Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring

David Cramer 4df23afc5a Shoudl be contributors URL, not members 14 years ago
example_project 592b963dfc Added status filter 14 years ago
sentry c30d2040da views: better handling of incomplete inputs 14 years ago
.gitignore 95d1876e9f Refactor sentry into client/server package. sentry.client can be used standalone as the remote client, or integrated with sentry itself (which is the server). 14 years ago
AUTHORS 4df23afc5a Shoudl be contributors URL, not members 14 years ago
LICENSE 038fba4e0a Added AUTHORS 14 years ago b1ff711148 Fix includes to add media 14 years ago
README.rst d6bb15633e Added SENTRY_NAME setting 14 years ago 8148942a9b Added email support. Refactored FakeRequest to work more like a real request. More tests. 14 years ago 07b589d501 Mark as zip_safe=False 14 years ago



Sentry provides you with a generic interface to view and interact with your error logs. By
default, it will catch any exception thrown by Django and store it in a database. With this
it allows you to interact and view near real-time information to discover issues and more
easily trace them in your application.

* Note: Sentry has only been tested under a PostgreSQL environment.


.. image::


- **Django >= 1.2** (to use a secondary database to store error logs)
- **django-indexer** (stores metadata indexes)
- **django-paging**
- **pygooglechart** (to generate *optional* error reports)


If you use South migrations, simply run::

python migrate sentry

If you don't use South, then start.


The easiest way to install the package is via pip::

pip install django-sentry --upgrade

OR, if you're not quite on the same page (work on that), with setuptools::

easy_install django-sentry

Once installed, update your and add ``sentry``, ``sentry.client``, ``indexer``, and ``paging`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``::


# don't forget to add the dependancies!

Finally, run ``python syncdb`` to create the database tables.

(If you use South, you'll need to use ``python migrate sentry``)

Multi-server configuration

To configure Sentry for use in a multi-server environment, first you'll want to configure your Sentry server (not your application)::


SENTRY_KEY = '0123456789abcde'

And on each of your application servers, specify the URL of the Sentry server, add ``sentry.client`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``, and specify the same key used in your Sentry server's settings::

# This should be the absolute URI of sentries store view
SENTRY_REMOTE_URL = 'http://your.sentry.server/sentry/store/'


SENTRY_KEY = '0123456789abcde'

You may also specify an alternative timeout to the default (which is 5 seconds) for all outgoing logging requests::


Sentry also allows you to support high availability by pushing to multiple servers::

SENTRY_REMOTE_URL = ['http://server1/sentry/store', 'http://server2/sentry/store']

Other configuration options

Several options exist to configure django-sentry via your ````:


On smaller sites you may wish to enable throttled emails, we recommend doing this by first
removing the ``ADMINS`` setting in Django, and adding in ``SENTRY_ADMINS``::

SENTRY_ADMINS = ('root@localhost',)

This will send out a notification the first time an error is seen, and the first time an error is
seen after it has been resolved.


Enable catching of 404 errors in the logs. Default value is ``False``::


You can skip other custom exception types by adding a ``skip_sentry = True`` attribute to them.


Use a secondary database to store error logs. This is useful if you have several websites and want to aggregate error logs onto one database server::

# This should correspond to a key in your DATABASES setting

You should also enable the ``SentryRouter`` to avoid things like extraneous table creation::


.. note:: This functionality REQUIRES Django 1.2.

Integration with ``logging``

django-sentry supports the ability to directly tie into the ``logging`` module. To use it simply add ``SentryHandler`` to your logger::

import logging
from sentry.client.handlers import SentryHandler


# Add StreamHandler to sentry's default so you can catch missed exceptions

You can also use the ``exc_info`` and ``extra=dict(url=foo)`` arguments on your ``log`` methods. This will store the appropriate information and allow django-sentry to render it based on that information:

logging.error('There was some crazy error', exc_info=sys.exc_info(), extra={'url': request.build_absolute_uri()})


Enabling this setting allows the testing of Sentry exception handler even if Django DEBUG is enabled.

Default value is ``False``

.. note:: Normally when Django DEBUG is enabled the Sentry exception handler is immediately skipped


This will override the ``server_name`` value for this installation. Defaults to ``socket.get_hostname()``.


Set up a viewer server (or use your existing application server) and add sentry to your INSTALLED_APPS and your included URLs::

urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^admin/', include(,
(r'^sentry/', include('sentry.urls')),

Now enjoy your beautiful new error tracking at ``/sentry/``.


For the technical, here's some further docs:

If you wish to access these within your own views and models, you may do so via the standard model API::

from sentry.models import Message, GroupedMessage

# Pull the last 10 unresolved errors.

You can also record errors outside of handler if you want::

from sentry.client.base import SentryClient

except Exception, exc:
SentryClient.create_from_exception([url=None, view=None])

If you wish to log normal messages (useful for non-``logging`` integration)::

from sentry.client.base import SentryClient
import logging

SentryClient.create_from_text('Message Message'[, level=logging.WARNING, url=None])

Both the ``url`` and ``level`` parameters are optional. ``level`` should be one of the following:

* ``logging.DEBUG``
* ``logging.INFO``
* ``logging.WARNING``
* ``logging.ERROR``
* ``logging.FATAL``

If you have a custom exception class, similar to Http404, or something else you don't want to log,
you can also add ``skip_sentry = True`` to your exception class or instance, and sentry will simply ignore
the error.


* sentry-client will automatically integrate with django-idmapper.
* sentry-client supports South migrations.
* The fact that the admin shows large quantities of results, even if there aren't, is not a bug. This is an efficiency hack on top of Django.