Object.pm 43 KB

  1. package Slic3r::Print::Object;
  2. use Moo;
  3. use List::Util qw(min sum);
  4. use Slic3r::ExtrusionPath ':roles';
  5. use Slic3r::Geometry qw(Z PI scale unscale deg2rad rad2deg scaled_epsilon);
  6. use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(diff_ex intersection_ex union_ex);
  7. use Slic3r::Surface ':types';
  8. has 'print' => (is => 'ro', weak_ref => 1, required => 1);
  9. has 'input_file' => (is => 'rw', required => 0);
  10. has 'meshes' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] }); # by region_id
  11. has 'size' => (is => 'rw', required => 1);
  12. has 'copies' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {[ [0,0] ]});
  13. has 'layers' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] });
  14. sub BUILD {
  15. my $self = shift;
  16. # make layers
  17. while (!@{$self->layers} || $self->layers->[-1]->slice_z < $self->size->[Z]) {
  18. push @{$self->layers}, Slic3r::Layer->new(
  19. object => $self,
  20. id => $#{$self->layers} + 1,
  21. );
  22. }
  23. }
  24. sub layer_count {
  25. my $self = shift;
  26. return scalar @{ $self->layers };
  27. }
  28. sub get_layer_range {
  29. my $self = shift;
  30. my ($min_z, $max_z) = @_;
  31. # $min_layer is the uppermost layer having slice_z <= $min_z
  32. # $max_layer is the lowermost layer having slice_z >= $max_z
  33. my ($min_layer, $max_layer) = (0, undef);
  34. for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->layers}) {
  35. if ($self->layers->[$i]->slice_z >= $min_z) {
  36. $min_layer = $i - 1;
  37. for my $k ($i .. $#{$self->layers}) {
  38. if ($self->layers->[$k]->slice_z >= $max_z) {
  39. $max_layer = $k - 1;
  40. last;
  41. }
  42. }
  43. last;
  44. }
  45. }
  46. return ($min_layer, $max_layer);
  47. }
  48. sub slice {
  49. my $self = shift;
  50. my %params = @_;
  51. # process facets
  52. for my $region_id (0 .. $#{$self->meshes}) {
  53. my $mesh = $self->meshes->[$region_id]; # ignore undef meshes
  54. my $apply_lines = sub {
  55. my $lines = shift;
  56. foreach my $layer_id (keys %$lines) {
  57. my $layerm = $self->layers->[$layer_id]->region($region_id);
  58. push @{$layerm->lines}, @{$lines->{$layer_id}};
  59. }
  60. };
  61. Slic3r::parallelize(
  62. disable => ($#{$mesh->facets} < 500), # don't parallelize when too few facets
  63. items => [ 0..$#{$mesh->facets} ],
  64. thread_cb => sub {
  65. my $q = shift;
  66. my $result_lines = {};
  67. while (defined (my $facet_id = $q->dequeue)) {
  68. my $lines = $mesh->slice_facet($self, $facet_id);
  69. foreach my $layer_id (keys %$lines) {
  70. $result_lines->{$layer_id} ||= [];
  71. push @{ $result_lines->{$layer_id} }, @{ $lines->{$layer_id} };
  72. }
  73. }
  74. return $result_lines;
  75. },
  76. collect_cb => sub {
  77. $apply_lines->($_[0]);
  78. },
  79. no_threads_cb => sub {
  80. for (0..$#{$mesh->facets}) {
  81. my $lines = $mesh->slice_facet($self, $_);
  82. $apply_lines->($lines);
  83. }
  84. },
  85. );
  86. }
  87. die "Invalid input file\n" if !@{$self->layers};
  88. # free memory
  89. $self->meshes(undef) unless $params{keep_meshes};
  90. # remove last layer if empty
  91. # (we might have created it because of the $max_layer = ... + 1 code in TriangleMesh)
  92. pop @{$self->layers} if !map @{$_->lines}, @{$self->layers->[-1]->regions};
  93. foreach my $layer (@{ $self->layers }) {
  94. # make sure all layers contain layer region objects for all regions
  95. $layer->region($_) for 0 .. ($self->print->regions_count-1);
  96. Slic3r::debugf "Making surfaces for layer %d (slice z = %f):\n",
  97. $layer->id, unscale $layer->slice_z if $Slic3r::debug;
  98. # layer currently has many lines representing intersections of
  99. # model facets with the layer plane. there may also be lines
  100. # that we need to ignore (for example, when two non-horizontal
  101. # facets share a common edge on our plane, we get a single line;
  102. # however that line has no meaning for our layer as it's enclosed
  103. # inside a closed polyline)
  104. # build surfaces from sparse lines
  105. foreach my $layerm (@{$layer->regions}) {
  106. my ($slicing_errors, $loops) = Slic3r::TriangleMesh::make_loops($layerm->lines);
  107. $layer->slicing_errors(1) if $slicing_errors;
  108. $layerm->make_surfaces($loops);
  109. # free memory
  110. $layerm->lines(undef);
  111. }
  112. # merge all regions' slices to get islands
  113. $layer->make_slices;
  114. }
  115. # detect slicing errors
  116. my $warning_thrown = 0;
  117. for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->layers}) {
  118. my $layer = $self->layers->[$i];
  119. next unless $layer->slicing_errors;
  120. if (!$warning_thrown) {
  121. warn "The model has overlapping or self-intersecting facets. I tried to repair it, "
  122. . "however you might want to check the results or repair the input file and retry.\n";
  123. $warning_thrown = 1;
  124. }
  125. # try to repair the layer surfaces by merging all contours and all holes from
  126. # neighbor layers
  127. Slic3r::debugf "Attempting to repair layer %d\n", $i;
  128. foreach my $region_id (0 .. $#{$layer->regions}) {
  129. my $layerm = $layer->region($region_id);
  130. my (@upper_surfaces, @lower_surfaces);
  131. for (my $j = $i+1; $j <= $#{$self->layers}; $j++) {
  132. if (!$self->layers->[$j]->slicing_errors) {
  133. @upper_surfaces = @{$self->layers->[$j]->region($region_id)->slices};
  134. last;
  135. }
  136. }
  137. for (my $j = $i-1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
  138. if (!$self->layers->[$j]->slicing_errors) {
  139. @lower_surfaces = @{$self->layers->[$j]->region($region_id)->slices};
  140. last;
  141. }
  142. }
  143. my $union = union_ex([
  144. map $_->expolygon->contour, @upper_surfaces, @lower_surfaces,
  145. ]);
  146. my $diff = diff_ex(
  147. [ map @$_, @$union ],
  148. [ map $_->expolygon->holes, @upper_surfaces, @lower_surfaces, ],
  149. );
  150. @{$layerm->slices} = map Slic3r::Surface->new
  151. (expolygon => $_, surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNAL),
  152. @$diff;
  153. }
  154. # update layer slices after repairing the single regions
  155. $layer->make_slices;
  156. }
  157. # remove empty layers from bottom
  158. my $first_object_layer_id = $Slic3r::Config->raft_layers;
  159. while (@{$self->layers} && !@{$self->layers->[$first_object_layer_id]->slices} && !map @{$_->thin_walls}, @{$self->layers->[$first_object_layer_id]->regions}) {
  160. splice @{$self->layers}, $first_object_layer_id, 1;
  161. for (my $i = $first_object_layer_id; $i <= $#{$self->layers}; $i++) {
  162. $self->layers->[$i]->id($i);
  163. }
  164. }
  165. warn "No layers were detected. You might want to repair your STL file and retry.\n"
  166. if !@{$self->layers};
  167. }
  168. sub make_perimeters {
  169. my $self = shift;
  170. # compare each layer to the one below, and mark those slices needing
  171. # one additional inner perimeter, like the top of domed objects-
  172. # this algorithm makes sure that at least one perimeter is overlapping
  173. # but we don't generate any extra perimeter if fill density is zero, as they would be floating
  174. # inside the object - infill_only_where_needed should be the method of choice for printing
  175. # hollow objects
  176. if ($Slic3r::Config->extra_perimeters && $Slic3r::Config->perimeters > 0 && $Slic3r::Config->fill_density > 0) {
  177. for my $region_id (0 .. ($self->print->regions_count-1)) {
  178. for my $layer_id (0 .. $self->layer_count-2) {
  179. my $layerm = $self->layers->[$layer_id]->regions->[$region_id];
  180. my $upper_layerm = $self->layers->[$layer_id+1]->regions->[$region_id];
  181. my $perimeter_spacing = $layerm->perimeter_flow->scaled_spacing;
  182. my $overlap = $perimeter_spacing; # one perimeter
  183. # compute the polygon used to trigger the additional perimeters: the hole represents
  184. # the required overlap, while the contour represents how different should the slices be
  185. # (thus how horizontal should the slope be) before extra perimeters are not generated, and
  186. # normal solid infill is used
  187. my $upper = diff_ex(
  188. [ map @$_, map $_->expolygon->offset_ex($overlap), @{$upper_layerm->slices} ],
  189. [ map @$_, map $_->expolygon->offset_ex(-$overlap), @{$upper_layerm->slices} ],
  190. );
  191. next if !@$upper;
  192. foreach my $slice (@{$layerm->slices}) {
  193. my $hypothetical_perimeter_num = $Slic3r::Config->perimeters + 1;
  194. CYCLE: while (1) {
  195. # compute polygons representing the thickness of the hypotetical new internal perimeter
  196. # of our slice
  197. my $hypothetical_perimeter;
  198. {
  199. my $outer = [ map @$_, $slice->expolygon->offset_ex(- ($hypothetical_perimeter_num-1) * $perimeter_spacing - scaled_epsilon) ];
  200. last CYCLE if !@$outer;
  201. my $inner = [ map @$_, $slice->expolygon->offset_ex(- $hypothetical_perimeter_num * $perimeter_spacing) ];
  202. last CYCLE if !@$inner;
  203. $hypothetical_perimeter = diff_ex($outer, $inner);
  204. }
  205. last CYCLE if !@$hypothetical_perimeter;
  206. # compute the area of the hypothetical perimeter
  207. my $hp_area = sum(map $_->area, @$hypothetical_perimeter);
  208. # only add the perimeter if the intersection is at least 20%, otherwise we'd get no benefit
  209. my $intersection = intersection_ex([ map @$_, @$upper ], [ map @$_, @$hypothetical_perimeter ]);
  210. last CYCLE if (sum(map $_->area, @{ $intersection }) // 0) < $hp_area * 0.2;
  211. Slic3r::debugf " adding one more perimeter at layer %d\n", $layer_id;
  212. $slice->additional_inner_perimeters(($slice->additional_inner_perimeters || 0) + 1);
  213. $hypothetical_perimeter_num++;
  214. }
  215. }
  216. }
  217. }
  218. }
  219. Slic3r::parallelize(
  220. items => sub { 0 .. ($self->layer_count-1) },
  221. thread_cb => sub {
  222. my $q = shift;
  223. $Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
  224. my $result = {};
  225. while (defined (my $layer_id = $q->dequeue)) {
  226. my $layer = $self->layers->[$layer_id];
  227. $layer->make_perimeters;
  228. $result->{$layer_id} ||= {};
  229. foreach my $region_id (0 .. $#{$layer->regions}) {
  230. my $layerm = $layer->regions->[$region_id];
  231. $result->{$layer_id}{$region_id} = {
  232. perimeters => $layerm->perimeters,
  233. fill_surfaces => $layerm->fill_surfaces,
  234. thin_fills => $layerm->thin_fills,
  235. };
  236. }
  237. }
  238. return $result;
  239. },
  240. collect_cb => sub {
  241. my $result = shift;
  242. foreach my $layer_id (keys %$result) {
  243. foreach my $region_id (keys %{$result->{$layer_id}}) {
  244. $self->layers->[$layer_id]->regions->[$region_id]->$_($result->{$layer_id}{$region_id}{$_})
  245. for qw(perimeters fill_surfaces thin_fills);
  246. }
  247. }
  248. },
  249. no_threads_cb => sub {
  250. $_->make_perimeters for @{$self->layers};
  251. },
  252. );
  253. }
  254. sub detect_surfaces_type {
  255. my $self = shift;
  256. Slic3r::debugf "Detecting solid surfaces...\n";
  257. # prepare a reusable subroutine to make surface differences
  258. my $surface_difference = sub {
  259. my ($subject_surfaces, $clip_surfaces, $result_type, $layerm) = @_;
  260. my $expolygons = diff_ex(
  261. [ map @$_, @$subject_surfaces ],
  262. [ map @$_, @$clip_surfaces ],
  263. 1,
  264. );
  265. return grep $_->contour->is_printable($layerm->perimeter_flow->scaled_width),
  266. map Slic3r::Surface->new(expolygon => $_, surface_type => $result_type),
  267. @$expolygons;
  268. };
  269. for my $region_id (0 .. ($self->print->regions_count-1)) {
  270. for my $i (0 .. ($self->layer_count-1)) {
  271. my $layerm = $self->layers->[$i]->regions->[$region_id];
  272. # comparison happens against the *full* slices (considering all regions)
  273. my $upper_layer = $self->layers->[$i+1];
  274. my $lower_layer = $i > 0 ? $self->layers->[$i-1] : undef;
  275. my (@bottom, @top, @internal) = ();
  276. # find top surfaces (difference between current surfaces
  277. # of current layer and upper one)
  278. if ($upper_layer) {
  279. @top = $surface_difference->(
  280. [ map $_->expolygon, @{$layerm->slices} ],
  281. $upper_layer->slices,
  282. S_TYPE_TOP,
  283. $layerm,
  284. );
  285. } else {
  286. # if no upper layer, all surfaces of this one are solid
  287. @top = @{$layerm->slices};
  288. $_->surface_type(S_TYPE_TOP) for @top;
  289. }
  290. # find bottom surfaces (difference between current surfaces
  291. # of current layer and lower one)
  292. if ($lower_layer) {
  293. # lower layer's slices are already Surface objects
  294. @bottom = $surface_difference->(
  295. [ map $_->expolygon, @{$layerm->slices} ],
  296. $lower_layer->slices,
  298. $layerm,
  299. );
  300. } else {
  301. # if no lower layer, all surfaces of this one are solid
  302. @bottom = @{$layerm->slices};
  303. $_->surface_type(S_TYPE_BOTTOM) for @bottom;
  304. }
  305. # now, if the object contained a thin membrane, we could have overlapping bottom
  306. # and top surfaces; let's do an intersection to discover them and consider them
  307. # as bottom surfaces (to allow for bridge detection)
  308. if (@top && @bottom) {
  309. my $overlapping = intersection_ex([ map $_->p, @top ], [ map $_->p, @bottom ]);
  310. Slic3r::debugf " layer %d contains %d membrane(s)\n", $layerm->id, scalar(@$overlapping);
  311. @top = $surface_difference->([map $_->expolygon, @top], $overlapping, S_TYPE_TOP, $layerm);
  312. }
  313. # find internal surfaces (difference between top/bottom surfaces and others)
  314. @internal = $surface_difference->(
  315. [ map $_->expolygon, @{$layerm->slices} ],
  316. [ map $_->expolygon, @top, @bottom ],
  318. $layerm,
  319. );
  320. # save surfaces to layer
  321. @{$layerm->slices} = (@bottom, @top, @internal);
  322. Slic3r::debugf " layer %d has %d bottom, %d top and %d internal surfaces\n",
  323. $layerm->id, scalar(@bottom), scalar(@top), scalar(@internal);
  324. }
  325. # clip surfaces to the fill boundaries
  326. foreach my $layer (@{$self->layers}) {
  327. my $layerm = $layer->regions->[$region_id];
  328. my $fill_boundaries = [ map @$_, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces} ];
  329. @{$layerm->fill_surfaces} = ();
  330. foreach my $surface (@{$layerm->slices}) {
  331. my $intersection = intersection_ex(
  332. [ $surface->p ],
  333. $fill_boundaries,
  334. );
  335. push @{$layerm->fill_surfaces}, map Slic3r::Surface->new
  336. (expolygon => $_, surface_type => $surface->surface_type),
  337. @$intersection;
  338. }
  339. }
  340. }
  341. }
  342. sub clip_fill_surfaces {
  343. my $self = shift;
  344. return unless $Slic3r::Config->infill_only_where_needed;
  345. # We only want infill under ceilings; this is almost like an
  346. # internal support material.
