123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629 |
- import {
- OpenAPI,
- OpenAPIV2,
- OpenAPIV3,
- OpenAPIV3_1 as OpenAPIV31,
- } from "openapi-types"
- import SwaggerParser from "@apidevtools/swagger-parser"
- import yaml from "js-yaml"
- import {
- FormDataKeyValue,
- HoppRESTAuth,
- HoppRESTHeader,
- HoppRESTParam,
- HoppRESTReqBody,
- HoppRESTRequest,
- knownContentTypes,
- makeRESTRequest,
- HoppCollection,
- makeCollection,
- } from "@hoppscotch/data"
- import { pipe, flow } from "fp-ts/function"
- import * as A from "fp-ts/Array"
- import * as S from "fp-ts/string"
- import * as O from "fp-ts/Option"
- import * as TE from "fp-ts/TaskEither"
- import * as RA from "fp-ts/ReadonlyArray"
- import { step } from "../steps"
- import { defineImporter, IMPORTER_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT } from "."
- const OPENAPI_DEREF_ERROR = "openapi/deref_error" as const
- // TODO: URL Import Support
- const safeParseJSON = (str: string) => O.tryCatch(() => JSON.parse(str))
- const safeParseYAML = (str: string) => O.tryCatch(() => yaml.load(str))
- const objectHasProperty = <T extends string>(
- obj: unknown,
- propName: T
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- ): obj is { [propName in T]: unknown } =>
- !!obj &&
- typeof obj === "object" &&
- Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, propName)
- type OpenAPIPathInfoType =
- | OpenAPIV2.PathItemObject<{}>
- | OpenAPIV3.PathItemObject<{}>
- | OpenAPIV31.PathItemObject<{}>
- type OpenAPIParamsType =
- | OpenAPIV2.ParameterObject
- | OpenAPIV3.ParameterObject
- | OpenAPIV31.ParameterObject
- type OpenAPIOperationType =
- | OpenAPIV2.OperationObject
- | OpenAPIV3.OperationObject
- | OpenAPIV31.OperationObject
- // Removes the OpenAPI Path Templating to the Hoppscotch Templating (<< ? >>)
- const replaceOpenApiPathTemplating = flow(
- S.replace(/{/g, "<<"),
- S.replace(/}/g, ">>")
- )
- const parseOpenAPIParams = (params: OpenAPIParamsType[]): HoppRESTParam[] =>
- pipe(
- params,
- A.filterMap(
- flow(
- O.fromPredicate((param) => param.in === "query"),
- O.map(
- (param) =>
- <HoppRESTParam>{
- key: param.name,
- value: "", // TODO: Can we do anything more ? (parse default values maybe)
- active: true,
- }
- )
- )
- )
- )
- const parseOpenAPIHeaders = (params: OpenAPIParamsType[]): HoppRESTHeader[] =>
- pipe(
- params,
- A.filterMap(
- flow(
- O.fromPredicate((param) => param.in === "header"),
- O.map(
- (header) =>
- <HoppRESTParam>{
- key: header.name,
- value: "", // TODO: Can we do anything more ? (parse default values maybe)
- active: true,
- }
- )
- )
- )
- )
- const parseOpenAPIV2Body = (op: OpenAPIV2.OperationObject): HoppRESTReqBody => {
- const obj = (op.consumes ?? [])[0] as string | undefined
- // Not a content-type Hoppscotch supports
- if (!obj || !(obj in knownContentTypes))
- return { contentType: null, body: null }
- // Textual Content Types, so we just parse it and keep
- if (
- obj !== "multipart/form-data" &&
- obj !== "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- )
- return { contentType: obj as any, body: "" }
- const formDataValues = pipe(
- (op.parameters ?? []) as OpenAPIV2.Parameter[],
- A.filterMap(
- flow(
- O.fromPredicate((param) => param.in === "body"),
- O.map(
- (param) =>
- <FormDataKeyValue>{
- key: param.name,
- isFile: false,
- value: "",
- active: true,
- }
- )
- )
- )
- )
- return obj === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- ? {
- contentType: obj,
- body: formDataValues.map(({ key }) => `${key}: `).join("\n"),
- }
- : { contentType: obj, body: formDataValues }
- }
- const parseOpenAPIV3BodyFormData = (
- contentType: "multipart/form-data" | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
- mediaObj: OpenAPIV3.MediaTypeObject | OpenAPIV31.MediaTypeObject
- ): HoppRESTReqBody => {
- const schema = mediaObj.schema as
- | OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject
- | OpenAPIV31.SchemaObject
- | undefined
- if (!schema || schema.type !== "object") {
