Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software https://flameshot.org/

Ariel Volovik 042d690060 Unlock weblate translations (#3873) 4 days ago
.github 1997aed8a3 fix: correct macos build (#3867) 1 week ago
cmake 065aa98ce4 Fix some compile warnings in macOS build (#2027) 3 years ago
data 042d690060 Unlock weblate translations (#3873) 4 days ago
docs b88056c266 removes Slack from documentation (#3650) 1 month ago
external 744bcd666b Don't allow Qt6 for color widget yet (#2230) 3 years ago
packaging 54644dff89 ci: enhancements and updates (#3685) 1 month ago
scripts 3b5459f99d ci: some improvements (#3863) 2 weeks ago
src c35e16afcb Fix English translations not used despite being preferred (#3822) 1 month ago
tests 233c765b1f Reduce dependence on D-Bus (#2003) 3 years ago
.clang-format 03a20fbf8a Add BraceWrapping rules (#3066) 2 years ago
.clang-tidy 58248c9776 Added button to config menu to allow users to copy system version info. (#1756) 3 years ago
.cmake-format.yaml b95e096136 Simple maintenance improvements (#1918) 3 years ago
.envrc f6355949ca remove unused whitespaces, add shell.nix and .envrc (#2749) 2 years ago
.gitignore a1dda59108 Fix nix direnv (#3613) 10 months ago
CMakeLists.txt d05764997d add cmake option DISABLE_UPDATE_CHECKER (#2793) 2 years ago
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 3096fab6d8 Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 4 years ago
LICENSE b95e096136 Simple maintenance improvements (#1918) 3 years ago
README.md 7aa69e4e25 Update build/install instructions for custom install dir translations to work (#3821) 1 month ago
appveyor.yml 236534b17b Refactor CMake (#3104) 1 year ago
flameshot.example.ini ccb5a27b13 config option to disable grim warrning (#3456) 8 months ago
shell.nix a1dda59108 Fix nix direnv (#3613) 10 months ago
snapcraft.yaml 3fafcf4aa9 chore: cleanup and update base to core22 (#3790) 3 months ago



Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software.

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  • Customizable appearance.
  • Easy to use.
  • In-app screenshot editing.
  • DBus interface.
  • Upload to Imgur.


Executing the command flameshot without parameters will launch a running instance of the program in the background without taking actions. If your desktop environment provides tray area, a tray icon will also appear in the tray for users to perform configuration and management.

Example commands:

  • Capture with GUI:

    flameshot gui
  • Capture with GUI with custom save path:

    flameshot gui -p ~/myStuff/captures
  • Capture with GUI after 2 seconds delay (can be useful to take screenshots of mouse hover tooltips, etc.):

    flameshot gui -d 2000
  • Fullscreen capture with custom save path (no GUI) and delayed:

    flameshot full -p ~/myStuff/captures -d 5000
  • Fullscreen capture with custom save path copying to clipboard:

    flameshot full -c -p ~/myStuff/captures
  • Capture the screen containing the mouse and print the image (bytes) in PNG format:

    flameshot screen -r
  • Capture the screen number 1 and copy it to the clipboard:

    flameshot screen -n 1 -c

In case of doubt choose the first or the second command as shortcut in your favorite desktop environment.

A systray icon will be in your system's panel while Flameshot is running. Do a right click on the tray icon and you'll see some menu items to open the configuration window and the information window. Check out the About window to see all available shortcuts in the graphical capture mode.

CLI configuration

You can use the graphical menu to configure Flameshot, but alternatively you can use your terminal or scripts to do so.

  • Open the configuration menu:

    flameshot config
  • Show the initial help message in the capture mode:

    flameshot config --showhelp true
  • For more information about the available options use the help flag:

    flameshot config -h

Config file

You can also edit some of the settings (like overriding the default colors) in the configuration file.\ Linux path: ~/.config/flameshot/flameshot.ini.\ Windows path: C:\Users\{YOURNAME}\AppData\Roaming\flameshot\flameshot.ini.

When copying over the config file from Linux to Windows or vice versa, make sure to correct the savePath variable,\ so that the screenshots save in the right directory on your desired file system.

