import os import re import requests from github import Github from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode ORG_NAME = 'ydb-platform' REPO_NAME = 'ydb' PROJECT_ID = '45' TEST_HISTORY_DASHBOARD = "" CURRENT_TEST_HISTORY_DASHBOARD = "" # Github api (personal access token (classic)) token shoud have permitions to # repo # - repo:status # - repo_deployment # - public_repo # admin:org # project def run_query(query, variables=None): GITHUB_TOKEN = os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"] HEADERS = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {GITHUB_TOKEN}", "Content-Type": "application/json"} request = '', json={'query': query, 'variables': variables}, headers=HEADERS ) if request.status_code == 200: return request.json() else: raise Exception(f"Query failed to run by returning code of {request.status_code}. {query}") def get_repository(org_name=ORG_NAME, repo_name=REPO_NAME): query = """ { organization(login: "%s") { repository(name: "%s") { id } } } """ % ( org_name, repo_name, ) result = run_query(query) return result['data']['organization']['repository'] def get_project_v2_fields(org_name=ORG_NAME, project_id=PROJECT_ID): query_template = """ { organization(login: "%s") { projectV2(number: %s) { id fields(first: 100) { nodes { ... on ProjectV2Field { id name } ... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField { id name options { id name } } } } } } } """ query = query_template % (org_name, project_id) result = run_query(query) return ( result['data']['organization']['projectV2']['id'], result['data']['organization']['projectV2']['fields']['nodes'], ) def create_and_add_issue_to_project(title, body, project_id=PROJECT_ID, org_name=ORG_NAME, state=None, owner=None): """Добавляет issue в проект. Args: title (str): Название issue. body (str): Содержимое issue. project_id (int): ID проекта. org_name (str): Имя организации. Returns: None """ result = None # Получаем ID полей "State" и "Owner" inner_project_id, project_fields = get_project_v2_fields(org_name, project_id) state_field_id = None owner_field_id = None for field in project_fields: if field.get('name'): if field['name'].lower() == "status": state_field_id = field['id'] state_option_id = None if state: for option in field['options']: if option['name'].lower() == state.lower(): state_option_id = option['id'] break if field['name'].lower() == "owner": owner_field_id = field['id'] owner_option_id = None if owner: for option in field['options']: if option['name'].lower() == owner.lower(): owner_option_id = option['id'] break if not state_field_id or not owner_field_id: raise Exception(f"Не найдены поля 'State' или 'Owner' в проекте {project_id}") # get repo repo = get_repository() # create issue query = """ mutation ($repositoryId: ID!, $title: String!, $body: String!) { createIssue(input: {repositoryId: $repositoryId, title: $title, body: $body}) { issue { id, url } } } """ variables = {"repositoryId": repo['id'], "title": title, "body": body} issue = run_query(query, variables) if not issue.get('errors'): print(f"Issue {title} created ") else: print(f"Error: Issue {title} not created ") return result issue_id = issue['data']['createIssue']['issue']['id'] issue_url = issue['data']['createIssue']['issue']['url'] query_add_to_project = """ mutation ($projectId: ID!, $issueId: ID!) { addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $projectId, contentId: $issueId}) { item { id } } } """ variables = { "projectId": inner_project_id, "issueId": issue_id, } result_add_to_project = run_query(query_add_to_project, variables) item_id = result_add_to_project['data']['addProjectV2ItemById']['item']['id'] if not result_add_to_project.get('errors'): print(f"Issue {issue_url} added to project.") else: print(f"Error: Issue {title}: {issue_url} not added to project.") return result for field_name, filed_value, field_id, value_id in [ ['state', state, state_field_id, state_option_id], ['owner', owner, owner_field_id, owner_option_id], ]: query_modify_fields = """ mutation ($projectId: ID!, $itemId: ID!, $FieldId: ID!, $OptionId: String) { updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: { projectId: $projectId, itemId: $itemId, fieldId: $FieldId, value: { singleSelectOptionId: $OptionId } }) { projectV2Item { id } } } """ variables = { "projectId": inner_project_id, "itemId": item_id, "FieldId": field_id, "OptionId": value_id, } result_modify_field = run_query(query_modify_fields, variables) if not result_modify_field.get('errors'): print(f"Issue {title}: {issue_url} modified :{field_name} = {filed_value}") else: print(f"Error: Issue {title}: {issue_url} not modified") return result result = {'issue_url': issue_url, 'owner': owner, 'title': title} return result def fetch_all_issues(org_name=ORG_NAME, project_id=PROJECT_ID): issues = [] has_next_page = True end_cursor = "null" project_issues_query = """ { organization(login: "%s") { projectV2(number: %s) { id title items(first: 100, after: %s) { nodes { content { ... on Issue { id title url state body createdAt } } fieldValues(first: 20) { nodes { ... on ProjectV2ItemFieldSingleSelectValue { field { ... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField { name } } name id updatedAt } ... on ProjectV2ItemFieldLabelValue { labels(first: 20) { nodes { id name } } } ... on ProjectV2ItemFieldTextValue { text id updatedAt creator { url } } ... on ProjectV2ItemFieldMilestoneValue { milestone { id } } ... on ProjectV2ItemFieldRepositoryValue { repository { id url } } } } } pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } } } } } """ while has_next_page: query = project_issues_query % (org_name, project_id, end_cursor) result = run_query(query) if result: project_items = result['data']['organization']['projectV2']['items'] issues.extend(project_items['nodes']) page_info = project_items['pageInfo'] has_next_page = page_info['hasNextPage'] end_cursor = f"\"{page_info['endCursor']}\"" if page_info['endCursor'] else "null" else: has_next_page = False return issues def generate_github_issue_title_and_body(test_data): owner = test_data[0]['owner'] branch = test_data[0]['branch'] test_full_names = [f"{d['full_name']}" for d in test_data] test_mute_strings = [f"{d['mute_string']}" for d in test_data] summary = [ f"{d['test_name']}: {d['state']} last {d['days_in_state']} days, at {d['date_window']}: success_rate {d['success_rate']}%, {d['summary']}" for d in test_data ] # Title if len(test_full_names) > 1: title = f'Mute {test_data[0]["suite_folder"]} {len(test_full_names)} tests' else: title = f'Mute {test_data[0]["full_name"]}' # Преобразование списка тестов в строку и кодирование test_string = "\n".join(test_full_names) test_mute_strings_string = "\n".join(test_mute_strings) summary_string = "\n".join(summary) # Создаем ссылку на историю тестов, кодируя параметры test_run_history_params = "&".join( urlencode({"full_name": f"__in_{test}"}) for test in test_full_names ) test_run_history_link = f"{CURRENT_TEST_HISTORY_DASHBOARD}{test_run_history_params}" # owner owner_link = f"[{owner}]({owner.split('/',1)[1]})" # Тело сообщения и кодирование body_template = ( f"Mute:\n" f"{test_string}\n" f"\n\n" f"Branch:\n" f"{branch}\n" f"\n\n" f"**Add line to [muted_ya.txt](**\n" "```\n" f"{test_mute_strings_string}\n" "```\n\n" f"Owner: {owner}\n\n" "**Read more in [](**\n\n" f"**Summary history:** \n {summary_string}\n" "\n\n" f"**Test run history:** [link]({test_run_history_link})\n\n" f"More info in [dashboard]({TEST_HISTORY_DASHBOARD})" ) return ( title, body_template, ) def parse_body(body): tests = [] branches = [] prepared_body = '' start_mute_list = "" end_mute_list = "" start_branch_list = "" end_branch_list = "" # tests if all(x in body for x in [start_mute_list, end_mute_list]): idx1 = body.find(start_mute_list) idx2 = body.find(end_mute_list) lines = body[idx1 + len(start_mute_list) + 1 : idx2].split('\n') else: if body.startswith('Mute:'): prepared_body = body.split('Mute:', 1)[1].strip() elif body.startswith('Mute'): prepared_body = body.split('Mute', 1)[1].strip() elif body.startswith('ydb'): prepared_body = body lines = prepared_body.split('**Add line to')[0].split('\n') tests = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip().startswith('ydb/')] # branch if all(x in body for x in [start_branch_list, end_branch_list]): idx1 = body.find(start_branch_list) idx2 = body.find(end_branch_list) branches = body[idx1 + len(start_branch_list) + 1 : idx2].split('\n') else: branches = ['main'] return tests, branches def get_issues_and_tests_from_project(ORG_NAME, PROJECT_ID): issues = fetch_all_issues(ORG_NAME, PROJECT_ID) all_issues_with_contet = {} for issue in issues: content = issue['content'] if content: body = content['body'] # for debug if content['id'] == 'I_kwDOGzZjoM6V3BoE': print(1) # tests, branches = parse_body(body) field_values = issue.get('fieldValues', {}).get('nodes', []) for field_value in field_values: field_name = field_value.get('field', {}).get('name', '').lower() if field_name == "status" and 'name' in field_value: status = field_value.get('name', 'N/A') status_updated = field_value.get('updatedAt', '1970-01-0901T00:00:01Z') elif field_name == "owner" and 'name' in field_value: owner = field_value.get('name', 'N/A') print(f"Issue ID: {content['id']}") print(f"Title: {content['title']}") print(f"URL: {content['url']}") print(f"State: {content['state']}") print(f"CreatedAt: {content['createdAt']}") print(f"Status: {status}") print(f"Status updated: {status_updated}") print(f"Owner: {owner}") print("Tests:") all_issues_with_contet[content['id']] = {} all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['title'] = content['title'] all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['url'] = content['url'] all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['state'] = content['state'] all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['createdAt'] = content['createdAt'] all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['status_updated'] = status_updated all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['status'] = status all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['owner'] = owner all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['tests'] = [] all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['branches'] = branches for test in tests: all_issues_with_contet[content['id']]['tests'].append(test) print(f"- {test}") print('\n') return all_issues_with_contet def get_muted_tests_from_issues(): issues = get_issues_and_tests_from_project(ORG_NAME, PROJECT_ID) muted_tests = {} for issue in issues: if issues[issue]["status"] == "Muted": for test in issues[issue]['tests']: if test not in muted_tests: muted_tests[test] = [] muted_tests[test].append( { 'url': issues[issue]['url'], 'createdAt': issues[issue]['createdAt'], 'status_updated': issues[issue]['status_updated'], 'status': issues[issue]['status'], 'state': issues[issue]['state'], 'branches': issues[issue]['branches'], } ) return muted_tests def main(): if "GITHUB_TOKEN" not in os.environ: print("Error: Env variable GITHUB_TOKEN is missing, skipping") return 1 else: github_token = os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"] # muted_tests = get_muted_tests_from_issues() # create_github_issues(tests) # create_and_add_issue_to_project('test issue','test_issue_body', state = 'Muted', owner = 'fq') # print(1) # update_issue_state(muted_tests, github_token, "closed") if __name__ == "__main__": main()