flameshot.example.ini 3.1 KB

  1. ;[General]
  2. ;; Configure which buttons to show after drawing a selection
  3. ;; Not easy to set by hand
  4. ;buttons=@Variant(\0\0\0\x7f\0\0\0\vQList<int>\0\0\0\0\x14\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x1\0\0\0\x2\0\0\0\x3\0\0\0\x4\0\0\0\x5\0\0\0\x6\0\0\0\x12\0\0\0\xf\0\0\0\x13\0\0\0\a\0\0\0\b\0\0\0\t\0\0\0\x10\0\0\0\n\0\0\0\v\0\0\0\f\0\0\0\r\0\0\0\xe\0\0\0\x11)
  5. ;
  6. ;; List of colors for color picker
  7. ;; The colors are arranged counter-clockwise with the first being set to the right of the cursor
  8. ;; Colors are any valid hex code or W3C color name
  9. ;; "picker" adds a custom color picker
  10. ;userColors=#800000, #ff0000, #ffff00, #00ff00, #008000, #00ffff, #0000ff, #ff00ff, #800080, picker
  11. ;
  12. ;; Image Save Path
  13. ;savePath=/tmp
  14. ;
  15. ;; Whether the savePath is a fixed path (bool)
  16. ;savePathFixed=false
  17. ;
  18. ;; Default file extension for screenshots
  19. ;setSaveAsFileExtension=.png
  20. ;
  21. ;; Main UI color
  22. ;; Color is any valid hex code or W3C color name
  23. ;uiColor=#740096
  24. ;
  25. ;; Contrast UI color
  26. ;; Color is any valid hex code or W3C color name
  27. ;contrastUiColor=#270032
  28. ;
  29. ;; Last used color
  30. ;; Color is any valid hex code or W3C color name
  31. ;drawColor=#ff0000
  32. ;
  33. ;; Show the help screen on startup (bool)
  34. ;showHelp=true
  35. ;
  36. ;; Show the side panel button (bool)
  37. ;showSidePanelButton=true
  38. ;
  39. ;; Ignore updates to versions less than this value
  40. ;ignoreUpdateToVersion=
  41. ;
  42. ;; Show desktop notifications (bool)
  43. ;showDesktopNotification=true
  44. ;
  45. ;; Filename pattern using C++ strftime formatting
  46. ;filenamePattern=%F_%H-%M
  47. ;
  48. ;; Whether the tray icon is disabled (bool)
  49. ;disabledTrayIcon=false
  50. ;
  51. ;; Automatically close daemon when it's not needed (not available on Windows)
  52. ;autoCloseIdleDaemon=false
  53. ;
  54. ;; Allow multiple instances of `flameshot gui` to run at the same time
  55. ;allowMultipleGuiInstances=false
  56. ;
  57. ;; Last used tool thickness (int)
  58. ;drawThickness=1
  59. ;
  60. ;; Keep the App Launcher open after selecting an app (bool)
  61. ;keepOpenAppLauncher=false
  62. ;
  63. ;; Launch at startup (bool)
  64. ;startupLaunch=true
  65. ;
  66. ;; Opacity of area outside selection (int in range 0-255)
  67. ;contrastOpacity=190
  68. ;
  69. ;; Save image after copy (bool)
  70. ;saveAfterCopy=false
  71. ;
  72. ;; Copy path to image after save (bool)
  73. ;copyPathAfterSave=false
  74. ;
  75. ;; On successful upload, close the dialog and copy URL to clipboard.
  76. ;copyAndCloseAfterUpload=true
  77. ;
  78. ;; Anti-aliasing image when zoom the pinned image (bool)
  79. ;antialiasingPinZoom=true
  80. ;
  81. ;; Use JPG format instead of PNG (bool)
  82. ;useJpgForClipboard=false
  83. ;
  84. ;; Upload to imgur without confirmation (bool)
  85. ;uploadWithoutConfirmation=false
  86. ;
  87. ;; Shortcut Settings for all tools
  88. ;[Shortcuts]
  93. ;TYPE_COPY=Ctrl+C
  95. ;TYPE_EXIT=Ctrl+Q
  99. ;TYPE_MOVE_DOWN=Down
  100. ;TYPE_MOVE_LEFT=Left
  101. ;TYPE_MOVE_RIGHT=Right
  102. ;TYPE_MOVE_UP=Up
  103. ;TYPE_OPEN_APP=Ctrl+O
  105. ;TYPE_PIN=
  108. ;TYPE_REDO=Ctrl+Shift+Z
  109. ;TYPE_RESIZE_DOWN=Shift+Down
  110. ;TYPE_RESIZE_LEFT=Shift+Left
  111. ;TYPE_RESIZE_RIGHT=Shift+Right
  112. ;TYPE_RESIZE_UP=Shift+Up
  113. ;TYPE_SAVE=Ctrl+S
  116. ;TYPE_SELECT_ALL=Ctrl+A
  117. ;TYPE_TEXT=T
  119. ;TYPE_UNDO=Ctrl+Z