@@ -16,15 +16,20 @@ import {
+ cascadeParentCollectionForHeaderAuth,
+ moveRESTFolder,
+ moveRESTRequest,
+ updateRESTCollectionOrder,
+ updateRESTRequestOrder,
} from "~/newstore/collections"
import { platform } from "~/platform"
@@ -51,6 +56,16 @@ import { HoppInheritedProperty } from "~/helpers/types/HoppInheritedProperties"
import IconUser from "~icons/lucide/user"
import { NewWorkspaceService } from ".."
import { initializeDownloadFile } from "~/helpers/import-export/export"
+import {
+ getFoldersByPath,
+ resolveSaveContextOnCollectionReorder,
+ updateInheritedPropertiesForAffectedRequests,
+ updateSaveContextForAffectedRequests,
+} from "~/helpers/collection/collection"
+import {
+ getRequestsByPath,
+ resolveSaveContextOnRequestReorder,
+} from "~/helpers/collection/request"
export class PersonalWorkspaceProviderService
extends Service
@@ -475,6 +490,189 @@ export class PersonalWorkspaceProviderService
return Promise.resolve(E.right(undefined))
+ public reorderRESTCollection(
+ collectionHandle: HandleRef<WorkspaceCollection>,
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string
+ ): Promise<E.Either<unknown, void>> {
+ if (
+ collectionHandle.value.type !== "ok" ||
+ collectionHandle.value.data.providerID !== this.providerID ||
+ collectionHandle.value.data.workspaceID !== "personal"
+ ) {
+ return Promise.resolve(E.left("INVALID_COLLECTION_HANDLE" as const))
+ }
+ const draggedCollectionIndex = collectionHandle.value.data.collectionID
+ updateRESTCollectionOrder(
+ draggedCollectionIndex,
+ destinationCollectionIndex
+ )
+ // resolveSaveContextOnCollectionReorder({
+ // lastIndex: pathToLastIndex(draggedCollectionIndex),
+ // newIndex: pathToLastIndex(
+ // destinationCollectionIndex ? destinationCollectionIndex : ""
+ // ),
+ // folderPath: draggedCollectionIndex.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/"),
+ // })
+ return Promise.resolve(E.right(undefined))
+ }
+ public moveRESTCollection(
+ collectionHandle: HandleRef<WorkspaceCollection>,
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string | null
+ ): Promise<E.Either<unknown, void>> {
+ if (
+ collectionHandle.value.type !== "ok" ||
+ collectionHandle.value.data.providerID !== this.providerID ||
+ collectionHandle.value.data.workspaceID !== "personal"
+ ) {
+ return Promise.resolve(E.left("INVALID_COLLECTION_HANDLE" as const))
+ }
+ const draggedCollectionIndex = collectionHandle.value.data.collectionID
+ // const parentFolder = draggedCollectionIndex
+ // .split("/")
+ // .slice(0, -1)
+ // .join("/") // remove last folder to get parent folder
+ // const totalFoldersOfDestinationCollection =
+ // getFoldersByPath(
+ // restCollectionStore.value.state,
+ // destinationCollectionIndex
+ // ).length - (parentFolder === destinationCollectionIndex ? 1 : 0)
+ moveRESTFolder(draggedCollectionIndex, destinationCollectionIndex)
+ // resolveSaveContextOnCollectionReorder(
+ // {
+ // lastIndex: pathToLastIndex(draggedCollectionIndex),
+ // newIndex: -1,
+ // folderPath: parentFolder,
+ // length: getFoldersByPath(restCollectionStore.value.state, parentFolder)
+ // .length,
+ // },
+ // "drop"
+ // )
+ // updateSaveContextForAffectedRequests(
+ // draggedCollectionIndex,
+ // `${destinationCollectionIndex}/${totalFoldersOfDestinationCollection}`
+ // )
+ // const { auth, headers } = cascadeParentCollectionForHeaderAuth(
+ // `${destinationCollectionIndex}/${totalFoldersOfDestinationCollection}`,
+ // "rest"
+ // )
+ // const inheritedProperty = {
+ // auth,
+ // headers,
+ // }
+ // updateInheritedPropertiesForAffectedRequests(
+ // `${destinationCollectionIndex}/${totalFoldersOfDestinationCollection}`,
+ // inheritedProperty,
+ // "rest"
+ // )
+ return Promise.resolve(E.right(undefined))
+ }
+ public reorderRESTRequest(
+ requestHandle: HandleRef<WorkspaceRequest>,
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string,
+ destinationRequestIndex: string
+ ): Promise<E.Either<unknown, void>> {
+ if (
+ requestHandle.value.type !== "ok" ||
+ requestHandle.value.data.providerID !== this.providerID ||
+ requestHandle.value.data.workspaceID !== "personal"
+ ) {
+ return Promise.resolve(E.left("INVALID_REQUEST_HANDLE" as const))
+ }
+ const draggedRequestIndex = requestHandle.value.data.requestID
+ updateRESTRequestOrder(
+ this.pathToLastIndex(draggedRequestIndex),
+ destinationRequestIndex
+ ? this.pathToLastIndex(destinationRequestIndex)
+ : null,
+ destinationCollectionIndex
+ )
+ return Promise.resolve(E.right(undefined))
+ }
+ public moveRESTRequest(
+ requestHandle: HandleRef<WorkspaceRequest>,
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string
+ ): Promise<E.Either<unknown, void>> {
+ if (
+ requestHandle.value.type !== "ok" ||
+ requestHandle.value.data.providerID !== this.providerID ||
+ requestHandle.value.data.workspaceID !== "personal"
+ ) {
+ return Promise.resolve(E.left("INVALID_REQUEST_HANDLE" as const))
+ }
+ const requestIndex = requestHandle.value.data.requestID
+ const parentCollectionIndexPath = requestIndex
+ .split("/")
+ .slice(0, -1)
+ .join("/")
+ // const { auth, headers } = cascadeParentCollectionForHeaderAuth(
+ // destinationCollectionIndex,
+ // "rest"
+ // )
+ // const possibleTab = tabs.getTabRefWithSaveContext({
+ // originLocation: "user-collection",
+ // folderPath: parentCollectionIndexPath,
+ // requestIndex: this.pathToLastIndex(requestIndex),
+ // })
+ // // If there is a tab attached to this request, change save its save context
+ // if (possibleTab) {
+ // possibleTab.value.document.saveContext = {
+ // originLocation: "user-collection",
+ // folderPath: destinationCollectionIndex,
+ // requestIndex: getRequestsByPath(
+ // restCollectionStore.value.state,
+ // destinationCollectionIndex
+ // ).length,
+ // }
+ // possibleTab.value.document.inheritedProperties = {
+ // auth,
+ // headers,
+ // }
+ // }
+ // // When it's drop it's basically getting deleted from last folder. reordering last folder accordingly
+ // resolveSaveContextOnRequestReorder({
+ // lastIndex: this.pathToLastIndex(requestIndex),
+ // newIndex: -1, // being deleted from last folder
+ // folderPath: parentCollectionIndexPath,
+ // length: getRequestsByPath(
+ // restCollectionStore.value.state,
+ // parentCollectionIndexPath
+ // ).length,
+ // })
+ moveRESTRequest(
+ parentCollectionIndexPath,
+ this.pathToLastIndex(requestIndex),
+ destinationCollectionIndex
+ )
+ return Promise.resolve(E.right(undefined))
+ }
public getCollectionHandle(
workspaceHandle: HandleRef<Workspace>,
collectionID: string