@@ -34,10 +34,13 @@
<div class="flex flex-1 flex-col">
<HoppSmartTree :adapter="treeAdapter">
- <template #content="{ node, toggleChildren, isOpen }">
+ <template
+ #content="{ highlightChildren, isOpen, node, toggleChildren }"
+ >
v-if="node.data.type === 'collection'"
+ :is-last-item="node.data.value.isLastItem"
@@ -47,6 +50,14 @@
+ @dragging="
+ (isDraging) =>
+ highlightChildren(
+ isDraging ? node.data.value.collectionID : null
+ )
+ "
+ @drag-event="dragEvent($event, node.data.value.collectionID)"
+ @drop-event="dropEvent($event, node.data.value.collectionID)"
@@ -68,22 +79,55 @@
+ @update-collection-order="
+ updateCollectionOrder($event, {
+ destinationCollectionIndex: node.data.value.collectionID,
+ destinationCollectionParentIndex:
+ node.data.value.parentCollectionID,
+ })
+ "
+ @update-last-collection-order="
+ updateCollectionOrder($event, {
+ destinationCollectionIndex: null,
+ destinationCollectionParentIndex:
+ node.data.value.parentCollectionID,
+ })
+ "
v-else-if="node.data.type === 'request'"
+ :is-last-item="node.data.value.isLastItem"
+ @drag-request="
+ dragRequest($event, {
+ parentCollectionIndexPath: node.data.value.parentCollectionID,
+ requestIndex: node.data.value.requestID,
+ })
+ "
+ @update-request-order="
+ updateRequestOrder($event, {
+ parentCollectionIndexPath: node.data.value.parentCollectionID,
+ requestIndex: node.data.value.requestID,
+ })
+ "
+ @update-last-request-order="
+ updateRequestOrder($event, {
+ parentCollectionIndexPath: node.data.value.parentCollectionID,
+ requestIndex: null,
+ })
+ "
<div v-else @click="toggleChildren">
{{ node.data.value }}
@@ -96,6 +140,13 @@
+ <!-- <div
+ class="py-15 hidden flex-1 flex-col items-center justify-center bg-primaryDark px-4 text-secondaryLight"
+ :class="{
+ '!flex': draggingToRoot && currentReorderingStatus.type !== 'request',
+ }"
+ > -->
@@ -169,20 +220,29 @@ import { useService } from "dioc/vue"
import { markRaw, nextTick, ref } from "vue"
import { HoppCollection, HoppRESTAuth, HoppRESTRequest } from "@hoppscotch/data"
-import { cloneDeep } from "lodash-es"
+import { cloneDeep, isEqual } from "lodash-es"
import { useI18n } from "~/composables/i18n"
import { useReadonlyStream } from "~/composables/stream"
import { useToast } from "~/composables/toast"
import { invokeAction } from "~/helpers/actions"
import { WorkspaceRESTCollectionTreeAdapter } from "~/helpers/adapters/WorkspaceRESTCollectionTreeAdapter"
import { TeamCollection } from "~/helpers/backend/graphql"
-import { updateInheritedPropertiesForAffectedRequests } from "~/helpers/collection/collection"
+import {
+ getFoldersByPath,
+ resolveSaveContextOnCollectionReorder,
+ updateInheritedPropertiesForAffectedRequests,
+} from "~/helpers/collection/collection"
import { HoppInheritedProperty } from "~/helpers/types/HoppInheritedProperties"
import { Picked } from "~/helpers/types/HoppPicked"
import {
+ cascadeParentCollectionForHeaderAuth,
+ moveRESTFolder,
+ moveRESTRequest,
+ updateRESTCollectionOrder,
+ updateRESTRequestOrder,
} from "~/newstore/collections"
import { platform } from "~/platform"
import { NewWorkspaceService } from "~/services/new-workspace"
@@ -205,9 +265,42 @@ const props = defineProps<{
const emit = defineEmits<{
- (event: "select", payload: Picked | null): void
(e: "display-modal-add"): void
(e: "display-modal-import-export"): void
+ (
+ event: "drop-collection",
+ payload: {
+ collectionIndexDragged: string
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string
+ }
+ ): void
+ (
+ event: "drop-request",
+ payload: {
+ parentCollectionIndexPath: string
+ requestIndex: string
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string
+ }
+ ): void
+ (event: "select", payload: Picked | null): void
+ (
+ event: "update-collection-order",
+ payload: {
+ dragedCollectionIndex: string
+ destinationCollection: {
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string | null
+ destinationCollectionParentIndex: string | null
+ }
+ }
+ ): void
+ (
+ event: "update-request-order",
+ payload: {
+ dragedRequestIndex: string
+ destinationRequestIndex: string | null
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string
+ }
+ ): void
const workspaceService = useService(NewWorkspaceService)
