123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751 |
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2013 KLab Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- #ifndef EXIF_H_
- #define EXIF_H_
- #ifdef _WIN32
- #define EXIF_API_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
- #define EXIF_API_CALL
- #else
- #define EXIF_API_EXPORT /**< API export macro */
- #define EXIF_API_CALL /**< API call macro */
- #endif
- #define EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL EXIF_API_EXPORT EXIF_API_CALL /**< API export and call macro*/
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /**
- * setVerbose()
- *
- * Verbose output on/off
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] v : 1=on 0=off
- */
- void EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_setVerbose(int);
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #include <crtdbg.h>
- //#define new ::new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- #endif
- #endif
- #include <stdint.h>
- /**
- * Typical Usage:
- *
- * The following code describes how to get "Model" Tag's data
- * from 0th IFD in "test.jpg".
- *
- * // Parse the JPEG header and create the pointer array of the IFD tables
- * int result;
- * void **ifdArray = createIfdTableArray("test.jpg", *result);
- * switch (result) {
- * case 0:
- * :
- * }
- * if (!ifdArray) {
- * return;
- * }
- *
- * // Get the TagNodeInfo that matches the IFD_TYPE & TagId
- * TagNodeInfo *tag = getTagInfo(ifdArray, IFD_0TH, TAG_Model);
- *
- * if (tag) {
- * if (!tag->error) {
- * printf("Model=[%s]\n", tag->byteData); // TYPE_ASCII
- * }
- * freeTagInfo(tag);
- * }
- *
- * freeIfdTableArray(ifdArray);
- * return;
- *
- */
- // IFD Type
- typedef enum {
- IFD_0TH,
- IFD_1ST,
- // Tag Type
- typedef enum {
- TYPE_BYTE = 1,
- // Tag info structure
- typedef struct _exif_tagNodeInfo ExifTagNodeInfo;
- struct _exif_tagNodeInfo {
- uint16_t tagId; // tag ID (e.g. TAG_Model = 0x0110)
- uint16_t type; // data Type (e.g. TYPE_ASCII = 2)
- unsigned int count; // count of the data
- unsigned int* numData; // numeric data array
- uint8_t* byteData; // byte data array
- uint16_t error; // 0: no error 1: parse error
- };
- typedef struct _exif_image_dir_ent
- {
- uint32_t ImageFlags;
- uint32_t ImageLength;
- uint32_t ImageStart;
- uint16_t Image1EntryNum;
- uint16_t Image2EntryNum;
- /**
- * Note:
- *
- * 'numData' holds numeric values.
- * numData[0] to numData[count-1] is accessible.
- *
- * 'numData' holds numeric values.
- * numData[0] to numData[count*2-1] is accessible.
- *
- * [Type = TYPE_ASCII]
- * 'byteData' holds ascii string data.
- * 'count' means the whole length of string with '\0' terminator.
- *
- * 'byteData' holds byte data.
- * byteData[0] to byteData[count-1] is accessible.
- *
- * If the original tag field holds the wrong value, the 'error' flag
- * will be set to 1. In such cases, both 'numData' and 'byteData'
- * might have set to NULL. So, the flag should be checked first.
- */
- // error status
- #define EXIF_ERR_READ_FILE -1
- #define EXIF_ERR_WRITE_FILE -2
- #define EXIF_ERR_INVALID_ID -6
- #define EXIF_ERR_NOT_EXIST -10
- #define EXIF_ERR_UNKNOWN -12
- #define EXIF_ERR_MEMALLOC -13
- // public funtions
- /**
- * removeExifSegmentFromJPEGFile()
- *
- * Remove the Exif segment from a JPEG file
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] inJPEGFileName : original JPEG file
- * [in] outJPGEFileName : output JPEG file
- *
- * return
- * 1: OK
- * 0: the Exif segment is not found
- * -n: error
- */
- int EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_removeExifSegmentFromJPEGFile(const char* inJPEGFileName,
- const char* outJPGEFileName);
- /**
- * fillIfdTableArray()
- *
- * Parse the JPEG header and fill in the IFD table
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] JPEGFileName : target JPEG file
- * [out] ifdArray[32] : array of IfdTable pointers
- *
- * return
- * n: number of IFD tables
- * 0: the Exif segment is not found
- * -n: error
- */
- int EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_fillIfdTableArray(const char* JPEGFileName, void* ifdArray[32]);
- /**
- * createIfdTableArray()
- *
- * Parse the JPEG header and create the pointer array of the IFD tables
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] JPEGFileName : target JPEG file
- * [out] result : result status value
- * n: number of IFD tables
- * 0: the Exif segment is not found
- * -n: error
- *
- * return
- * NULL: error or no Exif segment
- * !NULL: pointer array of the IFD tables
- */
- void EXIF_API_EXPORT ** EXIF_API_CALL exif_createIfdTableArray(const char* JPEGFileName, int* result);
- /**
- * freeIfdTables()
- *
- * Free the pointer array of the IFD tables
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifdArray : address of the IFD array
- */
- void EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_freeIfdTables(void* ifdArray[32]);
- /**
- * freeIfdTableArray()
- *
- * Free the pointer array of the IFD tables
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifdArray : address of the IFD array
- */
- void EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_freeIfdTableArray(void** ifdArray);
- /**
- * getIfdType()
- *
- * Returns the type of the IFD
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifd: target IFD
- *
- * return
- * IFD TYPE value
- */
- EXIF_IFD_TYPE EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_getIfdType(void* ifd);
- /**
- * dumpIfdTable()
- *
- * Dump the IFD table
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifd: target IFD
- */
- void EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_dumpIfdTable(void* ifd);
- /**
- * dumpIfdTableArray()
- *
- * Dump the array of the IFD tables
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifdArray : address of the IFD array
- */
- void EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_dumpIfdTableArray(void** ifdArray);
- /**
- * getTagInfo()
- *
- * Get the TagNodeInfo that matches the IFD_TYPE & TagId
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifdArray : address of the IFD array
- * [in] ifdType : target IFD TYPE
- * [in] tagId : target tag ID
- *
- * return
- * NULL: tag is not found
- * !NULL: address of the TagNodeInfo structure
- */
- ExifTagNodeInfo EXIF_API_EXPORT * EXIF_API_CALL exif_getTagInfo(void** ifdArray,
- EXIF_IFD_TYPE ifdType,
- uint16_t tagId);
- /**
- * getTagInfoFromIfd()
- *
- * Get the TagNodeInfo that matches the TagId
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifd : target IFD
- * [in] tagId : target tag ID
- *
- * return
- * NULL: tag is not found
- * !NULL: address of the TagNodeInfo structure
- */
- ExifTagNodeInfo EXIF_API_EXPORT * EXIF_API_CALL exif_getTagInfoFromIfd(void* ifd, uint16_t tagId);
- /**
- * freeTagInfo()
- *
- * Free the TagNodeInfo allocated by getTagInfo() or getTagInfoFromIfd()
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] tag : target TagNodeInfo
- */
- void EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_freeTagInfo(void* tag);
- /**
- * queryTagNodeIsExist()
- *
- * Query if the specified tag node is exist in the IFD tables
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifdTableArray: address of the IFD tables array
- * [in] ifdType : target IFD type
- * [in] tagId : target tag ID
- *
- * return
- * 0: not exist
- * 1: exist
- */
- int EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_queryTagNodeIsExist(void** ifdTableArray,
- EXIF_IFD_TYPE ifdType,
- uint16_t tagId);
- /**
- * createTagInfo()
- *
- * Create new TagNodeInfo block
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] tagId: id of the tag
- * [in] type: type of the tag
- * [in] count: data count of the tag
- * [out] pResult : error status
- * 0: OK
- * -n: error
- *
- * return
- * NULL: error
- * !NULL: address of the newly created TagNodeInfo
- */
- ExifTagNodeInfo EXIF_API_EXPORT * EXIF_API_CALL exif_createTagInfo(uint16_t tagId,
- uint16_t type,
- unsigned int count,
- int* pResult);
- /**
- * removeIfdTableFromIfdTableArray()
- *
- * Remove the IFD table from the ifdTableArray
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifdTableArray: address of the IFD tables array
- * [in] ifdType : target IFD type
- *
- * return
- * n: number of the removed IFD tables
- */
- int EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_removeIfdTableFromIfdTableArray(void** ifdTableArray, EXIF_IFD_TYPE ifdType);
- /**
- * insertIfdTableToIfdTableArray()
- *
- * Insert new IFD table to the ifdTableArray
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifdTableArray: address of the IFD tables array
- * [in] ifdType : target IFD type
- * [out] pResult : result status
- * 0: OK
- * -n: error
- *
- * return
- * NULL: error
- * !NULL: address of the newly created ifdTableArray
- *
- * note
- * This function frees old ifdTableArray if is not NULL.
- */
- void EXIF_API_EXPORT ** EXIF_API_CALL exif_insertIfdTableToIfdTableArray(void** ifdTableArray,
- EXIF_IFD_TYPE ifdType,
- int* pResult);
- /**
- * removeTagNodeFromIfdTableArray()
- *
- * Remove the specified tag node from the IFD table
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifdTableArray: address of the IFD tables array
- * [in] ifdType : target IFD type
- * [in] tagId : target tag ID
- *
- * return
- * n: number of the removed tags
- */
- int EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_removeTagNodeFromIfdTableArray(void** ifdTableArray,
- EXIF_IFD_TYPE ifdType,
- uint16_t tagId);
- /**
- * insertTagNodeToIfdTableArray()
- *
- * Insert the specified tag node to the IFD table
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifdTableArray: address of the IFD tables array
- * [in] ifdType : target IFD type
- * [in] tagNodeInfo: address of the TagNodeInfo
- *
- * note
- * This function uses the copy of the specified tag data.
- * The caller must free it after this function returns.
- *
- * return
- * 0: OK
- */
- int EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_insertTagNodeToIfdTableArray(void** ifdTableArray,
- EXIF_IFD_TYPE ifdType,
- ExifTagNodeInfo* tagNodeInfo);
- /**
- * getThumbnailDataOnIfdTableArray()
- *
- * Get a copy of the thumbnail data from the 1st IFD table
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifdTableArray : address of the IFD tables array
- * [out] pLength : returns the length of the thumbnail data
- * [out] pResult : result status
- * 0: OK
- * -n: error
- *
- * return
- * NULL: error
- * !NULL: the thumbnail data
- *
- * note
- * This function returns the copy of the thumbnail data.
- * The caller must free it.
- */
- uint8_t EXIF_API_EXPORT * EXIF_API_CALL exif_getThumbnailDataOnIfdTableArray(void** ifdTableArray,
- unsigned int* pLength,
- int* pResult);
- /**
- * setThumbnailDataOnIfdTableArray()
- *
- * Set or update the thumbnail data to the 1st IFD table
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] ifdTableArray : address of the IFD tables array
- * [in] pData : thumbnail data
- * [in] length : thumbnail data length
- *
- * note
- * This function creates the copy of the specified data.
- * The caller must free it after this function returns.
- *
- * return
- * 0: OK
- * -n: error
- */
- int EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_setThumbnailDataOnIfdTableArray(void** ifdTableArray,
- uint8_t* pData,
- unsigned int length);
- void EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_getIfdTableDump(void* pIfd, char** pp);
- /**
- * updateExifSegmentInJPEGFile()
- *
- * Update the Exif segment in a JPEG file
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] inJPEGFileName : original JPEG file
- * [in] outJPGEFileName : output JPEG file
- * [in] ifdTableArray : address of the IFD tables array
- *
- * return
- * 1: OK
- * -n: error
- */
- int EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_updateExifSegmentInJPEGFile(const char* inJPEGFileName,
- const char* outJPGEFileName,
- void** ifdTableArray);
- void EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_getIfdTableDump(void* pIfd, char** pp);
- /**
- * removeAdobeMetadataSegmentFromJPEGFile()
- *
- * Remove Adobe's XMP metadata segment from a JPEG file
- *
- * parameters
- * [in] inJPEGFileName : original JPEG file
- * [in] outJPGEFileName : output JPEG file
- *
- * return
- * 1: OK
- * 0: Adobe's metadata segment is not found
- * -n: error
- */
- int EXIF_API_EXPORT_CALL exif_removeAdobeMetadataSegmentFromJPEGFile(const char* inJPEGFileName,
- const char* outJPGEFileName);
- // Tag IDs
- // 0th IFD, 1st IFD, Exif IFD
- #define TAG_ImageWidth 0x0100
- #define TAG_ImageLength 0x0101
- #define TAG_BitsPerSample 0x0102
- #define TAG_Compression 0x0103
- #define TAG_PhotometricInterpretation 0x0106
- #define TAG_Orientation 0x0112
- #define TAG_SamplesPerPixel 0x0115
- #define TAG_PlanarConfiguration 0x011C
- #define TAG_YCbCrSubSampling 0x0212
- #define TAG_YCbCrPositioning 0x0213
- #define TAG_XResolution 0x011A
- #define TAG_YResolution 0x011B
- #define TAG_ResolutionUnit 0x0128
- #define TAG_StripOffsets 0x0111
- #define TAG_RowsPerStrip 0x0116
- #define TAG_StripByteCounts 0x0117
- #define TAG_JPEGInterchangeFormat 0x0201
- #define TAG_JPEGInterchangeFormatLength 0x0202
- #define TAG_TransferFunction 0x012D
- #define TAG_WhitePoint 0x013E
- #define TAG_PrimaryChromaticities 0x013F
- #define TAG_YCbCrCoefficients 0x0211
- #define TAG_ReferenceBlackWhite 0x0214
- #define TAG_DateTime 0x0132
- #define TAG_ImageDescription 0x010E
- #define TAG_Make 0x010F
- #define TAG_Model 0x0110
- #define TAG_Software 0x0131
- #define TAG_Artist 0x013B
- #define TAG_Copyright 0x8298
- #define TAG_ExifIFDPointer 0x8769
- #define TAG_GPSInfoIFDPointer 0x8825
- #define TAG_InteroperabilityIFDPointer 0xA005
- #define TAG_Rating 0x4746
- #define TAG_ExifVersion 0x9000
- #define TAG_FlashPixVersion 0xA000
- #define TAG_ColorSpace 0xA001
- #define TAG_ComponentsConfiguration 0x9101
- #define TAG_CompressedBitsPerPixel 0x9102
- #define TAG_PixelXDimension 0xA002
- #define TAG_PixelYDimension 0xA003
- #define TAG_MakerNote 0x927C
- #define TAG_UserComment 0x9286
- #define TAG_RelatedSoundFile 0xA004
- #define TAG_DateTimeOriginal 0x9003
- #define TAG_DateTimeDigitized 0x9004
- #define TAG_SubSecTime 0x9290
- #define TAG_SubSecTimeOriginal 0x9291
- #define TAG_SubSecTimeDigitized 0x9292
- #define TAG_ExposureTime 0x829A
- #define TAG_FNumber 0x829D
- #define TAG_ExposureProgram 0x8822
- #define TAG_SpectralSensitivity 0x8824
- #define TAG_PhotographicSensitivity 0x8827
- #define TAG_OECF 0x8828
- #define TAG_SensitivityType 0x8830
- #define TAG_StandardOutputSensitivity 0x8831
- #define TAG_RecommendedExposureIndex 0x8832
- #define TAG_ISOSpeed 0x8833
- #define TAG_ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy 0x8834
- #define TAG_ISOSpeedLatitudezzz 0x8835
- #define TAG_ShutterSpeedValue 0x9201
- #define TAG_ApertureValue 0x9202
- #define TAG_BrightnessValue 0x9203
- #define TAG_ExposureBiasValue 0x9204
- #define TAG_MaxApertureValue 0x9205
- #define TAG_SubjectDistance 0x9206
- #define TAG_MeteringMode 0x9207
- #define TAG_LightSource 0x9208
- #define TAG_Flash 0x9209
- #define TAG_FocalLength 0x920A
- #define TAG_SubjectArea 0x9214
- #define TAG_FlashEnergy 0xA20B
- #define TAG_SpatialFrequencyResponse 0xA20C
- #define TAG_FocalPlaneXResolution 0xA20E
- #define TAG_FocalPlaneYResolution 0xA20F
- #define TAG_FocalPlaneResolutionUnit 0xA210
- #define TAG_SubjectLocation 0xA214
- #define TAG_ExposureIndex 0xA215
- #define TAG_SensingMethod 0xA217
- #define TAG_FileSource 0xA300
- #define TAG_SceneType 0xA301
- #define TAG_CFAPattern 0xA302
- #define TAG_CustomRendered 0xA401
- #define TAG_ExposureMode 0xA402
- #define TAG_WhiteBalance 0xA403
- #define TAG_DigitalZoomRatio 0xA404
- #define TAG_FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 0xA405
- #define TAG_SceneCaptureType 0xA406
- #define TAG_GainControl 0xA407
- #define TAG_Contrast 0xA408
- #define TAG_Saturation 0xA409
- #define TAG_Sharpness 0xA40A
- #define TAG_DeviceSettingDescription 0xA40B
- #define TAG_SubjectDistanceRange 0xA40C
- #define TAG_ImageUniqueID 0xA420
- #define TAG_CameraOwnerName 0xA430
- #define TAG_BodySerialNumber 0xA431
- #define TAG_LensSpecification 0xA432
- #define TAG_LensMake 0xA433
- #define TAG_LensModel 0xA434
- #define TAG_LensSerialNumber 0xA435
- #define TAG_Gamma 0xA500
- #define TAG_PrintIM 0xC4A5
- #define TAG_Padding 0xEA1C
- // GPS IFD
- #define TAG_GPSVersionID 0x0000
- #define TAG_GPSLatitudeRef 0x0001
- #define TAG_GPSLatitude 0x0002
- #define TAG_GPSLongitudeRef 0x0003
- #define TAG_GPSLongitude 0x0004
- #define TAG_GPSAltitudeRef 0x0005
- #define TAG_GPSAltitude 0x0006
- #define TAG_GPSTimeStamp 0x0007
- #define TAG_GPSSatellites 0x0008
- #define TAG_GPSStatus 0x0009
- #define TAG_GPSMeasureMode 0x000A
- #define TAG_GPSDOP 0x000B
- #define TAG_GPSSpeedRef 0x000C
- #define TAG_GPSSpeed 0x000D
- #define TAG_GPSTrackRef 0x000E
- #define TAG_GPSTrack 0x000F
- #define TAG_GPSImgDirectionRef 0x0010
- #define TAG_GPSImgDirection 0x0011
- #define TAG_GPSMapDatum 0x0012
- #define TAG_GPSDestLatitudeRef 0x0013
- #define TAG_GPSDestLatitude 0x0014
- #define TAG_GPSDestLongitudeRef 0x0015
- #define TAG_GPSDestLongitude 0x0016
- #define TAG_GPSBearingRef 0x0017
- #define TAG_GPSBearing 0x0018
- #define TAG_GPSDestDistanceRef 0x0019
- #define TAG_GPSDestDistance 0x001A
- #define TAG_GPSProcessingMethod 0x001B
- #define TAG_GPSAreaInformation 0x001C
- #define TAG_GPSDateStamp 0x001D
- #define TAG_GPSDifferential 0x001E
- #define TAG_GPSHPositioningError 0x001F
- // Interoperability IFD
- #define TAG_InteroperabilityIndex 0x0001
- #define TAG_InteroperabilityVersion 0x0002
- #define TAG_RelatedImageFileFormat 0x1000
- #define TAG_RelatedImageWidth 0x1001
- #define TAG_RelatedImageHeight 0x1002
- // MPF tags
- #define TAG_MPFVersion 0xB000
- #define TAG_NumberOfImage 0xB001
- #define TAG_MPImageList 0xB002
- #define TAG_ImageUIDList 0xB003
- #define TAG_TotalFrames 0xB004
- #define TAG_MPIndividualNum 0xB101
- #define TAG_PanOrientation 0xB201
- #define TAG_PanOverlapH 0xB202
- #define TAG_PanOverlapV 0xB203
- #define TAG_BaseViewpointNum 0xB204
- #define TAG_ConvergenceAngle 0xB205
- #define TAG_BaselineLength 0xB206
- #define TAG_VerticalDivergence 0xB207
- #define TAG_AxisDistanceX 0xB208
- #define TAG_AxisDistanceY 0xB209
- #define TAG_AxisDistanceZ 0xB20A
- #define TAG_YawAngle 0xB20B
- #define TAG_PitchAngle 0xB20C
- #define TAG_RollAngle 0xB20D
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- } /* extern "C" */
- #endif
- #endif // _EXIF_H_