@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
from django.utils import timezone
from sentry_relay.consts import SPAN_STATUS_CODE_TO_NAME
+from snuba_sdk.column import Column
+from snuba_sdk.conditions import And, Condition, Op, Or
+from snuba_sdk.function import Function
from sentry.api.event_search import SearchFilter, SearchKey, SearchValue
from sentry.api.release_search import INVALID_SEMVER_MESSAGE
@@ -25,15 +28,17 @@ from sentry.search.events.fields import (
from sentry.search.events.filter import (
+ QueryFilter,
+from sentry.search.events.types import ParamsType
from sentry.testutils.cases import TestCase
from sentry.testutils.helpers.datetime import before_now
-from sentry.utils.snuba import OPERATOR_TO_FUNCTION
+from sentry.utils.snuba import OPERATOR_TO_FUNCTION, Dataset
# Helper functions to make reading the expected output from the boolean tests easier to read. #
@@ -1782,3 +1787,875 @@ class ParseSemverTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.run_test("1.2.3.*", "=", SemverFilter("exact", [1, 2, 3]))
self.run_test("sentry@1.2.3.*", "=", SemverFilter("exact", [1, 2, 3], "sentry"))
self.run_test("1.X", "=", SemverFilter("exact", [1]))
+def _cond(lhs, op, rhs):
+ return Condition(lhs=Column(name=lhs), op=op, rhs=rhs)
+def _email(x):
+ return _cond("email", Op.EQ, x)
+def _message(x):
+ return Condition(
+ lhs=Function("positionCaseInsensitive", [Column("message"), x]), op=Op.NEQ, rhs=0
+ )
+def _tag(key, value, op=None):
+ if op is None:
+ op = Op.IN if isinstance(value, list) else Op.EQ
+ return Condition(lhs=Function("ifNull", [Column(f"tags[{key}]"), ""]), op=op, rhs=value)
+def _ntag(key, value):
+ op = Op.NOT_IN if isinstance(value, list) else Op.NEQ
+ return _tag(key, value, op=op)
+def _count(op, x):
+ return Condition(lhs=Function("count", [], "count"), op=op, rhs=x)
+def _project(x):
+ return _cond("project_id", Op.EQ, x)
+ "description,query,expected_where,expected_having",
+ [
+ (
+ "simple_OR_with_2_emails",
+ "user.email:foo@example.com OR user.email:bar@example.com",
+ [Or(conditions=[_email("foo@example.com"), _email("bar@example.com")])],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "simple_AND_with_2_emails",
+ "user.email:foo@example.com AND user.email:bar@example.com",
+ [And(conditions=[_email("foo@example.com"), _email("bar@example.com")])],
+ [],
+ ),
+ ("message_containing_OR_as_a_substring", "ORder", [_message("ORder")], []),
+ ("message_containing_AND_as_a_substring", "ANDroid", [_message("ANDroid")], []),
+ ("single_email_term", "user.email:foo@example.com", [_email("foo@example.com")], []),
+ (
+ "OR_with_wildcard_array_fields",
+ "error.value:Deadlock* OR !stack.filename:*.py",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ Condition(
+ lhs=Column("exception_stacks.value"), op=Op.LIKE, rhs="Deadlock%"
+ ),
+ Condition(
+ lhs=Column("exception_frames.filename"), op=Op.NOT_LIKE, rhs="%.py"
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "simple_order_of_operations_with_OR_then_AND",
+ "user.email:foo@example.com OR user.email:bar@example.com AND user.email:foobar@example.com",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("foo@example.com"),
+ And(conditions=[_email("bar@example.com"), _email("foobar@example.com")]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "simple_order_of_operations_with_AND_then_OR",
+ "user.email:foo@example.com AND user.email:bar@example.com OR user.email:foobar@example.com",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(conditions=[_email("foo@example.com"), _email("bar@example.com")]),
+ _email("foobar@example.com"),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "simple_two_ORs",
+ "user.email:foo@example.com OR user.email:bar@example.com OR user.email:foobar@example.com",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("foo@example.com"),
+ Or(conditions=[_email("bar@example.com"), _email("foobar@example.com")]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "simple_two_ANDs",
+ "user.email:foo@example.com AND user.email:bar@example.com AND user.email:foobar@example.com",
+ [
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("foo@example.com"),
+ And(conditions=[_email("bar@example.com"), _email("foobar@example.com")]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "OR_with_two_ANDs",
+ "user.email:foo@example.com AND user.email:bar@example.com OR user.email:foobar@example.com AND user.email:hello@example.com",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(conditions=[_email("foo@example.com"), _email("bar@example.com")]),
+ And(conditions=[_email("foobar@example.com"), _email("hello@example.com")]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "OR_with_nested_ANDs",
