899 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. set -euo pipefail
  3. # These two commands are only needed on 10.12:
  4. rm -rf /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask
  5. brew uninstall --force postgis cgal sfcgal
  6. brew update -v
  7. brew install boost || brew upgrade boost
  8. brew install perl || brew upgrade perl
  9. brew install cpanminus || brew upgrade cpanminus
  10. brew install wxwidgets || brew upgrade wxwidgets
  11. brew link --overwrite perl cpanminus
  12. export SLIC3R_STATIC=1
  13. export BOOST_DIR=/usr/local
  14. perl ./Build.PL
  15. # remove X11 because otherwise will link libglut.3.dylib instead of GLUT.framework
  16. sudo rm -rf /opt/X11*
  17. export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
  18. # One Wx test fails on 10.12; seems harmless
  19. if [ $TRAVIS_OSX_IMAGE == 'xcode9.2']; then
  20. cpanm --local-lib local-lib -f Wx
  21. fi
  22. perl ./Build.PL --gui
  23. # Install PAR::Packer now so that it gets cached by Travis
  24. cpanm --local-lib local-lib PAR::Packer