  347. my $additional_margin = scale 3;
  348. my @overhangs = ();
  349. for my $layer_id (reverse 0..$#{$self->layers}) {
  350. my $layer = $self->layers->[$layer_id];
  351. # clip this layer's internal surfaces to @overhangs
  352. foreach my $layerm (@{$layer->regions}) {
  353. my @new_internal = map Slic3r::Surface->new(
  354. expolygon => $_,
  355. surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNAL,
  356. ),
  357. @{intersection_ex(
  358. [ map @$_, @overhangs ],
  359. [ map @{$_->expolygon}, grep $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNAL, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces} ],
  360. )};
  361. @{$layerm->fill_surfaces} = (
  362. @new_internal,
  363. (grep $_->surface_type != S_TYPE_INTERNAL, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces}),
  364. );
  365. }
  366. # get this layer's overhangs
  367. if ($layer_id > 0) {
  368. my $lower_layer = $self->layers->[$layer_id-1];
  369. # loop through layer regions so that we can use each region's
  370. # specific overhang width
  371. foreach my $layerm (@{$layer->regions}) {
  372. my $overhang_width = $layerm->overhang_width;
  373. # we want to support any solid surface, not just tops
  374. # (internal solids might have been generated)
  375. push @overhangs, map $_->offset_ex($additional_margin), @{intersection_ex(
  376. [ map @{$_->expolygon}, grep $_->surface_type != S_TYPE_INTERNAL, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces} ],
  377. [ map @$_, map $_->offset_ex(-$overhang_width), @{$lower_layer->slices} ],
  378. )};
  379. }
  380. }
  381. }
  382. }
  383. sub bridge_over_infill {
  384. my $self = shift;
  385. for my $layer_id (1..$#{$self->layers}) {
  386. my $layer = $self->layers->[$layer_id];
  387. my $lower_layer = $self->layers->[$layer_id-1];
  388. foreach my $layerm (@{$layer->regions}) {
  389. # compute the areas needing bridge math
  390. my @internal_solid = grep $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNALSOLID, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces};
  391. my @lower_internal = grep $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNAL, map @{$_->fill_surfaces}, @{$lower_layer->regions};
  392. my $to_bridge = intersection_ex(
  393. [ map $_->p, @internal_solid ],
  394. [ map $_->p, @lower_internal ],
  395. );
  396. next unless @$to_bridge;
  397. Slic3r::debugf "Bridging %d internal areas at layer %d\n", scalar(@$to_bridge), $layer_id;
  398. # build the new collection of fill_surfaces
  399. {
  400. my @new_surfaces = grep $_->surface_type != S_TYPE_INTERNALSOLID, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces};
  401. push @new_surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface->new(
  402. expolygon => $_,
  403. surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNALBRIDGE,
  404. ), @$to_bridge;
  405. push @new_surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface->new(
  406. expolygon => $_,
  407. surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNALSOLID,
  408. ), @{diff_ex(
  409. [ map $_->p, @internal_solid ],
  410. [ map @$_, @$to_bridge ],
  411. 1,
  412. )};
  413. @{$layerm->fill_surfaces} = @new_surfaces;
  414. }
  415. # exclude infill from the layers below if needed
  416. # see discussion at https://github.com/alexrj/Slic3r/issues/240
  417. {
  418. my $excess = $layerm->extruders->{infill}->bridge_flow->width - $layerm->height;
  419. for (my $i = $layer_id-1; $excess >= $self->layers->[$i]->height; $i--) {
  420. Slic3r::debugf " skipping infill below those areas at layer %d\n", $i;
  421. foreach my $lower_layerm (@{$self->layers->[$i]->regions}) {
  422. my @new_surfaces = ();
  423. # subtract the area from all types of surfaces
  424. foreach my $group (Slic3r::Surface->group(@{$lower_layerm->fill_surfaces})) {
  425. push @new_surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface->new(
  426. expolygon => $_,
  427. surface_type => $group->[0]->surface_type,
  428. ), @{diff_ex(
  429. [ map $_->p, @$group ],
  430. [ map @$_, @$to_bridge ],
  431. )};
  432. }
  433. @{$lower_layerm->fill_surfaces} = @new_surfaces;
  434. }
  435. $excess -= $self->layers->[$i]->height;
  436. }
  437. }
  438. }
  439. }
  440. }
  441. sub discover_horizontal_shells {
  442. my $self = shift;
  443. Slic3r::debugf "==> DISCOVERING HORIZONTAL SHELLS\n";
  444. for my $region_id (0 .. ($self->print->regions_count-1)) {
  445. for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->layer_count; $i++) {
  446. my $layerm = $self->layers->[$i]->regions->[$region_id];
  447. if ($Slic3r::Config->solid_infill_every_layers && ($i % $Slic3r::Config->solid_infill_every_layers) == 0) {
  448. $_->surface_type(S_TYPE_INTERNALSOLID)
  449. for grep $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNAL, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces};
  450. }
  451. foreach my $type (S_TYPE_TOP, S_TYPE_BOTTOM) {
  452. # find slices of current type for current layer
  453. # get both slices and fill_surfaces before the former contains the perimeters area
  454. # and the latter contains the enlarged external surfaces
  455. my @surfaces = grep $_->surface_type == $type, @{$layerm->slices}, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces} or next;
  456. my $surfaces_p = [ map $_->p, @surfaces ];
  457. Slic3r::debugf "Layer %d has %d surfaces of type '%s'\n",
  458. $i, scalar(@surfaces), ($type == S_TYPE_TOP ? 'top' : 'bottom');
  459. my $solid_layers = ($type == S_TYPE_TOP)
  460. ? $Slic3r::Config->top_solid_layers
  461. : $Slic3r::Config->bottom_solid_layers;
  462. for (my $n = $type == S_TYPE_TOP ? $i-1 : $i+1;
  463. abs($n - $i) <= $solid_layers-1;
  464. $type == S_TYPE_TOP ? $n-- : $n++) {
  465. next if $n < 0 || $n >= $self->layer_count;
  466. Slic3r::debugf " looking for neighbors on layer %d...\n", $n;
  467. my @neighbor_fill_surfaces = @{$self->layers->[$n]->regions->[$region_id]->fill_surfaces};
  468. # find intersection between neighbor and current layer's surfaces
  469. # intersections have contours and holes
  470. my $new_internal_solid = intersection_ex(
  471. $surfaces_p,
  472. [ map $_->p, grep { $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNAL || $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNALSOLID } @neighbor_fill_surfaces ],
  473. undef, 1,
  474. );
  475. next if !@$new_internal_solid;
  476. # internal-solid are the union of the existing internal-solid surfaces
  477. # and new ones
  478. my $internal_solid = union_ex([
  479. ( map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNALSOLID, @neighbor_fill_surfaces ),
  480. ( map @$_, @$new_internal_solid ),
  481. ]);
  482. # subtract intersections from layer surfaces to get resulting internal surfaces
  483. my $internal = diff_ex(
  484. [ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNAL, @neighbor_fill_surfaces ],
  485. [ map @$_, @$internal_solid ],
  486. 1,
  487. );
  488. Slic3r::debugf " %d internal-solid and %d internal surfaces found\n",
  489. scalar(@$internal_solid), scalar(@$internal);
  490. # assign resulting internal surfaces to layer
  491. my $neighbor_fill_surfaces = $self->layers->[$n]->regions->[$region_id]->fill_surfaces;
  492. @$neighbor_fill_surfaces = ();
  493. push @$neighbor_fill_surfaces, Slic3r::Surface->new
  494. (expolygon => $_, surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNAL)
  495. for @$internal;
  496. # assign new internal-solid surfaces to layer
  497. push @$neighbor_fill_surfaces, Slic3r::Surface->new
  498. (expolygon => $_, surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNALSOLID)
  499. for @$internal_solid;
  500. # assign top and bottom surfaces to layer
  501. foreach my $s (Slic3r::Surface->group(grep { $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_TOP || $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_BOTTOM } @neighbor_fill_surfaces)) {
  502. my $solid_surfaces = diff_ex(
  503. [ map $_->p, @$s ],
  504. [ map @$_, @$internal_solid, @$internal ],
  505. 1,
  506. );
  507. push @$neighbor_fill_surfaces, Slic3r::Surface->new
  508. (expolygon => $_, surface_type => $s->[0]->surface_type, bridge_angle => $s->[0]->bridge_angle)
  509. for @$solid_surfaces;
  510. }
  511. }
  512. }
  513. @{$layerm->fill_surfaces} = grep $_->expolygon->area > $layerm->infill_area_threshold, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces};
  514. }
  515. }
  516. }
  517. # combine fill surfaces across layers
  518. sub combine_infill {
  519. my $self = shift;
  520. return unless $Slic3r::Config->infill_every_layers > 1 && $Slic3r::Config->fill_density > 0;
  521. my $layer_count = $self->layer_count;
  522. for my $region_id (0 .. ($self->print->regions_count-1)) {
  523. # limit the number of combined layers to the maximum height allowed by this regions' nozzle
  524. my $every = min(
