// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "web_client.h" // this is an async I/O implementation of the web server request parser // it is used by all netdata web servers int respect_web_browser_do_not_track_policy = 0; char *web_x_frame_options = NULL; #ifdef NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB int web_enable_gzip = 1, web_gzip_level = 3, web_gzip_strategy = Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY; #endif /* NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB */ inline int web_client_permission_denied(struct web_client *w) { w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_PLAIN; buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "You are not allowed to access this resource."); w->response.code = HTTP_RESP_FORBIDDEN; return HTTP_RESP_FORBIDDEN; } static inline int web_client_crock_socket(struct web_client *w) { #ifdef TCP_CORK if(likely(web_client_is_corkable(w) && !w->tcp_cork && w->ofd != -1)) { w->tcp_cork = 1; if(unlikely(setsockopt(w->ofd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_CORK, (char *) &w->tcp_cork, sizeof(int)) != 0)) { error("%llu: failed to enable TCP_CORK on socket.", w->id); w->tcp_cork = 0; return -1; } } #else (void)w; #endif /* TCP_CORK */ return 0; } static inline int web_client_uncrock_socket(struct web_client *w) { #ifdef TCP_CORK if(likely(w->tcp_cork && w->ofd != -1)) { w->tcp_cork = 0; if(unlikely(setsockopt(w->ofd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_CORK, (char *) &w->tcp_cork, sizeof(int)) != 0)) { error("%llu: failed to disable TCP_CORK on socket.", w->id); w->tcp_cork = 1; return -1; } } #else (void)w; #endif /* TCP_CORK */ return 0; } char *strip_control_characters(char *url) { char *s = url; if(!s) return ""; if(iscntrl(*s)) *s = ' '; while(*++s) { if(iscntrl(*s)) *s = ' '; } return url; } void web_client_request_done(struct web_client *w) { web_client_uncrock_socket(w); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Resetting client.", w->id); if(likely(w->last_url[0])) { struct timeval tv; now_realtime_timeval(&tv); size_t size = (w->mode == WEB_CLIENT_MODE_FILECOPY)?w->response.rlen:w->response.data->len; size_t sent = size; #ifdef NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB if(likely(w->response.zoutput)) sent = (size_t)w->response.zstream.total_out; #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // global statistics finished_web_request_statistics(dt_usec(&tv, &w->tv_in), w->stats_received_bytes, w->stats_sent_bytes, size, sent); w->stats_received_bytes = 0; w->stats_sent_bytes = 0; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *mode; switch(w->mode) { case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_FILECOPY: mode = "FILECOPY"; break; case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_OPTIONS: mode = "OPTIONS"; break; case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_STREAM: mode = "STREAM"; break; case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_NORMAL: mode = "DATA"; break; default: mode = "UNKNOWN"; break; } // access log log_access("%llu: %d '[%s]:%s' '%s' (sent/all = %zu/%zu bytes %0.0f%%, prep/sent/total = %0.2f/%0.2f/%0.2f ms) %d '%s'", w->id , gettid() , w->client_ip , w->client_port , mode , sent , size , -((size > 0) ? ((size - sent) / (double) size * 100.0) : 0.0) , dt_usec(&w->tv_ready, &w->tv_in) / 1000.0 , dt_usec(&tv, &w->tv_ready) / 1000.0 , dt_usec(&tv, &w->tv_in) / 1000.0 , w->response.code , strip_control_characters(w->last_url) ); } if(unlikely(w->mode == WEB_CLIENT_MODE_FILECOPY)) { if(w->ifd != w->ofd) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Closing filecopy input file descriptor %d.", w->id, w->ifd); if(web_server_mode != WEB_SERVER_MODE_STATIC_THREADED) { if (w->ifd != -1){ close(w->ifd); } } w->ifd = w->ofd; } } w->last_url[0] = '\0'; w->cookie1[0] = '\0'; w->cookie2[0] = '\0'; w->origin[0] = '*'; w->origin[1] = '\0'; freez(w->user_agent); w->user_agent = NULL; if (w->auth_bearer_token) { freez(w->auth_bearer_token); w->auth_bearer_token = NULL; } w->mode = WEB_CLIENT_MODE_NORMAL; w->tcp_cork = 0; web_client_disable_donottrack(w); web_client_disable_tracking_required(w); web_client_disable_keepalive(w); w->decoded_url[0] = '\0'; buffer_reset(w->response.header_output); buffer_reset(w->response.header); buffer_reset(w->response.data); w->response.rlen = 0; w->response.sent = 0; w->response.code = 0; w->header_parse_tries = 0; w->header_parse_last_size = 0; web_client_enable_wait_receive(w); web_client_disable_wait_send(w); w->response.zoutput = 0; // if we had enabled compression, release it #ifdef NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB if(w->response.zinitialized) { debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: Freeing compression resources.", w->id); deflateEnd(&w->response.zstream); w->response.zsent = 0; w->response.zhave = 0; w->response.zstream.avail_in = 0; w->response.zstream.avail_out = 0; w->response.zstream.total_in = 0; w->response.zstream.total_out = 0; w->response.zinitialized = 0; w->flags &= ~WEB_CLIENT_CHUNKED_TRANSFER; } #endif // NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB } uid_t web_files_uid(void) { static char *web_owner = NULL; static uid_t owner_uid = 0; if(unlikely(!web_owner)) { // getpwuid() is not thread safe, // but we have called this function once // while single threaded struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(geteuid()); web_owner = config_get(CONFIG_SECTION_WEB, "web files owner", (pw)?(pw->pw_name?pw->pw_name:""):""); if(!web_owner || !*web_owner) owner_uid = geteuid(); else { // getpwnam() is not thread safe, // but we have called this function once // while single threaded pw = getpwnam(web_owner); if(!pw) { error("User '%s' is not present. Ignoring option.", web_owner); owner_uid = geteuid(); } else { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "Web files owner set to %s.", web_owner); owner_uid = pw->pw_uid; } } } return(owner_uid); } gid_t web_files_gid(void) { static char *web_group = NULL; static gid_t owner_gid = 0; if(unlikely(!web_group)) { // getgrgid() is not thread safe, // but we have called this function once // while single threaded struct group *gr = getgrgid(getegid()); web_group = config_get(CONFIG_SECTION_WEB, "web files group", (gr)?(gr->gr_name?gr->gr_name:""):""); if(!web_group || !*web_group) owner_gid = getegid(); else { // getgrnam() is not thread safe, // but we have called this function once // while single threaded gr = getgrnam(web_group); if(!gr) { error("Group '%s' is not present. Ignoring option.", web_group); owner_gid = getegid(); } else { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "Web files group set to %s.", web_group); owner_gid = gr->gr_gid; } } } return(owner_gid); } static struct { const char *extension; uint32_t hash; uint8_t contenttype; } mime_types[] = { { "html" , 0 , CT_TEXT_HTML} , {"js" , 0 , CT_APPLICATION_X_JAVASCRIPT} , {"css" , 0 , CT_TEXT_CSS} , {"xml" , 0 , CT_TEXT_XML} , {"xsl" , 0 , CT_TEXT_XSL} , {"txt" , 0 , CT_TEXT_PLAIN} , {"svg" , 0 , CT_IMAGE_SVG_XML} , {"ttf" , 0 , CT_APPLICATION_X_FONT_TRUETYPE} , {"otf" , 0 , CT_APPLICATION_X_FONT_OPENTYPE} , {"woff2", 0 , CT_APPLICATION_FONT_WOFF2} , {"woff" , 0 , CT_APPLICATION_FONT_WOFF} , {"eot" , 0 , CT_APPLICATION_VND_MS_FONTOBJ} , {"png" , 0 , CT_IMAGE_PNG} , {"jpg" , 0 , CT_IMAGE_JPG} , {"jpeg" , 0 , CT_IMAGE_JPG} , {"gif" , 0 , CT_IMAGE_GIF} , {"bmp" , 0 , CT_IMAGE_BMP} , {"ico" , 0 , CT_IMAGE_XICON} , {"icns" , 0 , CT_IMAGE_ICNS} , { NULL, 0, 0} }; static inline uint8_t contenttype_for_filename(const char *filename) { // info("checking filename '%s'", filename); static int initialized = 0; int i; if(unlikely(!initialized)) { for (i = 0; mime_types[i].extension; i++) mime_types[i].hash = simple_hash(mime_types[i].extension); initialized = 1; } const char *s = filename, *last_dot = NULL; // find the last dot while(*s) { if(unlikely(*s == '.')) last_dot = s; s++; } if(unlikely(!last_dot || !