@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+// Vitest Snapshot v1, https://vitest.dev/guide/snapshot.html
+exports[`hopp test [options] <file_path_or_id> > Test\`hopp test <file_path_or_id> --env <file_path_or_id> --reporter-junit [path] > Generates a JUnit report at the default path 1`] = `
+"<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"UTF-8\\"?>
+<testsuites tests=\\"76\\" failures=\\"2\\" errors=\\"66\\" time=\\"time\\">
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"22\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"22\\">
+ <system-err><![CDATA[
+ REQUEST_ERROR - TypeError: Invalid URL]]></system-err>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be null\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be null\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/test-script-reference-error\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"0\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <system-err><![CDATA[
+ REQUEST_ERROR - TypeError: Invalid URL
+ TEST_SCRIPT_ERROR - Script execution failed: ReferenceError: status is not defined]]></system-err>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"22\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"22\\">
+ <system-err><![CDATA[
+ \\"key\\": \\"<<key>>\\"
+} (ENV_EXPAND_LOOP)]]></system-err>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be null\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be null\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"22\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"22\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be null\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be null\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"5\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"Status code is 200 - Expected '200' to be '200'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Check headers - Expected 'application/json, text/plain, */*,image/webp' to be 'application/json, text/plain, */*,image/webp'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Check headers - Expected 'echo.hoppscotch.io' to be 'echo.hoppscotch.io'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Check headers - Expected 'undefined' to be 'undefined'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Status code is 2xx - Expected '200' to be 200-level status\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\"/>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"5\\" failures=\\"2\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"Simulating failure - Status code is 200 - Expected '200' to not be '200'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\">
+ <failure type=\\"AssertionFailure\\" message=\\"Expected '200' to not be '200'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"Simulating failure - Check headers - Expected 'application/json, text/plain, */*,image/webp' to not be 'application/json, text/plain, */*'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Simulating failure - Check headers - Expected 'echo.hoppscotch.io' to not be 'httpbin.org'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Simulating failure - Check headers - Expected 'undefined' to not be 'value'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Simulating failure - Status code is 2xx - Expected '200' to not be 200-level status\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\">
+ <failure type=\\"AssertionFailure\\" message=\\"Expected '200' to not be 200-level status\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ </testsuite>
+exports[`hopp test [options] <file_path_or_id> > Test\`hopp test <file_path_or_id> --env <file_path_or_id> --reporter-junit [path] > Generates a JUnit report at the specified path 1`] = `
+"<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"UTF-8\\"?>
+<testsuites tests=\\"76\\" failures=\\"2\\" errors=\\"66\\" time=\\"time\\">
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"22\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"22\\">
+ <system-err><![CDATA[
+ REQUEST_ERROR - TypeError: Invalid URL]]></system-err>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be null\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be null\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/invalid-url\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/test-script-reference-error\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"0\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <system-err><![CDATA[
+ REQUEST_ERROR - TypeError: Invalid URL
+ TEST_SCRIPT_ERROR - Script execution failed: ReferenceError: status is not defined]]></system-err>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"22\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"22\\">
+ <system-err><![CDATA[
+ \\"key\\": \\"<<key>>\\"
+} (ENV_EXPAND_LOOP)]]></system-err>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be null\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be null\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/request-level-errors/non-existent-env-var\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"22\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"22\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeLevelxxx()\` error scenarios - Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected 200-level status but could not parse value 'foo'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toBeType()\` error scenarios - Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toHaveLength to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toHaveLength()\` error scenarios - Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toHaveLength should be a number\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Expected toInclude to be called for an array or string\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be null\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be null\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"\`toInclude() error scenarios\` - Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/error\\">
+ <error message=\\"Argument for toInclude should not be undefined\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"5\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"Status code is 200 - Expected '200' to be '200'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Check headers - Expected 'application/json, text/plain, */*,image/webp' to be 'application/json, text/plain, */*,image/webp'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Check headers - Expected 'echo.hoppscotch.io' to be 'echo.hoppscotch.io'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Check headers - Expected 'undefined' to be 'undefined'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Status code is 2xx - Expected '200' to be 200-level status\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/success\\"/>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"5\\" failures=\\"2\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"Simulating failure - Status code is 200 - Expected '200' to not be '200'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\">
