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fix(dev): Change `SENTRY_DEVSERVICES` to be built lazily (#27943)

This changes services in `SENTRY_DEVSERVICES` to be built lazily. We need this because lots of the
entries in devservices reference other config variables directly, with the intention that if the
user overrides those variables that devservices will use the overriden values.

This doesn't work currently, due to the way these configs are handled. Configs override a value by
importing the existing config, and then defining the value themselves. The problem with this is that
`SENTRY_DEVSERVICES` is built when we first import the existing config, and so when we override any
existing values that it relies on it's too late, since at that point `SENTRY_DEVSERVICES` is
already built.

Instead we will now require devservices to be callables. This allows them to be built after all
configs are imported. We'll also temporarily handle the old dict case, so that we don't break

Also changed `only_if` to no longer be a callable, since we can now build it when calling the outer

My specific use_case here is that I want to enable cdc via `SENTRY_USE_CDC_DEV`, and I noticed 
that the setting was being ignored.
Dan Fuller 3 years ago
2 changed files with 219 additions and 185 deletions
  1. 206 181
  2. 13 4

+ 206 - 181

@@ -1599,194 +1599,219 @@ SENTRY_CHUNK_UPLOAD_BLOB_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024  # 8MB
-#     "service-name": {
-#         "image": "image-name:version",
-#         # optional ports to expose
-#         "ports": {"internal-port/tcp": external-port},
-#         # optional command
-#         "command": ["exit 1"],
-#         optional mapping of volumes
-#         "volumes": {"volume-name": {"bind": "/path/in/container"}},
-#         # optional statement to test if service should run
-#         "only_if": lambda settings, options: True,
-#         # optional environment variables
-#         "environment": {
-#             "ENV_VAR": "1",
+#     "service-name": lambda settings, options: (
+#         {
+#             "image": "image-name:version",
+#             # optional ports to expose
+#             "ports": {"internal-port/tcp": external-port},
+#             # optional command
+#             "command": ["exit 1"],
+#             optional mapping of volumes
+#             "volumes": {"volume-name": {"bind": "/path/in/container"}},
+#             # optional statement to test if service should run
+#             "only_if": lambda settings, options: True,
+#             # optional environment variables
+#             "environment": {
+#                 "ENV_VAR": "1",
+#             }
 #         }
-#     }
+#     )
 # }
-    {
-        os.path.join(CDC_CONFIG_DIR, ""): {
-            "bind": "/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/"
+def build_cdc_postgres_init_db_volume(settings):
+    return (
+        {
+            os.path.join(settings.CDC_CONFIG_DIR, ""): {
+                "bind": "/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/"
+            }
-    }
-    else {}
+        if settings.SENTRY_USE_CDC_DEV
+        else {}
+    )
-    "redis": {
-        "image": "redis:5.0-alpine",
-        "ports": {"6379/tcp": 6379},
-        "command": [
-            "redis-server",
-            "--appendonly",
-            "yes",
-            "--save",
-            "60",
-            "20",
-            "--auto-aof-rewrite-percentage",
-            "100",
-            "--auto-aof-rewrite-min-size",
-            "64mb",
-        ],
-        "volumes": {"redis": {"bind": "/data"}},
-    },
-    "postgres": {
-        "image": "postgres:9.6-alpine",
-        "pull": True,
-        "ports": {"5432/tcp": 5432},
-        "environment": {"POSTGRES_DB": "sentry", "POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD": "trust"},
-        "volumes": {
-            "postgres": {"bind": "/var/lib/postgresql/data"},
-            "wal2json": {"bind": "/wal2json"},
-            CDC_CONFIG_DIR: {"bind": "/cdc"},
-        },
-        "command": [
-            "postgres",
-            "-c",
-            "wal_level=logical",
-            "-c",
-            "max_replication_slots=1",
-            "-c",
-            "max_wal_senders=1",
-        ],
-        "entrypoint": "/cdc/" if SENTRY_USE_CDC_DEV else None,
-        "healthcheck": {
