@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# Maintaining the documentation
+The narrative documentation is written in markdown and built into HTML using
+[MkDocs][mkdocs], particularly the [MkDocs material theme][mkdocs-material]. The
+source code documentation is generated using Doxygen and adapted for MkDocs
+using [MkDoxy][mkdoxy] (a tweaked custom fork of the original). The source code
+of this documentation can be found [here][doc-source].
+!!! tip
+ In order to edit a page from the documentation, click the :material-pencil:
+ button in the top right corner of the page. Please note that this button
+ won't work within the API section of the documentation - the button is
+ removed from there during [post-processing][], but it will still be visible
+ when [serving the website locally][serving-locally].
+## Serving locally
+To serve the documentation locally, run the `make serve` target in the
+`docs/dev` directory. The server is available at the port designated in the
+output of the command.
+## Notes and conventions
+- When you add new files or rename existing files or section names, be sure to
+ edit the `nav` property of [mkdocs.yml][mkdocs.yml].
+- Always insert links as [reference style
+ links][markdown:reference-style-links]. This will make the docs source code
+ more readable and make broken links more easily detectable and replaceable.
+### Post-processing
+There are some tweaks we make to the generated HTML documentation. We do that in
+the `make build` target, by running the [post-process.sh][post-process.sh]
+script. To see what post-processing we do, see that file.
+For this reason, the version of the documentation served locally using `make
+serve` will not match the generated HTML documentation 100%. But those
+inconsistencies are few and minor.
+## Dependencies
+pip install \
+ mkdocs \
+ mkdocs-material \
+ git+https://github.com/veracioux/mkdoxy@v1.0.0
+!!! note
+ We use a forked version of [mkdoxy][mkdoxy-original] that can be found
+ [here][mkdoxy], that fixes some annoying things from the original.
+## Deployment
+The developer documentation is served from the official Flameshot website
+[flameshot.org][website]. Here's how.
+The official website itself is served from this [repo][website-repo]. That repo
+contains the user documentation. It's deployed using GitHub pages -- the served
+files can be found on the [gh-pages][] branch of that repo. This branch is
+automatically created by the [build][website-build] workflow on master.
+To make the developer docs available on the official site, we use a custom
+GitHub action called [deploy-dev-docs][] in the [flameshot][] repo. This action
+will build and deploy this documentation into the `docs/dev` subdirectory of the
+[gh-pages][] branch.
+### The deploy-dev-docs GitHub workflow
+This workflow checks out the flameshot website [repo][website-repo] and does the following:
+- Creates a clean [dev-docs-staging][] branch (we'll explain why, below).
+- Generates the developer docs under `docs/dev` there and makes a commit
+- Checks out the [gh-pages][] branch and makes the same commit there
+- Force-pushes the dev-docs-staging branch to the website repo
+- Pushes the gh-pages branch to the website repo
+Since the [gh-pages][] branch is re-created from scratch by the [website
+deployment workflow][website-build], the commit that added the developer
+documentation will be lost. That's why we have to re-apply the commit during the
+[website deployment workflow][website-build] as well. **That is the reason why
+we created the** [**dev-docs-staging**][dev-docs-staging] **branch in the first
+!!! note
+ The deploy-dev-docs workflow is set to run on the `docs` branch as well as `master`.
+ This branch is used for debugging the developer docs and its associated
+ workflows, without polluting the `master` branch with unnecessary commits.
+#### Access tokens
+In order to make changes to the [website repo][website-repo] from within a
+workflow in the [flameshot repo][flameshot], the workflow needs to use an access
+token, which it obtains from the `TOKEN_PUSH_TO_WEBSITE_REPO` secret.
+The following process was used to set it up:
+1. A flameshot organization member with write access must create a personal
+ access token (PAT) [here][PAT] with write access to the [website repo][website-repo].
+2. A secret named `TOKEN_PUSH_TO_WEBSITE_REPO` must be added to the
+ [flameshot][] repo and its value must be set to the PAT. This can be done
+ [here][action-secrets].
+For best security practice, the token should be set to expire after some time
+(currently ~6 months). The token can be regenerated without the need to recreate
+it. After regeneration you will need to update the `TOKEN_PUSH_TO_WEBSITE_REPO`
+secret, which can be done [here][edit-secret].
+!!! tip
+ The currently active PAT is owned by [veracioux][] and is set to expire on July
+ 31 2024. If you notice the token has expired, ask him to re-generate it.
+<!-- Internal links -->
+[post-processing]: #post-processing
+[serving-locally]: #serving-locally
+<!-- Flameshot-related pages -->
+[flameshot]: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot
+[website]: https://flameshot.org
+[doc-source]: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/tree/master/docs/dev
+[website-repo]: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot-org.github.io
+[gh-pages]: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot-org.github.io/tree/gh-pages
+[dev-docs-staging]: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot-org.github.io/tree/dev-docs-staging
+[action-secrets]: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/settings/secrets/actions
+[edit-secret]: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/settings/secrets/actions/TOKEN_PUSH_TO_WEBSITE_REPO
+<!-- Files in flameshot repo -->
+[mkdocs.yml]: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/blob/master/docs/dev/mkdocs.yml
+[post-process.sh]: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/blob/master/docs/dev/post-process.sh
+[deploy-dev-docs]: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/blob/master/.github/workflows/deploy-dev-docs.yml
+<!-- Files in flameshot website repo -->
+[website-build]: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot-org.github.io/blob/master/.github/workflows/build.yml
+<!-- External pages -->
+[markdown:reference-style-links]: https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/#reference-style-links
+[mkdocs]: https://www.mkdocs.org/
+[mkdocs-material]: https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material
+[mkdoxy-original]: https://github.com/JakubAndrysek/mkdoxy
+[mkdoxy]: https://github.com/veracioux/mkdoxy
+[PAT]: https://github.com/settings/tokens?type=beta
+[veracioux]: https://github.com/veracioux