*last_dot || !last_dot[1])) { // info("no extension for filename '%s'", filename); return CT_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; } last_dot++; // info("extension for filename '%s' is '%s'", filename, last_dot); uint32_t hash = simple_hash(last_dot); for(i = 0; mime_types[i].extension ; i++) { if(unlikely(hash == mime_types[i].hash && !strcmp(last_dot, mime_types[i].extension))) { // info("matched extension for filename '%s': '%s'", filename, last_dot); return mime_types[i].contenttype; } } // info("not matched extension for filename '%s': '%s'", filename, last_dot); return CT_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; } static inline int access_to_file_is_not_permitted(struct web_client *w, const char *filename) { w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_HTML; buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "Access to file is not permitted: "); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->response.data, filename); return HTTP_RESP_FORBIDDEN; } // Work around a bug in the CMocka library by removing this function during testing. #ifndef REMOVE_MYSENDFILE int mysendfile(struct web_client *w, char *filename) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Looking for file '%s/%s'", w->id, netdata_configured_web_dir, filename); if(!web_client_can_access_dashboard(w)) return web_client_permission_denied(w); // skip leading slashes while (*filename == '/') filename++; // if the filename contains "strange" characters, refuse to serve it char *s; for(s = filename; *s ;s++) { if( !isalnum(*s) && *s != '/' && *s != '.' && *s != '-' && *s != '_') { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: File '%s' is not acceptable.", w->id, filename); w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_HTML; buffer_sprintf(w->response.data, "Filename contains invalid characters: "); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->response.data, filename); return HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST; } } // if the filename contains a .. refuse to serve it if(strstr(filename, "..") != 0) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: File '%s' is not acceptable.", w->id, filename); w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_HTML; buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "Relative filenames are not supported: "); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->response.data, filename); return HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST; } // find the physical file on disk char webfilename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(webfilename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s", netdata_configured_web_dir, filename); struct stat statbuf; int done = 0; while(!done) { // check if the file exists if (lstat(webfilename, &statbuf) != 0) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: File '%s' is not found.", w->id, webfilename); w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_HTML; buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "File does not exist, or is not accessible: "); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->response.data, webfilename); return HTTP_RESP_NOT_FOUND; } if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) { snprintfz(webfilename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s/index.html", netdata_configured_web_dir, filename); continue; } if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG) { error("%llu: File '%s' is not a regular file. Access Denied.", w->id, webfilename); return access_to_file_is_not_permitted(w, webfilename); } // check if the file is owned by expected user if (statbuf.st_uid != web_files_uid()) { error("%llu: File '%s' is owned by user %u (expected user %u). Access Denied.", w->id, webfilename, statbuf.st_uid, web_files_uid()); return access_to_file_is_not_permitted(w, webfilename); } // check if the file is owned by expected group if (statbuf.st_gid != web_files_gid()) { error("%llu: File '%s' is owned by group %u (expected group %u). Access Denied.", w->id, webfilename, statbuf.st_gid, web_files_gid()); return access_to_file_is_not_permitted(w, webfilename); } done = 1; } // open the file w->ifd = open(webfilename, O_NONBLOCK, O_RDONLY); if(w->ifd == -1) { w->ifd = w->ofd; if(errno == EBUSY || errno == EAGAIN) { error("%llu: File '%s' is busy, sending 307 Moved Temporarily to force retry.", w->id, webfilename); w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_HTML; buffer_sprintf(w->response.header, "Location: /%s\r\n", filename); buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "File is currently busy, please try again later: "); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->response.data, webfilename); return HTTP_RESP_REDIR_TEMP; } else { error("%llu: Cannot open file '%s'.", w->id, webfilename); w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_HTML; buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "Cannot open file: "); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->response.data, webfilename); return HTTP_RESP_NOT_FOUND; } } sock_setnonblock(w->ifd); w->response.data->contenttype = contenttype_for_filename(webfilename); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: Sending file '%s' (%ld bytes, ifd %d, ofd %d).", w->id, webfilename, statbuf.st_size, w->ifd, w->ofd); w->mode = WEB_CLIENT_MODE_FILECOPY; web_client_enable_wait_receive(w); web_client_disable_wait_send(w); buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_need_bytes(w->response.data, (size_t)statbuf.st_size); w->response.rlen = (size_t)statbuf.st_size; #ifdef __APPLE__ w->response.data->date = statbuf.st_mtimespec.tv_sec; #else w->response.data->date = statbuf.st_mtim.tv_sec; #endif buffer_cacheable(w->response.data); return HTTP_RESP_OK; } #endif #ifdef NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB void web_client_enable_deflate(struct web_client *w, int gzip) { if(unlikely(w->response.zinitialized)) { debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: Compression has already be initialized for this client.", w->id); return; } if(unlikely(w->response.sent)) { error("%llu: Cannot enable compression in the middle of a conversation.", w->id); return; } w->response.zstream.zalloc = Z_NULL; w->response.zstream.zfree = Z_NULL; w->response.zstream.opaque = Z_NULL; w->response.zstream.next_in = (Bytef *)w->response.data->buffer; w->response.zstream.avail_in = 0; w->response.zstream.total_in = 0; w->response.zstream.next_out = w->response.zbuffer; w->response.zstream.avail_out = 0; w->response.zstream.total_out = 0; w->response.zstream.zalloc = Z_NULL; w->response.zstream.zfree = Z_NULL; w->response.zstream.opaque = Z_NULL; // if(deflateInit(&w->response.zstream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) != Z_OK) { // error("%llu: Failed to initialize zlib. Proceeding without compression.", w->id); // return; // } // Select GZIP compression: windowbits = 15 + 16 = 31 if(deflateInit2(&w->response.zstream, web_gzip_level, Z_DEFLATED, 15 + ((gzip)?16:0), 8, web_gzip_strategy) != Z_OK) { error("%llu: Failed to initialize zlib. Proceeding without compression.", w->id); return; } w->response.zsent = 0; w->response.zoutput = 1; w->response.zinitialized = 1; w->flags |= WEB_CLIENT_CHUNKED_TRANSFER; debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: Initialized compression.", w->id); } #endif // NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB void buffer_data_options2string(BUFFER *wb, uint32_t options) { int count = 0; if(options & RRDR_OPTION_NONZERO) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "nonzero"); } if(options & RRDR_OPTION_REVERSED) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "flip"); } if(options & RRDR_OPTION_JSON_WRAP) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "jsonwrap"); } if(options & RRDR_OPTION_MIN2MAX) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "min2max"); } if(options & RRDR_OPTION_MILLISECONDS) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "ms"); } if(options & RRDR_OPTION_ABSOLUTE) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "absolute"); } if(options & RRDR_OPTION_SECONDS) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "seconds"); } if(options & RRDR_OPTION_NULL2ZERO) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "null2zero"); } if(options & RRDR_OPTION_OBJECTSROWS) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "objectrows"); } if(options & RRDR_OPTION_GOOGLE_JSON) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "google_json"); } if(options & RRDR_OPTION_PERCENTAGE) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "percentage"); } if(options & RRDR_OPTION_NOT_ALIGNED) { if(count++) buffer_strcat(wb, " "); buffer_strcat(wb, "unaligned"); } } static inline int check_host_and_call(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url, int (*func)(RRDHOST *, struct web_client *, char *)) { //if(unlikely(host->rrd_memory_mode == RRD_MEMORY_MODE_NONE)) { // buffer_flush(w->response.data); // buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "This host does not maintain a database"); // return HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST; //} return func(host, w, url); } static inline int check_host_and_dashboard_acl_and_call(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url, int (*func)(RRDHOST *, struct web_client *, char *)) { if(!web_client_can_access_dashboard(w)) return web_client_permission_denied(w); return check_host_and_call(host, w, url, func); } static inline int check_host_and_mgmt_acl_and_call(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url, int (*func)(RRDHOST *, struct web_client *, char *)) { if(!web_client_can_access_mgmt(w)) return web_client_permission_denied(w); return check_host_and_call(host, w, url, func); } int web_client_api_request(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url) { // get the api version char *tok = mystrsep(&url, "/"); if(tok && *tok) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Searching for API version '%s'.", w->id, tok); if(strcmp(tok, "v1") == 0) return web_client_api_request_v1(host, w, url); else { buffer_flush(w->response.data); w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_HTML; buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "Unsupported API version: "); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->response.data, tok); return HTTP_RESP_NOT_FOUND; } } else { buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_sprintf(w->response.data, "Which API version?"); return HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST; } } const char *web_content_type_to_string(uint8_t contenttype) { switch(contenttype) { case CT_TEXT_HTML: return "text/html; charset=utf-8"; case CT_APPLICATION_XML: return "application/xml; charset=utf-8"; case CT_APPLICATION_JSON: return "application/json; charset=utf-8"; case CT_APPLICATION_X_JAVASCRIPT: return "application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8"; case CT_TEXT_CSS: return "text/css; charset=utf-8"; case CT_TEXT_XML: return "text/xml; charset=utf-8"; case CT_TEXT_XSL: return "text/xsl; charset=utf-8"; case CT_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM: return "application/octet-stream"; case CT_IMAGE_SVG_XML: return "image/svg+xml"; case CT_APPLICATION_X_FONT_TRUETYPE: return "application/x-font-truetype"; case CT_APPLICATION_X_FONT_OPENTYPE: return "application/x-font-opentype"; case CT_APPLICATION_FONT_WOFF: return "application/font-woff"; case CT_APPLICATION_FONT_WOFF2: return "application/font-woff2"; case CT_APPLICATION_VND_MS_FONTOBJ: return "application/vnd.ms-fontobject"; case CT_IMAGE_PNG: return "image/png"; case CT_IMAGE_JPG: return "image/jpeg"; case CT_IMAGE_GIF: return "image/gif"; case CT_IMAGE_XICON: return "image/x-icon"; case CT_IMAGE_BMP: return "image/bmp"; case CT_IMAGE_ICNS: return "image/icns"; case CT_PROMETHEUS: return "text/plain; version=0.0.4"; default: case CT_TEXT_PLAIN: return "text/plain; charset=utf-8"; } } const char *web_response_code_to_string(int code) { switch(code) { case HTTP_RESP_OK: return "OK"; case HTTP_RESP_MOVED_PERM: return "Moved Permanently"; case HTTP_RESP_REDIR_TEMP: return "Temporary Redirect"; case HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST: return "Bad Request"; case HTTP_RESP_FORBIDDEN: return "Forbidden"; case HTTP_RESP_NOT_FOUND: return "Not Found"; case HTTP_RESP_PRECOND_FAIL: return "Preconditions Failed"; default: if(code >= 100 && code < 200) return "Informational"; if(code >= 200 && code < 300) return "Successful"; if(code >= 300 && code < 400) return "Redirection"; if(code >= 400 && code < 500) return "Bad Request"; if(code >= 500 && code < 600) return "Server Error"; return "Undefined Error"; } } static inline char *http_header_parse(struct web_client *w, char *s, int parse_useragent) { static uint32_t hash_origin = 0, hash_connection = 0, hash_donottrack = 0, hash_useragent = 0, hash_authorization = 0, hash_host = 0, hash_forwarded_proto = 0, hash_forwarded_host = 0; #ifdef NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB static uint32_t hash_accept_encoding = 0; #endif if(unlikely(!hash_origin)) { hash_origin = simple_uhash("Origin"); hash_connection = simple_uhash("Connection"); #ifdef NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB hash_accept_encoding = simple_uhash("Accept-Encoding"); #endif hash_donottrack = simple_uhash("DNT"); hash_useragent = simple_uhash("User-Agent"); hash_authorization = simple_uhash("X-Auth-Token"); hash_host = simple_uhash("Host"); hash_forwarded_proto = simple_uhash("X-Forwarded-Proto"); hash_forwarded_host = simple_uhash("X-Forwarded-Host"); } char *e = s; // find the : while(*e && *e != ':') e++; if(!*e) return e; // get the name *e = '\0'; // find the value char *v = e + 1, *ve; // skip leading spaces from value while(*v == ' ') v++; ve = v; // find the \r while(*ve && *ve != '\r') ve++; if(!*ve || ve[1] != '\n') { *e = ':'; return ve; } // terminate the value *ve = '\0'; uint32_t hash = simple_uhash(s); if(hash == hash_origin && !strcasecmp(s, "Origin")) strncpyz(w->origin, v, NETDATA_WEB_REQUEST_ORIGIN_HEADER_SIZE); else if(hash == hash_connection && !strcasecmp(s, "Connection")) { if(strcasestr(v, "keep-alive")) web_client_enable_keepalive(w); } else if(respect_web_browser_do_not_track_policy && hash == hash_donottrack && !strcasecmp(s, "DNT")) { if(*v == '0') web_client_disable_donottrack(w); else if(*v == '1') web_client_enable_donottrack(w); } else if(parse_useragent && hash == hash_useragent && !strcasecmp(s, "User-Agent")) { w->user_agent = strdupz(v); } else if(hash == hash_authorization&& !strcasecmp(s, "X-Auth-Token")) { w->auth_bearer_token = strdupz(v); } else if(hash == hash_host && !strcasecmp(s, "Host")){ strncpyz(w->server_host, v, ((size_t)(ve - v) < sizeof(w->server_host)-1 ? (size_t)(ve - v) : sizeof(w->server_host)-1)); } #ifdef NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB else if(hash == hash_accept_encoding && !strcasecmp(s, "Accept-Encoding")) { if(web_enable_gzip) { if(strcasestr(v, "gzip")) web_client_enable_deflate(w, 1); // // does not seem to work // else if(strcasestr(v, "deflate")) // web_client_enable_deflate(w, 0); } } #endif /* NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB */ #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS else if(hash == hash_forwarded_proto && !strcasecmp(s, "X-Forwarded-Proto")) { if(strcasestr(v, "https")) w->ssl.flags |= NETDATA_SSL_PROXY_HTTPS; } #endif else if(hash == hash_forwarded_host && !strcasecmp(s, "X-Forwarded-Host")){ strncpyz(w->forwarded_host, v, ((size_t)(ve - v) < sizeof(w->server_host)-1 ? (size_t)(ve - v) : sizeof(w->server_host)-1)); } *e = ':'; *ve = '\r'; return ve; } /** * Valid Method * * Netdata accepts only three methods, including one of these three(STREAM) is an internal method. * * @param w is the structure with the client request * @param s is the start string to parse * * @return it returns the next address to parse case the method is valid and NULL otherwise. */ static inline char *web_client_valid_method(struct web_client *w, char *s) { // is is a valid request? if(!strncmp(s, "GET ", 4)) { s = &s[4]; w->mode = WEB_CLIENT_MODE_NORMAL; } else if(!strncmp(s, "OPTIONS ", 8)) { s = &s[8]; w->mode = WEB_CLIENT_MODE_OPTIONS; } else if(!strncmp(s, "STREAM ", 7)) { s = &s[7]; #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS if (w->ssl.flags && web_client_is_using_ssl_force(w)){ w->header_parse_tries = 0; w->header_parse_last_size = 0; web_client_disable_wait_receive(w); char hostname[256]; char *copyme = strstr(s,"hostname="); if ( copyme ){ copyme += 9; char *end = strchr(copyme,'&'); if(end){ size_t length = MIN(255, end - copyme); memcpy(hostname,copyme,length); hostname[length] = 0X00; } else{ memcpy(hostname,"not available",13); hostname[13] = 0x00; } } else{ memcpy(hostname,"not available",13); hostname[13] = 0x00; } error("The server is configured to always use encrypted connections, please enable the SSL on child with hostname '%s'.",hostname); s = NULL; } #endif w->mode = WEB_CLIENT_MODE_STREAM; } else { s = NULL; } return s; } /** * Set Path Query * * Set the pointers to the path and query string according to the input. * * @param w is the structure with the client request * @param s is the first address of the string. * @param ptr is the address of the separator. */ static void web_client_set_path_query(struct web_client *w, char *s, char *ptr) { w->url_path_length = (size_t)(ptr -s); w->url_search_path = ptr; } /** * Split path query * * Do the separation between path and query string * * @param w is the structure with the client request * @param s is the string to parse */ void web_client_split_path_query(struct web_client *w, char *s) { //I am assuming here that the separator character(?) is not encoded char *ptr = strchr(s, '?'); if(ptr) { w->separator = '?'; web_client_set_path_query(w, s, ptr); return; } //Here I test the second possibility, the URL is completely encoded by the user. //I am not using the strcasestr, because it is fastest to check %3f and compare //the next character. //We executed some tests with "encodeURI(uri);" described in https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_encodeuri.asp //on July 1st, 2019, that show us that URLs won't have '?','=' and '&' encoded, but we decided to move in front //with the next part, because users can develop their own encoded that won't follow this rule. char *moveme = s; while (moveme) { ptr = strchr(moveme, '%'); if(ptr) { char *test = (ptr+1); if (!strncmp(test, "3f", 2) || !strncmp(test, "3F", 2)) { w->separator = *ptr; web_client_set_path_query(w, s, ptr); return; } ptr++; } moveme = ptr; } w->separator = 0x00; w->url_path_length = strlen(s); } /** * Request validate * * @param w is the structure with the client request * * @return It returns HTTP_VALIDATION_OK on success and another code present * in the enum HTTP_VALIDATION otherwise. */ static inline HTTP_VALIDATION http_request_validate(struct web_client *w) { char *s = (char *)buffer_tostring(w->response.data), *encoded_url = NULL; size_t last_pos = w->header_parse_last_size; w->header_parse_tries++; w->header_parse_last_size = buffer_strlen(w->response.data); int is_it_valid; if(w->header_parse_tries > 1) { if(last_pos > 4) last_pos -= 4; // allow searching for \r\n\r\n else last_pos = 0; if(w->header_parse_last_size < last_pos) last_pos = 0; is_it_valid = url_is_request_complete(s, &s[last_pos], w->header_parse_last_size); if(!is_it_valid) { if(w->header_parse_tries > 10) { info("Disabling slow client after %zu attempts to read the request (%zu bytes received)", w->header_parse_tries, buffer_strlen(w->response.data)); w->header_parse_tries = 0; w->header_parse_last_size = 0; web_client_disable_wait_receive(w); return HTTP_VALIDATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } return HTTP_VALIDATION_INCOMPLETE; } is_it_valid = 1; } else { last_pos = w->header_parse_last_size; is_it_valid = url_is_request_complete(s, &s[last_pos], w->header_parse_last_size); } s = web_client_valid_method(w, s); if (!s) { w->header_parse_tries = 0; w->header_parse_last_size = 0; web_client_disable_wait_receive(w); return HTTP_VALIDATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else if (!is_it_valid) { //Invalid request, we have more data after the end of message char *check = strstr((char *)buffer_tostring(w->response.data), "\r\n\r\n"); if(check) { check += 4; if (*check) { w->header_parse_tries = 0; w->header_parse_last_size = 0; web_client_disable_wait_receive(w); return HTTP_VALIDATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } web_client_enable_wait_receive(w); return HTTP_VALIDATION_INCOMPLETE; } //After the method we have the path and query string together encoded_url = s; //we search for the position where we have " HTTP/", because it finishes the user request s = url_find_protocol(s); // incomplete requests if(unlikely(!*s)) { web_client_enable_wait_receive(w); return HTTP_VALIDATION_INCOMPLETE; } // we have the end of encoded_url - remember it char *ue = s; //Variables used to map the variables in the query string case it is present int total_variables; char *ptr_variables[WEB_FIELDS_MAX]; // make sure we have complete request // complete requests contain: \r\n\r\n while(*s) { // find a line feed while(*s && *s++ != '\r'); // did we reach the end? if(unlikely(!*s)) break; // is it \r\n ? if(likely(*s++ == '\n')) { // is it again \r\n ? (header end) if(unlikely(*s == '\r' && s[1] == '\n')) { // a valid complete HTTP request found *ue = '\0'; //This is to avoid crash in line w->url_search_path = NULL; if(w->mode != WEB_CLIENT_MODE_NORMAL) { if(!url_decode_r(w->decoded_url, encoded_url, NETDATA_WEB_REQUEST_URL_SIZE + 1)) return HTTP_VALIDATION_MALFORMED_URL; } else { web_client_split_path_query(w, encoded_url); if (w->url_search_path && w->separator) { *w->url_search_path = 0x00; } if(!url_decode_r(w->decoded_url, encoded_url, NETDATA_WEB_REQUEST_URL_SIZE + 1)) return HTTP_VALIDATION_MALFORMED_URL; if (w->url_search_path && w->separator) { *w->url_search_path = w->separator; char *from = (encoded_url + w->url_path_length); total_variables = url_map_query_string(ptr_variables, from); if (url_parse_query_string(w->decoded_query_string, NETDATA_WEB_REQUEST_URL_SIZE + 1, ptr_variables, total_variables)) { return HTTP_VALIDATION_MALFORMED_URL; } } } *ue = ' '; // copy the URL - we are going to overwrite parts of it // TODO -- ideally we we should avoid copying buffers around strncpyz(w->last_url, w->decoded_url, NETDATA_WEB_REQUEST_URL_SIZE); #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS if ( (!web_client_check_unix(w)) && (netdata_srv_ctx) ) { if ((w->ssl.conn) && ((w->ssl.flags & NETDATA_SSL_NO_HANDSHAKE) && (web_client_is_using_ssl_force(w) || web_client_is_using_ssl_default(w)) && (w->mode != WEB_CLIENT_MODE_STREAM)) ) { w->header_parse_tries = 0; w->header_parse_last_size = 0; // The client will be redirected for Netdata and we are preserving the original request. *ue = '\0'; strncpyz(w->last_url, encoded_url, NETDATA_WEB_REQUEST_URL_SIZE); *ue = ' '; web_client_disable_wait_receive(w); return HTTP_VALIDATION_REDIRECT; } } #endif