@@ -1151,47 +1244,302 @@ const exportCollection = async (collectionIndexPath: string) => {
-const shareRequest = (request: HoppRESTRequest) => {
- if (currentUser.value) {
- // Opens the share request modal if the user is logged in
- return invokeAction("share.request", { request })
+const dragEvent = (dataTransfer: DataTransfer, collectionIndex: string) => {
+ dataTransfer.setData("collectionIndex", collectionIndex)
+const dragRequest = (
+ dataTransfer: DataTransfer,
+ {
+ parentCollectionIndexPath,
+ requestIndex,
+ }: { parentCollectionIndexPath: string | null; requestIndex: string }
+) => {
+ if (!parentCollectionIndexPath) return
+ dataTransfer.setData("parentCollectionIndexPath", parentCollectionIndexPath)
+ dataTransfer.setData("requestIndex", requestIndex)
+const dropEvent = (
+ dataTransfer: DataTransfer,
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string
+) => {
+ const parentCollectionIndexPath = dataTransfer.getData(
+ "parentCollectionIndexPath"
+ )
+ const requestIndex = dataTransfer.getData("requestIndex")
+ const collectionIndexDragged = dataTransfer.getData("collectionIndex")
+ if (parentCollectionIndexPath && requestIndex) {
+ // emit("drop-request", {
+ // parentCollectionIndexPath,
+ // requestIndex,
+ // destinationCollectionIndex,
+ // })
+ dropRequest({
+ parentCollectionIndexPath,
+ requestIndex,
+ destinationCollectionIndex,
+ })
+ } else {
+ dropCollection({
+ collectionIndexDragged,
+ destinationCollectionIndex,
+ })
- // Else, prompts the user to login
- invokeAction("modals.login.toggle")
+const dropRequest = (payload: {
+ parentCollectionIndexPath?: string | undefined
+ requestIndex: string
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string
+}) => {
+ const {
+ parentCollectionIndexPath,
+ requestIndex,
+ destinationCollectionIndex,
+ } = payload
+ if (
+ !requestIndex ||
+ !destinationCollectionIndex ||
+ !parentCollectionIndexPath
+ )
+ return
+ // const { auth, headers } = cascadeParentCollectionForHeaderAuth(
+ // destinationCollectionIndex,
+ // "rest"
+ // )
+ // const possibleTab = tabs.getTabRefWithSaveContext({
+ // originLocation: "user-collection",
+ // folderPath,
+ // requestIndex: pathToLastIndex(requestIndex),
+ // })
+ // If there is a tab attached to this request, change save its save context
+ // if (possibleTab) {
+ // possibleTab.value.document.saveContext = {
+ // originLocation: "user-collection",
+ // folderPath: destinationCollectionIndex,
+ // requestIndex: getRequestsByPath(
+ // restCollectionState.value,
+ // destinationCollectionIndex
+ // ).length,
+ // }
+ // possibleTab.value.document.inheritedProperties = {
+ // auth,
+ // headers,
+ // }
+ // }
+ // When it's drop it's basically getting deleted from last folder. reordering last folder accordingly
+ // resolveSaveContextOnRequestReorder({
+ // lastIndex: pathToLastIndex(requestIndex),
+ // newIndex: -1, // being deleted from last folder
+ // folderPath,
+ // length: getRequestsByPath(myCollections.value, folderPath).length,
+ // })
+ moveRESTRequest(
+ parentCollectionIndexPath,
+ pathToLastIndex(requestIndex),
+ destinationCollectionIndex
+ )
+ toast.success(`${t("request.moved")}`)
+ // draggingToRoot.value = false
-const resolveConfirmModal = (title: string | null) => {
- if (title === `${t("confirm.remove_collection")}`) {
- onRemoveRootCollection()
- } else if (title === `${t("confirm.remove_request")}`) {
- onRemoveRequest()
- } else if (title === `${t("confirm.remove_folder")}`) {
- onRemoveChildCollection()
+const dropCollection = (payload: {
+ collectionIndexDragged: string
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string
+}) => {
+ const { collectionIndexDragged, destinationCollectionIndex } = payload
+ if (!collectionIndexDragged || !destinationCollectionIndex) return
+ if (collectionIndexDragged === destinationCollectionIndex) return
+ if (
+ checkIfCollectionIsAParentOfTheChildren(
+ collectionIndexDragged,
+ destinationCollectionIndex
+ )
+ ) {
+ toast.error(`${t("team.parent_coll_move")}`)
+ return
+ }
+ //check if the collection is being moved to its own parent
+ if (
+ isMoveToSameLocation(collectionIndexDragged, destinationCollectionIndex)
+ ) {
+ return
+ }
+ const parentFolder = collectionIndexDragged.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/") // remove last folder to get parent folder