+ "user.email:foo@example.com AND user.email:bar@example.com OR user.email:foobar@example.com AND user.email:hello@example.com AND user.email:hi@example.com",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(conditions=[_email("foo@example.com"), _email("bar@example.com")]),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("foobar@example.com"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("hello@example.com"),
+ _email("hi@example.com"),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "multiple_ORs_with_nested_ANDs",
+ "user.email:foo@example.com AND user.email:bar@example.com OR user.email:foobar@example.com AND user.email:hello@example.com AND user.email:hi@example.com OR user.email:foo@example.com AND user.email:bar@example.com OR user.email:foobar@example.com AND user.email:hello@example.com AND user.email:hi@example.com",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(conditions=[_email("foo@example.com"), _email("bar@example.com")]),
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("foobar@example.com"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("hello@example.com"),
+ _email("hi@example.com"),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("foo@example.com"),
+ _email("bar@example.com"),
+ ]
+ ),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("foobar@example.com"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("hello@example.com"),
+ _email("hi@example.com"),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ],
+ ),
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "simple_AND_with_grouped_conditions",
+ "(event.type:error) AND (stack.in_app:true)",
+ [
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _cond("type", Op.EQ, "error"),
+ _cond("exception_frames.in_app", Op.EQ, 1),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "simple_OR_inside_group",
+ "(user.email:foo@example.com OR user.email:bar@example.com)",
+ [Or(conditions=[_email("foo@example.com"), _email("bar@example.com")])],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "order_of_operations_with_groups_AND_first_OR_second",
+ "(user.email:foo@example.com OR user.email:bar@example.com) AND user.email:foobar@example.com",
+ [
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ Or(conditions=[_email("foo@example.com"), _email("bar@example.com")]),
+ _email("foobar@example.com"),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "order_of_operations_with_groups_AND_first_OR_second",
+ "user.email:foo@example.com AND (user.email:bar@example.com OR user.email:foobar@example.com)",
+ [
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("foo@example.com"),
+ Or(conditions=[_email("bar@example.com"), _email("foobar@example.com")]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "order_of_operations_with_groups_second_OR_first",
+ "(user.email:foo@example.com OR (user.email:bar@example.com OR user.email:foobar@example.com))",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("foo@example.com"),
+ Or(conditions=[_email("bar@example.com"), _email("foobar@example.com")]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "order_of_operations_with_nested_groups",
+ "(user.email:foo@example.com OR (user.email:bar@example.com OR (user.email:foobar@example.com AND user.email:hello@example.com OR user.email:hi@example.com)))",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("foo@example.com"),
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("bar@example.com"),
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _email("foobar@example.com"),
+ _email("hello@example.com"),
+ ]
+ ),
+ _email("hi@example.com"),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "message_outside_simple_grouped_OR",
+ "test (item1 OR item2)",
+ [
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _message("test"),
+ Or(conditions=[_message("item1"), _message("item2")]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ ("only_parens", "()", [_message("()")], []),
+ ("grouped_free_text", "(test)", [_message("test")], []),
+ (
+ "free_text_with_parens",
+ "undefined is not an object (evaluating 'function.name')",
+ [_message("undefined is not an object (evaluating 'function.name')")],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "free_text_AND_grouped_message",
+ "combined (free text) AND (grouped)",
+ [And(conditions=[_message("combined (free text)"), _message("grouped")])],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "free_text_OR_free_text",
+ "foo bar baz OR fizz buzz bizz",
+ [Or(conditions=[_message("foo bar baz"), _message("fizz buzz bizz")])],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "grouped_OR_and_OR",
+ "a:b (c:d OR e:f) g:h i:j OR k:l",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("a", "b"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ Or(conditions=[_tag("c", "d"), _tag("e", "f")]),
+ And(conditions=[_tag("g", "h"), _tag("i", "j")]),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ _tag("k", "l"),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "OR_and_grouped_OR",
+ "a:b OR c:d e:f g:h (i:j OR k:l)",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("a", "b"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("c", "d"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("e", "f"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("g", "h"),
+ Or(conditions=[_tag("i", "j"), _tag("k", "l")]),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "grouped_OR",
+ "(a:b OR c:d) e:f",
+ [And(conditions=[Or(conditions=[_tag("a", "b"), _tag("c", "d")]), _tag("e", "f")])],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "ORs_and_no_parens",
+ "a:b OR c:d e:f g:h i:j OR k:l",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("a", "b"),
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("c", "d"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("e", "f"),
+ And(conditions=[_tag("g", "h"), _tag("i", "j")]),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ _tag("k", "l"),
+ ],
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "grouped_OR_and_OR",
+ "(a:b OR c:d) e:f g:h OR i:j k:l",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ Or(conditions=[_tag("a", "b"), _tag("c", "d")]),
+ And(conditions=[_tag("e", "f"), _tag("g", "h")]),
+ ]
+ ),
+ And(conditions=[_tag("i", "j"), _tag("k", "l")]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "single_OR_and_no_parens",
+ "a:b c:d e:f OR g:h i:j",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("a", "b"),
+ And(conditions=[_tag("c", "d"), _tag("e", "f")]),
+ ]
+ ),
+ And(conditions=[_tag("g", "h"), _tag("i", "j")]),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "single_grouped_OR",
+ "a:b c:d (e:f OR g:h) i:j",
+ [
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("a", "b"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("c", "d"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ Or(conditions=[_tag("e", "f"), _tag("g", "h")]),
+ _tag("i", "j"),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "negation_and_grouped_OR",
+ "!a:b c:d (e:f OR g:h) i:j",
+ [
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _ntag("a", "b"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("c", "d"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ Or(conditions=[_tag("e", "f"), _tag("g", "h")]),
+ _tag("i", "j"),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "nested_ORs_and_AND",
+ "(a:b OR (c:d AND (e:f OR (g:h AND e:f))))",
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("a", "b"),
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("c", "d"),
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ _tag("e", "f"),
+ And(conditions=[_tag("g", "h"), _tag("e", "f")]),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "grouped_OR_then_AND_with_implied_AND",
+ "(a:b OR c:d) AND (e:f g:h)",
+ [
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ Or(conditions=[_tag("a", "b"), _tag("c", "d")]),
+ And(conditions=[_tag("e", "f"), _tag("g", "h")]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "aggregate_AND_with_2_counts",
+ "count():>1 AND count():<=3",
+ [],
+ [And(conditions=[_count(Op.GT, 1), _count(Op.LTE, 3)])],
+ ),
+ (
+ "aggregate_OR_with_2_counts",
+ "count():>1 OR count():<=3",
+ [],
+ [Or(conditions=[_count(Op.GT, 1), _count(Op.LTE, 3)])],
+ ),
+ (
+ "aggregate_order_of_operations_with_OR_then_AND",
+ "count():>1 OR count():>5 AND count():<=3",
+ [],
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ _count(Op.GT, 1),
+ And(conditions=[_count(Op.GT, 5), _count(Op.LTE, 3)]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ ),
+ (
+ "aggregate_order_of_operations_with_AND_then_OR",
+ "count():>1 AND count():<=3 OR count():>5",
+ [],
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(conditions=[_count(Op.GT, 1), _count(Op.LTE, 3)]),
+ _count(Op.GT, 5),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ ),
+ (
+ "grouped_aggregate_OR_then_AND",
+ "(count():>1 OR count():>2) AND count():<=3",
+ [],
+ [
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ Or(conditions=[_count(Op.GT, 1), _count(Op.GT, 2)]),
+ _count(Op.LTE, 3),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ ),
+ (
+ "grouped_aggregate_AND_then_OR",
+ "(count():>1 AND count():>5) OR count():<=3",
+ [],
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(conditions=[_count(Op.GT, 1), _count(Op.GT, 5)]),
+ _count(Op.LTE, 3),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ ),
+ ("aggregate_AND_tag", "count():>1 AND a:b", [_tag("a", "b")], [_count(Op.GT, 1)]),
+ (
+ "aggregate_AND_two_tags",
+ "count():>1 AND a:b c:d",
+ [And(conditions=[_tag("a", "b"), _tag("c", "d")])],
+ [_count(Op.GT, 1)],
+ ),
+ (
+ "ORed_tags_AND_aggregate",
+ "(a:b OR c:d) count():>1",
+ [Or(conditions=[_tag("a", "b"), _tag("c", "d")])],
+ [_count(Op.GT, 1)],
+ ),
+ (
+ "aggregate_like_message_and_columns",
+ "failure_rate():>0.003&& users:>10 event.type:transaction",
+ [
+ _message("failure_rate():>0.003&&"),
+ _tag("users", ">10"),
+ _cond("type", Op.EQ, "transaction"),
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "message_with_parens",
+ "TypeError Anonymous function(app/javascript/utils/transform-object-keys)",
+ [_message("TypeError Anonymous function(app/javascript/utils/transform-object-keys)")],
+ [],
+ ),
+ ("tag_containing_OR", "organization.slug:slug", [_tag("organization.slug", "slug")], []),
+ (
+ "in_search_then_AND",
+ 'url:["a", "b"] AND release:test',
+ [And(conditions=[_tag("url", ["a", "b"]), _cond("release", Op.EQ, "test")])],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "in_search_then_OR",
+ 'url:["a", "b"] OR release:test',
+ [Or(conditions=[_tag("url", ["a", "b"]), _cond("release", Op.EQ, "test")])],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ "AND_multiple_in_searches",
+ 'url:["a", "b"] AND url:["c", "d"] OR url:["e", "f"]',
+ [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(conditions=[_tag("url", ["a", "b"]), _tag("url", ["c", "d"])]),
+ _tag("url", ["e", "f"]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_snql_boolean_search(description, query, expected_where, expected_having):
+ dataset = Dataset.Discover
+ params: ParamsType = {}
+ query_filter = QueryFilter(dataset, params)
+ where, having = query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert where == expected_where, description
+ assert having == expected_having, description
+ "description,query,expected_message",
+ [
+ (
+ "missing_close_parens",
+ "(user.email:foo@example.com OR user.email:bar@example.com",
+ "Parse error at '(user.' (column 1). This is commonly caused by unmatched parentheses. Enclose any text in double quotes.",
+ ),
+ (
+ "missing_second_close_parens",
+ "((user.email:foo@example.com OR user.email:bar@example.com AND user.email:bar@example.com)",
+ "Parse error at '((user' (column 1). This is commonly caused by unmatched parentheses. Enclose any text in double quotes.",
+ ),
+ (
+ "missing_open_parens",
+ "user.email:foo@example.com OR user.email:bar@example.com)",
+ "Parse error at '.com)' (column 57). This is commonly caused by unmatched parentheses. Enclose any text in double quotes.",
+ ),
+ (
+ "missing_second_open_parens",
+ "(user.email:foo@example.com OR user.email:bar@example.com AND user.email:bar@example.com))",
+ "Parse error at 'com))' (column 91). This is commonly caused by unmatched parentheses. Enclose any text in double quotes.",
+ ),
+ (
+ "cannot_OR_aggregate_and_normal_filter",
+ "count():>1 OR a:b",
+ "Having an OR between aggregate filters and normal filters is invalid.",
+ ),
+ (
+ "cannot_OR_normal_filter_with_an_AND_of_aggregate_and_normal_filters",
+ "(count():>1 AND a:b) OR a:b",
+ "Having an OR between aggregate filters and normal filters is invalid.",
+ ),
+ (
+ "cannot_OR_an_AND_of_aggregate_and_normal_filters",
+ "(count():>1 AND a:b) OR (a:b AND count():>2)",
+ "Having an OR between aggregate filters and normal filters is invalid.",
+ ),
+ (
+ "cannot_nest_aggregate_filter_in_AND_condition_then_OR_with_normal_filter",
+ "a:b OR (c:d AND (e:f AND count():>1))",
+ "Having an OR between aggregate filters and normal filters is invalid.",
+ ),
+ (
+ "missing_left_hand_side_of_OR",
+ "OR a:b",
+ "Condition is missing on the left side of 'OR' operator",
+ ),
+ (
+ "missing_condition_between_OR_and_AND",
+ "a:b Or And c:d",
+ "Missing condition in between two condition operators: 'OR AND'",
+ ),
+ (
+ "missing_right_hand_side_of_AND",
+ "a:b AND c:d AND",
+ "Condition is missing on the right side of 'AND' operator",
+ ),
+ (
+ "missing_left_hand_side_of_OR_inside_parens",
+ "(OR a:b) AND c:d",
+ "Condition is missing on the left side of 'OR' operator",
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_snql_malformed_boolean_search(description, query, expected_message):
+ dataset = Dataset.Discover
+ params: ParamsType = {}
+ query_filter = QueryFilter(dataset, params)
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidSearchQuery) as error:
+ where, having = query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert str(error.value) == expected_message, description
+class SnQLBooleanSearchQueryTest(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.project1 = self.create_project()
+ self.project2 = self.create_project()
+ self.project3 = self.create_project()
+ self.group1 = self.create_group(project=self.project1)
+ self.group2 = self.create_group(project=self.project1)
+ self.group3 = self.create_group(project=self.project1)
+ dataset = Dataset.Discover
+ params: ParamsType = {
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ "project_id": [self.project1.id, self.project2.id],
+ }
+ self.query_filter = QueryFilter(dataset, params)
+ def test_project_or(self):
+ query = f"project:{self.project1.slug} OR project:{self.project2.slug}"
+ where, having = self.query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert where == [Or(conditions=[_project(self.project1.id), _project(self.project2.id)])]
+ assert having == []
+ def test_project_and_with_parens(self):
+ query = f"(project:{self.project1.slug} OR project:{self.project2.slug}) AND a:b"
+ where, having = self.query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert where == [
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ Or(conditions=[_project(self.project1.id), _project(self.project2.id)]),
+ _tag("a", "b"),
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ assert having == []
+ def test_project_or_with_nested_ands(self):
+ query = f"(project:{self.project1.slug} AND a:b) OR (project:{self.project1.slug} AND c:d)"
+ where, having = self.query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert where == [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(conditions=[_project(self.project1.id), _tag("a", "b")]),
+ And(conditions=[_project(self.project1.id), _tag("c", "d")]),
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ assert having == []
+ def test_project_not_selected(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+ InvalidSearchQuery,
+ re.escape(
+ f"Invalid query. Project(s) {str(self.project3.slug)} do not exist or are not actively selected."
+ ),
+ ):
+ query = f"project:{self.project1.slug} OR project:{self.project3.slug}"
+ self.query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ def test_issue_id_or(self):
+ query = f"issue.id:{self.group1.id} OR issue.id:{self.group2.id}"
+ where, having = self.query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert where == [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ _cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group1.id),
+ _cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group2.id),
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ assert having == []
+ def test_issue_id_and(self):
+ query = f"issue.id:{self.group1.id} AND issue.id:{self.group1.id}"
+ where, having = self.query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert where == [
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group1.id),
+ _cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group1.id),
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ assert having == []
+ def test_issue_id_or_with_parens(self):
+ query = f"(issue.id:{self.group1.id} AND issue.id:{self.group2.id}) OR issue.id:{self.group3.id}"
+ where, having = self.query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert where == [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(
+ conditions=[
+ _cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group1.id),
+ _cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group2.id),
+ ]
+ ),
+ _cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group3.id),
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ assert having == []
+ def test_issue_id_and_tag(self):
+ query = f"issue.id:{self.group1.id} AND a:b"
+ where, having = self.query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert where == [And(conditions=[_cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group1.id), _tag("a", "b")])]
+ assert having == []
+ def test_issue_id_or_tag(self):
+ query = f"issue.id:{self.group1.id} OR a:b"
+ where, having = self.query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert where == [Or(conditions=[_cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group1.id), _tag("a", "b")])]
+ assert having == []
+ def test_issue_id_or_with_parens_and_tag(self):
+ query = f"(issue.id:{self.group1.id} AND a:b) OR issue.id:{self.group2.id}"
+ where, having = self.query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert where == [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(conditions=[_cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group1.id), _tag("a", "b")]),
+ _cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group2.id),
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ assert having == []
+ def test_issue_id_or_with_parens_and_multiple_tags(self):
+ query = f"(issue.id:{self.group1.id} AND a:b) OR c:d"
+ where, having = self.query_filter.resolve_conditions(query, use_aggregate_conditions=True)
+ assert where == [
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ And(conditions=[_cond("group_id", Op.EQ, self.group1.id), _tag("a", "b")]),
+ _tag("c", "d"),
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ assert having == []