@@ -24,8 +24,10 @@
"go_back": "Tornar",
"go_forward": "Go forward",
"group_by": "Group by",
+ "hide_secret": "Hide secret",
"label": "Etiquetar",
"learn_more": "Aprèn més",
+ "download_here": "Download here",
"less": "Menys",
"more": "Més",
"new": "Novetat",
@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@
"search": "Cercar",
"send": "Enviar",
"share": "Share",
+ "show_secret": "Show secret",
"start": "Començar",
"starting": "Starting",
"stop": "Aturar",
@@ -95,14 +98,18 @@
"twitter": "Twitter",
"type_a_command_search": "Escriviu una comanda o cerqueu...",
"we_use_cookies": "Utilitzem cookies",
+ "updated_text": "Hoppscotch has been updated to v{version} 🎉",
"whats_new": "Què hi ha de nou?",
+ "see_whats_new": "See what’s new",
"wiki": "Wiki"
"auth": {
"account_exists": "El compte existeix amb credencials diferents - Inicieu sessió per enllaçar els dos comptes",
"all_sign_in_options": "Totes les opcions d'inici de sessió",
+ "continue_with_auth_provider": "Continue with {provider}",
"continue_with_email": "Continuar amb el correu electrònic",
"continue_with_github": "Continuar amb GitHub",
+ "continue_with_github_enterprise": "Continue with GitHub Enterprise",
"continue_with_google": "Continuar amb Google",
"continue_with_microsoft": "Continuar amb Microsoft",
"email": "Correu electrònic",
@@ -135,9 +142,30 @@
"redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined",
"something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect",
"something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation",
- "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed"
+ "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed",
+ "grant_type": "Grant Type",
+ "grant_type_auth_code": "Authorization Code",
+ "token_fetched_successfully": "Token fetched successfully",
+ "token_fetch_failed": "Failed to fetch token",
+ "validation_failed": "Validation Failed, please check the form fields",
+ "label_authorization_endpoint": "Authorization Endpoint",
+ "label_client_id": "Client ID",
+ "label_client_secret": "Client Secret",
+ "label_code_challenge": "Code Challenge",
+ "label_code_challenge_method": "Code Challenge Method",
+ "label_code_verifier": "Code Verifier",
+ "label_scopes": "Scopes",
+ "label_token_endpoint": "Token Endpoint",
+ "label_use_pkce": "Use PKCE",
+ "label_implicit": "Implicit",
+ "label_password": "Password",
+ "label_username": "Username",
+ "label_auth_code": "Authorization Code",
+ "label_client_credentials": "Client Credentials"
"pass_key_by": "Passar per",
+ "pass_by_query_params_label": "Query Parameters",
+ "pass_by_headers_label": "Headers",
"password": "Contrasenya",
"save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization",
"token": "Token",
@@ -149,6 +177,7 @@
"different_parent": "Cannot reorder collection with different parent",
"edit": "Editar la col·lecció",
"import_or_create": "Import or create a collection",
+ "import_collection": "Import Collection",
"invalid_name": "Proporcioneu un nom vàlid per a la col·lecció",
"invalid_root_move": "Collection already in the root",
"moved": "Moved Successfully",
@@ -165,6 +194,7 @@
"save_to_collection": "Save to Collection",
"select": "Seleccionar una col·lecció",
"select_location": "Seleccionar la ubicació",
+ "details": "Details",
"select_team": "Seleccionar un equip",
"team_collections": "Col·leccions per equips"
@@ -183,7 +213,8 @@
"remove_telemetry": "Està segur que vol desactivar Telemetry?",
"request_change": "Està segur que vol descartar la sol·licitud actual, els canvis no desats es perdran.",
"save_unsaved_tab": "Do you want to save changes made in this tab?",
- "sync": "Està segur que vol sincronitzar aquest espai de treball?"
+ "sync": "Està segur que vol sincronitzar aquest espai de treball?",
+ "delete_access_token": "Are you sure you want to delete the access token {tokenLabel}?"
