@@ -44,12 +44,87 @@
/*** file scope variables ************************************************************************/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*** file scope functions ************************************************************************/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 54, 0)
+ * g_direct_equal:
+ * @v1: (nullable): a key
+ * @v2: (nullable): a key to compare with @v1
+ *
+ * Compares two #gpointer arguments and returns %TRUE if they are equal.
+ * It can be passed to g_hash_table_new() as the @key_equal_func
+ * parameter, when using opaque pointers compared by pointer value as
+ * keys in a #GHashTable.
+ *
+ * This equality function is also appropriate for keys that are integers
+ * stored in pointers, such as `GINT_TO_POINTER (n)`.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the two keys match.
+ */
+static gboolean
+g_direct_equal (gconstpointer v1, gconstpointer v2)
+ return v1 == v2;
+#endif /* ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 54, 0) */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*** public functions ****************************************************************************/
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 54, 0)
+ * g_ptr_array_find_with_equal_func: (skip)
+ * @haystack: pointer array to be searched
+ * @needle: pointer to look for
+ * @equal_func: (nullable): the function to call for each element, which should
+ * return %TRUE when the desired element is found; or %NULL to use pointer
+ * equality
+ * @index_: (optional) (out): return location for the index of
+ * the element, if found
+ *
+ * Checks whether @needle exists in @haystack, using the given @equal_func.
+ * If the element is found, %TRUE is returned and the element^A^A^As index is
+ * returned in @index_ (if non-%NULL). Otherwise, %FALSE is returned and @index_
+ * is undefined. If @needle exists multiple times in @haystack, the index of
+ * the first instance is returned.
+ *
+ * @equal_func is called with the element from the array as its first parameter,
+ * and @needle as its second parameter. If @equal_func is %NULL, pointer
+ * equality is used.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if @needle is one of the elements of @haystack
+ * Since: 2.54
+ */
+g_ptr_array_find_with_equal_func (GPtrArray * haystack, gconstpointer needle, GEqualFunc equal_func,
+ guint * index_)
+ guint i;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (haystack != NULL, FALSE);
+ if (equal_func == NULL)
+ equal_func = g_direct_equal;
+ for (i = 0; i < haystack->len; i++)
+ if (equal_func (g_ptr_array_index (haystack, i), needle))
+ {
+ if (index_ != NULL)
+ *index_ = i;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+#endif /* ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 54, 0) */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 63, 3)
* g_clear_slist: (skip)