url']
- query_add_to_project = """
- mutation ($projectId: ID!, $issueId: ID!) {
- addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $projectId, contentId: $issueId}) {
- item {
- id
- }
- }
- }
- """
- variables = {
- "projectId": inner_project_id,
- "issueId": issue_id,
- }
- result_add_to_project = run_query(query_add_to_project, variables)
- item_id = result_add_to_project['data']['addProjectV2ItemById']['item']['id']
- if not result_add_to_project.get('errors'):
- print(f"Issue {issue_url} added to project.")
- else:
- print(f"Error: Issue {title}: {issue_url} not added to project.")
- return result
- for field_name, filed_value, field_id, value_id in [
- ['state', state, state_field_id, state_option_id],
- ['owner', owner, owner_field_id, owner_option_id],
- ]:
- query_modify_fields = """
- mutation ($projectId: ID!, $itemId: ID!, $FieldId: ID!, $OptionId: String) {
- updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
- projectId: $projectId,
- itemId: $itemId,
- fieldId: $FieldId,
- value: {
- singleSelectOptionId: $OptionId
- }
- }) {
- projectV2Item {
- id
- }
- }
- }
- """
- variables = {
- "projectId": inner_project_id,
- "itemId": item_id,
- "FieldId": field_id,
- "OptionId": value_id,
- }
- result_modify_field = run_query(query_modify_fields, variables)
- if not result_modify_field.get('errors'):
- print(f"Issue {title}: {issue_url} modified :{field_name} = {filed_value}")
- else:
- print(f"Error: Issue {title}: {issue_url} not modified")
- return result
- result = {'issue_url': issue_url, 'owner': owner, 'title': title}
- return result
- def fetch_all_issues(org_name=ORG_NAME, project_id=PROJECT_ID):
- issues = []
- has_next_page = True
- end_cursor = "null"
- project_issues_query = """
- {
- organization(login: "%s") {
- projectV2(number: %s) {
- id
- title
- items(first: 100, after: %s) {
- nodes {
- content {
- ... on Issue {
- id
- title
- url
- state
- body
- createdAt
- }
- }
- fieldValues(first: 20) {
- nodes {
- ... on ProjectV2ItemFieldSingleSelectValue {
- field {
- ... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
- name
- }
- }
- name
- id
- updatedAt
- }
- ... on ProjectV2ItemFieldLabelValue {
- labels(first: 20) {
- nodes {
- id
- name
- }
- }
- }
- ... on ProjectV2ItemFieldTextValue {
- text
- id
- updatedAt
- creator {
- url
- }
- }
- ... on ProjectV2ItemFieldMilestoneValue {
- milestone {
- id
- }
- }
- ... on ProjectV2ItemFieldRepositoryValue {
- repository {
- id
- url
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pageInfo {
- hasNextPage
- endCursor
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- """
- while has_next_page:
- query = project_issues_query % (org_name, project_id, end_cursor)
- result = run_query(query)
- if result:
- project_items = result['data']['organization']['projectV2']['items']
- issues.extend(project_items['nodes'])
- page_info = project_items['pageInfo']
- has_next_page = page_info['hasNextPage']
- end_cursor = f"\"{page_info['endCursor']}\"" if page_info['endCursor'] else "null"
- else:
- has_next_page = False
- return issues
- def generate_github_issue_title_and_body(test_data):
- owner = test_data[0]['owner']
- branch = test_data[0]['branch']
- test_full_names = [f"{d['full_name']}" for d in test_data]
- test_mute_strings = [f"{d['mute_string']}" for d in test_data]
- summary = [
- f"{d['test_name']}: {d['state']} last {d['days_in_state']} days, at {d['date_window']}: success_rate {d['success_rate']}%, {d['summary']}"
- for d in test_data
- ]
- # Title
- if len(test_full_names) > 1:
- title = f'Mute {test_data[0]["suite_folder"]} {len(test_full_names)} tests'
- else:
- title = f'Mute {test_data[0]["full_name"]}'
- # Преобразование списка тестов в строку и кодирование
- test_string = "\n".join(test_full_names)
- test_mute_strings_string = "\n".join(test_mute_strings)
- summary_string = "\n".join(summary)
- # Создаем ссылку на историю тестов, кодируя параметры
- test_run_history_params = "&".join(
- urlencode({"full_name": f"__in_{test}"})
- for test in test_full_names
- )
- test_run_history_link = f"{CURRENT_TEST_HISTORY_DASHBOARD}{test_run_history_params}"
- # owner
- owner_link = f"[{owner}](https://github.com/orgs/ydb-platform/teams/{owner.split('/',1)[1]})"
- # Тело сообщения и кодирование
- body_template = (
- f"Mute:<!--mute_list_start-->\n"
- f"{test_string}\n"
- f"<!--mute_list_end-->\n\n"
- f"Branch:<!--branch_list_start-->\n"
- f"{branch}\n"
- f"<!--branch_list_end-->\n\n"
- f"**Add line to [muted_ya.txt](https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/blob/main/.github/config/muted_ya.txt):**\n"
- "```\n"
- f"{test_mute_strings_string}\n"
- "```\n\n"