"context_menu": {
"add_parameters": "Add to parameters",
@@ -237,13 +268,16 @@
"pending_invites": "No hi ha invitacions pendents per a aquest equip",
"profile": "Inicia sessió per veure el vostre perfil",
"protocols": "Els protocols estan buits",
+ "request_variables": "This request does not have any request variables",
"schema": "Connecta't a un endpoint GraphQL",
+ "secret_environments": "Secrets are not synced to Hoppscotch",
"shared_requests": "Shared requests are empty",
"shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one",
"subscription": "Subscriptions are empty",
"team_name": "El nom de l'equip és buit",
"teams": "Els equips estan buits",
"tests": "No hi ha proves per a aquesta sol·licitud",
+ "access_tokens": "Access tokens are empty",
"shortcodes": "Els shortcodes estan buits"
"environment": {
@@ -270,6 +304,8 @@
"quick_peek": "Environment Quick Peek",
"replace_with_variable": "Replace with variable",
"scope": "Scope",
+ "secrets": "Secrets",
+ "secret_value": "Secret value",
"select": "Seleccioneu un entorn",
"set": "Set environment",
"set_as_environment": "Set as environment",
@@ -278,7 +314,10 @@
"updated": "Entorn actualitzat",
"value": "Value",
"variable": "Variable",
- "variable_list": "Llista de variables"
+ "variables": "Variables",
+ "variable_list": "Llista de variables",
+ "properties": "Environment Properties",
+ "details": "Details"
"error": {
"authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers",
@@ -289,6 +328,7 @@
"danger_zone": "Danger zone",
"delete_account": "Your account is currently an owner in these teams:",
"delete_account_description": "You must either remove yourself, transfer ownership, or delete these teams before you can delete your account.",
+ "empty_profile_name": "Profile name cannot be empty",
"empty_req_name": "Nom de la sol·licitud buida",
"f12_details": "(F12 per obtenir més informació)",
"gql_prettify_invalid_query": "No s'ha pogut definir una consulta no vàlida, resoldre els errors de sintaxi de la consulta i tornar-ho a provar",
@@ -296,6 +336,7 @@
"incorrect_email": "Correu electrònic incorrecte",
"invalid_link": "Enllaç invalid",
"invalid_link_description": "L'enllaç en que heu fet clic no és vàlid o ha caducat.",
+ "invalid_embed_link": "The embed does not exist or is invalid.",
"json_parsing_failed": "JSON no vàlid",
"json_prettify_invalid_body": "No s'ha pogut personalitzar un cos no vàlid, resol els errors de sintaxi json i tornar-ho a provar",
"network_error": "Sembla que hi ha un error de xarxa. Si us plau torna-ho a provar.",
@@ -307,17 +348,25 @@
"page_not_found": "This page could not be found",
"please_install_extension": "Please install the extension and add origin to the extension.",
"proxy_error": "Proxy error",
+ "same_profile_name": "Updated profile name is same as the current profile name",
"script_fail": "No s'ha pogut executar l'script de sol·licitud prèvia",
"something_went_wrong": "Alguna cosa ha anat malament",
- "test_script_fail": "No s'ha pogut executar l'script posterior a la sol·licitud"
+ "test_script_fail": "No s'ha pogut executar l'script posterior a la sol·licitud",
+ "reading_files": "Error while reading one or more files.",
+ "fetching_access_tokens_list": "Something went wrong while fetching the list of tokens",
+ "generate_access_token": "Something went wrong while generating the access token",
+ "delete_access_token": "Something went wrong while deleting the access token"
"export": {
"as_json": "Exporta com a JSON",
"create_secret_gist": "Crear un Gist secret",
+ "create_secret_gist_tooltip_text": "Export as secret Gist",
"failed": "Something went wrong while exporting",
- "gist_created": "Gist creat",
+ "secret_gist_success": "Successfully exported as secret Gist",
"require_github": "Inicieu la sessió amb GitHub per crear un Gisst secret",
- "title": "Exportar"
+ "title": "Exportar",
+ "success": "Successfully exported",
+ "gist_created": "Gist creat"
"filter": {
"all": "All",
@@ -339,7 +388,8 @@
"mutations": "Mutacions",
"schema": "Esquema",
"subscriptions": "Subscripcions",
- "switch_connection": "Switch connection"
+ "switch_connection": "Switch connection",
+ "url_placeholder": "Enter a GraphQL endpoint URL"
"graphql_collections": {
"title": "GraphQL Collections"
@@ -405,12 +455,17 @@
"json_description": "Importar col·leccions des d'un fitxer JSON de col·leccions Hoppscotch",
"postman_environment": "Postman Environment",
"postman_environment_description": "Import Postman Environment from a JSON file",
- "title": "Importació"
+ "title": "Importació",
+ "file_size_limit_exceeded_warning_multiple_files": "Chosen files exceed the recommended limit of 10MB. Only the first {files} selected will be imported",
+ "file_size_limit_exceeded_warning_single_file": "The currently chosen file exceeds the recommended limit of 10MB. Please select another file.",
+ "success": "Successfully imported"
"inspections": {
"description": "Inspect possible errors",
"environment": {
"add_environment": "Add to Environment",
+ "add_environment_value": "Add value",
+ "empty_value": "Environment value is empty for the variable '{variable}' ",
"not_found": "Environment variable “{environment}” not found."
"header": {
@@ -546,6 +601,7 @@
"raw_body": "Cos de sol·licitud sense processar",
"rename": "Rename Request",
"renamed": "S'ha canviat el nom de la sol·licitud",
+ "request_variables": "Request variables",
"run": "Executar",
"save": "Guardar",
"save_as": "Guardar com",
@@ -557,6 +613,7 @@
"title": "Sol·licitud",
"type": "Tipus de sol·licitud",
"url": "URL",
+ "url_placeholder": "Enter a URL or paste a cURL command",
"variables": "Variables",
"view_my_links": "Visualitzar els meus enllaços",
"copy_link": "Copia l'enllaç"
@@ -811,6 +868,13 @@
"new": "Create new team",
"switch_to_personal": "Switch to your personal workspace",
"title": "Teams"
+ },
+ "phrases": {
+ "try": "Try",
+ "import_collections": "Import collections",
+ "create_environment": "Create environment",
+ "create_workspace": "Create workspace",
+ "share_request": "Share request"
"sse": {
@@ -867,9 +931,9 @@
"forum": "Feu preguntes i obteniu respostes",
"github": "Segueix-nos a Github",
"shortcuts": "Navega per l'aplicació més ràpidament",
- "team": "Poseu-vos en contacte amb l'equip",
"title": "Suport",
- "twitter": "Segueix-nos a Twitter"
+ "twitter": "Segueix-nos a Twitter",
+ "team": "Poseu-vos en contacte amb l'equip"
"tab": {
"authorization": "Autorització",
@@ -889,6 +953,9 @@
"query": "Consulta",
"schema": "Schema",
"shared_requests": "Shared Requests",
+ "codegen": "Generate Code",
+ "code_snippet": "Code snippet",
+ "share_tab_request": "Share tab request",
"socketio": "Socket.IO",
"sse": "SSE",
"tests": "Proves",
@@ -917,7 +984,6 @@
"invite_tooltip": "Invitar persones a aquest espai de treball",
"invited_to_team": "{owner} t'ha invitat a unir-te a {team}",
"join": "S'ha acceptat la invitació",
- "join_beta": "Uneix-te al programa beta per accedir als equips.",
"join_team": "Uneix-te a {team}",
"joined_team": "T'has unit a {team}",
"joined_team_description": "Ara ets membre d'aquest equip",
@@ -950,7 +1016,12 @@
"success_invites": "Success invites",
"title": "Equips",
"we_sent_invite_link": "Hem enviat un enllaç d'invitació a tots els convidats!",
- "we_sent_invite_link_description": "Demaneu a tots els convidats que comprovin la seva safata d'entrada. Feu clic a l'enllaç per unir-vos a l'equip."
+ "invite_sent_smtp_disabled": "Invite links generated",
+ "we_sent_invite_link_description": "Demaneu a tots els convidats que comprovin la seva safata d'entrada. Feu clic a l'enllaç per unir-vos a l'equip.",
+ "invite_sent_smtp_disabled_description": "Sending invite emails is disabled for this instance of Hoppscotch. Please use the Copy link button to copy and share the invite link manually.",
+ "copy_invite_link": "Copy Invite Link",
+ "search_title": "Team Requests",
+ "join_beta": "Uneix-te al programa beta per accedir als equips."
"team_environment": {
"deleted": "Environment Deleted",
@@ -977,9 +1048,50 @@
"workspace": {
"change": "Change workspace",
"personal": "My Workspace",
+ "other_workspaces": "My Workspaces",
"team": "Team Workspace",
"title": "Workspaces"
+ "site_protection": {
+ "login_to_continue": "Login to continue",
+ "login_to_continue_description": "You need to be logged in to access this Hoppscotch Enterprise Instance.",
+ "error_fetching_site_protection_status": "Something Went Wrong While Fetching Site Protection Status"
+ },
+ "access_tokens": {
+ "tab_title": "Tokens",
+ "section_title": "Personal Access Tokens",
+ "section_description": "Personal access tokens currently helps you connect the CLI to your Hoppscotch account",
+ "last_used_on": "Last used on",
+ "expires_on": "Expires on",
+ "no_expiration": "No expiration",
+ "expired": "Expired",
+ "copy_token_warning": "Make sure to copy your personal access token now. You won't be able to see it again!",
+ "token_purpose": "What's this token for?",
+ "expiration_label": "Expiration",
+ "scope_label": "Scope",
+ "workspace_read_only_access": "Read-only access to workspace data.",
+ "personal_workspace_access_limitation": "Personal Access Tokens can't access your personal workspace.",
+ "generate_token": "Generate Token",
+ "invalid_label": "Please provide a label for the token",
+ "no_expiration_verbose": "This token will never expire!",
+ "token_expires_on": "This token will expire on",
+ "generate_new_token": "Generate new token",
+ "generate_modal_title": "New Personal Access Token",
+ "deletion_success": "The access token {label} has been deleted"
+ },
+ "collection_runner": {
+ "collection_id": "Collection ID",
+ "environment_id": "Environment ID",
+ "cli_collection_id_description": "This collection ID will be used by the CLI collection runner for Hoppscotch.",
+ "cli_environment_id_description": "This environment ID will be used by the CLI collection runner for Hoppscotch.",
+ "include_active_environment": "Include active environment:",
+ "cli": "CLI",
+ "ui": "Runner (coming soon)",
+ "cli_command_generation_description_cloud": "Copy the below command and run it from the CLI. Please specify a personal access token.",
+ "cli_command_generation_description_sh": "Copy the below command and run it from the CLI. Please specify a personal access token and verify the generated SH instance server URL.",
+ "cli_command_generation_description_sh_with_server_url_placeholder": "Copy the below command and run it from the CLI. Please specify a personal access token and the SH instance server URL.",
+ "run_collection": "Run collection"
+ },
"shortcodes": {
"actions": "Accions",
"created_on": "Creat el",