+ <failure type=\\"AssertionFailure\\" message=\\"Expected '200' to not be '200'\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ <testcase name=\\"Simulating failure - Check headers - Expected 'application/json, text/plain, */*,image/webp' to not be 'application/json, text/plain, */*'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Simulating failure - Check headers - Expected 'echo.hoppscotch.io' to not be 'httpbin.org'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Simulating failure - Check headers - Expected 'undefined' to not be 'value'\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Simulating failure - Status code is 2xx - Expected '200' to not be 200-level status\\" classname=\\"test-junit-report-export/assertions/failure\\">
+ <failure type=\\"AssertionFailure\\" message=\\"Expected '200' to not be 200-level status\\"/>
+ </testcase>
+ </testsuite>
+exports[`hopp test [options] <file_path_or_id> > Test\`hopp test <file_path_or_id> --env <file_path_or_id> --reporter-junit [path] > Generates a JUnit report for a collection referring to environment variables 1`] = `
+"<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"UTF-8\\"?>
+<testsuites tests=\\"12\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\" time=\\"time\\">
+ <testsuite name=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"12\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"Status code is 200 - Expected '200' to be '200'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Successfully resolves environments recursively - Expected 'Hello' to be 'Hello'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Successfully resolves environments recursively - Expected 'Hello' to be 'Hello'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Successfully resolves environments recursively - Expected 'Hello' to be 'Hello'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Successfully resolves environments referenced in the request body - Expected 'Hello' to be 'Hello'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Successfully resolves environments referenced in the request body - Expected 'Hello' to be 'Hello'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Successfully resolves environments referenced in the request body - Expected 'Hello' to be 'Hello'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Successfully resolves environments referenced in the request body - Expected '7' to be '7'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Successfully resolves environments referenced in the request body - Expected 'John' to be 'John'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Successfully resolves environments referenced in the request body - Expected 'Doe' to be 'Doe'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Successfully resolves environments referenced in the request body - Expected 'John Doe' to be 'John Doe'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Successfully resolves environments referenced in the request body - Expected 'Hello, John Doe' to be 'Hello, John Doe'\\" classname=\\"Test environment variables in request body/test-request\\"/>
+ </testsuite>
+exports[`hopp test [options] <file_path_or_id> > Test\`hopp test <file_path_or_id> --env <file_path_or_id> --reporter-junit [path] > Generates a JUnit report for a collection with authorization/headers set at the collection level 1`] = `
+"<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"UTF-8\\"?>
+<testsuites tests=\\"12\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\" time=\\"time\\">
+ <testsuite name=\\"CollectionB/RequestA\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"2\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"Correctly inherits auth and headers from the root collection - Expected 'Set at root collection' to be 'Set at root collection'\\" classname=\\"CollectionB/RequestA\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Correctly inherits auth and headers from the root collection - Expected 'Bearer BearerToken' to be 'Bearer BearerToken'\\" classname=\\"CollectionB/RequestA\\"/>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"CollectionB/FolderA/RequestB\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"2\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"Correctly inherits auth and headers from the parent folder - Expected 'Set at root collection' to be 'Set at root collection'\\" classname=\\"CollectionB/FolderA/RequestB\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Correctly inherits auth and headers from the parent folder - Expected 'Bearer BearerToken' to be 'Bearer BearerToken'\\" classname=\\"CollectionB/FolderA/RequestB\\"/>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"CollectionA/RequestA\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"2\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"Correctly inherits auth and headers from the root collection - Expected 'Set at root collection' to be 'Set at root collection'\\" classname=\\"CollectionA/RequestA\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Correctly inherits auth and headers from the root collection - Expected 'Bearer BearerToken' to be 'Bearer BearerToken'\\" classname=\\"CollectionA/RequestA\\"/>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"CollectionA/FolderA/RequestB\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"2\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"Correctly inherits auth and headers from the parent folder - Expected 'Set at root collection' to be 'Set at root collection'\\" classname=\\"CollectionA/FolderA/RequestB\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Correctly inherits auth and headers from the parent folder - Expected 'Bearer BearerToken' to be 'Bearer BearerToken'\\" classname=\\"CollectionA/FolderA/RequestB\\"/>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"CollectionA/FolderA/FolderB/RequestC\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"2\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"Correctly inherits auth and headers from the parent folder - Expected 'Overriden at FolderB' to be 'Overriden at FolderB'\\" classname=\\"CollectionA/FolderA/FolderB/RequestC\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Correctly inherits auth and headers from the parent folder - Expected 'test-key' to be 'test-key'\\" classname=\\"CollectionA/FolderA/FolderB/RequestC\\"/>
+ </testsuite>
+ <testsuite name=\\"CollectionA/FolderA/FolderB/FolderC/RequestD\\" time=\\"time\\" timestamp=\\"timestamp\\" tests=\\"2\\" failures=\\"0\\" errors=\\"0\\">
+ <testcase name=\\"Overrides auth and headers set at the parent folder - Expected 'Overriden at RequestD' to be 'Overriden at RequestD'\\" classname=\\"CollectionA/FolderA/FolderB/FolderC/RequestD\\"/>
+ <testcase name=\\"Overrides auth and headers set at the parent folder - Expected 'Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' to be 'Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ='\\" classname=\\"CollectionA/FolderA/FolderB/FolderC/RequestD\\"/>
+ </testsuite>