- return contentType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- ? { contentType, body: "" }
- : { contentType, body: [] }
- }
- const keys = Object.keys(schema.properties ?? {})
- if (contentType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") {
- return {
- contentType,
- body: keys.map((key) => `${key}: `).join("\n"),
- }
- } else {
- return {
- contentType,
- body: keys.map(
- (key) =>
- <FormDataKeyValue>{ key, value: "", isFile: false, active: true }
- ),
- }
- }
- }
- const parseOpenAPIV3Body = (
- op: OpenAPIV3.OperationObject | OpenAPIV31.OperationObject
- ): HoppRESTReqBody => {
- const objs = Object.entries(
- (
- op.requestBody as
- | OpenAPIV3.RequestBodyObject
- | OpenAPIV31.RequestBodyObject
- | undefined
- )?.content ?? {}
- )
- if (objs.length === 0) return { contentType: null, body: null }
- // We only take the first definition
- const [contentType, media]: [
- string,
- OpenAPIV3.MediaTypeObject | OpenAPIV31.MediaTypeObject
- ] = objs[0]
- return contentType in knownContentTypes
- ? contentType === "multipart/form-data" ||
- contentType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- ? parseOpenAPIV3BodyFormData(contentType, media)
- : { contentType: contentType as any, body: "" }
- : { contentType: null, body: null }
- }
- const isOpenAPIV3Operation = (
- doc: OpenAPI.Document,
- op: OpenAPIOperationType
- ): op is OpenAPIV3.OperationObject | OpenAPIV31.OperationObject =>
- objectHasProperty(doc, "openapi") &&
- typeof doc.openapi === "string" &&
- doc.openapi.startsWith("3.")
- const parseOpenAPIBody = (
- doc: OpenAPI.Document,
- op: OpenAPIOperationType
- ): HoppRESTReqBody =>
- isOpenAPIV3Operation(doc, op)
- ? parseOpenAPIV3Body(op)
- : parseOpenAPIV2Body(op)
- const resolveOpenAPIV3SecurityObj = (
- scheme: OpenAPIV3.SecuritySchemeObject | OpenAPIV31.SecuritySchemeObject,
- _schemeData: string[] // Used for OAuth to pass params
- ): HoppRESTAuth => {
- if (scheme.type === "http") {
- if (scheme.scheme === "basic") {
- // Basic
- return { authType: "basic", authActive: true, username: "", password: "" }
- } else if (scheme.scheme === "bearer") {
- // Bearer
- return { authType: "bearer", authActive: true, token: "" }
- } else {
- // Unknown/Unsupported Scheme
- return { authType: "none", authActive: true }
- }
- } else if (scheme.type === "apiKey") {
- if (scheme.in === "header") {
- return {
- authType: "api-key",
- authActive: true,
- addTo: "Headers",
- key: scheme.name,
- value: "",
- }
- } else if (scheme.in === "query") {
- return {
- authType: "api-key",
- authActive: true,
- addTo: "Query params",
- key: scheme.in,
- value: "",
- }
- }
- } else if (scheme.type === "oauth2") {
- // NOTE: We select flow on a first come basis on this order, authorizationCode > implicit > password > clientCredentials
- if (scheme.flows.authorizationCode) {
- return {
- authType: "oauth-2",
- authActive: true,
- accessTokenURL: scheme.flows.authorizationCode.tokenUrl ?? "",
- authURL: scheme.flows.authorizationCode.authorizationUrl ?? "",
- clientID: "",
- oidcDiscoveryURL: "",
- scope: _schemeData.join(" "),
- token: "",
- }
- } else if (scheme.flows.implicit) {
- return {
- authType: "oauth-2",
- authActive: true,
- authURL: scheme.flows.implicit.authorizationUrl ?? "",
- accessTokenURL: "",
- clientID: "",
- oidcDiscoveryURL: "",
- scope: _schemeData.join(" "),
- token: "",
- }
- } else if (scheme.flows.password) {
- return {
- authType: "oauth-2",
- authActive: true,
- authURL: "",
- accessTokenURL: scheme.flows.password.tokenUrl ?? "",
- clientID: "",
- oidcDiscoveryURL: "",
- scope: _schemeData.join(" "),
- token: "",
- }
- } else if (scheme.flows.clientCredentials) {
- return {
- authType: "oauth-2",
- authActive: true,
- accessTokenURL: scheme.flows.clientCredentials.tokenUrl ?? "",
- authURL: "",
- clientID: "",
- oidcDiscoveryURL: "",
- scope: _schemeData.join(" "),
- token: "",
- }
- } else {
- return {
- authType: "oauth-2",
- authActive: true,
- accessTokenURL: "",
- authURL: "",