Keyboard shortcuts


These shortcuts are available in GUI mode:

Keys Description
P Set the Pencil as paint tool
D Set the Line as paint tool
A Set the Arrow as paint tool
S Set Selection as paint tool
R Set the Rectangle as paint tool
C Set the Circle as paint tool
M Set the Marker as paint tool
T Add text to your capture
B Set Pixelate as the paint tool
←, ↓, ↑, → Move selection 1px
Shift + ←, ↓, ↑, → Resize selection 1px
Ctrl + Shift + ←, ↓, ↑, → Symmetrically resize selection 2px
Esc Quit capture
Ctrl + M Move the selection area
Ctrl + C Copy to clipboard
Ctrl + S Save selection as a file
Ctrl + Z Undo the last modification
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo the next modification
Ctrl + Q Leave the capture screen
Ctrl + O Choose an app to open the capture
Ctrl + Return Commit text in text area
Return Upload the selection to Imgur
Spacebar Toggle visibility of sidebar with options of the selected tool, color picker for the drawing color and history menu
Right Click Show the color wheel
Mouse Wheel Change the tool's thickness
Print screen Capture Screen
Shift + Print Screenshot History
Ctrl + drawing line, arrow or marker Drawing only horizontally, vertically or diagonally
Ctrl + drawing rectangle or circle Keeping aspect ratio

Shift + drag a handler of the selection area: mirror redimension in the opposite handler.


Flameshot uses Print screen (Windows) and cmd-shift-x (macOS) as default global hotkeys.

On Linux, Flameshot doesn't yet support Prt Sc out of the box, but with a bit of configuration you can set this up:

On KDE Plasma desktop

To make configuration easier, there's a file in the repository that more or less automates this process. This file will assign the following hotkeys by default:

Keys Description
Prt Sc Start the Flameshot screenshot tool and take a screenshot
Ctrl + Prt Sc Wait for 3 seconds, then start the Flameshot screenshot tool and take a screenshot
Shift + Prt Sc Take a full-screen (all monitors) screenshot and save it
Ctrl + Shift + Prt Sc Take a full-screen (all monitors) screenshot and copy it to the clipboard

If you don't like the defaults, they can be changed later.

Steps for using the configuration:

  1. The configuration file makes Flameshot automatically save screenshots to ~/Pictures/Screenshots without opening the save dialog. Make sure that folder exists by running:

    mkdir -p ~/Pictures/Screenshots

    (If you don't like the default location, you can skip this step and configure your preferred directory later.)

  2. Download the configuration file:

    cd ~/Desktop
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/master/docs/shortcuts-config/flameshot-shortcuts-kde.khotkeys
  3. Make sure you have the khotkeys installed using your package manager to enable custom shortcuts in KDE Plasma.

  4. Go to System SettingsShortcutsCustom Shortcuts.

  5. If an entry exists for Spectacle (the default KDE screenshot utility), you'll need to disable it because its shortcuts might conflict with Flameshot's. Do this by unchecking the Spectacle entry.

  6. Click EditImport..., navigate to the configuration file and open it.

  7. Now the Flameshot entry should appear in the list. Click Apply to apply the changes.

  8. If you want to change the default hotkeys, you can expand the entry, select the appropriate action and modify it as you wish; the process is pretty self-explanatory.

  9. If you installed Flameshot as a Flatpak, you will need to create a symlink to the command:

    ln -s /var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin/org.flameshot.Flameshot ~/.local/bin/flameshot

On Ubuntu (Tested on 18.04, 20.04, 22.04)

To use Flameshot instead of the default screenshot application in Ubuntu we need to remove the binding on Prt Sc key, and then create a new binding for /usr/bin/flameshot gui (adapted from Pavel's answer on AskUbuntu).

  1. Remove the binding on Prt Sc:

Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 using the following command:

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys screenshot '[]'

Ubuntu 22.04: Go to Settings > Keyboard > View and Customise Shortcuts > Screenshots > Take a screenshot interactively and press backspace

  1. Add custom binding on Prt Sc:

Ubuntu 18.04: Go to Settings > Device > Keyboard and press the '+' button at the bottom.

Ubuntu 20.04: Go to Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts and press the '+' button at the bottom.

Ubuntu 22.04: Go to Settings > Keyboard > View and Customise Shortcuts > Custom shortcuts and press the '+' button at the bottom.

  1. Name the command as you like it, e.g. flameshot. And in the command insert /usr/bin/flameshot gui.

  2. Then click "Set Shortcut.." and press Prt Sc. This will show as "print".

Now every time you press Prt Sc, it will start the Flameshot GUI instead of the default application.


