123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172 |
- #include <catch2/catch.hpp>
- #include <libslic3r/CutSurface.hpp>
- #include <libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp> // its_make_cube + its_merge
- using namespace Slic3r;
- TEST_CASE("Cut character from surface", "[]")
- {
- std::string font_path = std::string(TEST_DATA_DIR) +
- "/../../resources/fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf";
- char letter = '%';
- float flatness = 2.;
- unsigned int font_index = 0; // collection
- double z_depth = 50.f; // projection size
- auto font = Emboss::create_font_file(font_path.c_str());
- REQUIRE(font != nullptr);
- std::optional<Emboss::Glyph> glyph =
- Emboss::letter2glyph(*font, font_index, letter, flatness);
- REQUIRE(glyph.has_value());
- ExPolygons shapes = glyph->shape;
- REQUIRE(!shapes.empty());
- Transform3d tr = Transform3d::Identity();
- tr.translate(Vec3d(0., 0., -z_depth));
- double text_shape_scale = 0.001; // Emboss.cpp --> SHAPE_SCALE
- tr.scale(text_shape_scale);
- Emboss::OrthoProject cut_projection(tr, Vec3d(0., 0., z_depth));
- auto object = its_make_cube(782 - 49 + 50, 724 + 10 + 50, 5);
- its_translate(object, Vec3f(49 - 25, -10 - 25, -40));
- auto cube2 = object; // copy
- its_translate(cube2, Vec3f(100, -40, 7.5));
- its_merge(object, std::move(cube2));
- std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> objects{object};
- // Call core function for cut surface
- auto surfaces = cut_surface(shapes, objects, cut_projection, 0.5);
- CHECK(!surfaces.empty());
- Emboss::OrthoProject projection(Transform3d::Identity(),
- Vec3d(0.f, 0.f, 10.f));
- its_translate(surfaces, Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 10));
- indexed_triangle_set its = cut2model(surfaces, projection);
- CHECK(!its.empty());
- // its_write_obj(its, "C:/data/temp/projected.obj");
- }
- //#define DEBUG_3MF
- #ifdef DEBUG_3MF
- // Test load of 3mf
- #include "libslic3r/Format/3mf.hpp"
- #include "libslic3r/Model.hpp"
- static std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> transform_volumes(ModelVolume *mv) {
- const auto &volumes = mv->get_object()->volumes;
- std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> results;
- results.reserve(volumes.size());
- // Improve create object from part or use gl_volume
- // Get first model part in object
- for (const ModelVolume *v : volumes) {
- if (v->id() == mv->id()) continue;
- if (!v->is_model_part()) continue;
- const TriangleMesh &tm = v->mesh();
- if (tm.empty()) continue;
- if (tm.its.empty()) continue;
- results.push_back(tm.its); // copy: indexed_triangle_set
- indexed_triangle_set& its = results.back();
- its_transform(its,v->get_matrix());
- }
- return results;
- }
- static Emboss::OrthoProject create_projection_for_cut(
- Transform3d tr,
- double shape_scale,
- const BoundingBox &shape_bb,
- const std::pair<float, float> &z_range)
- {
- // create sure that emboss object is bigger than source object
- const float safe_extension = 1.0f;
- double min_z = z_range.first - safe_extension;
- double max_z = z_range.second + safe_extension;
- assert(min_z < max_z);
- // range between min and max value
- double projection_size = max_z - min_z;
- Matrix3d transformation_for_vector = tr.linear();
- // Projection must be negative value.
- // System of text coordinate
- // X .. from left to right
- // Y .. from bottom to top
- // Z .. from text to eye
- Vec3d untransformed_direction(0., 0., projection_size);
- Vec3d project_direction = transformation_for_vector * untransformed_direction;
- // Projection is in direction from far plane
- tr.translate(Vec3d(0., 0., min_z));
- tr.scale(shape_scale);
- // Text alignemnt to center 2D
- Vec2d move = -(shape_bb.max + shape_bb.min).cast<double>() / 2.;
- // Vec2d move = -shape_bb.center().cast<double>(); // not precisse
- tr.translate(Vec3d(move.x(), move.y(), 0.));
- return Emboss::OrthoProject(tr, project_direction);
- }
- TEST_CASE("CutSurface in 3mf", "[Emboss]")
- {
- //std::string path_to_3mf = "C:/Users/Filip Sykala/Downloads/EmbossFromMultiVolumes.3mf";
- //int object_id = 0;
- //int text_volume_id = 2;
- //std::string path_to_3mf = "C:/Users/Filip Sykala/Downloads/treefrog.3mf";
- //int object_id = 0;
- //int text_volume_id = 1;
- std::string path_to_3mf = "C:/Users/Filip Sykala/Downloads/cube_test.3mf";
- int object_id = 1;
- int text_volume_id = 2;
- Model model;
- DynamicPrintConfig config;
- ConfigSubstitutionContext ctxt{ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Disable};
- CHECK(load_3mf(path_to_3mf.c_str(), config, ctxt, &model, false));
- CHECK(object_id >= 0);
- CHECK((size_t)object_id < model.objects.size());
- ModelObject* mo = model.objects[object_id];
- CHECK(mo != nullptr);
- CHECK(text_volume_id >= 0);
- CHECK((size_t)text_volume_id < mo->volumes.size());
- ModelVolume *mv_text = mo->volumes[text_volume_id];
- CHECK(mv_text != nullptr);
- CHECK(mv_text->text_configuration.has_value());
- TextConfiguration &tc = *mv_text->text_configuration;
- /* // Need GUI to load font by wx
- std::optional<wxFont> wx_font = GUI::WxFontUtils::load_wxFont(tc.style.path);
- CHECK(wx_font.has_value());
- Emboss::FontFileWithCache ff(GUI::WxFontUtils::create_font_file(*wx_font));
- CHECK(ff.font_file != nullptr);
- /*/ // end use GUI
- // start use fake font
- std::string font_path = std::string(TEST_DATA_DIR) +
- "/../../resources/fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf";
- Emboss::FontFileWithCache ff(Emboss::create_font_file(font_path.c_str()));
- // */ // end use fake font
- CHECK(ff.has_value());
- std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> its = transform_volumes(mv_text);
- BoundingBoxf3 bb;
- for (auto &i : its) bb.merge(Slic3r::bounding_box(i));
- Transform3d cut_projection_tr = mv_text->get_matrix() * tc.fix_3mf_tr->inverse();
- Transform3d emboss_tr = cut_projection_tr.inverse();
- BoundingBoxf3 mesh_bb_tr = bb.transformed(emboss_tr);
- std::pair<float, float> z_range{mesh_bb_tr.min.z(), mesh_bb_tr.max.z()};
- FontProp fp = tc.style.prop;
- ExPolygons shapes = Emboss::text2shapes(ff, tc.text.c_str(), fp);
- double shape_scale = Emboss::get_text_shape_scale(fp, *ff.font_file);
- Emboss::OrthoProject projection = create_projection_for_cut(
- cut_projection_tr, shape_scale, get_extents(shapes), z_range);
- float projection_ratio = -z_range.first / (z_range.second - z_range.first);
- SurfaceCut cut = cut_surface(shapes, its, projection, projection_ratio);
- its_write_obj(cut, "C:/data/temp/cutSurface/result_cut.obj");
- }
- #endif // DEBUG_3MF