- clientID: "",
- oidcDiscoveryURL: "",
- scope: _schemeData.join(" "),
- token: "",
- }
- }
- } else if (scheme.type === "openIdConnect") {
- return {
- authType: "oauth-2",
- authActive: true,
- accessTokenURL: "",
- authURL: "",
- clientID: "",
- oidcDiscoveryURL: scheme.openIdConnectUrl ?? "",
- scope: _schemeData.join(" "),
- token: "",
- }
- }
- return { authType: "none", authActive: true }
- }
- const resolveOpenAPIV3SecurityScheme = (
- doc: OpenAPIV3.Document | OpenAPIV31.Document,
- schemeName: string,
- schemeData: string[]
- ): HoppRESTAuth => {
- const scheme = doc.components?.securitySchemes?.[schemeName] as
- | OpenAPIV3.SecuritySchemeObject
- | undefined
- if (!scheme) return { authType: "none", authActive: true }
- else return resolveOpenAPIV3SecurityObj(scheme, schemeData)
- }
- const resolveOpenAPIV3Security = (
- doc: OpenAPIV3.Document | OpenAPIV31.Document,
- security:
- | OpenAPIV3.SecurityRequirementObject[]
- | OpenAPIV31.SecurityRequirementObject[]
- ): HoppRESTAuth => {
- // NOTE: Hoppscotch only considers the first security requirement
- const sec = security[0] as OpenAPIV3.SecurityRequirementObject | undefined
- if (!sec) return { authType: "none", authActive: true }
- // NOTE: We only consider the first security condition within the first condition
- const [schemeName, schemeData] = (Object.entries(sec)[0] ?? [
- undefined,
- undefined,
- ]) as [string | undefined, string[] | undefined]
- if (!schemeName || !schemeData) return { authType: "none", authActive: true }
- return resolveOpenAPIV3SecurityScheme(doc, schemeName, schemeData)
- }
- const parseOpenAPIV3Auth = (
- doc: OpenAPIV3.Document | OpenAPIV31.Document,
- op: OpenAPIV3.OperationObject | OpenAPIV31.OperationObject
- ): HoppRESTAuth => {
- const rootAuth = doc.security
- ? resolveOpenAPIV3Security(doc, doc.security)
- : undefined
- const opAuth = op.security
- ? resolveOpenAPIV3Security(doc, op.security)
- : undefined
- return opAuth ?? rootAuth ?? { authType: "none", authActive: true }
- }
- const resolveOpenAPIV2SecurityScheme = (
- scheme: OpenAPIV2.SecuritySchemeObject,
- _schemeData: string[]
- ): HoppRESTAuth => {
- if (scheme.type === "basic") {
- return { authType: "basic", authActive: true, username: "", password: "" }
- } else if (scheme.type === "apiKey") {
- // V2 only supports in: header and in: query
- return {
- authType: "api-key",
- addTo: scheme.in === "header" ? "Headers" : "Query params",
- authActive: true,
- key: scheme.name,
- value: "",
- }
- } else if (scheme.type === "oauth2") {
- // NOTE: We select flow on a first come basis on this order, accessCode > implicit > password > application
- if (scheme.flow === "accessCode") {
- return {
- authType: "oauth-2",
- authActive: true,
- accessTokenURL: scheme.tokenUrl ?? "",
- authURL: scheme.authorizationUrl ?? "",
- clientID: "",
- oidcDiscoveryURL: "",
- scope: _schemeData.join(" "),
- token: "",
- }
- } else if (scheme.flow === "implicit") {
- return {
- authType: "oauth-2",
- authActive: true,
- accessTokenURL: "",
- authURL: scheme.authorizationUrl ?? "",
- clientID: "",
- oidcDiscoveryURL: "",
- scope: _schemeData.join(" "),
- token: "",
- }
- } else if (scheme.flow === "application") {
- return {
- authType: "oauth-2",
- authActive: true,
- accessTokenURL: scheme.tokenUrl ?? "",
- authURL: "",
- clientID: "",
- oidcDiscoveryURL: "",
- scope: _schemeData.join(" "),
- token: "",
- }
- } else if (scheme.flow === "password") {
- return {
- authType: "oauth-2",
- authActive: true,
- accessTokenURL: scheme.tokenUrl ?? "",
- authURL: "",
- clientID: "",
- oidcDiscoveryURL: "",
- scope: _schemeData.join(" "),
- token: "",
- }
- } else {
- return {
- authType: "oauth-2",
- authActive: true,
- accessTokenURL: "",
- authURL: "",
- clientID: "",
- oidcDiscoveryURL: "",
- scope: _schemeData.join(" "),
- token: "",
- }
- }
- }
- return { authType: "none", authActive: true }
- }
- const resolveOpenAPIV2SecurityDef = (
- doc: OpenAPIV2.Document,
- schemeName: string,
- schemeData: string[]