  525. $Slic3r::Config->infill_every_layers,
  526. int($self->print->regions->[$region_id]->extruders->{infill}->nozzle_diameter/$Slic3r::Config->layer_height),
  527. );
  528. Slic3r::debugf "Infilling every %d layers\n", $every;
  529. # skip bottom layer
  530. for (my $layer_id = $every; $layer_id <= $layer_count-1; $layer_id += $every) {
  531. # get the layers whose infill we want to combine (bottom-up)
  532. my @layerms = map $self->layers->[$_]->regions->[$region_id],
  533. ($layer_id - ($every-1)) .. $layer_id;
  534. # process internal and internal-solid infill separately
  536. # we need to perform a multi-layer intersection, so let's split it in pairs
  537. # initialize the intersection with the candidates of the lowest layer
  538. my $intersection = [ map $_->expolygon, grep $_->surface_type == $type, @{$layerms[0]->fill_surfaces} ];
  539. # start looping from the second layer and intersect the current intersection with it
  540. for my $layerm (@layerms[1 .. $#layerms]) {
  541. $intersection = intersection_ex(
  542. [ map @$_, @$intersection ],
  543. [ map @{$_->expolygon}, grep $_->surface_type == $type, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces} ],
  544. );
  545. }
  546. my $area_threshold = $layerms[0]->infill_area_threshold;
  547. @$intersection = grep $_->area > $area_threshold, @$intersection;
  548. next if !@$intersection;
  549. Slic3r::debugf " combining %d %s regions from layers %d-%d\n",
  550. scalar(@$intersection),
  551. ($type == S_TYPE_INTERNAL ? 'internal' : 'internal-solid'),
  552. $layer_id-($every-1), $layer_id;
  553. # $intersection now contains the regions that can be combined across the full amount of layers
  554. # so let's remove those areas from all layers
  555. my @intersection_with_clearance = map $_->offset(
  556. $layerms[-1]->infill_flow->scaled_width / 2
  557. + $layerms[-1]->perimeter_flow->scaled_width / 2
  558. # Because fill areas for rectilinear and honeycomb are grown
  559. # later to overlap perimeters, we need to counteract that too.
  560. + (($type == S_TYPE_INTERNALSOLID || $Slic3r::Config->fill_pattern =~ /(rectilinear|honeycomb)/)
  561. ? $layerms[-1]->infill_flow->scaled_width * &Slic3r::PERIMETER_INFILL_OVERLAP_OVER_SPACING
  562. : 0)
  563. ), @$intersection;
  564. foreach my $layerm (@layerms) {
  565. my @this_type = grep $_->surface_type == $type, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces};
  566. my @other_types = grep $_->surface_type != $type, @{$layerm->fill_surfaces};
  567. @this_type = map Slic3r::Surface->new(expolygon => $_, surface_type => $type),
  568. @{diff_ex(
  569. [ map @{$_->expolygon}, @this_type ],
  570. [ @intersection_with_clearance ],
  571. )};
  572. # apply surfaces back with adjusted depth to the uppermost layer
  573. if ($layerm->id == $layer_id) {
  574. push @this_type,
  575. map Slic3r::Surface->new(expolygon => $_, surface_type => $type, depth_layers => $every),
  576. @$intersection;
  577. }
  578. @{$layerm->fill_surfaces} = (@this_type, @other_types);
  579. }
  580. }
  581. }
  582. }
  583. }
  584. sub generate_support_material {
  585. my $self = shift;
  586. return if $self->layer_count < 2;
  587. my $overhang_width;
  588. if ($Slic3r::Config->support_material_threshold) {
  589. my $threshold_rad = deg2rad($Slic3r::Config->support_material_threshold + 1); # +1 makes the threshold inclusive
  590. Slic3r::debugf "Threshold angle = %d°\n", rad2deg($threshold_rad);
  591. $overhang_width = scale $Slic3r::Config->layer_height * ((cos $threshold_rad) / (sin $threshold_rad));
  592. } else {
  593. $overhang_width = $self->layers->[1]->regions->[0]->overhang_width;
  594. }
  595. my $flow = $self->print->support_material_flow;
  596. my $distance_from_object = 1.5 * $flow->scaled_width;
  597. my $pattern_spacing = ($Slic3r::Config->support_material_spacing > $flow->spacing)
  598. ? $Slic3r::Config->support_material_spacing
  599. : $flow->spacing;
  600. # determine support regions in each layer (for upper layers)
  601. Slic3r::debugf "Detecting regions\n";
  602. my %layers = (); # this represents the areas of each layer having to support upper layers (excluding interfaces)
  603. my %layers_interfaces = (); # this represents the areas of each layer to be filled with interface pattern, excluding the contact areas which are stored separately
  604. my %layers_contact_areas = (); # this represents the areas of each layer having an overhang in the immediately upper layer