-            "test": ["CMD", "pg_isready", "-U", "postgres"],
-            "interval": 30000000000,  # Test every 30 seconds (in ns).
-            "timeout": 5000000000,  # Time we should expect the test to take.
-            "retries": 3,
-        },
-    },
-    "zookeeper": {
-        "image": "confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:5.1.2",
-        "environment": {"ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT": "2181"},
-        "volumes": {"zookeeper": {"bind": "/var/lib/zookeeper"}},
-        "only_if": lambda settings, options: (
-            "kafka" in settings.SENTRY_EVENTSTREAM or settings.SENTRY_USE_RELAY
-        ),
-    },
-    "kafka": {
-        "image": "confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.1.2",
-        "ports": {"9092/tcp": 9092},
-        "environment": {
-            "KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT": "{containers[zookeeper][name]}:2181",
-            "KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS": "INTERNAL://{containers[kafka][name]}:9093,EXTERNAL://{containers[kafka]"
-            "[ports][9092/tcp][0]}:{containers[kafka][ports][9092/tcp][1]}",
-            "KAFKA_LOG_RETENTION_HOURS": "24",
-            "KAFKA_MESSAGE_MAX_BYTES": "50000000",
-            "KAFKA_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE": "50000000",
-        },
-        "volumes": {"kafka": {"bind": "/var/lib/kafka"}},
-        "only_if": lambda settings, options: (
-            "kafka" in settings.SENTRY_EVENTSTREAM
+    "redis": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "redis:5.0-alpine",
+            "ports": {"6379/tcp": 6379},
+            "command": [
+                "redis-server",
+                "--appendonly",
+                "yes",
+                "--save",
+                "60",
+                "20",
+                "--auto-aof-rewrite-percentage",
+                "100",
+                "--auto-aof-rewrite-min-size",
+                "64mb",
+            ],
+            "volumes": {"redis": {"bind": "/data"}},
+        }
+    ),
+    "postgres": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "postgres:9.6-alpine",
+            "pull": True,
+            "ports": {"5432/tcp": 5432},
+            "environment": {"POSTGRES_DB": "sentry", "POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD": "trust"},
+            "volumes": {
+                "postgres": {"bind": "/var/lib/postgresql/data"},
+                "wal2json": {"bind": "/wal2json"},
+                settings.CDC_CONFIG_DIR: {"bind": "/cdc"},
+                **build_cdc_postgres_init_db_volume(settings),
+            },
+            "command": [
+                "postgres",
+                "-c",
+                "wal_level=logical",
+                "-c",
+                "max_replication_slots=1",
+                "-c",
+                "max_wal_senders=1",
+            ],
+            "entrypoint": "/cdc/" if settings.SENTRY_USE_CDC_DEV else None,
+            "healthcheck": {
+                "test": ["CMD", "pg_isready", "-U", "postgres"],
+                "interval": 30000000000,  # Test every 30 seconds (in ns).
+                "timeout": 5000000000,  # Time we should expect the test to take.
+                "retries": 3,
+            },
+        }
+    ),
+    "zookeeper": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:5.1.2",
+            "environment": {"ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT": "2181"},
+            "volumes": {"zookeeper": {"bind": "/var/lib/zookeeper"}},
+            "only_if": "kafka" in settings.SENTRY_EVENTSTREAM or settings.SENTRY_USE_RELAY,
+        }
+    ),
+    "kafka": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.1.2",
+            "ports": {"9092/tcp": 9092},
+            "environment": {
+                "KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT": "{containers[zookeeper][name]}:2181",
+                "KAFKA_LISTENERS": "INTERNAL://,EXTERNAL://",
+                "KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS": "INTERNAL://{containers[kafka][name]}:9093,EXTERNAL://{containers[kafka]"
+                "[ports][9092/tcp][0]}:{containers[kafka][ports][9092/tcp][1]}",
+                "KAFKA_LOG_RETENTION_HOURS": "24",
+                "KAFKA_MESSAGE_MAX_BYTES": "50000000",
+                "KAFKA_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE": "50000000",
