123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235 |
- #!/bin/bash
- set -euo pipefail
- # Assembles an installation bundle from a built copy of Slic3r.
- # Requires PAR::Packer to be installed for the version of
- # perl copied.
- # Adapted from script written by bubnikv for Prusa3D.
- # Run from slic3r repo root directory.
- # While we might have a pp executable in our path, it might not be
- # using the perl binary we have in path, so make sure they belong
- # to the same Perl instance:
- source $(dirname $0)/../common/util.sh
- if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
- set_source_dir
- else
- set_source_dir $1
- fi
- set_version
- get_commit
- set_build_id
- set_branch
- set_app_name
- set_pr_id
- if !(perl -Mlocal::lib=local-lib -MPAR::Packer -e1 2> /dev/null); then
- echo "The PAR::Packer module was not found; installing..."
- cpanm --local-lib local-lib PAR::Packer
- fi
- WD=$(dirname $0)
- appname=Slic3r
- # Determine if this is a tagged (release) commit.
- # Change the build id accordingly.
- if [ $(git describe --exact-match &>/dev/null) ]; then
- echo "This is a tagged build"
- SLIC3R_BUILD_ID=$(git describe)
- else
- # Get the current branch
- if [ ! -z ${GIT_BRANCH+x} ]; then
- echo "Setting to GIT_BRANCH"
- current_branch=$(echo $GIT_BRANCH | cut -d / -f 2)
- elif [ ! -z ${TRAVIS_BRANCH+x} ]; then
- echo "Setting to TRAVIS_BRANCH"
- current_branch=$TRAVIS_BRANCH
- elif [ ! -z ${APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH+x} ]; then
- echo "Setting to APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH"
- current_branch=$APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH
- else
- current_branch=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed 's!refs\/heads\/!!')
- fi
- if [ "$current_branch" == "master" ]; then
- echo "This is a build of the master branch"
- SLIC3R_VERSION=$(grep "VERSION" xs/src/libslic3r/libslic3r.h | awk -F\" '{print $2}')
- SLIC3R_BUILD_ID=${SLIC3R_VERSION}-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
- else
- echo "This is a build of a non-master branch"
- appname=Slic3r-${current_branch}
- SLIC3R_BUILD_ID=${current_branch}-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$current_branch" == "master" ]; then
- if [ ! -z ${PR_ID+x} ]; then
- dmgfile=slic3r-${SLIC3R_BUILD_ID}-osx-PR${PR_ID}.dmg
- else
- dmgfile=slic3r-${SLIC3R_BUILD_ID}-osx.dmg
- fi
- else
- dmgfile=slic3r-${SLIC3R_BUILD_ID}-osx-${current_branch}.dmg
- fi
- echo "DMG filename: ${dmgfile}"
- rm -rf $WD/_tmp
- mkdir -p $WD/_tmp
- # OSX Application folder shenanigans.
- appfolder="$WD/${appname}.app"
- macosfolder=$appfolder/Contents/MacOS
- resourcefolder=$appfolder/Contents/Resources
- plistfile=$appfolder/Contents/Info.plist
- PkgInfoContents="APPL????"
- source $WD/plist.sh
- # Our slic3r dir and location of perl
- eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib=local-lib)
- PERL_BIN=$(which perl)
- PP_BIN=$(which pp)
- SLIC3R_DIR=$(perl -MCwd=realpath -e "print realpath '${WD}/../../'")
- if [[ -d "${appfolder}" ]]; then
- echo "Deleting old working folder: ${appfolder}"
- rm -rf ${appfolder}
- fi
- if [[ -e "${dmgfile}" ]]; then
- echo "Deleting old dmg: ${dmgfile}"
- rm -rf ${dmgfile}
- fi
- echo "Creating new app folder: $appfolder"
- mkdir -p $appfolder
- mkdir -p $macosfolder
- mkdir -p $resourcefolder
- echo "Copying resources..."
- cp -rf $SLIC3R_DIR/var $resourcefolder/
- mv $resourcefolder/var/Slic3r.icns $resourcefolder
- mv $resourcefolder/var/stl.icns $resourcefolder
- mv $resourcefolder/var/gcode.icns $resourcefolder
- echo "Copying Slic3r..."
- cp $SLIC3R_DIR/slic3r.pl $macosfolder/slic3r.pl
- cp -fRP $SLIC3R_DIR/local-lib $macosfolder/local-lib
- cp -fRP $SLIC3R_DIR/lib/* $macosfolder/local-lib/lib/perl5/
- echo "Relocating Wx dylib paths..."
- mkdir $macosfolder/dylibs
- function relocate_dylibs {
- local bundle=$1
- chmod +w $bundle
- local dylib
- for dylib in $(otool -l $bundle | grep .dylib | grep -v /usr/lib | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v '^@'); do
- local dylib_dest="$macosfolder/dylibs/$(basename $dylib)"
- if [ ! -e $dylib_dest ]; then
- echo " relocating $dylib"
- cp $dylib $macosfolder/dylibs/
- relocate_dylibs $dylib_dest
- fi
- install_name_tool -change "$dylib" "@executable_path/dylibs/$(basename $dylib)" $bundle
- done
- }
- for bundle in $(find $macosfolder/local-lib/ \( -name '*.bundle' -or -name '*.dylib' \) -type f); do
- relocate_dylibs "$bundle"
- done
- echo "Copying startup script..."
- cp -f $WD/startup_script.sh $macosfolder/$appname
- chmod +x $macosfolder/$appname
- echo "Copying perl from $PERL_BIN"
- cp -f $PERL_BIN $macosfolder/perl-local
- chmod +w $macosfolder/perl-local
- relocate_dylibs $macosfolder/perl-local
- echo "Copying core modules"
- # Edit package/common/coreperl to add/remove core Perl modules added to this package, one per line.
- ${PP_BIN} \
- -M $(grep -v "^#" ${WD}/../common/coreperl | xargs | awk 'BEGIN { OFS=" -M "}; {$1=$1; print $0}') \
- -B -p -e "print 123" -o $WD/_tmp/bundle.par
- unzip -o $WD/_tmp/bundle.par -d $WD/_tmp/
- cp -rf $WD/_tmp/lib/* $macosfolder/local-lib/lib/perl5/
- echo "Cleaning bundle"
- rm -rf $macosfolder/local-lib/bin
- rm -rf $macosfolder/local-lib/man
- rm -f $macosfolder/local-lib/lib/perl5/Algorithm/*.pl
- rm -rf $macosfolder/local-lib/lib/perl5/unicore
- rm -rf $macosfolder/local-lib/lib/perl5/App
- rm -rf $macosfolder/local-lib/lib/perl5/Devel/CheckLib.pm
- rm -rf $macosfolder/local-lib/lib/perl5/ExtUtils
- rm -rf $macosfolder/local-lib/lib/perl5/Module/Build*
- rm -rf $macosfolder/local-lib/lib/perl5/TAP
- rm -rf $macosfolder/local-lib/lib/perl5/Test*
- find -d $macosfolder/local-lib -name '*.pod' -delete
- find -d $macosfolder/local-lib -name .packlist -delete
- find -d $macosfolder/local-lib -name .meta -exec rm -rf "{}" \;
- find -d $macosfolder/local-lib -name '*.h' -delete
- find -d $macosfolder/local-lib -name wxPerl.app -exec rm -rf "{}" \;
- find -d $macosfolder/local-lib -type d -path '*/Wx/*' \( -name WebView \
- -or -name DocView -or -name STC -or -name IPC \
- -or -name Calendar -or -name DataView \
- -or -name DateTime -or -name Media -or -name PerlTest \
- -or -name Ribbon \) -exec rm -rf "{}" \;
- find -d $macosfolder/local-lib -name libwx_osx_cocoau_ribbon-3.* -delete
- find -d $macosfolder/local-lib -name libwx_osx_cocoau_stc-3.* -delete
- find -d $macosfolder/local-lib -name libwx_osx_cocoau_webview-3.* -delete
- rm -rf $macosfolder/local-lib/lib/perl5/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Alien/wxWidgets/osx_cocoa_3_0_2_uni/include
- find -d $macosfolder/local-lib -type d -empty -delete
- make_plist
- echo $PkgInfoContents >$appfolder/Contents/PkgInfo
- KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY_=${KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY:-Developer ID Application: Alessandro Ranellucci (975MZ9YJL7)}
- # In case we were supplied a base64-encoded .p12 file instead of the path
- # to an existing keychain, create a temporary one
- if [[ -z "$KEYCHAIN_FILE_" && ! -z "$KEYCHAIN_BASE64_" ]]; then
- KEYCHAIN_FILE_=$WD/_tmp/build.keychain
- echo "Creating temporary keychain at ${KEYCHAIN_FILE_}"
- echo "$KEYCHAIN_BASE64_" | base64 --decode > "${KEYCHAIN_FILE_}.p12"
- security delete-keychain "$KEYCHAIN_FILE_" || true
- security create-keychain -p "${KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD_}" "$KEYCHAIN_FILE_"
- security set-keychain-settings -t 3600 -u "$KEYCHAIN_FILE_"
- security import "${KEYCHAIN_FILE_}.p12" -k "$KEYCHAIN_FILE_" -P "${KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD_}" -T /usr/bin/codesign
- security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple: -s -k "${KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD_}" "$KEYCHAIN_FILE_"
- fi
- if [ ! -z $KEYCHAIN_FILE_ ]; then
- echo "Signing app..."
- chmod -R +w $macosfolder/*
- xattr -cr $appfolder
- security list-keychains -s "${KEYCHAIN_FILE_}"
- security default-keychain -s "${KEYCHAIN_FILE_}"
- security unlock-keychain -p "${KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD_}" "${KEYCHAIN_FILE_}"
- codesign --sign "${KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY_}" --deep "$appfolder"
- else
- echo "No KEYCHAIN_FILE or KEYCHAIN_BASE64 env variable; skipping codesign"
- fi
- echo "Creating dmg file...."
- hdiutil create -fs HFS+ -srcfolder "$appfolder" -volname "$appname" "$WD/_tmp/$dmgfile"
- # Compress the DMG image
- hdiutil convert "$WD/_tmp/$dmgfile" -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "$dmgfile"
- if [ ! -z $KEYCHAIN_FILE_ ]; then
- echo "Signing app dmg..."
- chmod +w $dmgfile
- security list-keychains -s "${KEYCHAIN_FILE_}"
- security default-keychain -s "${KEYCHAIN_FILE_}"
- security unlock-keychain -p "${KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD_}" "${KEYCHAIN_FILE_}"
- codesign --sign "${KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY_}" "$dmgfile"
- fi
- rm -rf $WD/_tmp