Browse Source

Changed blur tool to pixelate instead

Jeremy Borgman 4 years ago
2 changed files with 192 additions and 49 deletions
  1. 89 0
  2. 103 49

+ 89 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
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+ 103 - 49

@@ -16,73 +16,127 @@
 //     along with Flameshot.  If not, see <>.
 #include "blurtool.h"
-#include <QPainter>
+#include <QApplication>
 #include <QGraphicsBlurEffect>
 #include <QGraphicsPixmapItem>
 #include <QGraphicsScene>
-#include <QApplication>
+#include <QImage>
+#include <QPainter>
-BlurTool::BlurTool(QObject *parent) : AbstractTwoPointTool(parent) {
+BlurTool::BlurTool(QObject *parent) : AbstractTwoPointTool(parent) {}
+QIcon BlurTool::icon(const QColor &background, bool inEditor) const
+  Q_UNUSED(inEditor);
+  return QIcon(iconPath(background) + "blur.svg");
+QString BlurTool::name() const { return tr("Blur"); }
-QIcon BlurTool::icon(const QColor &background, bool inEditor) const {
-    Q_UNUSED(inEditor);
-    return QIcon(iconPath(background) + "blur.svg");
-QString BlurTool::name() const {
-    return tr("Blur");
+QString BlurTool::nameID() { return QLatin1String(""); }
-QString BlurTool::nameID() {
-    return QLatin1String("");
+QString BlurTool::description() const
+  return tr("Set Blur as the paint tool");
-QString BlurTool::description() const {
-    return tr("Set Blur as the paint tool");
+CaptureTool *BlurTool::copy(QObject *parent) { return new BlurTool(parent); }
+void write_block(QImage &image, int x_start, int y_start, int pixel_size,
+                 QRgb block_color)
+  assert(x_start + pixel_size < image.width());
+  assert(y_start + pixel_size < image.height());
-CaptureTool* BlurTool::copy(QObject *parent) {
-    return new BlurTool(parent);
+  for (auto x = x_start; x < x_start + pixel_size; x++)
+  {
+    for (auto y = y_start; y < y_start + pixel_size; y++)
+    {
+      image.setPixel(x, y, block_color);
+    }
+  }
-void BlurTool::process(QPainter &painter, const QPixmap &pixmap, bool recordUndo) {
-    if (recordUndo) {
-        updateBackup(pixmap);
+QRgb calculate_block_averge(QImage &image, int x_start, int y_start,
+                            int pixel_size)
+  assert(x_start + pixel_size < image.width());
+  assert(y_start + pixel_size < image.height());
+  auto red_count = 0;
+  auto blue_count = 0;
+  auto green_count = 0;
+  auto pixel_count = 0;
+  for (auto x = x_start; x < x_start + pixel_size; x++)
+  {
+    for (auto y = y_start; y < y_start + pixel_size; y++)
+    {
+      auto pixel = image.pixel(x, y);
+      red_count += qRed(pixel);
+      green_count += qGreen(pixel);
+      blue_count += qBlue(pixel);
+      pixel_count++;
-    QPoint &p0 = m_points.first;
-    QPoint &p1 = m_points.second;
-    auto pixelRatio = pixmap.devicePixelRatio();
-    QRect selection = QRect(p0, p1).normalized();
-    QRect selectionScaled = QRect(p0 * pixelRatio, p1 * pixelRatio).normalized();
-    QGraphicsBlurEffect *blur = new QGraphicsBlurEffect;
-    blur->setBlurRadius(10);
-    QGraphicsPixmapItem *item = new QGraphicsPixmapItem (
-                pixmap.copy(selectionScaled));
-    item->setGraphicsEffect(blur);
-    QGraphicsScene scene;
-    scene.addItem(item);
-    scene.render(&painter, selection, QRectF());
-    blur->setBlurRadius(12);
-    scene.render(&painter, selection, QRectF());
-    scene.render(&painter, selection, QRectF());
+  }
+  return (qRgb(red_count / pixel_count, green_count / pixel_count,
+               blue_count / pixel_count));
+void BlurTool::process(QPainter &painter, const QPixmap &pixmap,
+                       bool recordUndo)
+  if (recordUndo)
+  {
+    updateBackup(pixmap);
+  }
+  QPoint &p0 = m_points.first;
+  QPoint &p1 = m_points.second;
+  auto pixelRatio = pixmap.devicePixelRatio();
+  QRect selection = QRect(p0, p1).normalized();
+  QRect selectionScaled = QRect(p0 * pixelRatio, p1 * pixelRatio).normalized();
+  QPixmap *source = new QPixmap(pixmap.copy(selectionScaled));
+  QImage original_image{source->toImage()};
+  QImage imageResult{source->toImage()};
+  unsigned int pixel_size = m_thickness;
+  const unsigned int width = source->width();
+  const unsigned int height = source->height();
-void BlurTool::paintMousePreview(QPainter &painter, const CaptureContext &context) {
-    Q_UNUSED(context);
-    Q_UNUSED(painter);
+  // Don't start pixelating until the region is at least as big as the pixel
+  if ((width > pixel_size) && (height > pixel_size))
+  {
+    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < (width - pixel_size); x += pixel_size)
+    {
+      for (unsigned int y = 0; y < (height - pixel_size); y += pixel_size)
+      {
+        auto block_color =
+          calculate_block_averge(original_image, x, y, pixel_size);
+        write_block(imageResult, x, y, pixel_size, block_color);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  QPixmap result{QPixmap::fromImage(imageResult)};
+  QGraphicsScene scene;
+  scene.addPixmap(result);
+  scene.render(&painter, selection, QRectF());
-void BlurTool::drawStart(const CaptureContext &context) {
-    m_thickness = context.thickness;
-    m_points.first = context.mousePos;
-    m_points.second = context.mousePos;
+void BlurTool::paintMousePreview(QPainter &painter,
+                                 const CaptureContext &context)
+  Q_UNUSED(context);
+  Q_UNUSED(painter);
-void BlurTool::pressed(const CaptureContext &context) {
-    Q_UNUSED(context);
+void BlurTool::drawStart(const CaptureContext &context)
+  m_thickness = context.thickness;
+  m_points.first = context.mousePos;
+  m_points.second = context.mousePos;
+void BlurTool::pressed(const CaptureContext &context) { Q_UNUSED(context); }