When I wrote this, only God and I understood what I was doing. Now, only God knows.
API request builder - Helps you create your requests faster, saving you precious time on your development
[](https://travis-ci.com/liyasthomas/postwoman) [](https://github.com/liyasthomas/postwoman/releases/latest) [](https://github.com/liyasthomas/postwoman/archive/master.zip) [](https://github.com/liyasthomas/postwoman/blob/master/LICENSE) [](https://github.com/liyasthomas/postwoman/issues) [](https://postwoman.io) [](https://www.paypal.me/liyascthomas) [](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liyasthomas) [](https://t.me/postwoman_app) [](https://discord.gg/GAMWxmR)
Built with โค๏ธ by liyasthomas and contributorsStart here: Story behind Postwoman
Chat here: _Telegram, Discord_
Donate here: PayPal, Buy me a coffee
:heart: Lightweight: Crafted with minimalistic UI design
:zap: Real-time: Send requests and get/copy responses right away!
- Retrieve information about the REST API resourceHEAD
- Asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the response body.POST
- Create a REST API resourcePUT
- Update a REST API resourceDELETE
- Delete a REST API resource or related componentOPTIONS
- Describe the communication options for the target resourcePATCH
- Applies partial modifications to a REST API resourceHistory entries are synced with local session storage
:rainbow: VIBGYOR: Neon combination background, foreground & accent colors - because customization === freedom :sparkles:
Customized themes are also synced with local session storage
:fire: PWA: Install as a PWA on your device
:rocket: Request: Retrieve data from a URL without having to do a full page refresh
:electric_plug: Web Socket: Establish full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection
:closed_lock_with_key: Authentication: Allows to identity the end user
:loudspeaker: Headers: Describes the format the body of your request is being sent as
:mailbox: Parameters: Use request parameters to set varying parts in simulated requests
:page_with_curl: Request Body: Used to send and receive data via the REST API
:wave: Responses: Contains the status line, headers and the message/response body
HTML responses have "Preview HTML" feature
:alarm_clock: History: Request entries are synced with local session storage to reuse with a single click
History entries can be deleted one-by-one or all together
You're done!
npm install
within the directory that you cloned (probably postwoman
).npm run dev
.docker build -t postwoman:latest
docker run -p 3000:3000 postwoman:latest
npm install
within the directory that you cloned (probably postwoman
).npm run build
.Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our CODE OF CONDUCT, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use Travis CI for continuous integration. Check out our Travis CI Status.
This project is developed by Liyas Thomas using the Semantic Versioning specification. For the versions available, see the releases on this repository.
See the CHANGELOG file for details.
![]() John Harker ๐ป |
![]() izerozlu ๐ป |
![]() Andrew Bastin ๐ป |
![]() Nick Palenchar ๐ป |
![]() Thomas Yuba ๐ป |
![]() Nicholas La Roux ๐ป |
![]() Jacob Anavisca ๐ป |
![]() Nityananda Gohain ๐ป |
See the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.