sla_print_tests.cpp 7.6 KB

  1. #include <unordered_set>
  2. #include <unordered_map>
  3. #include <random>
  4. #include <numeric>
  5. #include <cstdint>
  6. #include "sla_test_utils.hpp"
  7. #include <libslic3r/TriangleMeshSlicer.hpp>
  8. #include <libslic3r/SLA/SupportTreeMesher.hpp>
  9. #include <libslic3r/SLA/Concurrency.hpp>
  10. namespace {
  11. const char *const BELOW_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS[] = {
  12. "20mm_cube.obj",
  13. "V.obj",
  14. };
  15. const char *const AROUND_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS[] = {
  16. "20mm_cube.obj",
  17. "V.obj",
  18. "frog_legs.obj",
  19. "cube_with_concave_hole_enlarged.obj",
  20. };
  21. const char *const SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS[] = {
  22. "cube_with_concave_hole_enlarged_standing.obj",
  23. "A_upsidedown.obj",
  24. "extruder_idler.obj"
  25. };
  26. } // namespace
  27. TEST_CASE("Pillar pairhash should be unique", "[SLASupportGeneration]") {
  28. test_pairhash<int, int>();
  29. test_pairhash<int, long>();
  30. test_pairhash<unsigned, unsigned>();
  31. test_pairhash<unsigned, unsigned long>();
  32. }
  33. TEST_CASE("Support point generator should be deterministic if seeded",
  34. "[SLASupportGeneration], [SLAPointGen]") {
  35. TriangleMesh mesh = load_model("A_upsidedown.obj");
  36. sla::IndexedMesh emesh{mesh};
  37. sla::SupportTreeConfig supportcfg;
  38. sla::SupportPointGenerator::Config autogencfg;
  39. autogencfg.head_diameter = float(2 * supportcfg.head_front_radius_mm);
  40. sla::SupportPointGenerator point_gen{emesh, autogencfg, [] {}, [](int) {}};
  41. auto bb = mesh.bounding_box();
  42. double zmin = bb.min.z();
  43. double zmax = bb.max.z();
  44. double gnd = zmin - supportcfg.object_elevation_mm;
  45. auto layer_h = 0.05f;
  46. auto slicegrid = grid(float(gnd), float(zmax), layer_h);
  47. assert(mesh.has_shared_vertices());
  48. std::vector<ExPolygons> slices = slice_mesh_ex(mesh.its, slicegrid, CLOSING_RADIUS);
  49. point_gen.seed(0);
  50. point_gen.execute(slices, slicegrid);
  51. auto get_chksum = [](const std::vector<sla::SupportPoint> &pts){
  52. int64_t chksum = 0;
  53. for (auto &pt : pts) {
  54. auto p = scaled(pt.pos);
  55. chksum += p.x() + p.y() + p.z();
  56. }
  57. return chksum;
  58. };
  59. int64_t checksum = get_chksum(point_gen.output());
  60. size_t ptnum = point_gen.output().size();
  61. REQUIRE(point_gen.output().size() > 0);
  62. for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
  63. point_gen.output().clear();
  64. point_gen.seed(0);
  65. point_gen.execute(slices, slicegrid);
  66. REQUIRE(point_gen.output().size() == ptnum);
  67. REQUIRE(checksum == get_chksum(point_gen.output()));
  68. }
  69. }
  70. TEST_CASE("Flat pad geometry is valid", "[SLASupportGeneration]") {
  71. sla::PadConfig padcfg;
  72. // Disable wings
  73. padcfg.wall_height_mm = .0;
  74. for (auto &fname : BELOW_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS) test_pad(fname, padcfg);
  75. }
  76. TEST_CASE("WingedPadGeometryIsValid", "[SLASupportGeneration]") {
  77. sla::PadConfig padcfg;
  78. // Add some wings to the pad to test the cavity
  79. padcfg.wall_height_mm = 1.;
  80. for (auto &fname : BELOW_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS) test_pad(fname, padcfg);
  81. }
  82. TEST_CASE("FlatPadAroundObjectIsValid", "[SLASupportGeneration]") {
  83. sla::PadConfig padcfg;
  84. // Add some wings to the pad to test the cavity
  85. padcfg.wall_height_mm = 0.;
  86. // padcfg.embed_object.stick_stride_mm = 0.;
  87. padcfg.embed_object.enabled = true;
  88. padcfg.embed_object.everywhere = true;
  89. for (auto &fname : AROUND_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS) test_pad(fname, padcfg);
  90. }
  91. TEST_CASE("WingedPadAroundObjectIsValid", "[SLASupportGeneration]") {
  92. sla::PadConfig padcfg;
  93. // Add some wings to the pad to test the cavity
  94. padcfg.wall_height_mm = 1.;
  95. padcfg.embed_object.enabled = true;
  96. padcfg.embed_object.everywhere = true;
  97. for (auto &fname : AROUND_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS) test_pad(fname, padcfg);