- ): HoppRESTAuth => {
- const scheme = Object.entries(doc.securityDefinitions ?? {}).find(
- ([name]) => schemeName === name
- )
- if (!scheme) return { authType: "none", authActive: true }
- const schemeObj = scheme[1]
- return resolveOpenAPIV2SecurityScheme(schemeObj, schemeData)
- }
- const resolveOpenAPIV2Security = (
- doc: OpenAPIV2.Document,
- security: OpenAPIV2.SecurityRequirementObject[]
- ): HoppRESTAuth => {
- // NOTE: Hoppscotch only considers the first security requirement
- const sec = security[0] as OpenAPIV2.SecurityRequirementObject | undefined
- if (!sec) return { authType: "none", authActive: true }
- // NOTE: We only consider the first security condition within the first condition
- const [schemeName, schemeData] = (Object.entries(sec)[0] ?? [
- undefined,
- undefined,
- ]) as [string | undefined, string[] | undefined]
- if (!schemeName || !schemeData) return { authType: "none", authActive: true }
- return resolveOpenAPIV2SecurityDef(doc, schemeName, schemeData)
- }
- const parseOpenAPIV2Auth = (
- doc: OpenAPIV2.Document,
- op: OpenAPIV2.OperationObject
- ): HoppRESTAuth => {
- const rootAuth = doc.security
- ? resolveOpenAPIV2Security(doc, doc.security)
- : undefined
- const opAuth = op.security
- ? resolveOpenAPIV2Security(doc, op.security)
- : undefined
- return opAuth ?? rootAuth ?? { authType: "none", authActive: true }
- }
- const parseOpenAPIAuth = (
- doc: OpenAPI.Document,
- op: OpenAPIOperationType
- ): HoppRESTAuth =>
- isOpenAPIV3Operation(doc, op)
- ? parseOpenAPIV3Auth(doc as OpenAPIV3.Document | OpenAPIV31.Document, op)
- : parseOpenAPIV2Auth(doc as OpenAPIV2.Document, op)
- const convertPathToHoppReqs = (
- doc: OpenAPI.Document,
- pathName: string,
- pathObj: OpenAPIPathInfoType
- ) =>
- pipe(
- ["get", "head", "post", "put", "delete", "options", "patch"] as const,
- // Filter and map out path info
- RA.filterMap(
- flow(
- O.fromPredicate((method) => !!pathObj[method]),
- O.map((method) => ({ method, info: pathObj[method]! }))
- )
- ),
- // Construct request object
- RA.map(({ method, info }) =>
- makeRESTRequest({
- name: info.operationId ?? info.summary ?? "Untitled Request",
- method: method.toUpperCase(),
- endpoint: `<<baseUrl>>${replaceOpenApiPathTemplating(pathName)}`, // TODO: Make this proper
- // We don't need to worry about reference types as the Dereferencing pass should remove them
- params: parseOpenAPIParams(
- (info.parameters as OpenAPIParamsType[] | undefined) ?? []
- ),
- headers: parseOpenAPIHeaders(
- (info.parameters as OpenAPIParamsType[] | undefined) ?? []
- ),
- auth: parseOpenAPIAuth(doc, info),
- body: parseOpenAPIBody(doc, info),
- preRequestScript: "",
- testScript: "",
- })
- ),
- // Disable Readonly
- RA.toArray
- )
- const convertOpenApiDocToHopp = (
- doc: OpenAPI.Document
- ): TE.TaskEither<never, HoppCollection<HoppRESTRequest>[]> => {
- const name = doc.info.title
- const paths = Object.entries(doc.paths ?? {})
- .map(([pathName, pathObj]) => convertPathToHoppReqs(doc, pathName, pathObj))
- .flat()
- return TE.of([
- makeCollection<HoppRESTRequest>({
- name,
- folders: [],
- requests: paths,
- }),
- ])
- }
- const parseOpenAPIDocContent = (str: string) =>
- pipe(
- str,
- safeParseJSON,
- O.match(
- () => safeParseYAML(str),
- (data) => O.of(data)
- )
- )
- export default defineImporter({
- name: "import.from_openapi",
- icon: "file",
- steps: [
- step({
- stepName: "FILE_IMPORT",
- metadata: {
- caption: "import.from_openapi_description",
- acceptedFileTypes: ".json, .yaml, .yml",
- },
- }),
- ] as const,
- importer: ([fileContent]) =>
- pipe(
- // See if we can parse JSON properly
- fileContent,
- parseOpenAPIDocContent,
- // Try validating, else the importer is invalid file format
- TE.chainW((obj) =>
- pipe(
- TE.tryCatch(
- () => SwaggerParser.validate(obj),
- )
- )
- ),
- // Deference the references
- TE.chainW((obj) =>
- pipe(
- TE.tryCatch(
- () => SwaggerParser.dereference(obj),
- )
- )
- ),
- TE.chainW(convertOpenApiDocToHopp)
- ),
- })