+            },
+            "volumes": {"kafka": {"bind": "/var/lib/kafka"}},
+            "only_if": "kafka" in settings.SENTRY_EVENTSTREAM
             or settings.SENTRY_USE_RELAY
-        ),
-    },
-    "clickhouse": {
-        "image": "yandex/clickhouse-server:",
-        "pull": True,
-        "ports": {"9000/tcp": 9000, "9009/tcp": 9009, "8123/tcp": 8123},
-        "ulimits": [{"name": "nofile", "soft": 262144, "hard": 262144}],
-        "environment": {"MAX_MEMORY_USAGE_RATIO": "0.3"},
-        "volumes": {
-            "clickhouse_dist"
-            else "clickhouse": {"bind": "/var/lib/clickhouse"},
-            os.path.join(
-                DEVSERVICES_CONFIG_DIR,
-                "clickhouse",
-                "dist_config.xml" if SENTRY_DISTRIBUTED_CLICKHOUSE_TABLES else "loc_config.xml",
-            ): {"bind": "/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/sentry.xml"},
-        },
-    },
-    "snuba": {
-        "image": "getsentry/snuba:nightly",
-        "pull": True,
-        "ports": {"1218/tcp": 1218},
-        "command": ["devserver"],
-        "environment": {
-            "PYTHONUNBUFFERED": "1",
-            "SNUBA_SETTINGS": "docker",
-            "DEBUG": "1",
-            "CLICKHOUSE_HOST": "{containers[clickhouse][name]}",
-            "CLICKHOUSE_PORT": "9000",
-            "CLICKHOUSE_HTTP_PORT": "8123",
-            "DEFAULT_BROKERS": "{containers[kafka][name]}:9093",
-            "REDIS_HOST": "{containers[redis][name]}",
-            "REDIS_PORT": "6379",
-            "REDIS_DB": "1",
-        },
-        "only_if": lambda settings, options: (
-            "snuba" in settings.SENTRY_EVENTSTREAM or "kafka" in settings.SENTRY_EVENTSTREAM
-        ),
-    },
-    "bigtable": {
-        "image": "mattrobenolt/cbtemulator:0.51.0",
-        "ports": {"8086/tcp": 8086},
-        "only_if": lambda settings, options: "bigtable" in settings.SENTRY_NODESTORE,
-    },
-    "memcached": {
-        "image": "memcached:1.5-alpine",
-        "ports": {"11211/tcp": 11211},
-        "only_if": lambda settings, options: "memcached"
-        in settings.CACHES.get("default", {}).get("BACKEND"),
-    },
-    "symbolicator": {
-        "image": "",
-        "pull": True,
-        "ports": {"3021/tcp": 3021},
-        "volumes": {SYMBOLICATOR_CONFIG_DIR: {"bind": "/etc/symbolicator"}},
-        "command": ["run", "--config", "/etc/symbolicator/config.yml"],
-        "only_if": lambda settings, options: options.get("symbolicator.enabled"),
-    },
-    "relay": {
-        "image": "",
-        "pull": True,
-        "ports": {"7899/tcp": SENTRY_RELAY_PORT},
-        "volumes": {RELAY_CONFIG_DIR: {"bind": "/etc/relay"}},
-        "command": ["run", "--config", "/etc/relay"],
-        "only_if": lambda settings, options: settings.SENTRY_USE_RELAY,
-        "with_devserver": True,
-    },
-    "chartcuterie": {
-        "image": "",
-        "pull": True,
-        "volumes": {CHARTCUTERIE_CONFIG_DIR: {"bind": "/etc/chartcuterie"}},
-        "environment": {
-            "CHARTCUTERIE_CONFIG": "/etc/chartcuterie/config.js",
-            "CHARTCUTERIE_CONFIG_POLLING": "true",
-        },
-        "ports": {"9090/tcp": 7901},
-        "only_if": lambda settings, options: options.get("chart-rendering.enabled"),
-    },
-    "cdc": {
-        "image": "getsentry/cdc:nightly",
-        "pull": True,
-        "only_if": lambda settings, options: settings.SENTRY_USE_CDC_DEV,
-        "command": ["cdc", "-c", "/etc/cdc/configuration.yaml", "producer"],
-        "volumes": {CDC_CONFIG_DIR: {"bind": "/etc/cdc"}},
-    },
+            or settings.SENTRY_DEV_PROCESS_SUBSCRIPTIONS,
+        }
+    ),
+    "clickhouse": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "yandex/clickhouse-server:",
+            "pull": True,
+            "ports": {"9000/tcp": 9000, "9009/tcp": 9009, "8123/tcp": 8123},
+            "ulimits": [{"name": "nofile", "soft": 262144, "hard": 262144}],
+            "environment": {"MAX_MEMORY_USAGE_RATIO": "0.3"},
+            "volumes": {
+                "clickhouse_dist"
+                else "clickhouse": {"bind": "/var/lib/clickhouse"},
+                os.path.join(
+                    settings.DEVSERVICES_CONFIG_DIR,
+                    "clickhouse",
+                    "dist_config.xml"
