@@ -1,33 +1,28 @@
-import itertools
import logging
from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence
-from django.utils import dateformat
-from django.utils.encoding import force_text
-from sentry import digests, options
+from sentry import digests
from sentry.digests import get_option_key as get_digest_option_key
from sentry.digests.notifications import event_to_record, unsplit_key
-from sentry.digests.utilities import get_digest_metadata, get_personalized_digests
from sentry.models import NotificationSetting, Project, ProjectOption
from sentry.notifications.notifications.activity import EMAIL_CLASSES_BY_TYPE
+from sentry.notifications.notifications.digest import DigestNotification
from sentry.notifications.notifications.rules import AlertRuleNotification
from sentry.notifications.notifications.user_report import UserReportNotification
from sentry.notifications.types import ActionTargetType
-from sentry.notifications.utils import get_integration_link, has_alert_integration
-from sentry.notifications.utils.participants import get_send_to
from sentry.plugins.base.structs import Notification
from sentry.tasks.digests import deliver_digest
from sentry.types.integrations import ExternalProviders
-from sentry.utils import json, metrics
-from sentry.utils.email import MessageBuilder
-from sentry.utils.linksign import generate_signed_link
+from sentry.utils import metrics
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MailAdapter:
- """This class contains generic logic for notifying users via Email."""
+ """
+ This class contains generic logic for notifying users via Email.
+ TODO(mgaeta): Make an explicit interface that is shared with NotificationPlugin.
+ """
mail_option_key = "mail:subject_prefix"
@@ -84,52 +79,6 @@ class MailAdapter:
logger.info("mail.adapter.notification.%s" % log_event, extra=extra)
- def _build_subject_prefix(self, project):
- subject_prefix = ProjectOption.objects.get_value(project, self.mail_option_key, None)
- if not subject_prefix:
- subject_prefix = options.get("mail.subject-prefix")
- return force_text(subject_prefix)
- def _build_message(
- self,
- project,
- subject,
- template=None,
- html_template=None,
- body=None,
- reference=None,
- reply_reference=None,
- headers=None,
- context=None,
- send_to=None,
- type=None,
- ):
- if not send_to:
- logger.debug("Skipping message rendering, no users to send to.")
- return
- subject_prefix = self._build_subject_prefix(project)
- subject = force_text(subject)
- msg = MessageBuilder(
- subject=f"{subject_prefix}{subject}",
- template=template,
- html_template=html_template,
- body=body,
- headers=headers,
- type=type,
- context=context,
- reference=reference,
- reply_reference=reply_reference,
- )
- msg.add_users(send_to, project=project)
- return msg
- def _send_mail(self, *args, **kwargs):
- message = self._build_message(*args, **kwargs)
- if message is not None:
- return message.send_async()
def get_sendable_user_objects(project):
@@ -162,97 +111,19 @@ class MailAdapter:
or self.get_sendable_user_objects(group.project)
- def add_unsubscribe_link(self, context, user_id, project, referrer):
- context["unsubscribe_link"] = generate_signed_link(
- user_id,
- "sentry-account-email-unsubscribe-project",
- referrer,
- kwargs={"project_id": project.id},
- )
- def notify(self, notification, target_type, target_identifier=None, **kwargs):
+ @staticmethod
+ def notify(notification, target_type, target_identifier=None, **kwargs):
AlertRuleNotification(notification, target_type, target_identifier).send()
- def get_digest_subject(self, group, counts, date):
- return "{short_id} - {count} new {noun} since {date}".format(
- short_id=group.qualified_short_id,
- count=len(counts),
- noun="alert" if len(counts) == 1 else "alerts",
- date=dateformat.format(date, "N j, Y, P e"),
- )
+ @staticmethod
def notify_digest(
- self,
project: Project,
digest: Any,
target_type: ActionTargetType,
target_identifier: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
- users = get_send_to(project, target_type, target_identifier).get(ExternalProviders.EMAIL)
- if not users:
- return
- user_ids = {user.id for user in users}
- logger.info(
- "mail.adapter.notify_digest",
- extra={
- "project_id": project.id,
- "target_type": target_type.value,
- "target_identifier": target_identifier,
- "user_ids": user_ids,
- },
- )
- org = project.organization
- for user_id, digest in get_personalized_digests(target_type, project.id, digest, user_ids):
- start, end, counts = get_digest_metadata(digest)
- # If there is only one group in this digest (regardless of how many
- # rules it appears in), we should just render this using the single
- # notification template. If there is more than one record for a group,
- # just choose the most recent one.
- if len(counts) == 1:
- group = next(iter(counts))
- record = max(
- itertools.chain.from_iterable(
- groups.get(group, []) for groups in digest.values()
- ),
- key=lambda record: record.timestamp,
- )
- notification = Notification(record.value.event, rules=record.value.rules)
- return self.notify(notification, target_type, target_identifier)
- context = {
- "start": start,
- "end": end,
- "project": project,
- "digest": digest,
- "counts": counts,
- "slack_link": get_integration_link(org, "slack"),
- "has_alert_integration": has_alert_integration(project),
- }
- headers = {
- "X-Sentry-Project": project.slug,
- "X-SMTPAPI": json.dumps({"category": "digest_email"}),
- }
- group = next(iter(counts))
- subject = self.get_digest_subject(group, counts, start)
- self.add_unsubscribe_link(context, user_id, project, "alert_digest")
- self._send_mail(
- subject=subject,
- template="sentry/emails/digests/body.txt",
- html_template="sentry/emails/digests/body.html",
- project=project,
- reference=project,
- headers=headers,
- type="notify.digest",
- context=context,
- send_to=[user_id],
- )
+ return DigestNotification(project, digest, target_type, target_identifier).send()
def notify_about_activity(activity):
@@ -264,7 +135,8 @@ class MailAdapter:
- def handle_user_report(self, payload, project: Project, **kwargs):
+ @staticmethod
+ def handle_user_report(payload, project: Project, **kwargs):
return UserReportNotification(project, payload["report"]).send()