  1. Go to Keyboard settings
  2. Switch to the tab Application Shortcuts
  3. Find the entry

    Command                        Shortcut
    xfce4-screenshooter -fd 1      Print
    4. Replace `xfce4-screenshooter -fd 1` with `flameshot gui`
    Now every time you press <kbd>Prt Sc</kbd> it will start Flameshot GUI instead of the default application.
    ## Considerations
    - Experimental Gnome Wayland and Plasma Wayland support.
    - If you are using Gnome you need to install the [AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/615/appindicator-support/) extension in order to see the system tray icon.
    - Press <kbd>Enter</kbd> or <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd> when you are in a capture mode and you don't have an active selection and the whole desktop will be copied to your clipboard. Pressing <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>S</kbd> will save your capture to a file. Check the [Shortcuts](#keyboard-shortcuts) for more information.
    - Flameshot works best with a desktop environment that includes D-Bus. See this [article](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Flameshot#Troubleshooting) for tips on using Flameshot in a minimal window manager (dwm, i3, xmonad, etc).
    - In order to speed up the first launch of Flameshot (D-Bus init of the app can be slow), consider starting the application automatically on boot.
    - Quick tip: If you don't have Flameshot to autostart at boot and you want to set keyboard shortcut, use the following as the command for the keybinding:

    sh ( flameshot &; ) && ( sleep 0.5s && flameshot gui )

    ## Installation
    Flameshot can be installed on Linux, Microsoft Windows, and macOS.
    ### Prebuilt packages
    Some prebuilt packages are provided on [the release page of the GitHub project repository](https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/releases).
    ### Packages from Repository
    There are packages available in the repository of some Linux distributions:
    - [Arch](https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/flameshot/): `pacman -S flameshot`
    + Snapshot also available via AUR: [flameshot-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/flameshot-git).
    - [Debian 10+](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/flameshot): `apt install flameshot`
    + Package for Debian 9 ("Stretch") also [available via stretch-backports](https://backports.debian.org/).
    - [Ubuntu 18.04+](https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flameshot): `apt install flameshot`
    - [openSUSE](https://software.opensuse.org/package/flameshot): `zypper install flameshot`
    - [Void Linux](https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages/tree/master/srcpkgs/flameshot): `xbps-install flameshot`
    - [Solus](https://dev.getsol.us/source/flameshot/): `eopkg it flameshot`
    - [Fedora](https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/flameshot): `dnf install flameshot`
    - [NixOS](https://search.nixos.org/packages?query=flameshot): `nix-env -iA nixos.flameshot`
    - [ALT](https://packages.altlinux.org/en/sisyphus/srpms/flameshot/): `su - -c "apt-get install flameshot"`
    - [Snap/Flatpak/AppImage](https://github.com/flameshotapp/packages)
    - [Docker](https://github.com/ManuelLR/docker-flameshot)
    - [Windows](https://github.com/majkinetor/au-packages/tree/master/flameshot)
    ### macOS
    - [MacPorts](https://www.macports.org): `sudo port selfupdate && sudo port install flameshot`
    - [Homebrew](https://brew.sh): `brew install --cask flameshot`
    **Note** that because of macOS security features, you may not be able to open flameshot when installed using brew.
    If you see the message `“flameshot” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.` you will need to
    follow the steps below:
    1. Go to the Applications folder (Finder > Go > Applications, or <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Command</kbd>+<kbd>A</kbd>)
    1. Right-Click on "flameshot.app" and choose "Open" from the context menu
    2. In the dialog click "Open"
    After following all those steps above, `flameshot` will open without problems in your Mac.
    ### Windows
    - [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/packages/flameshot)
    <summary>Expand this section to see what distros are using an up to date version of flameshot</summary>
    <a href="https://repology.org/metapackage/flameshot/versions">
    <img src="https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/flameshot.svg" alt="Packaging status">
    ### Tray icon
    **Note** that for the Flameshot icon to appear in your tray area, you should have a systray software installed. This is especially true for users who use minimal [window managers](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/window_manager) such as [dwm](https://dwm.suckless.org/). In some [Desktop Environment](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Desktop_environment) installations (e.g Gnome), the systray might be missing and you can install an application or plugin (e.g [Gnome shell extension](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1503/tray-icons/)) to add the systray to your setup. It has been [reported](https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/issues/1009#issuecomment-700781081)) that icon of some software, including Flameshot, does not show in [gnome-shell-extension-appindicator](https://github.com/ubuntu/gnome-shell-extension-appindicator).
    Alternatively, in case you don't want to have a systray, you can always call Flameshot from the terminal. See [Usage section](#usage).
    ## Compilation
    To build the application in your system, you'll need to install the dependencies needed for it and package names might be different for each distribution, see [Dependencies](#dependencies) below for more information. You can also install most of the Qt dependencies via [their installer](https://www.qt.io/download-qt-installer). If you were developing Qt apps before, you probably already have them.
    This project uses [CMake](https://cmake.org/) build system, so you need to install it in order to build the project (on most Linux distributions it is available in the standard repositories as a package called `cmake`). If your distribution provides too old version of CMake (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04) you can [download it on the official website](https://cmake.org/download/).
    Also you can open and build/debug the project in a C++ IDE. For example, in Qt Creator you should be able to simply open `CMakeLists.txt` via `Open File or Project` in the menu after installing CMake into your system. [More information about CMake projects in Qt Creator](https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-project-cmake.html).
    ### Dependencies
    #### Compile-time
    - Qt >= 5.9
    + Development tools
    - GCC >= 7.4
    - CMake >= 3.29
    #### Run-time
    - Qt
    + SVG
    #### Optional
    - Git
    - OpenSSL
    - CA Certificates
    #### Debian