+ const totalFoldersOfDestinationCollection =
+ getFoldersByPath(restCollectionState.value, destinationCollectionIndex)
+ .length - (parentFolder === destinationCollectionIndex ? 1 : 0)
+ moveRESTFolder(collectionIndexDragged, destinationCollectionIndex)
+ // resolveSaveContextOnCollectionReorder(
+ // {
+ // lastIndex: pathToLastIndex(collectionIndexDragged),
+ // newIndex: -1,
+ // folderPath: parentFolder,
+ // length: getFoldersByPath(restCollectionState.value, parentFolder).length,
+ // },
+ // "drop"
+ // )
+ // updateSaveContextForAffectedRequests(
+ // collectionIndexDragged,
+ // `${destinationCollectionIndex}/${totalFoldersOfDestinationCollection}`
+ // )
+ const { auth, headers } = cascadeParentCollectionForHeaderAuth(
+ `${destinationCollectionIndex}/${totalFoldersOfDestinationCollection}`,
+ "rest"
+ )
+ const inheritedProperty = {
+ auth,
+ headers,
+ }
+ updateInheritedPropertiesForAffectedRequests(
+ `${destinationCollectionIndex}/${totalFoldersOfDestinationCollection}`,
+ inheritedProperty,
+ "rest"
+ )
+ // draggingToRoot.value = false
+ toast.success(`${t("collection.moved")}`)
+const updateRequestOrder = (
+ dataTransfer: DataTransfer,
+ {
+ parentCollectionIndexPath,
+ requestIndex,
+ }: { parentCollectionIndexPath: string | null; requestIndex: string | null }
+) => {
+ if (!parentCollectionIndexPath) return
+ const dragedRequestIndex = dataTransfer.getData("requestIndex")
+ const destinationRequestIndex = requestIndex
+ const destinationCollectionIndex = parentCollectionIndexPath
+ if (
+ !dragedRequestIndex ||
+ !destinationCollectionIndex ||
+ dragedRequestIndex === destinationRequestIndex
+ ) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (
+ !isSameSameParent(
+ dragedRequestIndex,
+ destinationRequestIndex,
+ destinationCollectionIndex
+ )
+ ) {
+ toast.error(`${t("collection.different_parent")}`)
} else {
- console.error(
- `Confirm modal title ${title} is not handled by the component`
+ updateRESTRequestOrder(
+ pathToLastIndex(dragedRequestIndex),
+ destinationRequestIndex ? pathToLastIndex(destinationRequestIndex) : null,
+ destinationCollectionIndex
- toast.error(t("error.something_went_wrong"))
- displayConfirmModal(false)
+ toast.success(`${t("request.order_changed")}`)
-const resetSelectedData = () => {
- editingCollectionIndexPath.value = ""
- editingRootCollectionName.value = ""
- editingChildCollectionName.value = ""
- editingRequestName.value = ""
- editingRequestIndexPath.value = ""
+const updateCollectionOrder = (
+ dataTransfer: DataTransfer,
+ destinationCollection: {
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string | null
+ destinationCollectionParentIndex: string | null
+ }
+) => {
+ const draggedCollectionIndex = dataTransfer.getData("collectionIndex")
+ const { destinationCollectionIndex, destinationCollectionParentIndex } =
+ destinationCollection
+ if (
+ !draggedCollectionIndex ||
+ draggedCollectionIndex === destinationCollectionIndex
+ ) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (
+ !isSameSameParent(
+ draggedCollectionIndex,
+ destinationCollectionIndex,
+ destinationCollectionParentIndex
+ )
+ ) {
+ toast.error(`${t("collection.different_parent")}`)
+ } else {
+ updateRESTCollectionOrder(
+ draggedCollectionIndex,
+ destinationCollectionIndex
+ )
+ // resolveSaveContextOnCollectionReorder({
+ // lastIndex: pathToLastIndex(draggedCollectionIndex),
+ // newIndex: pathToLastIndex(
+ // destinationCollectionIndex ? destinationCollectionIndex : ""
+ // ),
+ // folderPath: draggedCollectionIndex.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/"),
+ // })
+ toast.success(`${t("collection.order_changed")}`)
+ }
+const shareRequest = (request: HoppRESTRequest) => {
+ if (currentUser.value) {
+ // Opens the share request modal if the user is logged in
+ return invokeAction("share.request", { request })
+ }
+ // Else, prompts the user to login
+ invokeAction("modals.login.toggle")
- * @param path The path of the collection or request
- * @returns The index of the collection or request
+ * Generic helpers
-const pathToIndex = (path: string) => {
- const pathArr = path.split("/")
- return pathArr
+ * Used to check if the collection exist as the parent of the childrens