w->header_parse_tries = 0; w->header_parse_last_size = 0; web_client_disable_wait_receive(w); return HTTP_VALIDATION_OK; } // another header line s = http_header_parse(w, s, (w->mode == WEB_CLIENT_MODE_STREAM) // parse user agent ); } } // incomplete request web_client_enable_wait_receive(w); return HTTP_VALIDATION_INCOMPLETE; } static inline ssize_t web_client_send_data(struct web_client *w,const void *buf,size_t len, int flags) { ssize_t bytes; #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS if ( (!web_client_check_unix(w)) && (netdata_srv_ctx) ) { if ( ( w->ssl.conn ) && ( !w->ssl.flags ) ){ bytes = SSL_write(w->ssl.conn,buf, len) ; } else { bytes = send(w->ofd,buf, len , flags); } } else { bytes = send(w->ofd,buf, len , flags); } #else bytes = send(w->ofd, buf, len, flags); #endif return bytes; } void web_client_build_http_header(struct web_client *w) { if(unlikely(w->response.code != HTTP_RESP_OK)) buffer_no_cacheable(w->response.data); // set a proper expiration date, if not already set if(unlikely(!w->response.data->expires)) { if(w->response.data->options & WB_CONTENT_NO_CACHEABLE) w->response.data->expires = w->tv_ready.tv_sec + localhost->rrd_update_every; else w->response.data->expires = w->tv_ready.tv_sec + 86400; } // prepare the HTTP response header debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Generating HTTP header with response %d.", w->id, w->response.code); const char *content_type_string = web_content_type_to_string(w->response.data->contenttype); const char *code_msg = web_response_code_to_string(w->response.code); // prepare the last modified and expiration dates char date[32], edate[32]; { struct tm tmbuf, *tm; tm = gmtime_r(&w->response.data->date, &tmbuf); strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", tm); tm = gmtime_r(&w->response.data->expires, &tmbuf); strftime(edate, sizeof(edate), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", tm); } if (w->response.code == HTTP_RESP_MOVED_PERM) { buffer_sprintf(w->response.header_output, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n" "Location: https://%s%s\r\n", w->response.code, code_msg, w->server_host, w->last_url); }else { buffer_sprintf(w->response.header_output, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n" "Connection: %s\r\n" "Server: NetData Embedded HTTP Server %s\r\n" "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: %s\r\n" "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true\r\n" "Content-Type: %s\r\n" "Date: %s\r\n", w->response.code, code_msg, web_client_has_keepalive(w)?"keep-alive":"close", VERSION, w->origin, content_type_string, date); } if(unlikely(web_x_frame_options)) buffer_sprintf(w->response.header_output, "X-Frame-Options: %s\r\n", web_x_frame_options); if(w->cookie1[0] || w->cookie2[0]) { if(w->cookie1[0]) { buffer_sprintf(w->response.header_output, "Set-Cookie: %s\r\n", w->cookie1); } if(w->cookie2[0]) { buffer_sprintf(w->response.header_output, "Set-Cookie: %s\r\n", w->cookie2); } if(respect_web_browser_do_not_track_policy) buffer_sprintf(w->response.header_output, "Tk: T;cookies\r\n"); } else { if(respect_web_browser_do_not_track_policy) { if(web_client_has_tracking_required(w)) buffer_sprintf(w->response.header_output, "Tk: T;cookies\r\n"); else buffer_sprintf(w->response.header_output, "Tk: N\r\n"); } } if(w->mode == WEB_CLIENT_MODE_OPTIONS) { buffer_strcat(w->response.header_output, "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS\r\n" "Access-Control-Allow-Headers: accept, x-requested-with, origin, content-type, cookie, pragma, cache-control, x-auth-token\r\n" "Access-Control-Max-Age: 1209600\r\n" // 86400 * 14 ); } else { buffer_sprintf(w->response.header_output, "Cache-Control: %s\r\n" "Expires: %s\r\n", (w->response.data->options & WB_CONTENT_NO_CACHEABLE)?"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate\r\nPragma: no-cache":"public", edate); } // copy a possibly available custom header if(unlikely(buffer_strlen(w->response.header))) buffer_strcat(w->response.header_output, buffer_tostring(w->response.header)); // headers related to the transfer method if(likely(w->response.zoutput)) buffer_strcat(w->response.header_output, "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n"); if(likely(w->flags & WEB_CLIENT_CHUNKED_TRANSFER)) buffer_strcat(w->response.header_output, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"); else { if(likely((w->response.data->len || w->response.rlen))) { // we know the content length, put it buffer_sprintf(w->response.header_output, "Content-Length: %zu\r\n", w->response.data->len? w->response.data->len: w->response.rlen); } else { // we don't know the content length, disable keep-alive web_client_disable_keepalive(w); } } // end of HTTP header buffer_strcat(w->response.header_output, "\r\n"); } static inline void web_client_send_http_header(struct web_client *w) { web_client_build_http_header(w); // sent the HTTP header debug(D_WEB_DATA, "%llu: Sending response HTTP header of size %zu: '%s'" , w->id , buffer_strlen(w->response.header_output) , buffer_tostring(w->response.header_output) ); web_client_crock_socket(w); size_t count = 0; ssize_t bytes; #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS if ( (!web_client_check_unix(w)) && (netdata_srv_ctx) ) { if ( ( w->ssl.conn ) && ( !w->ssl.flags ) ){ while((bytes = SSL_write(w->ssl.conn, buffer_tostring(w->response.header_output), buffer_strlen(w->response.header_output))) < 0) { count++; if(count > 100 || (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)) { error("Cannot send HTTPS headers to web client."); break; } } } else { while((bytes = send(w->ofd, buffer_tostring(w->response.header_output), buffer_strlen(w->response.header_output), 0)) == -1) { count++; if(count > 100 || (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)) { error("Cannot send HTTP headers to web client."); break; } } } } else { while((bytes = send(w->ofd, buffer_tostring(w->response.header_output), buffer_strlen(w->response.header_output), 0)) == -1) { count++; if(count > 100 || (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)) { error("Cannot send HTTP headers to web client."); break; } } } #else while((bytes = send(w->ofd, buffer_tostring(w->response.header_output), buffer_strlen(w->response.header_output), 0)) == -1) { count++; if(count > 100 || (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)) { error("Cannot send HTTP headers to web client."); break; } } #endif if(bytes != (ssize_t) buffer_strlen(w->response.header_output)) { if(bytes > 0) w->stats_sent_bytes += bytes; error("HTTP headers failed to be sent (I sent %zu bytes but the system sent %zd bytes). Closing web client." , buffer_strlen(w->response.header_output) , bytes); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); return; } else w->stats_sent_bytes += bytes; } static inline int web_client_process_url(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url); static inline int web_client_switch_host(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url) { static uint32_t hash_localhost = 0; if(unlikely(!hash_localhost)) { hash_localhost = simple_hash("localhost"); } if(host != localhost) { buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "Nesting of hosts is not allowed."); return HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST; } char *tok = mystrsep(&url, "/"); if(tok && *tok) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Searching for host with name '%s'.", w->id, tok); if(!url) { //no delim found debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: URL doesn't end with / generating redirect.", w->id); char *protocol, *url_host; #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS protocol = ((w->ssl.conn && !w->ssl.flags) || w->ssl.flags & NETDATA_SSL_PROXY_HTTPS) ? "https" : "http"; #else