123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198 |
- #include <catch2/catch.hpp>
- #include <libslic3r/libslic3r.h>
- #include <libslic3r/AnyPtr.hpp>
- #include <test_utils.hpp>
- class Foo
- {
- public:
- virtual ~Foo() = default;
- virtual void set_foo(int) = 0;
- virtual int get_foo() const = 0;
- };
- class Bar: public Foo
- {
- int m_i = 0;
- public:
- virtual void set_foo(int i) { m_i = i; }
- virtual int get_foo() const { return m_i; };
- };
- class BarPlus: public Foo {
- int m_i = 0;
- public:
- virtual void set_foo(int i) { m_i = i + 1; }
- virtual int get_foo() const { return m_i; };
- };
- TEST_CASE("Testing AnyPtr", "[anyptr]") {
- using Slic3r::AnyPtr;
- SECTION("Construction with various valid arguments using operator=")
- {
- auto args = std::make_tuple(nullptr,
- AnyPtr<Foo>{nullptr},
- AnyPtr{static_cast<Foo *>(nullptr)},
- AnyPtr{static_cast<Bar *>(nullptr)},
- AnyPtr{static_cast<BarPlus *>(nullptr)},
- AnyPtr<Foo>{},
- AnyPtr<Bar>{},
- AnyPtr<BarPlus>{},
- static_cast<Foo *>(nullptr),
- static_cast<Bar *>(nullptr),
- static_cast<BarPlus *>(nullptr));
- auto check_ptr = [](auto &ptr) {
- REQUIRE(!ptr);
- REQUIRE(!ptr.is_owned());
- auto shp = ptr.get_shared_cpy();
- REQUIRE(!shp);
- };
- SECTION("operator =") {
- Slic3r::for_each_in_tuple([&check_ptr](auto &arg){
- AnyPtr<const Foo> ptr = std::move(arg);
- check_ptr(ptr);
- }, args);
- }
- SECTION("move construction")
- {
- Slic3r::for_each_in_tuple([&check_ptr](auto &arg){
- AnyPtr<const Foo> ptr{std::move(arg)};
- check_ptr(ptr);
- }, args);
- }
- }
- GIVEN("A polymorphic base class type Foo") {
- WHEN("Creating a subclass on the stack") {
- Bar bar;
- auto val = random_value(-100, 100);
- bar.set_foo(val);
- THEN("Storing a raw pointer in an AnyPtr<Foo> should be valid "
- "until the object is not destroyed")
- {
- AnyPtr<Foo> ptr = &bar;
- auto val2 = random_value(-100, 100);
- ptr->set_foo(val2);
- REQUIRE(ptr->get_foo() == val2);
- }
- THEN("Storing a raw pointer in an AnyPtr<const Foo> should be "
- "valid until the object is not destroyed")
- {
- AnyPtr<const Foo> ptr{&bar};
- REQUIRE(ptr->get_foo() == val);
- }
- }
- }
- GIVEN("An empty AnyPtr of type Foo")
- {
- AnyPtr<Foo> ptr;
- WHEN("Re-assigning a new unique_ptr of object of type Bar to ptr")
- {
- auto bar = std::make_unique<Bar>();
- auto val = random_value(-100, 100);
- bar->set_foo(val);
- ptr = std::move(bar);
- THEN("the ptr should contain the new object and should own it")
- {
- REQUIRE(ptr->get_foo() == val);
- REQUIRE(ptr.is_owned());
- }
- }
- WHEN("Re-assigning a new unique_ptr of object of type BarPlus to ptr")
- {
- auto barplus = std::make_unique<BarPlus>();
- auto val = random_value(-100, 100);
- barplus->set_foo(val);
- ptr = std::move(barplus);
- THEN("the ptr should contain the new object and should own it")
- {
- REQUIRE(ptr->get_foo() == val + 1);
- REQUIRE(ptr.is_owned());
- }
- THEN("copying the stored object into a shared_ptr should be invalid")
- {
- std::shared_ptr<Foo> shptr = ptr.get_shared_cpy();
- REQUIRE(!shptr);
- }
- THEN("copying the stored object into a shared_ptr after calling "
- "convert_unique_to_shared should be valid")
- {
- ptr.convert_unique_to_shared();
- std::shared_ptr<Foo> shptr = ptr.get_shared_cpy();
- REQUIRE(shptr);
- REQUIRE(shptr->get_foo() == val + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- GIVEN("A vector of AnyPtr<Foo> pointer to random Bar or BarPlus objects")
- {
- std::vector<AnyPtr<Foo>> ptrs;
- auto N = random_value(size_t(1), size_t(10));
- INFO("N = " << N);
- std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(ptrs), N, []{
- auto v = random_value(0, 1);
- std::unique_ptr<Foo> ret;
- if (v)
- ret = std::make_unique<Bar>();
- else
- ret = std::make_unique<BarPlus>();
- return ret;
- });
- WHEN("moving the whole array into a vector of AnyPtr<const Foo>")
- {
- THEN("the move should be valid")
- {
- std::vector<AnyPtr<const Foo>> constptrs;
- std::vector<int> vals;
- std::transform(ptrs.begin(), ptrs.end(),
- std::back_inserter(vals),
- [](auto &p) { return p->get_foo(); });
- std::move(ptrs.begin(), ptrs.end(), std::back_inserter(constptrs));
- REQUIRE(constptrs.size() == N);
- REQUIRE(ptrs.size() == N);
- REQUIRE(std::all_of(ptrs.begin(), ptrs.end(), [](auto &p) { return !p; }));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
- REQUIRE(vals[i] == constptrs[i]->get_foo());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }