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feat(ui): Autocomplete for "IN" search queries (#27886)

Scott Cooper 3 years ago
1 changed files with 98 additions and 25 deletions
  1. 98 25

+ 98 - 25

@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import ButtonBar from 'app/components/buttonBar';
 import DropdownLink from 'app/components/dropdownLink';
 import {getParams} from 'app/components/organizations/globalSelectionHeader/getParams';
 import {
+  FilterType,
@@ -565,6 +566,36 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
+    const cursorToken = this.cursorToken;
+    if (
+      key === '[' &&
+      cursorToken?.type === Token.Filter &&
+      cursorToken.value.text.length === 0 &&
+      isWithinToken(cursorToken.value, this.cursorPosition)
+    ) {
+      const {query} = this.state;
+      evt.preventDefault();
+      let clauseStart: null | number = null;
+      let clauseEnd: null | number = null;
+      // the new text that will exist between clauseStart and clauseEnd
+      const replaceToken = '[]';
+      const location = cursorToken.value.location;
+      const keyLocation = cursorToken.key.location;
+      // Include everything after the ':'
+      clauseStart = keyLocation.end.offset + 1;
+      clauseEnd = location.end.offset + 1;
+      const beforeClause = query.substring(0, clauseStart);
+      let endClause = query.substring(clauseEnd);
+      // Add space before next clause if it exists
+      if (endClause) {
+        endClause = ` ${endClause}`;
+      }
+      const newQuery = `${beforeClause}${replaceToken}${endClause}`;
+      // Place cursor between inserted brackets
+      this.updateQuery(newQuery, beforeClause.length + replaceToken.length - 1);
+      return;
+    }
   onKeyUp = (evt: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {
@@ -627,25 +658,16 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
    * Get the active filter or free text actively focused.
   get cursorToken() {
-    const {parsedQuery} = this.state;
-    if (parsedQuery === null) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    const matchedTokens = [Token.Filter, Token.FreeText];
-    const cursor = this.cursorPosition;
+    const matchedTokens = [Token.Filter, Token.FreeText] as const;
+    return this.findTokensAtCursor(matchedTokens);
+  }
-    return treeResultLocator<TokenResult<Token.Filter | Token.FreeText> | null>({
-      tree: parsedQuery,
-      noResultValue: null,
-      visitorTest: ({token, returnResult, skipToken}) =>
-        !matchedTokens.includes(token.type)
-          ? null
-          : isWithinToken(token, cursor)
-          ? returnResult(token)
-          : skipToken,
-    });
+  /**
+   * Get the active parsed text value
+   */
+  get cursorValue() {
+    const matchedTokens = [Token.ValueText] as const;
+    return this.findTokensAtCursor(matchedTokens);
@@ -665,6 +687,31 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
     return this.searchInput.current.selectionStart ?? -1;
+  /**
+   * Finds tokens that exist at the current cursor position
+   * @param matchedTokens acceptable list of tokens
+   */
+  findTokensAtCursor<T extends readonly Token[]>(matchedTokens: T) {
+    const {parsedQuery} = this.state;
+    if (parsedQuery === null) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    const cursor = this.cursorPosition;
+    return treeResultLocator<TokenResult<T[number]> | null>({
+      tree: parsedQuery,
+      noResultValue: null,
+      visitorTest: ({token, returnResult, skipToken}) =>
+        !matchedTokens.includes(token.type)
+          ? null
+          : isWithinToken(token, cursor)
+          ? returnResult(token)
+          : skipToken,
+    });
+  }
    * Returns array of possible key values that substring match `query`
@@ -980,8 +1027,13 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
       // check if we are on the tag, value, or operator
       if (isWithinToken(cursorToken.value, cursor)) {
         const node = cursorToken.value;
+        const cursorValue = this.cursorValue;
+        let searchText = cursorValue?.text ?? node.text;
+        if (searchText === '[]' || cursorValue === null) {
+          searchText = '';
+        }
-        const valueGroup = await this.generateValueAutocompleteGroup(tagName, node.text);
+        const valueGroup = await this.generateValueAutocompleteGroup(tagName, searchText);
         const autocompleteGroups = valueGroup ? [valueGroup] : [];
         // show operator group if at beginning of value
         if (cursor === node.location.start.offset) {
@@ -1221,12 +1273,33 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
           replaceToken = `${cursorToken.key.text}${replaceText}`;
       } else if (isWithinToken(cursorToken.value, cursor)) {
-        const location = cursorToken.value.location;
-        const keyLocation = cursorToken.key.location;
-        // Include everything after the ':'
-        clauseStart = keyLocation.end.offset + 1;
-        clauseEnd = location.end.offset + 1;
-        replaceToken += ' ';
+        const valueToken = this.cursorValue ?? cursorToken.value;
+        const location = valueToken.location;
+        if (cursorToken.filter === FilterType.TextIn) {
+          // Current value can be null when adding a 2nd value
+          //             ▼ cursor
+          // key:[value1, ]
+          const currentValueNull = this.cursorValue === null;
+          clauseStart = currentValueNull
+            ? this.cursorPosition
+            : valueToken.location.start.offset;
+          clauseEnd = currentValueNull
+            ? this.cursorPosition
+            : valueToken.location.end.offset;
+        } else {
+          // Include everything after the ':'
+          const keyLocation = cursorToken.key.location;
+          clauseStart = keyLocation.end.offset + 1;
+          clauseEnd = location.end.offset + 1;
+          // handle using autocomplete with key:[]
+          if (valueToken.text === '[]') {
+            clauseStart += 1;
+            clauseEnd -= 2;
+          } else {
+            replaceToken += ' ';
+          }
+        }
       } else if (isWithinToken(cursorToken.key, cursor)) {
         const location = cursorToken.key.location;
         clauseStart = location.start.offset;