protocol = "http"; #endif url_host = (!w->forwarded_host[0])?w->server_host:w->forwarded_host; buffer_sprintf(w->response.header, "Location: %s://%s%s/\r\n", protocol, url_host, w->last_url); buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "Permanent redirect"); return HTTP_RESP_REDIR_PERM; } // copy the URL, we need it to serve files w->last_url[0] = '/'; if(url && *url) strncpyz(&w->last_url[1], url, NETDATA_WEB_REQUEST_URL_SIZE - 1); else w->last_url[1] = '\0'; uint32_t hash = simple_hash(tok); host = rrdhost_find_by_hostname(tok, hash); if(!host) host = rrdhost_find_by_guid(tok, hash); #ifdef ENABLE_DBENGINE int release_host = 0; if (!host) { host = sql_create_host_by_uuid(tok); if (likely(host)) { rrdhost_flag_set(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ARCHIVED); release_host = 1; } } if(host) { int rc = web_client_process_url(host, w, url); if (release_host) { freez(host->hostname); freez((char *) host->os); freez((char *) host->tags); freez((char *) host->timezone); freez(host->program_name); freez(host->program_version); freez(host->registry_hostname); freez(host); } return rc; } #else if (host) return web_client_process_url(host, w, url); #endif } buffer_flush(w->response.data); w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_HTML; buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "This netdata does not maintain a database for host: "); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->response.data, tok?tok:""); return HTTP_RESP_NOT_FOUND; } static inline int web_client_process_url(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url) { static uint32_t hash_api = 0, hash_netdata_conf = 0, hash_host = 0; #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS static uint32_t hash_exit = 0, hash_debug = 0, hash_mirror = 0; #endif if(unlikely(!hash_api)) { hash_api = simple_hash("api"); hash_netdata_conf = simple_hash("netdata.conf"); hash_host = simple_hash("host"); #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS hash_exit = simple_hash("exit"); hash_debug = simple_hash("debug"); hash_mirror = simple_hash("mirror"); #endif } char *tok = mystrsep(&url, "/?"); if(likely(tok && *tok)) { uint32_t hash = simple_hash(tok); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Processing command '%s'.", w->id, tok); if(unlikely(hash == hash_api && strcmp(tok, "api") == 0)) { // current API debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: API request ...", w->id); return check_host_and_call(host, w, url, web_client_api_request); } else if(unlikely(hash == hash_host && strcmp(tok, "host") == 0)) { // host switching debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: host switch request ...", w->id); return web_client_switch_host(host, w, url); } else if(unlikely(hash == hash_netdata_conf && strcmp(tok, "netdata.conf") == 0)) { // netdata.conf if(unlikely(!web_client_can_access_netdataconf(w))) return web_client_permission_denied(w); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: generating netdata.conf ...", w->id); w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_PLAIN; buffer_flush(w->response.data); config_generate(w->response.data, 0); return HTTP_RESP_OK; } #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS else if(unlikely(hash == hash_exit && strcmp(tok, "exit") == 0)) { if(unlikely(!web_client_can_access_netdataconf(w))) return web_client_permission_denied(w); w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_PLAIN; buffer_flush(w->response.data); if(!netdata_exit) buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "ok, will do..."); else buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "I am doing it already"); error("web request to exit received."); netdata_cleanup_and_exit(0); return HTTP_RESP_OK; } else if(unlikely(hash == hash_debug && strcmp(tok, "debug") == 0)) { if(unlikely(!web_client_can_access_netdataconf(w))) return web_client_permission_denied(w); buffer_flush(w->response.data); // get the name of the data to show tok = mystrsep(&url, "&"); if(tok && *tok) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Searching for RRD data with name '%s'.", w->id, tok); // do we have such a data set? RRDSET *st = rrdset_find_byname(host, tok); if(!st) st = rrdset_find(host, tok); if(!st) { w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_HTML; buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "Chart is not found: "); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->response.data, tok); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: %s is not found.", w->id, tok); return HTTP_RESP_NOT_FOUND; } debug_flags |= D_RRD_STATS; if(rrdset_flag_check(st, RRDSET_FLAG_DEBUG)) rrdset_flag_clear(st, RRDSET_FLAG_DEBUG); else rrdset_flag_set(st, RRDSET_FLAG_DEBUG); w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_HTML; buffer_sprintf(w->response.data, "Chart has now debug %s: ", rrdset_flag_check(st, RRDSET_FLAG_DEBUG)?"enabled":"disabled"); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->response.data, tok); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: debug for %s is %s.", w->id, tok, rrdset_flag_check(st, RRDSET_FLAG_DEBUG)?"enabled":"disabled"); return HTTP_RESP_OK; } buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "debug which chart?\r\n"); return HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST; } else if(unlikely(hash == hash_mirror && strcmp(tok, "mirror") == 0)) { if(unlikely(!web_client_can_access_netdataconf(w))) return web_client_permission_denied(w); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: Mirroring...", w->id); // replace the zero bytes with spaces buffer_char_replace(w->response.data, '\0', ' '); // just leave the buffer as is // it will be copied back to the client return HTTP_RESP_OK; } #endif /* NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS */ } char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; url = filename; strncpyz(filename, w->last_url, FILENAME_MAX); tok = mystrsep(&url, "?"); buffer_flush(w->response.data); return mysendfile(w, (tok && *tok)?tok:"/"); } void web_client_process_request(struct web_client *w) { // start timing us now_realtime_timeval(&w->tv_in); switch(http_request_validate(w)) { case HTTP_VALIDATION_OK: switch(w->mode) { case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_STREAM: if(unlikely(!web_client_can_access_stream(w))) { web_client_permission_denied(w); return; } w->response.code = rrdpush_receiver_thread_spawn(w, w->decoded_url); return; case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_OPTIONS: if(unlikely( !web_client_can_access_dashboard(w) && !web_client_can_access_registry(w) && !web_client_can_access_badges(w) && !web_client_can_access_mgmt(w) && !web_client_can_access_netdataconf(w) )) { web_client_permission_denied(w); break; } w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_PLAIN; buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "OK"); w->response.code = HTTP_RESP_OK; break; case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_FILECOPY: case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_NORMAL: if(unlikely( !web_client_can_access_dashboard(w) && !web_client_can_access_registry(w) && !web_client_can_access_badges(w) && !web_client_can_access_mgmt(w) && !web_client_can_access_netdataconf(w) )) { web_client_permission_denied(w); break; } w->response.code = web_client_process_url(localhost, w, w->decoded_url); break; } break; case HTTP_VALIDATION_INCOMPLETE: if(w->response.data->len > NETDATA_WEB_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE) { strcpy(w->last_url, "too big request"); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: Received request is too big (%zu bytes).", w->id, w->response.data->len); buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_sprintf(w->response.data, "Received request is too big (%zu bytes).\r\n", w->response.data->len); w->response.code = HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST; } else { // wait for more data return; } break; #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS case HTTP_VALIDATION_REDIRECT: { buffer_flush(w->response.data); w->response.data->contenttype = CT_TEXT_HTML; buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "" "
