import { OpenAPI, OpenAPIV2, OpenAPIV3, OpenAPIV3_1 as OpenAPIV31, } from "openapi-types" import SwaggerParser from "@apidevtools/swagger-parser" import yaml from "js-yaml" import { FormDataKeyValue, HoppRESTAuth, HoppRESTHeader, HoppRESTParam, HoppRESTReqBody, HoppRESTRequest, knownContentTypes, makeRESTRequest, HoppCollection, makeCollection, } from "@hoppscotch/data" import { pipe, flow } from "fp-ts/function" import * as A from "fp-ts/Array" import * as S from "fp-ts/string" import * as O from "fp-ts/Option" import * as TE from "fp-ts/TaskEither" import * as RA from "fp-ts/ReadonlyArray" import { step } from "../steps" import { defineImporter, IMPORTER_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT } from "." const OPENAPI_DEREF_ERROR = "openapi/deref_error" as const // TODO: URL Import Support const safeParseJSON = (str: string) => O.tryCatch(() => JSON.parse(str)) const safeParseYAML = (str: string) => O.tryCatch(() => yaml.load(str)) const objectHasProperty = ( obj: unknown, propName: T // eslint-disable-next-line ): obj is { [propName in T]: unknown } => !!obj && typeof obj === "object" &&, propName) type OpenAPIPathInfoType = | OpenAPIV2.PathItemObject<{}> | OpenAPIV3.PathItemObject<{}> | OpenAPIV31.PathItemObject<{}> type OpenAPIParamsType = | OpenAPIV2.ParameterObject | OpenAPIV3.ParameterObject | OpenAPIV31.ParameterObject type OpenAPIOperationType = | OpenAPIV2.OperationObject | OpenAPIV3.OperationObject | OpenAPIV31.OperationObject // Removes the OpenAPI Path Templating to the Hoppscotch Templating (<< ? >>) const replaceOpenApiPathTemplating = flow( S.replace(/{/g, "<<"), S.replace(/}/g, ">>") ) const parseOpenAPIParams = (params: OpenAPIParamsType[]): HoppRESTParam[] => pipe( params, A.filterMap( flow( O.fromPredicate((param) => === "query"), (param) => { key:, value: "", // TODO: Can we do anything more ? (parse default values maybe) active: true, } ) ) ) ) const parseOpenAPIHeaders = (params: OpenAPIParamsType[]): HoppRESTHeader[] => pipe( params, A.filterMap( flow( O.fromPredicate((param) => === "header"), (header) => { key:, value: "", // TODO: Can we do anything more ? (parse default values maybe) active: true, } ) ) ) ) const parseOpenAPIV2Body = (op: OpenAPIV2.OperationObject): HoppRESTReqBody => { const obj = (op.consumes ?? [])[0] as string | undefined // Not a content-type Hoppscotch supports if (!obj || !(obj in knownContentTypes)) return { contentType: null, body: null } // Textual Content Types, so we just parse it and keep if ( obj !== "multipart/form-data" && obj !== "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) return { contentType: obj as any, body: "" } const formDataValues = pipe( (op.parameters ?? []) as OpenAPIV2.Parameter[], A.filterMap( flow( O.fromPredicate((param) => === "body"), (param) => { key:, isFile: false, value: "", active: true, } ) ) ) ) return obj === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ? { contentType: obj, body:{ key }) => `${key}: `).join("\n"), } : { contentType: obj, body: formDataValues } } const parseOpenAPIV3BodyFormData = ( contentType: "multipart/form-data" | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", mediaObj: OpenAPIV3.MediaTypeObject | OpenAPIV31.MediaTypeObject ): HoppRESTReqBody => { const schema = mediaObj.schema as | OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject | OpenAPIV31.SchemaObject | undefined if (!schema || schema.type !== "object") { return contentType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ? { contentType, body: "" } : { contentType, body: [] } } const keys = Object.keys( ?? {}) if (contentType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { return { contentType, body: => `${key}: `).join("\n"), } } else { return { contentType, body: (key) => { key, value: "", isFile: false, active: true } ), } } } const parseOpenAPIV3Body = ( op: OpenAPIV3.OperationObject | OpenAPIV31.OperationObject ): HoppRESTReqBody => { const objs = Object.entries( ( op.requestBody as | OpenAPIV3.RequestBodyObject | OpenAPIV31.RequestBodyObject | undefined )?.content ?? {} ) if (objs.length === 0) return { contentType: null, body: null } // We only take the first definition const [contentType, media]: [ string, OpenAPIV3.MediaTypeObject | OpenAPIV31.MediaTypeObject ] = objs[0] return contentType in knownContentTypes ? contentType === "multipart/form-data" || contentType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ? parseOpenAPIV3BodyFormData(contentType, media) : { contentType: contentType as any, body: "" } : { contentType: null, body: null } } const isOpenAPIV3Operation = ( doc: OpenAPI.Document, op: OpenAPIOperationType ): op is OpenAPIV3.OperationObject | OpenAPIV31.OperationObject => objectHasProperty(doc, "openapi") && typeof doc.openapi === "string" && doc.openapi.startsWith("3.") const parseOpenAPIBody = ( doc: OpenAPI.Document, op: OpenAPIOperationType ): HoppRESTReqBody => isOpenAPIV3Operation(doc, op) ? parseOpenAPIV3Body(op) : parseOpenAPIV2Body(op) const resolveOpenAPIV3SecurityObj = ( scheme: OpenAPIV3.SecuritySchemeObject | OpenAPIV31.SecuritySchemeObject, _schemeData: string[] // Used for OAuth to pass params ): HoppRESTAuth => { if (scheme.type === "http") { if (scheme.scheme === "basic") { // Basic return { authType: "basic", authActive: true, username: "", password: "" } } else if (scheme.scheme === "bearer") { // Bearer return { authType: "bearer", authActive: true, token: "" } } else { // Unknown/Unsupported Scheme return { authType: "none", authActive: true } } } else if (scheme.type === "apiKey") { if ( === "header") { return { authType: "api-key", authActive: true, addTo: "Headers", key:, value: "", } } else if ( === "query") { return { authType: "api-key", authActive: true, addTo: "Query params", key:, value: "", } } } else if (scheme.type === "oauth2") { // NOTE: We select flow on a first come basis on this order, authorizationCode > implicit > password > clientCredentials if (scheme.flows.authorizationCode) { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, accessTokenURL: scheme.flows.authorizationCode.tokenUrl ?? "", authURL: scheme.flows.authorizationCode.authorizationUrl ?? "", clientID: "", oidcDiscoveryURL: "", scope: _schemeData.join(" "), token: "", } } else if (scheme.flows.implicit) { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, authURL: scheme.flows.implicit.authorizationUrl ?? "", accessTokenURL: "", clientID: "", oidcDiscoveryURL: "", scope: _schemeData.join(" "), token: "", } } else if (scheme.flows.password) { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, authURL: "", accessTokenURL: scheme.flows.password.tokenUrl ?? "", clientID: "", oidcDiscoveryURL: "", scope: _schemeData.join(" "), token: "", } } else if (scheme.flows.clientCredentials) { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, accessTokenURL: scheme.flows.clientCredentials.tokenUrl ?? "", authURL: "", clientID: "", oidcDiscoveryURL: "", scope: _schemeData.join(" "), token: "", } } else { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, accessTokenURL: "", authURL: "", clientID: "", oidcDiscoveryURL: "", scope: _schemeData.join(" "), token: "", } } } else if (scheme.type === "openIdConnect") { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, accessTokenURL: "", authURL: "", clientID: "", oidcDiscoveryURL: scheme.openIdConnectUrl ?? "", scope: _schemeData.join(" "), token: "", } } return { authType: "none", authActive: true } } const resolveOpenAPIV3SecurityScheme = ( doc: OpenAPIV3.Document | OpenAPIV31.Document, schemeName: string, schemeData: string[] ): HoppRESTAuth => { const scheme = doc.components?.securitySchemes?.