  605. {
  606. my @current_support_regions = (); # expolygons we've started to support (i.e. below the empty interface layers)
  607. my @upper_layers_overhangs = (map [], 1..$Slic3r::Config->support_material_interface_layers);
  608. for my $i (reverse 0 .. $#{$self->layers}) {
  609. next unless $Slic3r::Config->support_material
  610. || ($i <= $Slic3r::Config->raft_layers) # <= because we need to start from the first non-raft layer
  611. || ($i <= $Slic3r::Config->support_material_enforce_layers + $Slic3r::Config->raft_layers);
  612. my $layer = $self->layers->[$i];
  613. my $lower_layer = $i > 0 ? $self->layers->[$i-1] : undef;
  614. my @current_layer_offsetted_slices = map $_->offset_ex($distance_from_object), @{$layer->slices};
  615. # $upper_layers_overhangs[-1] contains the overhangs of the upper layer, regardless of any interface layers
  616. # $upper_layers_overhangs[0] contains the overhangs of the first upper layer above the interface layers
  617. # we only consider the overhangs of the upper layer to define contact areas of the current one
  618. $layers_contact_areas{$i} = diff_ex(
  619. [ map @$_, @{ $upper_layers_overhangs[-1] || [] } ],
  620. [ map @$_, @current_layer_offsetted_slices ],
  621. );
  622. $_->simplify($flow->scaled_spacing) for @{$layers_contact_areas{$i}};
  623. # to define interface regions of this layer we consider the overhangs of all the upper layers
  624. # minus the first one
  625. $layers_interfaces{$i} = diff_ex(
  626. [ map @$_, map @$_, @upper_layers_overhangs[0 .. $#upper_layers_overhangs-1] ],
  627. [
  628. (map @$_, @current_layer_offsetted_slices),
  629. (map @$_, @{ $layers_contact_areas{$i} }),
  630. ],
  631. );
  632. $_->simplify($flow->scaled_spacing) for @{$layers_interfaces{$i}};
  633. # generate support material in current layer (for upper layers)
  634. @current_support_regions = @{diff_ex(
  635. [
  636. (map @$_, @current_support_regions),
  637. (map @$_, @{ $upper_layers_overhangs[-1] || [] }), # only considering -1 instead of the whole array contents is just an optimization
  638. ],
  639. [ map @$_, @{$layer->slices} ],
  640. )};
  641. shift @upper_layers_overhangs;
  642. $layers{$i} = diff_ex(
  643. [ map @$_, @current_support_regions ],
  644. [
  645. (map @$_, @current_layer_offsetted_slices),
  646. (map @$_, @{ $layers_interfaces{$i} }),
  647. ],
  648. );
  649. $_->simplify($flow->scaled_spacing) for @{$layers{$i}};
  650. # get layer overhangs and put them into queue for adding support inside lower layers;
  651. # we need an angle threshold for this
  652. my @overhangs = ();
  653. if ($lower_layer) {
  654. # consider all overhangs regardless of their angle if we're told to enforce support on this layer
  655. my $distance = $i <= ($Slic3r::Config->support_material_enforce_layers + $Slic3r::Config->raft_layers)
  656. ? 0
  657. : $overhang_width;
  658. @overhangs = map $_->offset_ex(2 * $distance), @{diff_ex(
  659. [ map @$_, map $_->offset_ex(-$distance), @{$layer->slices} ],
  660. [ map @$_, @{$lower_layer->slices} ],
  661. 1,
  662. )};
  663. }
  664. push @upper_layers_overhangs, [@overhangs];
  665. if ($Slic3r::debug) {
  666. printf "Layer %d (z = %.2f) has %d generic support areas, %d normal interface areas, %d contact areas\n",
  667. $i, unscale($layer->print_z), scalar(@{$layers{$i}}), scalar(@{$layers_interfaces{$i}}), scalar(@{$layers_contact_areas{$i}});
  668. }
  669. }
  670. }
  671. return if !map @$_, values %layers;
  672. # generate paths for the pattern that we're going to use
  673. Slic3r::debugf "Generating patterns\n";
  674. my $support_patterns = [];
  675. my $support_interface_patterns = [];
  676. {
  677. # 0.5 ensures the paths don't get clipped externally when applying them to layers
  678. my @areas = map $_->offset_ex(- 0.5 * $flow->scaled_width),
  679. @{union_ex([ map $_->contour, map @$_, values %layers ])};
  680. my $pattern = $Slic3r::Config->support_material_pattern;
  681. my @angles = ($Slic3r::Config->support_material_angle);
  682. if ($pattern eq 'rectilinear-grid') {
  683. $pattern = 'rectilinear';
  684. push @angles, $angles[0] + 90;
  685. }
  686. my $filler = Slic3r::Fill->filler($pattern);
  687. my $make_pattern = sub {
  688. my ($expolygon, $density) = @_;
  689. my @paths = $filler->fill_surface(
  690. Slic3r::Surface->new(expolygon => $expolygon),
  691. density => $density,