" "Redirecting to safety connection, case your browser does not support redirection, please" " click here." ""); w->response.code = HTTP_RESP_MOVED_PERM; break; } #endif case HTTP_VALIDATION_MALFORMED_URL: debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: URL parsing failed (malformed URL). Cannot understand '%s'.", w->id, w->response.data->buffer); buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "URL not valid. I don't understand you...\r\n"); w->response.code = HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST; break; case HTTP_VALIDATION_NOT_SUPPORTED: debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: Cannot understand '%s'.", w->id, w->response.data->buffer); buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_strcat(w->response.data, "I don't understand you...\r\n"); w->response.code = HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST; break; } // keep track of the time we done processing now_realtime_timeval(&w->tv_ready); w->response.sent = 0; // set a proper last modified date if(unlikely(!w->response.data->date)) w->response.data->date = w->tv_ready.tv_sec; web_client_send_http_header(w); // enable sending immediately if we have data if(w->response.data->len) web_client_enable_wait_send(w); else web_client_disable_wait_send(w); switch(w->mode) { case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_STREAM: debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: STREAM done.", w->id); break; case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_OPTIONS: debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Done preparing the OPTIONS response. Sending data (%zu bytes) to client.", w->id, w->response.data->len); break; case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_NORMAL: debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Done preparing the response. Sending data (%zu bytes) to client.", w->id, w->response.data->len); break; case WEB_CLIENT_MODE_FILECOPY: if(w->response.rlen) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Done preparing the response. Will be sending data file of %zu bytes to client.", w->id, w->response.rlen); web_client_enable_wait_receive(w); /* // utilize the kernel sendfile() for copying the file to the socket. // this block of code can be commented, without anything missing. // when it is commented, the program will copy the data using async I/O. { long len = sendfile(w->ofd, w->ifd, NULL, w->response.data->rbytes); if(len != w->response.data->rbytes) error("%llu: sendfile() should copy %ld bytes, but copied %ld. Falling back to manual copy.", w->id, w->response.data->rbytes, len); else web_client_request_done(w); } */ } else debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Done preparing the response. Will be sending an unknown amount of bytes to client.", w->id); break; default: fatal("%llu: Unknown client mode %u.", w->id, w->mode); break; } } ssize_t web_client_send_chunk_header(struct web_client *w, size_t len) { debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: OPEN CHUNK of %zu bytes (hex: %zx).", w->id, len, len); char buf[24]; ssize_t bytes; bytes = (ssize_t)sprintf(buf, "%zX\r\n", len); buf[bytes] = 0x00; bytes = web_client_send_data(w,buf,strlen(buf),0); if(bytes > 0) { debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: Sent chunk header %zd bytes.", w->id, bytes); w->stats_sent_bytes += bytes; } else if(bytes == 0) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Did not send chunk header to the client.", w->id); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } else { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Failed to send chunk header to client.", w->id); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } return bytes; } ssize_t web_client_send_chunk_close(struct web_client *w) { //debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: CLOSE CHUNK.", w->id); ssize_t bytes; bytes = web_client_send_data(w,"\r\n",2,0); if(bytes > 0) { debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: Sent chunk suffix %zd bytes.", w->id, bytes); w->stats_sent_bytes += bytes; } else if(bytes == 0) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Did not send chunk suffix to the client.", w->id); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } else { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Failed to send chunk suffix to client.", w->id); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } return bytes; } ssize_t web_client_send_chunk_finalize(struct web_client *w) { //debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: FINALIZE CHUNK.", w->id); ssize_t bytes; bytes = web_client_send_data(w,"\r\n0\r\n\r\n",7,0); if(bytes > 0) { debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: Sent chunk suffix %zd bytes.", w->id, bytes); w->stats_sent_bytes += bytes; } else if(bytes == 0) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Did not send chunk finalize suffix to the client.", w->id); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } else { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Failed to send chunk finalize suffix to client.", w->id); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } return bytes; } #ifdef NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB ssize_t web_client_send_deflate(struct web_client *w) { ssize_t len = 0, t = 0; // when using compression, // w->response.sent is the amount of bytes passed through compression debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: web_client_send_deflate(): w->response.data->len = %zu, w->response.sent = %zu, w->response.zhave = %zu, w->response.zsent = %zu, w->response.zstream.avail_in = %u, w->response.zstream.avail_out = %u, w->response.zstream.total_in = %lu, w->response.zstream.total_out = %lu.", w->id, w->response.data->len, w->response.sent, w->response.zhave, w->response.zsent, w->response.zstream.avail_in, w->response.zstream.avail_out, w->response.zstream.total_in, w->response.zstream.total_out); if(w->response.data->len - w->response.sent == 0 && w->response.zstream.avail_in == 0 && w->response.zhave == w->response.zsent && w->response.zstream.avail_out != 0) { // there is nothing to send debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Out of output data.", w->id); // finalize the chunk if(w->response.sent != 0) { t = web_client_send_chunk_finalize(w); if(t < 0) return t; } if(w->mode == WEB_CLIENT_MODE_FILECOPY && web_client_has_wait_receive(w) && w->response.rlen && w->response.rlen > w->response.data->len) { // we have to wait, more data will come debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Waiting for more data to become available.", w->id); web_client_disable_wait_send(w); return t; } if(unlikely(!web_client_has_keepalive(w))) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Closing (keep-alive is not enabled). %zu bytes sent.", w->id, w->response.sent); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); return t; } // reset the client web_client_request_done(w); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Done sending all data on socket.", w->id); return t; } if(w->response.zhave == w->response.zsent) { // compress more input data // close the previous open chunk if(w->response.sent != 0) { t = web_client_send_chunk_close(w); if(t < 0) return t; } debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: Compressing %zu new bytes starting from %zu (and %u left behind).", w->id, (w->response.data->len - w->response.sent), w->response.sent, w->response.zstream.avail_in); // give the compressor all the data not passed through the compressor yet if(w->response.data->len > w->response.sent) { w->response.zstream.next_in = (Bytef *)&w->response.data->buffer[w->response.sent - w->response.zstream.avail_in]; w->response.zstream.avail_in += (uInt) (w->response.data->len - w->response.sent); } // reset the compressor output buffer w->response.zstream.next_out = w->response.zbuffer; w->response.zstream.avail_out = NETDATA_WEB_RESPONSE_ZLIB_CHUNK_SIZE; // ask for FINISH if we have all the input int flush = Z_SYNC_FLUSH; if(w->mode == WEB_CLIENT_MODE_NORMAL || (w->mode == WEB_CLIENT_MODE_FILECOPY && !web_client_has_wait_receive(w) && w->response.data->len == w->response.rlen)) { flush = Z_FINISH; debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: Requesting Z_FINISH, if possible.", w->id); } else { debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: Requesting Z_SYNC_FLUSH.", w->id); } // compress if(deflate(&w->response.zstream, flush) == Z_STREAM_ERROR) { error("%llu: Compression failed. Closing down client.", w->id); web_client_request_done(w); return(-1); } w->response.zhave = NETDATA_WEB_RESPONSE_ZLIB_CHUNK_SIZE - w->response.zstream.avail_out; w->response.zsent = 0; // keep track of the bytes passed through the compressor w->response.sent = w->response.data->len; debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: Compression produced %zu bytes.", w->id, w->response.zhave); // open a new chunk ssize_t t2 = web_client_send_chunk_header(w, w->response.zhave); if(t2 < 0) return t2; t += t2; } debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Sending %zu bytes of data (+%zd of chunk header).", w->id, w->response.zhave - w->response.zsent, t); len = web_client_send_data(w,&w->response.zbuffer[w->response.zsent], (size_t) (w->response.zhave - w->response.zsent), MSG_DONTWAIT); if(len > 0) { w->stats_sent_bytes += len; w->response.zsent += len; len += t; debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Sent %zd bytes.", w->id, len); } else if(len == 0) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Did not send any bytes to the client (zhave = %zu, zsent = %zu, need to send = %zu).", w->id, w->response.zhave, w->response.zsent, w->response.zhave - w->response.zsent); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } else { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Failed to send data to client.", w->id); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } return(len); } #endif // NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB ssize_t web_client_send(struct web_client *w) { #ifdef NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB if(likely(w->response.zoutput)) return web_client_send_deflate(w); #endif // NETDATA_WITH_ZLIB ssize_t bytes; if(unlikely(w->response.data->len - w->response.sent == 0)) { // there is nothing to send debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Out of output data.", w->id); // there can be two cases for this // A. we have done everything // B. we temporarily have nothing to send, waiting for the buffer to be filled by ifd if(w->mode == WEB_CLIENT_MODE_FILECOPY && web_client_has_wait_receive(w) && w->response.rlen && w->response.rlen > w->response.data->len) { // we have to wait, more data will come debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Waiting for more data to become available.", w->id); web_client_disable_wait_send(w); return 0; } if(unlikely(!web_client_has_keepalive(w))) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Closing (keep-alive is not enabled). %zu bytes sent.", w->id, w->response.sent); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); return 0; } web_client_request_done(w); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Done sending all data on socket. Waiting for next request on the same socket.", w->id); return 0; } bytes = web_client_send_data(w,&w->response.data->buffer[w->response.sent], w->response.data->len - w->response.sent, MSG_DONTWAIT); if(likely(bytes > 0)) { w->stats_sent_bytes += bytes; w->response.sent += bytes; debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Sent %zd bytes.", w->id, bytes); } else if(likely(bytes == 0)) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Did not send any bytes to the client.", w->id); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } else { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Failed to send data to client.", w->id); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } return(bytes); } ssize_t web_client_read_file(struct web_client *w) { if(unlikely(w->response.rlen > w->response.data->size)) buffer_need_bytes(w->response.data, w->response.rlen - w->response.data->size); if(unlikely(w->response.rlen <= w->response.data->len)) return 0; ssize_t left = w->response.rlen - w->response.data->len; ssize_t bytes = read(w->ifd, &w->response.data->buffer[w->response.data->len], (size_t)left); if(likely(bytes > 0)) { size_t old = w->response.data->len; (void)old; w->response.data->len += bytes; w->response.data->buffer[w->response.data->len] = '\0'; debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Read %zd bytes.", w->id, bytes); debug(D_WEB_DATA, "%llu: Read data: '%s'.", w->id, &w->response.data->buffer[old]); web_client_enable_wait_send(w); if(w->response.rlen && w->response.data->len >= w->response.rlen) web_client_disable_wait_receive(w); } else if(likely(bytes == 0)) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Out of input file data.", w->id); // if we cannot read, it means we have an error on input. // if however, we are copying a file from ifd to ofd, we should not return an error. // in this case, the error should be generated when the file has been sent to the client. // we are copying data from ifd to ofd // let it finish copying... web_client_disable_wait_receive(w); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Read the whole file.", w->id); if(web_server_mode != WEB_SERVER_MODE_STATIC_THREADED) { if (w->ifd != w->ofd) close(w->ifd); } w->ifd = w->ofd; } else { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: read data failed.", w->id); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } return(bytes); } ssize_t web_client_receive(struct web_client *w) { if(unlikely(w->mode == WEB_CLIENT_MODE_FILECOPY)) return web_client_read_file(w); ssize_t bytes; ssize_t left = w->response.data->size - w->response.data->len; // do we have any space for more data? buffer_need_bytes(w->response.data, NETDATA_WEB_REQUEST_RECEIVE_SIZE); #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS if ( (!web_client_check_unix(w)) && (netdata_srv_ctx) ) { if ( ( w->ssl.conn ) && (!w->ssl.flags)) { bytes = SSL_read(w->ssl.conn, &w->response.data->buffer[w->response.data->len], (size_t) (left - 1)); }else { bytes = recv(w->ifd, &w->response.data->buffer[w->response.data->len], (size_t) (left - 1), MSG_DONTWAIT); } } else{ bytes = recv(w->ifd, &w->response.data->buffer[w->response.data->len], (size_t) (left - 1), MSG_DONTWAIT); } #else bytes = recv(w->ifd, &w->response.data->buffer[w->response.data->len], (size_t) (left - 1), MSG_DONTWAIT); #endif if(likely(bytes > 0)) { w->stats_received_bytes += bytes; size_t old = w->response.data->len; (void)old; w->response.data->len += bytes; w->response.data->buffer[w->response.data->len] = '\0'; debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Received %zd bytes.", w->id, bytes); debug(D_WEB_DATA, "%llu: Received data: '%s'.", w->id, &w->response.data->buffer[old]); } else { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: receive data failed.", w->id); WEB_CLIENT_IS_DEAD(w); } return(bytes); }