+ * @param collectionIndexDragged The index of the collection dragged
+ * @param destinationCollectionIndex The index of the destination collection
+ * @returns True if the collection exist as the parent of the childrens
+ */
+const checkIfCollectionIsAParentOfTheChildren = (
+ collectionIndexDragged: string,
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string
+) => {
+ const collectionDraggedPath = pathToIndex(collectionIndexDragged)
+ const destinationCollectionPath = pathToIndex(destinationCollectionIndex)
+ if (collectionDraggedPath.length < destinationCollectionPath.length) {
+ const slicedDestinationCollectionPath = destinationCollectionPath.slice(
+ 0,
+ collectionDraggedPath.length
+ )
+ if (isEqual(slicedDestinationCollectionPath, collectionDraggedPath)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ return false
@@ -1242,4 +1590,111 @@ const getRequestIndexPathArgs = (requestIndexPath: string) => {
+const isMoveToSameLocation = (
+ draggedItemPath: string,
+ destinationPath: string
+) => {
+ const draggedItemPathArr = pathToIndex(draggedItemPath)
+ const destinationPathArr = pathToIndex(destinationPath)
+ if (draggedItemPathArr.length > 0) {
+ const draggedItemParentPathArr = draggedItemPathArr.slice(
+ 0,
+ draggedItemPathArr.length - 1
+ )
+ if (isEqual(draggedItemParentPathArr, destinationPathArr)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ * Used to check if the request/collection is being moved to the same parent since reorder is only allowed within the same parent
+ * @param draggedItem - path index of the dragged request
+ * @param destinationItem - path index of the destination request
+ * @param destinationCollectionIndex - index of the destination collection
+ * @returns boolean - true if the request is being moved to the same parent
+ */
+const isSameSameParent = (
+ draggedItemPath: string,
+ destinationItemPath: string | null,
+ destinationCollectionIndex: string | null
+) => {
+ const draggedItemIndex = pathToIndex(draggedItemPath)
+ // if the destinationItemPath and destinationCollectionIndex is null, it means the request is being moved to the root
+ if (destinationItemPath === null && destinationCollectionIndex === null) {
+ return draggedItemIndex.length === 1
+ } else if (
+ destinationItemPath === null &&
+ destinationCollectionIndex !== null &&
+ draggedItemIndex.length === 1
+ ) {
+ return draggedItemIndex[0] === destinationCollectionIndex
+ } else if (
+ destinationItemPath === null &&
+ draggedItemIndex.length !== 1 &&
+ destinationCollectionIndex !== null
+ ) {
+ const dragedItemParent = draggedItemIndex.slice(0, -1)
+ return dragedItemParent.join("/") === destinationCollectionIndex
+ }
+ if (destinationItemPath === null) return false
+ const destinationItemIndex = pathToIndex(destinationItemPath)
+ // length of 1 means the request is in the root
+ if (draggedItemIndex.length === 1 && destinationItemIndex.length === 1) {
+ return true
+ } else if (draggedItemIndex.length === destinationItemIndex.length) {
+ const dragedItemParent = draggedItemIndex.slice(0, -1)
+ const destinationItemParent = destinationItemIndex.slice(0, -1)
+ if (isEqual(dragedItemParent, destinationItemParent)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ return false
+ * @param path The path of the collection or request
+ * @returns The index of the collection or request
+ */
+const pathToIndex = (path: string) => {
+ const pathArr = path.split("/")
+ return pathArr
+const pathToLastIndex = (path: string) => {
+ const pathArr = pathToIndex(path)
+ return parseInt(pathArr[pathArr.length - 1])
+const resolveConfirmModal = (title: string | null) => {
+ if (title === `${t("confirm.remove_collection")}`) {
+ onRemoveRootCollection()
+ } else if (title === `${t("confirm.remove_request")}`) {
+ onRemoveRequest()
+ } else if (title === `${t("confirm.remove_folder")}`) {
+ onRemoveChildCollection()
+ } else {
+ console.error(
+ `Confirm modal title ${title} is not handled by the component`
+ )
+ toast.error(t("error.something_went_wrong"))
+ displayConfirmModal(false)
+ }
+const resetSelectedData = () => {
+ editingCollectionIndexPath.value = ""
+ editingRootCollectionName.value = ""
+ editingChildCollectionName.value = ""
+ editingRequestName.value = ""
+ editingRequestIndexPath.value = ""