  98. }
  99. TEST_CASE("ElevatedSupportGeometryIsValid", "[SLASupportGeneration]") {
  100. sla::SupportTreeConfig supportcfg;
  101. supportcfg.object_elevation_mm = 10.;
  102. for (auto fname : SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS) test_supports(fname, supportcfg);
  103. }
  104. TEST_CASE("FloorSupportGeometryIsValid", "[SLASupportGeneration]") {
  105. sla::SupportTreeConfig supportcfg;
  106. supportcfg.object_elevation_mm = 0;
  107. for (auto &fname: SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS) test_supports(fname, supportcfg);
  108. }
  109. TEST_CASE("ElevatedSupportsDoNotPierceModel", "[SLASupportGeneration]") {
  110. sla::SupportTreeConfig supportcfg;
  111. for (auto fname : SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS)
  112. test_support_model_collision(fname, supportcfg);
  113. }
  114. TEST_CASE("FloorSupportsDoNotPierceModel", "[SLASupportGeneration]") {
  115. sla::SupportTreeConfig supportcfg;
  116. supportcfg.object_elevation_mm = 0;
  117. for (auto fname : SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS)
  118. test_support_model_collision(fname, supportcfg);
  119. }
  120. TEST_CASE("InitializedRasterShouldBeNONEmpty", "[SLARasterOutput]") {
  121. // Default Prusa SL1 display parameters
  122. sla::RasterBase::Resolution res{2560, 1440};
  123. sla::RasterBase::PixelDim pixdim{120. / res.width_px, 68. / res.height_px};
  124. sla::RasterGrayscaleAAGammaPower raster(res, pixdim, {}, 1.);
  125. REQUIRE(raster.resolution().width_px == res.width_px);
  126. REQUIRE(raster.resolution().height_px == res.height_px);
  127. REQUIRE(raster.pixel_dimensions().w_mm == Approx(pixdim.w_mm));
  128. REQUIRE(raster.pixel_dimensions().h_mm == Approx(pixdim.h_mm));
  129. }
  130. TEST_CASE("MirroringShouldBeCorrect", "[SLARasterOutput]") {
  131. sla::RasterBase::TMirroring mirrorings[] = {sla::RasterBase::NoMirror,
  132. sla::RasterBase::MirrorX,
  133. sla::RasterBase::MirrorY,
  134. sla::RasterBase::MirrorXY};
  135. sla::RasterBase::Orientation orientations[] =
  136. {sla::RasterBase::roLandscape, sla::RasterBase::roPortrait};
  137. for (auto orientation : orientations)
  138. for (auto &mirror : mirrorings)
  139. check_raster_transformations(orientation, mirror);
  140. }
  141. TEST_CASE("RasterizedPolygonAreaShouldMatch", "[SLARasterOutput]") {
  142. double disp_w = 120., disp_h = 68.;
  143. sla::RasterBase::Resolution res{2560, 1440};
  144. sla::RasterBase::PixelDim pixdim{disp_w / res.width_px, disp_h / res.height_px};
  145. double gamma = 1.;
  146. sla::RasterGrayscaleAAGammaPower raster(res, pixdim, {}, gamma);
  147. auto bb = BoundingBox({0, 0}, {scaled(disp_w), scaled(disp_h)});
  148. ExPolygon poly = square_with_hole(10.);
  149. poly.translate(,;
  150. raster.draw(poly);
  151. double a = poly.area() / (scaled<double>(1.) * scaled(1.));
  152. double ra = raster_white_area(raster);
  153. double diff = std::abs(a - ra);
  154. REQUIRE(diff <= predict_error(poly, pixdim));
  155. raster.clear();
  156. poly = square_with_hole(60.);
  157. poly.translate(,;
  158. raster.draw(poly);
  159. a = poly.area() / (scaled<double>(1.) * scaled(1.));
  160. ra = raster_white_area(raster);
  161. diff = std::abs(a - ra);
  162. REQUIRE(diff <= predict_error(poly, pixdim));
  163. sla::RasterGrayscaleAA raster0(res, pixdim, {}, [](double) { return 0.; });
  164. REQUIRE(raster_pxsum(raster0) == 0);
  165. raster0.draw(poly);
  166. ra = raster_white_area(raster);
  167. REQUIRE(raster_pxsum(raster0) == 0);
  168. }
  169. TEST_CASE("halfcone test", "[halfcone]") {
  170. sla::DiffBridge br{Vec3d{1., 1., 1.}, Vec3d{10., 10., 10.}, 0.25, 0.5};
  171. indexed_triangle_set m = sla::get_mesh(br, 45);
  172. its_merge_vertices(m);
  173. its_write_obj(m, "Halfcone.obj");
  174. }
  175. TEST_CASE("Test concurrency")
  176. {
  177. std::vector<double> vals = grid(0., 100., 10.);
  178. double ref = std::accumulate(vals.begin(), vals.end(), 0.);
  179. double s = execution::accumulate(ex_tbb, vals.begin(), vals.end(), 0.);
  180. REQUIRE(s == Approx(ref));
  181. }