@@ -1,110 +1,12 @@
from __future__ import annotations
-import logging
import os
-import sys
from typing import Any
import click
-import sentry_sdk
-import sentry
from sentry.utils.imports import import_string
-# Parse out a pretty version for use with --version
-version_string = sentry.__semantic_version__
-@click.group(context_settings={"max_content_width": 150})
- "--config",
- default="",
- envvar="SENTRY_CONF",
- help="Path to configuration files.",
- metavar="PATH",
-def cli(config: str) -> None:
- """Sentry is cross-platform crash reporting built with love.
- The configuration file is looked up in the `~/.sentry` config
- directory but this can be overridden with the `SENTRY_CONF`
- environment variable or be explicitly provided through the
- `--config` parameter.
- """
- # Elevate --config option to SENTRY_CONF env var, and just assume this
- # always will exist down the line
- if config:
- os.environ["SENTRY_CONF"] = config
- os.environ.setdefault("SENTRY_CONF", "~/.sentry")
-# TODO(mattrobenolt): Autodiscover commands?
-for cmd in map(
- import_string,
- (
- "sentry.runner.commands.backup.backup",
- "sentry.runner.commands.backup.export",
- "sentry.runner.commands.backup.import_",
- "sentry.runner.commands.cleanup.cleanup",
- "sentry.runner.commands.config.config",
- "sentry.runner.commands.configoptions.configoptions",
- "sentry.runner.commands.createuser.createuser",
- "sentry.runner.commands.devserver.devserver",
- "sentry.runner.commands.django.django",
- "sentry.runner.commands.exec.exec_",
- "sentry.runner.commands.sendmail.sendmail",
- "sentry.runner.commands.execfile.execfile",
- "sentry.runner.commands.files.files",
- "sentry.runner.commands.help.help",
- "sentry.runner.commands.init.init",
- "sentry.runner.commands.killswitches.killswitches",
- "sentry.runner.commands.migrations.migrations",
- "sentry.runner.commands.plugins.plugins",
- "sentry.runner.commands.queues.queues",
- "sentry.runner.commands.repair.repair",
- "sentry.runner.commands.run.run",
- "sentry.runner.commands.start.start",
- "sentry.runner.commands.tsdb.tsdb",
- "sentry.runner.commands.upgrade.upgrade",
- "sentry.runner.commands.permissions.permissions",
- "sentry.runner.commands.devservices.devservices",
- "sentry.runner.commands.performance.performance",
- "sentry.runner.commands.spans.spans",
- "sentry.runner.commands.spans.write_hashes",
- "sentry.runner.commands.openai.openai",
- "sentry.runner.commands.llm.llm",
- ),
- cli.add_command(cmd)
-def make_django_command(
- name: str, django_command: str | None = None, help: str | None = None
-) -> click.Command:
- "A wrapper to convert a Django subcommand a Click command"
- if django_command is None:
- django_command = name
- @click.command(
- name=name,
- help=help,
- add_help_option=False,
- context_settings=dict(ignore_unknown_options=True),
- )
- @click.argument("management_args", nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED)
- @click.pass_context
- def inner(ctx: click.Context, management_args: tuple[str, ...]) -> None:
- from sentry.runner.commands.django import django
- ctx.params["management_args"] = (django_command,) + management_args
- ctx.forward(django)
- return inner
-cli.add_command(make_django_command("shell", help="Run a Python interactive interpreter."))
def configure(*, skip_service_validation: bool = False) -> None:
@@ -131,21 +33,6 @@ def configure(*, skip_service_validation: bool = False) -> None:
_configure(ctx, py, yaml, skip_service_validation)
-def get_prog() -> str:
- """
- Extract the proper program executable.
- In the case of `python -m sentry`, we want to detect this and
- make sure we return something useful rather than __main__.py
- """
- try:
- if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) in ("__main__.py", "-c"):
- return "%s -m sentry" % sys.executable
- except (AttributeError, TypeError, IndexError):
- pass
- return "sentry"
class UnknownCommand(ImportError):
@@ -162,34 +49,3 @@ def call_command(name: str, obj: object = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
except click.Abort:
click.echo("Aborted!", err=True)
-def main() -> None:
- func = cli
- kwargs = {
- "prog_name": get_prog(),
- "obj": {},
- "max_content_width": 100,
- }
- # This variable is *only* set as part of direnv/.envrc, thus, we cannot affect production
- if os.environ.get("SENTRY_DEVSERVICES_DSN"):
- # We do this here because `configure_structlog` executes later
- logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s:%(message)s", level=logging.INFO)
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- logger.info(
- "The Sentry runner will report development issues to Sentry.io. "
- "Use SENTRY_DEVENV_NO_REPORT to avoid reporting issues."
- )
- try:
- func(**kwargs)
- except Exception as e:
- # This reports errors sentry-devservices
- with sentry_sdk.init(dsn=os.environ["SENTRY_DEVSERVICES_DSN"]):
- if os.environ.get("USER"):
- sentry_sdk.set_user({"username": os.environ.get("USER")})
- sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
- logger.info("We have reported the error below to Sentry")
- raise
- else:
- func(**kwargs)