[schemeName] as | OpenAPIV3.SecuritySchemeObject | undefined if (!scheme) return { authType: "none", authActive: true } else return resolveOpenAPIV3SecurityObj(scheme, schemeData) } const resolveOpenAPIV3Security = ( doc: OpenAPIV3.Document | OpenAPIV31.Document, security: | OpenAPIV3.SecurityRequirementObject[] | OpenAPIV31.SecurityRequirementObject[] ): HoppRESTAuth => { // NOTE: Hoppscotch only considers the first security requirement const sec = security[0] as OpenAPIV3.SecurityRequirementObject | undefined if (!sec) return { authType: "none", authActive: true } // NOTE: We only consider the first security condition within the first condition const [schemeName, schemeData] = (Object.entries(sec)[0] ?? [ undefined, undefined, ]) as [string | undefined, string[] | undefined] if (!schemeName || !schemeData) return { authType: "none", authActive: true } return resolveOpenAPIV3SecurityScheme(doc, schemeName, schemeData) } const parseOpenAPIV3Auth = ( doc: OpenAPIV3.Document | OpenAPIV31.Document, op: OpenAPIV3.OperationObject | OpenAPIV31.OperationObject ): HoppRESTAuth => { const rootAuth = ? resolveOpenAPIV3Security(doc, : undefined const opAuth = ? resolveOpenAPIV3Security(doc, : undefined return opAuth ?? rootAuth ?? { authType: "none", authActive: true } } const resolveOpenAPIV2SecurityScheme = ( scheme: OpenAPIV2.SecuritySchemeObject, _schemeData: string[] ): HoppRESTAuth => { if (scheme.type === "basic") { return { authType: "basic", authActive: true, username: "", password: "" } } else if (scheme.type === "apiKey") { // V2 only supports in: header and in: query return { authType: "api-key", addTo: === "header" ? "Headers" : "Query params", authActive: true, key:, value: "", } } else if (scheme.type === "oauth2") { // NOTE: We select flow on a first come basis on this order, accessCode > implicit > password > application if (scheme.flow === "accessCode") { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, accessTokenURL: scheme.tokenUrl ?? "", authURL: scheme.authorizationUrl ?? "", clientID: "", oidcDiscoveryURL: "", scope: _schemeData.join(" "), token: "", } } else if (scheme.flow === "implicit") { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, accessTokenURL: "", authURL: scheme.authorizationUrl ?? "", clientID: "", oidcDiscoveryURL: "", scope: _schemeData.join(" "), token: "", } } else if (scheme.flow === "application") { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, accessTokenURL: scheme.tokenUrl ?? "", authURL: "", clientID: "", oidcDiscoveryURL: "", scope: _schemeData.join(" "), token: "", } } else if (scheme.flow === "password") { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, accessTokenURL: scheme.tokenUrl ?? "", authURL: "", clientID: "", oidcDiscoveryURL: "", scope: _schemeData.join(" "), token: "", } } else { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, accessTokenURL: "", authURL: "", clientID: "", oidcDiscoveryURL: "", scope: _schemeData.join(" "), token: "", } } } return { authType: "none", authActive: true } } const resolveOpenAPIV2SecurityDef = ( doc: OpenAPIV2.Document, schemeName: string, schemeData: string[] ): HoppRESTAuth => { const scheme = Object.entries(doc.securityDefinitions ?? {}).find( ([name]) => schemeName === name ) if (!scheme) return { authType: "none", authActive: true } const schemeObj = scheme[1] return resolveOpenAPIV2SecurityScheme(schemeObj, schemeData) } const resolveOpenAPIV2Security = ( doc: OpenAPIV2.Document, security: OpenAPIV2.SecurityRequirementObject[] ): HoppRESTAuth => { // NOTE: Hoppscotch only considers the first security requirement const sec = security[0] as OpenAPIV2.SecurityRequirementObject | undefined if (!sec) return { authType: "none", authActive: true } // NOTE: We only consider the first security condition within the first condition const [schemeName, schemeData] = (Object.entries(sec)[0] ?? [ undefined, undefined, ]) as [string | undefined, string[] | undefined] if (!schemeName || !schemeData) return { authType: "none", authActive: true } return resolveOpenAPIV2SecurityDef(doc, schemeName, schemeData) } const parseOpenAPIV2Auth = ( doc: OpenAPIV2.Document, op: OpenAPIV2.OperationObject ): HoppRESTAuth => { const rootAuth = ? resolveOpenAPIV2Security(doc, : undefined const opAuth = ? resolveOpenAPIV2Security(doc, : undefined return opAuth ?? rootAuth ?? { authType: "none", authActive: true } } const parseOpenAPIAuth = ( doc: OpenAPI.Document, op: OpenAPIOperationType ): HoppRESTAuth => isOpenAPIV3Operation(doc, op) ? parseOpenAPIV3Auth(doc as OpenAPIV3.Document | OpenAPIV31.Document, op) : parseOpenAPIV2Auth(doc as OpenAPIV2.Document, op) const convertPathToHoppReqs = ( doc: OpenAPI.Document, pathName: string, pathObj: OpenAPIPathInfoType ) => pipe( ["get", "head", "post", "put", "delete", "options", "patch"] as const, // Filter and map out path info RA.filterMap( flow( O.fromPredicate((method) => !!pathObj[method]), => ({ method, info: pathObj[method]! })) ) ), // Construct request object{ method, info }) => makeRESTRequest({ name: info.operationId ?? info.summary ?? "Untitled Request", method: method.toUpperCase(), endpoint: `<>${replaceOpenApiPathTemplating(pathName)}`, // TODO: Make this proper // We don't need to worry about reference types as the Dereferencing pass should remove them params: parseOpenAPIParams( (info.parameters as OpenAPIParamsType[] | undefined) ?? [] ), headers: parseOpenAPIHeaders( (info.parameters as OpenAPIParamsType[] | undefined) ?? [] ), auth: parseOpenAPIAuth(doc, info), body: parseOpenAPIBody(doc, info), preRequestScript: "", testScript: "", }) ), // Disable Readonly RA.toArray ) const convertOpenApiDocToHopp = ( doc: OpenAPI.Document ): TE.TaskEither[]> => { const name = const paths = Object.entries(doc.paths ?? {}) .map(([pathName, pathObj]) => convertPathToHoppReqs(doc, pathName, pathObj)) .flat() return TE.of([ makeCollection({ name, folders: [], requests: paths, }), ]) } const parseOpenAPIDocContent = (str: string) => pipe( str, safeParseJSON, O.match( () => safeParseYAML(str), (data) => O.of(data) ) ) export default defineImporter({ name: "import.from_openapi", icon: "file", steps: [ step({ stepName: "FILE_IMPORT", metadata: { caption: "import.from_openapi_description", acceptedFileTypes: ".json, .yaml, .yml", }, }), ] as const, importer: ([fileContent]) => pipe( // See if we can parse JSON properly fileContent, parseOpenAPIDocContent, TE.fromOption(() => IMPORTER_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT), // Try validating, else the importer is invalid file format TE.chainW((obj) => pipe( TE.tryCatch( () => SwaggerParser.validate(obj), () => IMPORTER_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT ) ) ), // Deference the references TE.chainW((obj) => pipe( TE.tryCatch( () => SwaggerParser.dereference(obj), () => OPENAPI_DEREF_ERROR ) ) ), TE.chainW(convertOpenApiDocToHopp) ), })