@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from collections.abc import Mapping
from dataclasses import replace
-from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import UTC, datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Union, cast
from snuba_sdk import (
@@ -11,9 +11,14 @@ from snuba_sdk import (
+ Direction,
+ Entity,
+ Op,
+ OrderBy,
+ Query,
@@ -22,7 +27,13 @@ from snuba_sdk.mql.mql import parse_mql
from sentry.exceptions import InvalidParams
from sentry.sentry_metrics.use_case_id_registry import UseCaseID
-from sentry.sentry_metrics.utils import resolve_weak, reverse_resolve_weak, string_to_use_case_id
+from sentry.sentry_metrics.utils import (
+ bulk_reverse_resolve,
+ resolve_many_weak,
+ resolve_weak,
+ reverse_resolve_weak,
+ string_to_use_case_id,
from sentry.snuba.dataset import Dataset
from sentry.snuba.metrics.naming_layer.mapping import get_mri
from sentry.snuba.metrics.naming_layer.mri import parse_mri
@@ -519,3 +530,171 @@ def convert_snuba_result(
if reverse_resolve:
data_point[key] = reverse_resolve
return snuba_result
+def fetch_metric_mris(
+ org_id: int, project_ids: list[int], use_case_id: UseCaseID, app_id: str = ""
+) -> dict[int, list[str]]:
+ """
+ Fetches all the metric MRIs for a set of projects and use case. This will reverse
+ resolve all the metric IDs into MRIs.
+ """
+ return _query_meta_table(org_id, project_ids, use_case_id, app_id=app_id)
+def fetch_metric_tag_keys(
+ org_id: int, project_ids: list[int], use_case_id: UseCaseID, mri: str, app_id: str = ""
+) -> dict[int, list[str]]:
+ """
+ Fetches the tag keys for a given metric MRI. This will reverse
+ resolve all the tag keys into strings.
+ """
+ return _query_meta_table(org_id, project_ids, use_case_id, mri, app_id)
+def _query_meta_table(
+ org_id: int,
+ project_ids: list[int],
+ use_case_id: UseCaseID,
+ mri: str | None = None,
+ app_id: str = "",
+) -> dict[int, list[str]]:
+ """
+ Helper function for querying the meta table. This will query across all four metric types, and resolve all the resulting
+ values. If an MRI is provided, it is assumed that this function should find unique tag keys for that MRI.
+ """
+ if mri:
+ column_name = "tag_key"
+ metric_id = resolve_weak(use_case_id, org_id, mri)
+ if metric_id == -1:
+ raise InvalidParams(f"Unknown metric: {mri}")
+ extra_condition = Condition(Column("metric_id"), Op.EQ, metric_id)
+ else:
+ column_name = "metric_id"
+ extra_condition = None
+ conditions = [
+ Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
+ Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
+ Condition(Column("use_case_id"), Op.EQ, use_case_id.value),
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, datetime.now(UTC) - timedelta(days=90)),
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, datetime.now(UTC) + timedelta(days=1)),
+ ]
+ if extra_condition:
+ conditions.append(extra_condition)
+ counters_query = (
+ Query(Entity("generic_metrics_counters_meta"))
+ .set_select([Column("project_id"), Column(column_name)])
+ .set_groupby([Column("project_id"), Column(column_name)])
+ .set_where(conditions)
+ .set_orderby(
+ [
+ OrderBy(Column("project_id"), Direction.ASC),
+ OrderBy(Column(column_name), Direction.ASC),
+ ]
+ )
+ .set_limit(1000)
+ )
+ def build_request(query: Query) -> Request:
+ return Request(
+ dataset="generic_metrics",
+ app_id=use_case_id.value if app_id == "" else app_id,
+ query=query,
+ tenant_ids={
+ "organization_id": org_id,
+ "project_id": project_ids[0],
+ "referrer": f"generic_metrics_meta_{column_name}",
+ },
+ )
+ requests = [build_request(counters_query)]
+ for mtype in ["sets", "gauges", "distributions"]:
+ new_query = counters_query.set_match(Entity(f"generic_metrics_{mtype}_meta"))
+ new_request = build_request(new_query)
+ requests.append(new_request)
+ results = bulk_snuba_queries(requests, f"generic_metrics_meta_{column_name}")
+ indexed_ids = []
+ for result in results:
+ indexed_ids.extend([row[column_name] for row in result["data"]])
+ resolved_ids = bulk_reverse_resolve(use_case_id, org_id, indexed_ids)
+ # Group by project ID
+ grouped_results: dict[int, list[str]] = {}
+ for result in results:
+ for row in result["data"]:
+ mri = resolved_ids[row[column_name]]
+ grouped_results.setdefault(row["project_id"], list()).append(mri)
+ return grouped_results
+def fetch_metric_tag_values(
+ org_id: int,
+ project_id: int,
+ use_case_id: UseCaseID,
+ mri: str,
+ tag_key: str,
+ tag_value_prefix: str = "",
+ app_id: str = "",
+) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ Find all the unique tag values for a given MRI and tag key. This will reverse resolve
+ all the values.
+ """
+ parsed_mri = parse_mri(mri)
+ if parsed_mri is None:
+ raise InvalidParams(f"'{mri}' is not a valid MRI")
+ entity = {
+ "c": "counters",
+ "d": "distributions",
+ "g": "gauges",
+ "s": "sets",
+ }[parsed_mri.entity]
+ resolved = resolve_many_weak(use_case_id, org_id, [mri, tag_key])
+ if len(resolved) != 2:
+ raise InvalidParams("Unknown metric or tag key")
+ metric_id, tag_key_id = resolved
+ conditions = [
+ Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, project_id),
+ Condition(Column("metric_id"), Op.EQ, metric_id),
+ Condition(Column("tag_key"), Op.EQ, tag_key_id),
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, datetime.now(UTC) - timedelta(days=90)),
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, datetime.now(UTC) + timedelta(days=1)),
+ ]
+ if tag_value_prefix:
+ conditions.append(Condition(Column("tag_value"), Op.LIKE, f"{tag_value_prefix}%"))
+ tag_values_query = (
+ Query(Entity(f"generic_metrics_{entity}_meta_tag_values"))
+ .set_select([Column("tag_value")])
+ .set_groupby([Column("tag_value")])
+ .set_where(conditions)
+ .set_orderby([OrderBy(Column("tag_value"), Direction.ASC)])
+ .set_limit(1000)
+ )
+ request = Request(
+ dataset="generic_metrics",
+ app_id=use_case_id.value if app_id == "" else app_id,
+ query=tag_values_query,
+ tenant_ids={
+ "organization_id": org_id,
+ "project_id": project_id,
+ "referrer": "generic_metrics_meta_tag_values",
+ },
+ )
+ results = bulk_snuba_queries([request], "generic_metrics_meta_tag_values")
+ values = []
+ for result in results:
+ values.extend([row["tag_value"] for row in result["data"]])
+ return values