- f"Owner: {owner}\n\n"
- "**Read more in [mute_rules.md](https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/blob/main/.github/config/mute_rules.md)**\n\n"
- f"**Summary history:** \n {summary_string}\n"
- "\n\n"
- f"**Test run history:** [link]({test_run_history_link})\n\n"
- f"More info in [dashboard]({TEST_HISTORY_DASHBOARD})"
- )
- return (
- title,
- body_template,
- )
- def parse_body(body):
- tests = []
- branches = []
- prepared_body = ''
- start_mute_list = "<!--mute_list_start-->"
- end_mute_list = "<!--mute_list_end-->"
- start_branch_list = "<!--branch_list_start-->"
- end_branch_list = "<!--branch_list_end-->"
- # tests
- if all(x in body for x in [start_mute_list, end_mute_list]):
- idx1 = body.find(start_mute_list)
- idx2 = body.find(end_mute_list)
- lines = body[idx1 + len(start_mute_list) + 1 : idx2].split('\n')
- else:
- if body.startswith('Mute:'):
- prepared_body = body.split('Mute:', 1)[1].strip()
- elif body.startswith('Mute'):
- prepared_body = body.split('Mute', 1)[1].strip()
- elif body.startswith('ydb'):
- prepared_body = body
- lines = prepared_body.split('**Add line to')[0].split('\n')
- tests = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip().startswith('ydb/')]
- # branch
- if all(x in body for x in [start_branch_list, end_branch_list]):
- idx1 = body.find(start_branch_list)
- idx2 = body.find(end_branch_list)
- branches = body[idx1 + len(start_branch_list) + 1 : idx2].split('\n')
- else:
- branches = ['main']
- return tests, branches
- def get_issues_and_tests_from_project(ORG_NAME, PROJECT_ID):
- issues = fetch_all_issues(ORG_NAME, PROJECT_ID)
- all_issues_with_contet = {}
- for issue in issues:
- content = issue['content']
- if content:
- body = content['body']
- # for debug
- if content['id'] == 'I_kwDOGzZjoM6V3BoE':
- print(1)
- #
- tests, branches = parse_body(body)
- field_values = issue.get('fieldValues', {}).get('nodes', [])
- for field_value in field_values:
- field_name = field_value.get('field', {}).get('name', '').lower()
- if field_name == "status" and 'name' in field_value:
- status = field_value.get('name', 'N/A')
- status_updated = field_value.get('updatedAt', '1970-01-0901T00:00:01Z')
- elif field_name == "owner" and 'name' in field_value:
- owner = field_value.get('name', 'N/A')
- print(f"Issue ID: {content['id']}")
- print(f"Title: {content['title']}")
- print(f"URL: {content['url']}")
- print(f"State: {content['state']}")
- print(f"CreatedAt: {content['createdAt']}")
- print(f"Status: {status}")
- print(f"Status updated: {status_updated}")
- print(f"Owner: {owner}")
- print("Tests:")
- all_issues_with_contet[content['id']] = {}
- all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['title'] = content['title']
- all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['url'] = content['url']
- all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['state'] = content['state']
- all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['createdAt'] = content['createdAt']
- all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['status_updated'] = status_updated
- all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['status'] = status
- all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['owner'] = owner
- all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['tests'] = []
- all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['branches'] = branches
- for test in tests:
- all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['tests'].append(test)
- print(f"- {test}")
- print('\n')
- return all_issues_with_contet
- def get_muted_tests_from_issues():
- issues = get_issues_and_tests_from_project(ORG_NAME, PROJECT_ID)
- muted_tests = {}
- for issue in issues:
- if issues[issue]["status"] == "Muted":
- for test in issues[issue]['tests']:
- if test not in muted_tests:
- muted_tests[test] = []
- muted_tests[test].append(
- {
- 'url': issues[issue]['url'],
- 'createdAt': issues[issue]['createdAt'],
- 'status_updated': issues[issue]['status_updated'],
- 'status': issues[issue]['status'],
- 'state': issues[issue]['state'],
- 'branches': issues[issue]['branches'],
- }
- )
- return muted_tests
- def main():
- if "GITHUB_TOKEN" not in os.environ:
- print("Error: Env variable GITHUB_TOKEN is missing, skipping")
- return 1
- else:
- github_token = os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
- # muted_tests = get_muted_tests_from_issues()
- # create_github_issues(tests)
- # create_and_add_issue_to_project('test issue','test_issue_body', state = 'Muted', owner = 'fq')
- # print(1)
- # update_issue_state(muted_tests, github_token, "closed")
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()