apt install g++ cmake build-essential qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5svg5-dev qttools5-dev


apt install libqt5dbus5 libqt5network5 libqt5core5a libqt5widgets5 libqt5gui5 libqt5svg5


apt install git openssl ca-certificates

#### Fedora



dnf install gcc-c++ cmake qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-linguist


dnf install qt5-qtbase qt5-qtsvg-devel


dnf install git openssl ca-certificates

#### Arch



pacman -S cmake base-devel git qt5-base qt5-tools


pacman -S qt5-svg


pacman -S openssl ca-certificates

#### NixOS

shell nix-shell

#### macOS

First of all you need to install [brew](https://brew.sh) and then install the dependencies

shell brew install qt5 brew install cmake

### Build

After installing all the dependencies, flameshot can be built.

#### Installation/build dir
For the translations to be loaded correctly, the build process needs to be aware of where you want
to install flameshot.


Directory where build files will be placed, may be relative

export BUILD_DIR=build

Directory prefix where flameshot will be installed. If you are just building and don't want to

install, comment this environment variable.

This excludes the bin/flameshot part of the install,

e.g. in /opt/flameshot/bin/flameshot, the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is /opt/flameshot

This must be an absolute path. Requires CMAKE 3.29.

export CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/flameshot


cmake -S . -B "$BUILD_DIR"

&& cmake --build "$BUILD_DIR"

#MacOS cmake -S . -B "$BUILD_DIR"

-DQt5_DIR="$(brew --prefix qt5)/lib/cmake/Qt5" \
&& cmake --build "$BUILD_DIR"

When the `cmake --build` command has completed you can launch flameshot from the `project_folder/build/src` folder.

### Install

Note that if you install from source, there _is no_ uninstaller, so consider installing to a custom directory.

#### To install into a custom directory
Make sure you are using cmake `>= 3.29` and build flameshot with `$CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` set to the
installation directory. If this is not done, the translations won't be found when using a custom directory.
Then, run the following:


!Build with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and use cmake >= 3.29! Using an older cmake will cause

installation into the default /usr/local dir.

You may need to run this with privileges

cmake --install "$BUILD_DIR"

#### To install to the default install directory


You may need to run this with privileges

cmake --install "$BUILD_DIR" ```




Info: If I take code from your project and that implies a relicense to GPLv3, you can reuse my changes with the original previous license of your project applied.

Privacy Policy

This program will not transfer any information to other networked systems unless specifically requested by the user or the person installing or operating it.

Code Signing Policy

For Windows binaries, this program uses free code signing provided by SignPath.io, and a certificate by the SignPath Foundation.

Code signing is currently a manual process so not every patch release will be signed.


If you want to contribute check the CONTRIBUTING.md


Thanks to those who have shown interest in the early development process:

Thanks to sponsors: