1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018101910201021102210231024102510261027102810291030103110321033103410351036103710381039 |
- #include "PerimeterGenerator.hpp"
- #include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
- #include "ExtrusionEntityCollection.hpp"
- #include "ShortestPath.hpp"
- #include "clipper/clipper_z.hpp"
- #include "Arachne/WallToolPaths.hpp"
- #include "Arachne/utils/ExtrusionLine.hpp"
- #include <cmath>
- #include <cassert>
- #include <stack>
- #include <unordered_map>
- namespace Slic3r {
- ExtrusionPaths thick_polyline_to_extrusion_paths(const ThickPolyline &thick_polyline, ExtrusionRole role, const Flow &flow, const float tolerance, const float merge_tolerance)
- {
- ExtrusionPaths paths;
- ExtrusionPath path(role);
- ThickLines lines = thick_polyline.thicklines();
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)lines.size(); ++i) {
- const ThickLine& line = lines[i];
- assert(line.a_width >= SCALED_EPSILON && line.b_width >= SCALED_EPSILON);
- const coordf_t line_len = line.length();
- if (line_len < SCALED_EPSILON) {
- // The line is so tiny that we don't care about its width when we connect it to another line.
- if (!path.empty())
- path.polyline.points.back() = line.b; // If the variable path is non-empty, connect this tiny line to it.
- else if (i + 1 < (int)lines.size()) // If there is at least one following line, connect this tiny line to it.
- lines[i + 1].a = line.a;
- else if (!paths.empty())
- paths.back().polyline.points.back() = line.b; // Connect this tiny line to the last finished path.
- // If any of the above isn't satisfied, then remove this tiny line.
- continue;
- }
- double thickness_delta = fabs(line.a_width - line.b_width);
- if (thickness_delta > tolerance) {
- const auto segments = (unsigned int)ceil(thickness_delta / tolerance);
- const coordf_t seg_len = line_len / segments;
- Points pp;
- std::vector<coordf_t> width;
- {
- pp.push_back(line.a);
- width.push_back(line.a_width);
- for (size_t j = 1; j < segments; ++j) {
- pp.push_back((line.a.cast<double>() + (line.b - line.a).cast<double>().normalized() * (j * seg_len)).cast<coord_t>());
- coordf_t w = line.a_width + (j*seg_len) * (line.b_width-line.a_width) / line_len;
- width.push_back(w);
- width.push_back(w);
- }
- pp.push_back(line.b);
- width.push_back(line.b_width);
- assert(pp.size() == segments + 1u);
- assert(width.size() == segments*2);
- }
- // delete this line and insert new ones
- lines.erase(lines.begin() + i);
- for (size_t j = 0; j < segments; ++j) {
- ThickLine new_line(pp[j], pp[j+1]);
- new_line.a_width = width[2*j];
- new_line.b_width = width[2*j+1];
- lines.insert(lines.begin() + i + j, new_line);
- }
- -- i;
- continue;
- }
- const double w = fmax(line.a_width, line.b_width);
- const Flow new_flow = (role == erOverhangPerimeter && flow.bridge()) ? flow : flow.with_width(unscale<float>(w) + flow.height() * float(1. - 0.25 * PI));
- if (path.polyline.points.empty()) {
- path.polyline.append(line.a);
- path.polyline.append(line.b);
- // Convert from spacing to extrusion width based on the extrusion model
- // of a square extrusion ended with semi circles.
- #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG
- printf(" filling %f gap\n", flow.width);
- #endif
- path.mm3_per_mm = new_flow.mm3_per_mm();
- path.width = new_flow.width();
- path.height = new_flow.height();
- } else {
- assert(path.width >= EPSILON);
- thickness_delta = scaled<double>(fabs(path.width - new_flow.width()));
- if (thickness_delta <= merge_tolerance) {
- // the width difference between this line and the current flow
- // (of the previous line) width is within the accepted tolerance
- path.polyline.append(line.b);
- } else {
- // we need to initialize a new line
- paths.emplace_back(std::move(path));
- path = ExtrusionPath(role);
- -- i;
- }
- }
- }
- if (path.polyline.is_valid())
- paths.emplace_back(std::move(path));
- return paths;
- }
- static void variable_width(const ThickPolylines& polylines, ExtrusionRole role, const Flow &flow, std::vector<ExtrusionEntity*> &out)
- {
- // This value determines granularity of adaptive width, as G-code does not allow
- // variable extrusion within a single move; this value shall only affect the amount
- // of segments, and any pruning shall be performed before we apply this tolerance.
- const auto tolerance = float(scale_(0.05));
- for (const ThickPolyline &p : polylines) {
- ExtrusionPaths paths = thick_polyline_to_extrusion_paths(p, role, flow, tolerance, tolerance);
- // Append paths to collection.
- if (!paths.empty()) {
- for (auto it = std::next(paths.begin()); it != paths.end(); ++it) {
- assert(it->polyline.points.size() >= 2);
- assert(std::prev(it)->polyline.last_point() == it->polyline.first_point());
- }
- if (paths.front().first_point() == paths.back().last_point()) {
- out.emplace_back(new ExtrusionLoop(std::move(paths)));
- } else {
- for (ExtrusionPath &path : paths)
- out.emplace_back(new ExtrusionPath(std::move(path)));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Hierarchy of perimeters.
- class PerimeterGeneratorLoop {
- public:
- // Polygon of this contour.
- Polygon polygon;
- // Is it a contour or a hole?
- // Contours are CCW oriented, holes are CW oriented.
- bool is_contour;
- // Depth in the hierarchy. External perimeter has depth = 0. An external perimeter could be both a contour and a hole.
- unsigned short depth;
- // Should this contur be fuzzyfied on path generation?
- bool fuzzify;
- // Children contour, may be both CCW and CW oriented (outer contours or holes).
- std::vector<PerimeterGeneratorLoop> children;
- PerimeterGeneratorLoop(const Polygon &polygon, unsigned short depth, bool is_contour, bool fuzzify) :
- polygon(polygon), is_contour(is_contour), depth(depth), fuzzify(fuzzify) {}
- // External perimeter. It may be CCW or CW oriented (outer contour or hole contour).
- bool is_external() const { return this->depth == 0; }
- // An island, which may have holes, but it does not have another internal island.
- bool is_internal_contour() const;
- };
- // Thanks Cura developers for this function.
- static void fuzzy_polygon(Polygon &poly, double fuzzy_skin_thickness, double fuzzy_skin_point_dist)
- {
- const double min_dist_between_points = fuzzy_skin_point_dist * 3. / 4.; // hardcoded: the point distance may vary between 3/4 and 5/4 the supplied value
- const double range_random_point_dist = fuzzy_skin_point_dist / 2.;
- double dist_left_over = double(rand()) * (min_dist_between_points / 2) / double(RAND_MAX); // the distance to be traversed on the line before making the first new point
- Point* p0 = &poly.points.back();
- Points out;
- out.reserve(poly.points.size());
- for (Point &p1 : poly.points)
- { // 'a' is the (next) new point between p0 and p1
- Vec2d p0p1 = (p1 - *p0).cast<double>();
- double p0p1_size = p0p1.norm();
- // so that p0p1_size - dist_last_point evaulates to dist_left_over - p0p1_size
- double dist_last_point = dist_left_over + p0p1_size * 2.;
- for (double p0pa_dist = dist_left_over; p0pa_dist < p0p1_size;
- p0pa_dist += min_dist_between_points + double(rand()) * range_random_point_dist / double(RAND_MAX))
- {
- double r = double(rand()) * (fuzzy_skin_thickness * 2.) / double(RAND_MAX) - fuzzy_skin_thickness;
- out.emplace_back(*p0 + (p0p1 * (p0pa_dist / p0p1_size) + perp(p0p1).cast<double>().normalized() * r).cast<coord_t>());
- dist_last_point = p0pa_dist;
- }
- dist_left_over = p0p1_size - dist_last_point;
- p0 = &p1;
- }
- while (out.size() < 3) {
- size_t point_idx = poly.size() - 2;
- out.emplace_back(poly[point_idx]);
- if (point_idx == 0)
- break;
- -- point_idx;
- }
- if (out.size() >= 3)
- poly.points = std::move(out);
- }
- // Thanks Cura developers for this function.
- static void fuzzy_extrusion_line(Arachne::ExtrusionLine &ext_lines, double fuzzy_skin_thickness, double fuzzy_skin_point_dist)
- {
- const double min_dist_between_points = fuzzy_skin_point_dist * 3. / 4.; // hardcoded: the point distance may vary between 3/4 and 5/4 the supplied value
- const double range_random_point_dist = fuzzy_skin_point_dist / 2.;
- double dist_left_over = double(rand()) * (min_dist_between_points / 2) / double(RAND_MAX); // the distance to be traversed on the line before making the first new point
- auto *p0 = &ext_lines.front();
- std::vector<Arachne::ExtrusionJunction> out;
- out.reserve(ext_lines.size());
- for (auto &p1 : ext_lines) {
- if (p0->p == p1.p) { // Connect endpoints.
- out.emplace_back(p1.p, p1.w, p1.perimeter_index);
- continue;
- }
- // 'a' is the (next) new point between p0 and p1
- Vec2d p0p1 = (p1.p - p0->p).cast<double>();
- double p0p1_size = p0p1.norm();
- // so that p0p1_size - dist_last_point evaulates to dist_left_over - p0p1_size
- double dist_last_point = dist_left_over + p0p1_size * 2.;
- for (double p0pa_dist = dist_left_over; p0pa_dist < p0p1_size; p0pa_dist += min_dist_between_points + double(rand()) * range_random_point_dist / double(RAND_MAX)) {
- double r = double(rand()) * (fuzzy_skin_thickness * 2.) / double(RAND_MAX) - fuzzy_skin_thickness;
- out.emplace_back(p0->p + (p0p1 * (p0pa_dist / p0p1_size) + perp(p0p1).cast<double>().normalized() * r).cast<coord_t>(), p1.w, p1.perimeter_index);
- dist_last_point = p0pa_dist;
- }
- dist_left_over = p0p1_size - dist_last_point;
- p0 = &p1;
- }
- while (out.size() < 3) {
- size_t point_idx = ext_lines.size() - 2;
- out.emplace_back(ext_lines[point_idx].p, ext_lines[point_idx].w, ext_lines[point_idx].perimeter_index);
- if (point_idx == 0)
- break;
- -- point_idx;
- }
- if (ext_lines.back().p == ext_lines.front().p) // Connect endpoints.
- out.back().p = out.front().p;
- if (out.size() >= 3)
- ext_lines.junctions = std::move(out);
- }
- using PerimeterGeneratorLoops = std::vector<PerimeterGeneratorLoop>;
- static ExtrusionEntityCollection traverse_loops(const PerimeterGenerator &perimeter_generator, const PerimeterGeneratorLoops &loops, ThickPolylines &thin_walls)
- {
- // loops is an arrayref of ::Loop objects
- // turn each one into an ExtrusionLoop object
- ExtrusionEntityCollection coll;
- Polygon fuzzified;
- for (const PerimeterGeneratorLoop &loop : loops) {
- bool is_external = loop.is_external();
- ExtrusionRole role;
- ExtrusionLoopRole loop_role;
- role = is_external ? erExternalPerimeter : erPerimeter;
- if (loop.is_internal_contour()) {
- // Note that we set loop role to ContourInternalPerimeter
- // also when loop is both internal and external (i.e.
- // there's only one contour loop).
- loop_role = elrContourInternalPerimeter;
- } else {
- loop_role = elrDefault;
- }
- // detect overhanging/bridging perimeters
- ExtrusionPaths paths;
- const Polygon &polygon = loop.fuzzify ? fuzzified : loop.polygon;
- if (loop.fuzzify) {
- fuzzified = loop.polygon;
- fuzzy_polygon(fuzzified, scaled<float>(perimeter_generator.config->fuzzy_skin_thickness.value), scaled<float>(perimeter_generator.config->fuzzy_skin_point_dist.value));
- }
- if (perimeter_generator.config->overhangs && perimeter_generator.layer_id > perimeter_generator.object_config->raft_layers
- && ! ((perimeter_generator.object_config->support_material || perimeter_generator.object_config->support_material_enforce_layers > 0) &&
- perimeter_generator.object_config->support_material_contact_distance.value == 0)) {
- // get non-overhang paths by intersecting this loop with the grown lower slices
- extrusion_paths_append(
- paths,
- intersection_pl({ polygon }, perimeter_generator.lower_slices_polygons()),
- role,
- is_external ? perimeter_generator.ext_mm3_per_mm() : perimeter_generator.mm3_per_mm(),
- is_external ? perimeter_generator.ext_perimeter_flow.width() : perimeter_generator.perimeter_flow.width(),
- (float)perimeter_generator.layer_height);
- // get overhang paths by checking what parts of this loop fall
- // outside the grown lower slices (thus where the distance between
- // the loop centerline and original lower slices is >= half nozzle diameter
- extrusion_paths_append(
- paths,
- diff_pl({ polygon }, perimeter_generator.lower_slices_polygons()),
- erOverhangPerimeter,
- perimeter_generator.mm3_per_mm_overhang(),
- perimeter_generator.overhang_flow.width(),
- perimeter_generator.overhang_flow.height());
- // Reapply the nearest point search for starting point.
- // We allow polyline reversal because Clipper may have randomly reversed polylines during clipping.
- chain_and_reorder_extrusion_paths(paths, &paths.front().first_point());
- } else {
- ExtrusionPath path(role);
- path.polyline = polygon.split_at_first_point();
- path.mm3_per_mm = is_external ? perimeter_generator.ext_mm3_per_mm() : perimeter_generator.mm3_per_mm();
- path.width = is_external ? perimeter_generator.ext_perimeter_flow.width() : perimeter_generator.perimeter_flow.width();
- path.height = (float)perimeter_generator.layer_height;
- paths.push_back(path);
- }
- coll.append(ExtrusionLoop(std::move(paths), loop_role));
- }
- // Append thin walls to the nearest-neighbor search (only for first iteration)
- if (! thin_walls.empty()) {
- variable_width(thin_walls, erExternalPerimeter, perimeter_generator.ext_perimeter_flow, coll.entities);
- thin_walls.clear();
- }
- // Traverse children and build the final collection.
- Point zero_point(0, 0);
- std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> chain = chain_extrusion_entities(coll.entities, &zero_point);
- ExtrusionEntityCollection out;
- for (const std::pair<size_t, bool> &idx : chain) {
- assert(coll.entities[idx.first] != nullptr);
- if (idx.first >= loops.size()) {
- // This is a thin wall.
- out.entities.reserve(out.entities.size() + 1);
- out.entities.emplace_back(coll.entities[idx.first]);
- coll.entities[idx.first] = nullptr;
- if (idx.second)
- out.entities.back()->reverse();
- } else {
- const PerimeterGeneratorLoop &loop = loops[idx.first];
- assert(thin_walls.empty());
- ExtrusionEntityCollection children = traverse_loops(perimeter_generator, loop.children, thin_walls);
- out.entities.reserve(out.entities.size() + children.entities.size() + 1);
- ExtrusionLoop *eloop = static_cast<ExtrusionLoop*>(coll.entities[idx.first]);
- coll.entities[idx.first] = nullptr;
- if (loop.is_contour) {
- eloop->make_counter_clockwise();
- out.append(std::move(children.entities));
- out.entities.emplace_back(eloop);
- } else {
- eloop->make_clockwise();
- out.entities.emplace_back(eloop);
- out.append(std::move(children.entities));
- }
- }
- }
- return out;
- }
- static ClipperLib_Z::Paths clip_extrusion(const ClipperLib_Z::Path &subject, const ClipperLib_Z::Paths &clip, ClipperLib_Z::ClipType clipType)
- {
- ClipperLib_Z::Clipper clipper;
- clipper.ZFillFunction([](const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint &e1bot, const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint &e1top, const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint &e2bot,
- const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint &e2top, ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint &pt) {
- ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint start = e1bot;
- ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint end = e1top;
- if (start.z() <= 0 && end.z() <= 0) {
- start = e2bot;
- end = e2top;
- }
- assert(start.z() > 0 && end.z() > 0);
- // Interpolate extrusion line width.
- double length_sqr = (end - start).cast<double>().squaredNorm();
- double dist_sqr = (pt - start).cast<double>().squaredNorm();
- double t = std::sqrt(dist_sqr / length_sqr);
- pt.z() = start.z() + coord_t((end.z() - start.z()) * t);
- });
- clipper.AddPath(subject, ClipperLib_Z::ptSubject, false);
- clipper.AddPaths(clip, ClipperLib_Z::ptClip, true);
- ClipperLib_Z::PolyTree clipped_polytree;
- ClipperLib_Z::Paths clipped_paths;
- clipper.Execute(clipType, clipped_polytree, ClipperLib_Z::pftNonZero, ClipperLib_Z::pftNonZero);
- ClipperLib_Z::PolyTreeToPaths(clipped_polytree, clipped_paths);
- // Clipped path could contain vertices from the clip with a Z coordinate equal to zero.
- // For those vertices, we must assign value based on the subject.
- // This happens only in sporadic cases.
- for (ClipperLib_Z::Path &path : clipped_paths)
- for (ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint &c_pt : path)
- if (c_pt.z() == 0) {
- // Now we must find the corresponding line on with this point is located and compute line width (Z coordinate).
- if (subject.size() <= 2)
- continue;
- const Point pt(c_pt.x(), c_pt.y());
- Point projected_pt_min;
- auto it_min = subject.begin();
- auto dist_sqr_min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
- Point prev(subject.front().x(), subject.front().y());
- for (auto it = std::next(subject.begin()); it != subject.end(); ++it) {
- Point curr(it->x(), it->y());
- Point projected_pt = pt.projection_onto(Line(prev, curr));
- if (double dist_sqr = (projected_pt - pt).cast<double>().squaredNorm(); dist_sqr < dist_sqr_min) {
- dist_sqr_min = dist_sqr;
- projected_pt_min = projected_pt;
- it_min = std::prev(it);
- }
- prev = curr;
- }
- assert(dist_sqr_min <= SCALED_EPSILON);
- assert(std::next(it_min) != subject.end());
- const Point pt_a(it_min->x(), it_min->y());
- const Point pt_b(std::next(it_min)->x(), std::next(it_min)->y());
- const double line_len = (pt_b - pt_a).cast<double>().norm();
- const double dist = (projected_pt_min - pt_a).cast<double>().norm();
- c_pt.z() = coord_t(double(it_min->z()) + (dist / line_len) * double(std::next(it_min)->z() - it_min->z()));
- }
- assert([&clipped_paths = std::as_const(clipped_paths)]() -> bool {
- for (const ClipperLib_Z::Path &path : clipped_paths)
- for (const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint &pt : path)
- if (pt.z() <= 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- }());
- return clipped_paths;
- }
- struct PerimeterGeneratorArachneExtrusion
- {
- Arachne::ExtrusionLine *extrusion = nullptr;
- // Indicates if closed ExtrusionLine is a contour or a hole. Used it only when ExtrusionLine is a closed loop.
- bool is_contour = false;
- // Should this extrusion be fuzzyfied on path generation?
- bool fuzzify = false;
- };
- static ExtrusionEntityCollection traverse_extrusions(const PerimeterGenerator &perimeter_generator, std::vector<PerimeterGeneratorArachneExtrusion> &pg_extrusions)
- {
- ExtrusionEntityCollection extrusion_coll;
- for (PerimeterGeneratorArachneExtrusion &pg_extrusion : pg_extrusions) {
- Arachne::ExtrusionLine *extrusion = pg_extrusion.extrusion;
- if (extrusion->empty())
- continue;
- const bool is_external = extrusion->inset_idx == 0;
- ExtrusionRole role = is_external ? erExternalPerimeter : erPerimeter;
- if (pg_extrusion.fuzzify)
- fuzzy_extrusion_line(*extrusion, scaled<float>(perimeter_generator.config->fuzzy_skin_thickness.value), scaled<float>(perimeter_generator.config->fuzzy_skin_point_dist.value));
- ExtrusionPaths paths;
- // detect overhanging/bridging perimeters
- if (perimeter_generator.config->overhangs && perimeter_generator.layer_id > perimeter_generator.object_config->raft_layers
- && ! ((perimeter_generator.object_config->support_material || perimeter_generator.object_config->support_material_enforce_layers > 0) &&
- perimeter_generator.object_config->support_material_contact_distance.value == 0)) {
- ClipperLib_Z::Path extrusion_path;
- extrusion_path.reserve(extrusion->size());
- for (const Arachne::ExtrusionJunction &ej : extrusion->junctions)
- extrusion_path.emplace_back(ej.p.x(), ej.p.y(), ej.w);
- ClipperLib_Z::Paths lower_slices_paths;
- lower_slices_paths.reserve(perimeter_generator.lower_slices_polygons().size());
- for (const Polygon &poly : perimeter_generator.lower_slices_polygons()) {
- lower_slices_paths.emplace_back();
- ClipperLib_Z::Path &out = lower_slices_paths.back();
- out.reserve(poly.points.size());
- for (const Point &pt : poly.points)
- out.emplace_back(pt.x(), pt.y(), 0);
- }
- // get non-overhang paths by intersecting this loop with the grown lower slices
- extrusion_paths_append(paths, clip_extrusion(extrusion_path, lower_slices_paths, ClipperLib_Z::ctIntersection), role,
- is_external ? perimeter_generator.ext_perimeter_flow : perimeter_generator.perimeter_flow);
- // get overhang paths by checking what parts of this loop fall
- // outside the grown lower slices (thus where the distance between
- // the loop centerline and original lower slices is >= half nozzle diameter
- extrusion_paths_append(paths, clip_extrusion(extrusion_path, lower_slices_paths, ClipperLib_Z::ctDifference), erOverhangPerimeter,
- perimeter_generator.overhang_flow);
- // Reapply the nearest point search for starting point.
- // We allow polyline reversal because Clipper may have randomly reversed polylines during clipping.
- // Arachne sometimes creates extrusion with zero-length (just two same endpoints);
- if (!paths.empty()) {
- Point start_point = paths.front().first_point();
- if (!extrusion->is_closed) {
- // Especially for open extrusion, we need to select a starting point that is at the start
- // or the end of the extrusions to make one continuous line. Also, we prefer a non-overhang
- // starting point.
- struct PointInfo
- {
- size_t occurrence = 0;
- bool is_overhang = false;
- };
- std::unordered_map<Point, PointInfo, PointHash> point_occurrence;
- for (const ExtrusionPath &path : paths) {
- ++point_occurrence[path.polyline.first_point()].occurrence;
- ++point_occurrence[path.polyline.last_point()].occurrence;
- if (path.role() == erOverhangPerimeter) {
- point_occurrence[path.polyline.first_point()].is_overhang = true;
- point_occurrence[path.polyline.last_point()].is_overhang = true;
- }
- }
- // Prefer non-overhang point as a starting point.
- for (const std::pair<Point, PointInfo> pt : point_occurrence)
- if (pt.second.occurrence == 1) {
- start_point = pt.first;
- if (!pt.second.is_overhang) {
- start_point = pt.first;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- chain_and_reorder_extrusion_paths(paths, &start_point);
- }
- } else {
- extrusion_paths_append(paths, *extrusion, role, is_external ? perimeter_generator.ext_perimeter_flow : perimeter_generator.perimeter_flow);
- }
- // Append paths to collection.
- if (!paths.empty()) {
- if (extrusion->is_closed) {
- ExtrusionLoop extrusion_loop(std::move(paths));
- // Restore the orientation of the extrusion loop.
- if (pg_extrusion.is_contour)
- extrusion_loop.make_counter_clockwise();
- else
- extrusion_loop.make_clockwise();
- extrusion_coll.append(std::move(extrusion_loop));
- } else
- for (ExtrusionPath &path : paths)
- extrusion_coll.append(ExtrusionPath(std::move(path)));
- }
- }
- return extrusion_coll;
- }
- // Thanks, Cura developers, for implementing an algorithm for generating perimeters with variable width (Arachne) that is based on the paper
- // "A framework for adaptive width control of dense contour-parallel toolpaths in fused deposition modeling"
- void PerimeterGenerator::process_arachne()
- {
- // other perimeters
- m_mm3_per_mm = this->perimeter_flow.mm3_per_mm();
- coord_t perimeter_spacing = this->perimeter_flow.scaled_spacing();
- // external perimeters
- m_ext_mm3_per_mm = this->ext_perimeter_flow.mm3_per_mm();
- coord_t ext_perimeter_width = this->ext_perimeter_flow.scaled_width();
- coord_t ext_perimeter_spacing = this->ext_perimeter_flow.scaled_spacing();
- coord_t ext_perimeter_spacing2 = scaled<coord_t>(0.5f * (this->ext_perimeter_flow.spacing() + this->perimeter_flow.spacing()));
- // overhang perimeters
- m_mm3_per_mm_overhang = this->overhang_flow.mm3_per_mm();
- // solid infill
- coord_t solid_infill_spacing = this->solid_infill_flow.scaled_spacing();
- // prepare grown lower layer slices for overhang detection
- if (this->lower_slices != nullptr && this->config->overhangs) {
- // We consider overhang any part where the entire nozzle diameter is not supported by the
- // lower layer, so we take lower slices and offset them by half the nozzle diameter used
- // in the current layer
- double nozzle_diameter = this->print_config->nozzle_diameter.get_at(this->config->perimeter_extruder-1);
- m_lower_slices_polygons = offset(*this->lower_slices, float(scale_(+nozzle_diameter/2)));
- }
- // we need to process each island separately because we might have different
- // extra perimeters for each one
- for (const Surface &surface : this->slices->surfaces) {
- // detect how many perimeters must be generated for this island
- int loop_number = this->config->perimeters + surface.extra_perimeters - 1; // 0-indexed loops
- ExPolygons last = offset_ex(surface.expolygon.simplify_p(m_scaled_resolution), - float(ext_perimeter_width / 2. - ext_perimeter_spacing / 2.));
- Polygons last_p = to_polygons(last);
- Arachne::WallToolPaths wallToolPaths(last_p, ext_perimeter_spacing, perimeter_spacing, coord_t(loop_number + 1), 0, *this->object_config, *this->print_config);
- std::vector<Arachne::VariableWidthLines> perimeters = wallToolPaths.getToolPaths();
- loop_number = int(perimeters.size()) - 1;
- // All closed ExtrusionLine should have the same the first and the last point.
- // But in rare cases, Arachne produce ExtrusionLine marked as closed but without
- // equal the first and the last point.
- assert([&perimeters = std::as_const(perimeters)]() -> bool {
- for (const Arachne::VariableWidthLines &perimeter : perimeters)
- for (const Arachne::ExtrusionLine &el : perimeter)
- if (el.is_closed && el.junctions.front().p != el.junctions.back().p)
- return false;
- return true;
- }());
- int start_perimeter = int(perimeters.size()) - 1;
- int end_perimeter = -1;
- int direction = -1;
- if (this->config->external_perimeters_first) {
- start_perimeter = 0;
- end_perimeter = int(perimeters.size());
- direction = 1;
- }
- std::vector<Arachne::ExtrusionLine *> all_extrusions;
- for (int perimeter_idx = start_perimeter; perimeter_idx != end_perimeter; perimeter_idx += direction) {
- if (perimeters[perimeter_idx].empty())
- continue;
- for (Arachne::ExtrusionLine &wall : perimeters[perimeter_idx])
- all_extrusions.emplace_back(&wall);
- }
- // Find topological order with constraints from extrusions_constrains.
- std::vector<size_t> blocked(all_extrusions.size(), 0); // Value indicating how many extrusions it is blocking (preceding extrusions) an extrusion.
- std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> blocking(all_extrusions.size()); // Each extrusion contains a vector of extrusions that are blocked by this extrusion.
- std::unordered_map<const Arachne::ExtrusionLine *, size_t> map_extrusion_to_idx;
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx < all_extrusions.size(); idx++)
- map_extrusion_to_idx.emplace(all_extrusions[idx], idx);
- auto extrusions_constrains = Arachne::WallToolPaths::getRegionOrder(all_extrusions, this->config->external_perimeters_first);
- for (auto [before, after] : extrusions_constrains) {
- auto after_it = map_extrusion_to_idx.find(after);
- ++blocked[after_it->second];
- blocking[map_extrusion_to_idx.find(before)->second].emplace_back(after_it->second);
- }
- std::vector<bool> processed(all_extrusions.size(), false); // Indicate that the extrusion was already processed.
- Point current_position = all_extrusions.empty() ? Point::Zero() : all_extrusions.front()->junctions.front().p; // Some starting position.
- std::vector<PerimeterGeneratorArachneExtrusion> ordered_extrusions; // To store our result in. At the end we'll std::swap.
- ordered_extrusions.reserve(all_extrusions.size());
- while (ordered_extrusions.size() < all_extrusions.size()) {
- size_t best_candidate = 0;
- double best_distance_sqr = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
- bool is_best_closed = false;
- std::vector<size_t> available_candidates;
- for (size_t candidate = 0; candidate < all_extrusions.size(); ++candidate) {
- if (processed[candidate] || blocked[candidate])
- continue; // Not a valid candidate.
- available_candidates.push_back(candidate);
- }
- std::sort(available_candidates.begin(), available_candidates.end(), [&all_extrusions](const size_t a_idx, const size_t b_idx) -> bool {
- return all_extrusions[a_idx]->is_closed < all_extrusions[b_idx]->is_closed;
- });
- for (const size_t candidate_path_idx : available_candidates) {
- auto& path = all_extrusions[candidate_path_idx];
- if (path->junctions.empty()) { // No vertices in the path. Can't find the start position then or really plan it in. Put that at the end.
- if (best_distance_sqr == std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
- best_candidate = candidate_path_idx;
- is_best_closed = path->is_closed;
- }
- continue;
- }
- const Point candidate_position = path->junctions.front().p;
- double distance_sqr = (current_position - candidate_position).cast<double>().norm();
- if (distance_sqr < best_distance_sqr) { // Closer than the best candidate so far.
- if (path->is_closed || (!path->is_closed && best_distance_sqr != std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) || (!path->is_closed && !is_best_closed)) {
- best_candidate = candidate_path_idx;
- best_distance_sqr = distance_sqr;
- is_best_closed = path->is_closed;
- }
- }
- }
- auto &best_path = all_extrusions[best_candidate];
- ordered_extrusions.push_back({best_path, best_path->is_contour(), false});
- processed[best_candidate] = true;
- for (size_t unlocked_idx : blocking[best_candidate])
- blocked[unlocked_idx]--;
- if(!best_path->junctions.empty()) { //If all paths were empty, the best path is still empty. We don't upate the current position then.
- if(best_path->is_closed)
- current_position = best_path->junctions[0].p; //We end where we started.
- else
- current_position = best_path->junctions.back().p; //Pick the other end from where we started.
- }
- }
- if (this->layer_id > 0 && this->config->fuzzy_skin != FuzzySkinType::None) {
- std::vector<PerimeterGeneratorArachneExtrusion *> closed_loop_extrusions;
- for (PerimeterGeneratorArachneExtrusion &extrusion : ordered_extrusions)
- if (extrusion.extrusion->inset_idx == 0) {
- if (extrusion.extrusion->is_closed && this->config->fuzzy_skin == FuzzySkinType::External) {
- closed_loop_extrusions.emplace_back(&extrusion);
- } else {
- extrusion.fuzzify = true;
- }
- }
- if (this->config->fuzzy_skin == FuzzySkinType::External) {
- ClipperLib_Z::Paths loops_paths;
- loops_paths.reserve(closed_loop_extrusions.size());
- for (const auto &cl_extrusion : closed_loop_extrusions) {
- assert(cl_extrusion->extrusion->junctions.front() == cl_extrusion->extrusion->junctions.back());
- size_t loop_idx = &cl_extrusion - &closed_loop_extrusions.front();
- ClipperLib_Z::Path loop_path;
- loop_path.reserve(cl_extrusion->extrusion->junctions.size() - 1);
- for (auto junction_it = cl_extrusion->extrusion->junctions.begin(); junction_it != std::prev(cl_extrusion->extrusion->junctions.end()); ++junction_it)
- loop_path.emplace_back(junction_it->p.x(), junction_it->p.y(), loop_idx);
- loops_paths.emplace_back(loop_path);
- }
- ClipperLib_Z::Clipper clipper;
- clipper.AddPaths(loops_paths, ClipperLib_Z::ptSubject, true);
- ClipperLib_Z::PolyTree loops_polytree;
- clipper.Execute(ClipperLib_Z::ctUnion, loops_polytree, ClipperLib_Z::pftEvenOdd, ClipperLib_Z::pftEvenOdd);
- for (const ClipperLib_Z::PolyNode *child_node : loops_polytree.Childs) {
- // The whole contour must have the same index.
- coord_t polygon_idx = child_node->Contour.front().z();
- bool has_same_idx = std::all_of(child_node->Contour.begin(), child_node->Contour.end(),
- [&polygon_idx](const ClipperLib_Z::IntPoint &point) -> bool { return polygon_idx == point.z(); });
- if (has_same_idx)
- closed_loop_extrusions[polygon_idx]->fuzzify = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (ExtrusionEntityCollection extrusion_coll = traverse_extrusions(*this, ordered_extrusions); !extrusion_coll.empty())
- this->loops->append(extrusion_coll);
- ExPolygons infill_contour = union_ex(wallToolPaths.getInnerContour());
- const coord_t spacing = (perimeters.size() == 1) ? ext_perimeter_spacing2 : perimeter_spacing;
- if (offset_ex(infill_contour, -float(spacing / 2.)).empty())
- infill_contour.clear(); // Infill region is too small, so let's filter it out.
- // create one more offset to be used as boundary for fill
- // we offset by half the perimeter spacing (to get to the actual infill boundary)
- // and then we offset back and forth by half the infill spacing to only consider the
- // non-collapsing regions
- coord_t inset =
- (loop_number < 0) ? 0 :
- (loop_number == 0) ?
- // one loop
- ext_perimeter_spacing:
- // two or more loops?
- perimeter_spacing;
- inset = coord_t(scale_(this->config->get_abs_value("infill_overlap", unscale<double>(inset))));
- Polygons pp;
- for (ExPolygon &ex : infill_contour)
- ex.simplify_p(m_scaled_resolution, &pp);
- // collapse too narrow infill areas
- const auto min_perimeter_infill_spacing = coord_t(solid_infill_spacing * (1. - INSET_OVERLAP_TOLERANCE));
- // append infill areas to fill_surfaces
- this->fill_surfaces->append(
- offset2_ex(
- union_ex(pp),
- float(- min_perimeter_infill_spacing / 2.),
- float(inset + min_perimeter_infill_spacing / 2.)),
- stInternal);
- }
- }
- void PerimeterGenerator::process_classic()
- {
- // other perimeters
- m_mm3_per_mm = this->perimeter_flow.mm3_per_mm();
- coord_t perimeter_width = this->perimeter_flow.scaled_width();
- coord_t perimeter_spacing = this->perimeter_flow.scaled_spacing();
- // external perimeters
- m_ext_mm3_per_mm = this->ext_perimeter_flow.mm3_per_mm();
- coord_t ext_perimeter_width = this->ext_perimeter_flow.scaled_width();
- coord_t ext_perimeter_spacing = this->ext_perimeter_flow.scaled_spacing();
- coord_t ext_perimeter_spacing2 = scaled<coord_t>(0.5f * (this->ext_perimeter_flow.spacing() + this->perimeter_flow.spacing()));
- // overhang perimeters
- m_mm3_per_mm_overhang = this->overhang_flow.mm3_per_mm();
- // solid infill
- coord_t solid_infill_spacing = this->solid_infill_flow.scaled_spacing();
- // Calculate the minimum required spacing between two adjacent traces.
- // This should be equal to the nominal flow spacing but we experiment
- // with some tolerance in order to avoid triggering medial axis when
- // some squishing might work. Loops are still spaced by the entire
- // flow spacing; this only applies to collapsing parts.
- // For ext_min_spacing we use the ext_perimeter_spacing calculated for two adjacent
- // external loops (which is the correct way) instead of using ext_perimeter_spacing2
- // which is the spacing between external and internal, which is not correct
- // and would make the collapsing (thus the details resolution) dependent on
- // internal flow which is unrelated.
- coord_t min_spacing = coord_t(perimeter_spacing * (1 - INSET_OVERLAP_TOLERANCE));
- coord_t ext_min_spacing = coord_t(ext_perimeter_spacing * (1 - INSET_OVERLAP_TOLERANCE));
- bool has_gap_fill = this->config->gap_fill_enabled.value && this->config->gap_fill_speed.value > 0;
- // prepare grown lower layer slices for overhang detection
- if (this->lower_slices != NULL && this->config->overhangs) {
- // We consider overhang any part where the entire nozzle diameter is not supported by the
- // lower layer, so we take lower slices and offset them by half the nozzle diameter used
- // in the current layer
- double nozzle_diameter = this->print_config->nozzle_diameter.get_at(this->config->perimeter_extruder-1);
- m_lower_slices_polygons = offset(*this->lower_slices, float(scale_(+nozzle_diameter/2)));
- }
- // we need to process each island separately because we might have different
- // extra perimeters for each one
- for (const Surface &surface : this->slices->surfaces) {
- // detect how many perimeters must be generated for this island
- int loop_number = this->config->perimeters + surface.extra_perimeters - 1; // 0-indexed loops
- ExPolygons last = union_ex(surface.expolygon.simplify_p(m_scaled_resolution));
- ExPolygons gaps;
- if (loop_number >= 0) {
- // In case no perimeters are to be generated, loop_number will equal to -1.
- std::vector<PerimeterGeneratorLoops> contours(loop_number+1); // depth => loops
- std::vector<PerimeterGeneratorLoops> holes(loop_number+1); // depth => loops
- ThickPolylines thin_walls;
- // we loop one time more than needed in order to find gaps after the last perimeter was applied
- for (int i = 0;; ++ i) { // outer loop is 0
- // Calculate next onion shell of perimeters.
- ExPolygons offsets;
- if (i == 0) {
- // the minimum thickness of a single loop is:
- // ext_width/2 + ext_spacing/2 + spacing/2 + width/2
- offsets = this->config->thin_walls ?
- offset2_ex(
- last,
- - float(ext_perimeter_width / 2. + ext_min_spacing / 2. - 1),
- + float(ext_min_spacing / 2. - 1)) :
- offset_ex(last, - float(ext_perimeter_width / 2.));
- // look for thin walls
- if (this->config->thin_walls) {
- // the following offset2 ensures almost nothing in @thin_walls is narrower than $min_width
- // (actually, something larger than that still may exist due to mitering or other causes)
- coord_t min_width = coord_t(scale_(this->ext_perimeter_flow.nozzle_diameter() / 3));
- ExPolygons expp = opening_ex(
- // medial axis requires non-overlapping geometry
- diff_ex(last, offset(offsets, float(ext_perimeter_width / 2.) + ClipperSafetyOffset)),
- float(min_width / 2.));
- // the maximum thickness of our thin wall area is equal to the minimum thickness of a single loop
- for (ExPolygon &ex : expp)
- ex.medial_axis(ext_perimeter_width + ext_perimeter_spacing2, min_width, &thin_walls);
- }
- if (m_spiral_vase && offsets.size() > 1) {
- // Remove all but the largest area polygon.
- keep_largest_contour_only(offsets);
- }
- } else {
- //FIXME Is this offset correct if the line width of the inner perimeters differs
- // from the line width of the infill?
- coord_t distance = (i == 1) ? ext_perimeter_spacing2 : perimeter_spacing;
- offsets = this->config->thin_walls ?
- // This path will ensure, that the perimeters do not overfill, as in
- // prusa3d/Slic3r GH #32, but with the cost of rounding the perimeters
- // excessively, creating gaps, which then need to be filled in by the not very
- // reliable gap fill algorithm.
- // Also the offset2(perimeter, -x, x) may sometimes lead to a perimeter, which is larger than
- // the original.
- offset2_ex(last,
- - float(distance + min_spacing / 2. - 1.),
- float(min_spacing / 2. - 1.)) :
- // If "detect thin walls" is not enabled, this paths will be entered, which
- // leads to overflows, as in prusa3d/Slic3r GH #32
- offset_ex(last, - float(distance));
- // look for gaps
- if (has_gap_fill)
- // not using safety offset here would "detect" very narrow gaps
- // (but still long enough to escape the area threshold) that gap fill
- // won't be able to fill but we'd still remove from infill area
- append(gaps, diff_ex(
- offset(last, - float(0.5 * distance)),
- offset(offsets, float(0.5 * distance + 10)))); // safety offset
- }
- if (offsets.empty()) {
- // Store the number of loops actually generated.
- loop_number = i - 1;
- // No region left to be filled in.
- last.clear();
- break;
- } else if (i > loop_number) {
- // If i > loop_number, we were looking just for gaps.
- break;
- }
- {
- const bool fuzzify_contours = this->config->fuzzy_skin != FuzzySkinType::None && i == 0 && this->layer_id > 0;
- const bool fuzzify_holes = fuzzify_contours && this->config->fuzzy_skin == FuzzySkinType::All;
- for (const ExPolygon &expolygon : offsets) {
- // Outer contour may overlap with an inner contour,
- // inner contour may overlap with another inner contour,
- // outer contour may overlap with itself.
- //FIXME evaluate the overlaps, annotate each point with an overlap depth,
- // compensate for the depth of intersection.
- contours[i].emplace_back(expolygon.contour, i, true, fuzzify_contours);
- if (! expolygon.holes.empty()) {
- holes[i].reserve(holes[i].size() + expolygon.holes.size());
- for (const Polygon &hole : expolygon.holes)
- holes[i].emplace_back(hole, i, false, fuzzify_holes);
- }
- }
- }
- last = std::move(offsets);
- if (i == loop_number && (! has_gap_fill || this->config->fill_density.value == 0)) {
- // The last run of this loop is executed to collect gaps for gap fill.
- // As the gap fill is either disabled or not
- break;
- }
- }
- // nest loops: holes first
- for (int d = 0; d <= loop_number; ++ d) {
- PerimeterGeneratorLoops &holes_d = holes[d];
- // loop through all holes having depth == d
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)holes_d.size(); ++ i) {
- const PerimeterGeneratorLoop &loop = holes_d[i];
- // find the hole loop that contains this one, if any
- for (int t = d + 1; t <= loop_number; ++ t) {
- for (int j = 0; j < (int)holes[t].size(); ++ j) {
- PerimeterGeneratorLoop &candidate_parent = holes[t][j];
- if (candidate_parent.polygon.contains(loop.polygon.first_point())) {
- candidate_parent.children.push_back(loop);
- holes_d.erase(holes_d.begin() + i);
- -- i;
- goto NEXT_LOOP;
- }
- }
- }
- // if no hole contains this hole, find the contour loop that contains it
- for (int t = loop_number; t >= 0; -- t) {
- for (int j = 0; j < (int)contours[t].size(); ++ j) {
- PerimeterGeneratorLoop &candidate_parent = contours[t][j];
- if (candidate_parent.polygon.contains(loop.polygon.first_point())) {
- candidate_parent.children.push_back(loop);
- holes_d.erase(holes_d.begin() + i);
- -- i;
- goto NEXT_LOOP;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // nest contour loops
- for (int d = loop_number; d >= 1; -- d) {
- PerimeterGeneratorLoops &contours_d = contours[d];
- // loop through all contours having depth == d
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)contours_d.size(); ++ i) {
- const PerimeterGeneratorLoop &loop = contours_d[i];
- // find the contour loop that contains it
- for (int t = d - 1; t >= 0; -- t) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < contours[t].size(); ++ j) {
- PerimeterGeneratorLoop &candidate_parent = contours[t][j];
- if (candidate_parent.polygon.contains(loop.polygon.first_point())) {
- candidate_parent.children.push_back(loop);
- contours_d.erase(contours_d.begin() + i);
- -- i;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // at this point, all loops should be in contours[0]
- ExtrusionEntityCollection entities = traverse_loops(*this, contours.front(), thin_walls);
- // if brim will be printed, reverse the order of perimeters so that
- // we continue inwards after having finished the brim
- // TODO: add test for perimeter order
- if (this->config->external_perimeters_first ||
- (this->layer_id == 0 && this->object_config->brim_width.value > 0))
- entities.reverse();
- // append perimeters for this slice as a collection
- if (! entities.empty())
- this->loops->append(entities);
- } // for each loop of an island
- // fill gaps
- if (! gaps.empty()) {
- // collapse
- double min = 0.2 * perimeter_width * (1 - INSET_OVERLAP_TOLERANCE);
- double max = 2. * perimeter_spacing;
- ExPolygons gaps_ex = diff_ex(
- //FIXME offset2 would be enough and cheaper.
- opening_ex(gaps, float(min / 2.)),
- offset2_ex(gaps, - float(max / 2.), float(max / 2. + ClipperSafetyOffset)));
- ThickPolylines polylines;
- for (const ExPolygon &ex : gaps_ex)
- ex.medial_axis(max, min, &polylines);
- if (! polylines.empty()) {
- ExtrusionEntityCollection gap_fill;
- variable_width(polylines, erGapFill, this->solid_infill_flow, gap_fill.entities);
- /* Make sure we don't infill narrow parts that are already gap-filled
- (we only consider this surface's gaps to reduce the diff() complexity).
- Growing actual extrusions ensures that gaps not filled by medial axis
- are not subtracted from fill surfaces (they might be too short gaps
- that medial axis skips but infill might join with other infill regions
- and use zigzag). */
- //FIXME Vojtech: This grows by a rounded extrusion width, not by line spacing,
- // therefore it may cover the area, but no the volume.
- last = diff_ex(last, gap_fill.polygons_covered_by_width(10.f));
- this->gap_fill->append(std::move(gap_fill.entities));
- }
- }
- // create one more offset to be used as boundary for fill
- // we offset by half the perimeter spacing (to get to the actual infill boundary)
- // and then we offset back and forth by half the infill spacing to only consider the
- // non-collapsing regions
- coord_t inset =
- (loop_number < 0) ? 0 :
- (loop_number == 0) ?
- // one loop
- ext_perimeter_spacing / 2 :
- // two or more loops?
- perimeter_spacing / 2;
- // only apply infill overlap if we actually have one perimeter
- if (inset > 0)
- inset -= coord_t(scale_(this->config->get_abs_value("infill_overlap", unscale<double>(inset + solid_infill_spacing / 2))));
- // simplify infill contours according to resolution
- Polygons pp;
- for (ExPolygon &ex : last)
- ex.simplify_p(m_scaled_resolution, &pp);
- // collapse too narrow infill areas
- coord_t min_perimeter_infill_spacing = coord_t(solid_infill_spacing * (1. - INSET_OVERLAP_TOLERANCE));
- // append infill areas to fill_surfaces
- this->fill_surfaces->append(
- offset2_ex(
- union_ex(pp),
- float(- inset - min_perimeter_infill_spacing / 2.),
- float(min_perimeter_infill_spacing / 2.)),
- stInternal);
- } // for each island
- }
- bool PerimeterGeneratorLoop::is_internal_contour() const
- {
- // An internal contour is a contour containing no other contours
- if (! this->is_contour)
- return false;
- for (const PerimeterGeneratorLoop &loop : this->children)
- if (loop.is_contour)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- }