+                    if settings.SENTRY_DISTRIBUTED_CLICKHOUSE_TABLES
+                    else "loc_config.xml",
+                ): {"bind": "/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/sentry.xml"},
+            },
+        }
+    ),
+    "snuba": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "getsentry/snuba:nightly",
+            "pull": True,
+            "ports": {"1218/tcp": 1218},
+            "command": ["devserver"],
+            "environment": {
+                "PYTHONUNBUFFERED": "1",
+                "SNUBA_SETTINGS": "docker",
+                "DEBUG": "1",
+                "CLICKHOUSE_HOST": "{containers[clickhouse][name]}",
+                "CLICKHOUSE_PORT": "9000",
+                "CLICKHOUSE_HTTP_PORT": "8123",
+                "DEFAULT_BROKERS": "{containers[kafka][name]}:9093",
+                "REDIS_HOST": "{containers[redis][name]}",
+                "REDIS_PORT": "6379",
+                "REDIS_DB": "1",
+            },
+            "only_if": "snuba" in settings.SENTRY_EVENTSTREAM
+            or "kafka" in settings.SENTRY_EVENTSTREAM,
+        }
+    ),
+    "bigtable": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "mattrobenolt/cbtemulator:0.51.0",
+            "ports": {"8086/tcp": 8086},
+            "only_if": "bigtable" in settings.SENTRY_NODESTORE,
+        }
+    ),
+    "memcached": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "memcached:1.5-alpine",
+            "ports": {"11211/tcp": 11211},
+            "only_if": "memcached" in settings.CACHES.get("default", {}).get("BACKEND"),
+        }
+    ),
+    "symbolicator": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "",
+            "pull": True,
+            "ports": {"3021/tcp": 3021},
+            "volumes": {settings.SYMBOLICATOR_CONFIG_DIR: {"bind": "/etc/symbolicator"}},
+            "command": ["run", "--config", "/etc/symbolicator/config.yml"],
+            "only_if": options.get("symbolicator.enabled"),
+        }
+    ),
+    "relay": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "",
+            "pull": True,
+            "ports": {"7899/tcp": settings.SENTRY_RELAY_PORT},
+            "volumes": {settings.RELAY_CONFIG_DIR: {"bind": "/etc/relay"}},
+            "command": ["run", "--config", "/etc/relay"],
+            "only_if": settings.SENTRY_USE_RELAY,
+            "with_devserver": True,
+        }
+    ),
+    "chartcuterie": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "",
+            "pull": True,
+            "volumes": {settings.CHARTCUTERIE_CONFIG_DIR: {"bind": "/etc/chartcuterie"}},
+            "environment": {
+                "CHARTCUTERIE_CONFIG": "/etc/chartcuterie/config.js",
+                "CHARTCUTERIE_CONFIG_POLLING": "true",
+            },
+            "ports": {"9090/tcp": 7901},
+            "only_if": options.get("chart-rendering.enabled"),
+        }
+    ),
+    "cdc": lambda settings, options: (
+        {
+            "image": "getsentry/cdc:nightly",
+            "pull": True,
+            "only_if": settings.SENTRY_USE_CDC_DEV,
+            "command": ["cdc", "-c", "/etc/cdc/configuration.yaml", "producer"],
+            "volumes": {settings.CDC_CONFIG_DIR: {"bind": "/etc/cdc"}},
+        }
+    ),
 # Max file size for avatar photo uploads

+ 13 - 4

@@ -226,10 +226,19 @@ def _prepare_containers(project, skip_only_if=False, silent=False):
     containers = {}
-    for name, options in settings.SENTRY_DEVSERVICES.items():
-        options = options.copy()
-        test_fn = options.pop("only_if", None)
-        if not skip_only_if and test_fn and not test_fn(settings, sentry_options):
+    for name, option_builder in settings.SENTRY_DEVSERVICES.items():
+        if callable(option_builder):
+            options = option_builder(settings, sentry_options)
+        else:
+            # TODO: Backwards compat, remove once we update getsentry to have callables here
+            options = options.copy()
+        only_if = options.pop("only_if", lambda settings, options: True)
+        # TODO: Temporarily handle only if as both a callable and a bool
+        if not skip_only_if and (
+            (callable(only_if) and not only_if(settings, sentry_options))
+            or (not callable(only_if) and not only_if)
+        ):
             if not silent:
                 click.secho(f"! Skipping {name} due to only_if condition", err=True, fg="cyan")