  692. flow_spacing => $flow->spacing,
  693. );
  694. my $params = shift @paths;
  695. return map Slic3r::ExtrusionPath->new(
  696. polyline => Slic3r::Polyline->new(@$_),
  698. height => undef,
  699. flow_spacing => $params->{flow_spacing},
  700. ), @paths;
  701. };
  702. foreach my $angle (@angles) {
  703. $filler->angle($angle);
  704. {
  705. my $density = $flow->spacing / $pattern_spacing;
  706. push @$support_patterns, [ map $make_pattern->($_, $density), @areas ];
  707. }
  708. if ($Slic3r::Config->support_material_interface_layers > 0) {
  709. # if pattern is not cross-hatched, rotate the interface pattern by 90° degrees
  710. $filler->angle($angle + 90) if @angles == 1;
  711. my $spacing = $Slic3r::Config->support_material_interface_spacing;
  712. my $density = $spacing == 0 ? 1 : $flow->spacing / $spacing;
  713. push @$support_interface_patterns, [ map $make_pattern->($_, $density), @areas ];
  714. }
  715. }
  716. if (0) {
  717. require "Slic3r/SVG.pm";
  718. Slic3r::SVG::output("support_$_.svg",
  719. polylines => [ map $_->polyline, map @$_, $support_patterns->[$_] ],
  720. red_polylines => [ map $_->polyline, map @$_, $support_interface_patterns->[$_] ],
  721. polygons => [ map @$_, @areas ],
  722. ) for 0 .. $#$support_patterns;
  723. }
  724. }
  725. # apply the pattern to layers
  726. Slic3r::debugf "Applying patterns\n";
  727. {
  728. my $clip_pattern = sub {
  729. my ($layer_id, $expolygons, $height, $is_interface) = @_;
  730. my @paths = ();
  731. foreach my $expolygon (@$expolygons) {
  732. push @paths,
  733. map $_->pack,
  734. map {
  735. $_->height($height);
  736. # useless line because this coderef isn't called for layer 0 anymore;
  737. # let's keep it here just in case we want to make the base flange optional
  738. # in the future
  739. $_->flow_spacing($self->print->first_layer_support_material_flow->spacing)
  740. if $layer_id == 0;
  741. $_;
  742. }
  743. map $_->clip_with_expolygon($expolygon),
  744. ###map $_->clip_with_polygon($expolygon->bounding_box_polygon), # currently disabled as a workaround for Boost failing at being idempotent
  745. ($is_interface && @$support_interface_patterns)
  746. ? @{$support_interface_patterns->[ $layer_id % @$support_interface_patterns ]}
  747. : @{$support_patterns->[ $layer_id % @$support_patterns ]};
  748. };
  749. return @paths;
  750. };
  751. my %layer_paths = ();
  752. my %layer_contact_paths = ();
  753. my %layer_islands = ();
  754. my $process_layer = sub {
  755. my ($layer_id) = @_;
  756. my $layer = $self->layers->[$layer_id];
  757. my ($paths, $contact_paths) = ([], []);
  758. my $islands = union_ex([ map @$_, map @$_, $layers{$layer_id}, $layers_contact_areas{$layer_id} ]);
  759. # make a solid base on bottom layer
  760. if ($layer_id == 0) {
  761. my $filler = Slic3r::Fill->filler('rectilinear');
  762. $filler->angle($Slic3r::Config->support_material_angle + 90);
  763. foreach my $expolygon (@$islands) {
  764. my @paths = $filler->fill_surface(
  765. Slic3r::Surface->new(expolygon => $expolygon),
  766. density => 0.5,
  767. flow_spacing => $self->print->first_layer_support_material_flow->spacing,
  768. );
  769. my $params = shift @paths;
  770. push @$paths, map Slic3r::ExtrusionPath->new(
  771. polyline => Slic3r::Polyline->new(@$_),
  773. height => undef,
  774. flow_spacing => $params->{flow_spacing},
  775. ), @paths;
  776. }
  777. } else {
  778. $paths = [
  779. $clip_pattern->($layer_id, $layers{$layer_id}, $layer->height),
  780. $clip_pattern->($layer_id, $layers_interfaces{$layer_id}, $layer->height, 1),
  781. ];
  782. $contact_paths = [ $clip_pattern->($layer_id, $layers_contact_areas{$layer_id}, $layer->support_material_contact_height, 1) ];
  783. }
  784. return ($paths, $contact_paths, $islands);
  785. };
  786. Slic3r::parallelize(
  787. items => [ keys %layers ],
  788. thread_cb => sub {
  789. my $q = shift;
  790. $Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
  791. my $result = {};
  792. while (defined (my $layer_id = $q->dequeue)) {
  793. $result->{$layer_id} = [ $process_layer->($layer_id) ];
  794. }
  795. return $result;
  796. },
  797. collect_cb => sub {
  798. my $result = shift;
  799. ($layer_paths{$_}, $layer_contact_paths{$_}, $layer_islands{$_}) = @{$result->{$_}} for keys %$result;
  800. },
  801. no_threads_cb => sub {
  802. ($layer_paths{$_}, $layer_contact_paths{$_}, $layer_islands{$_}) = $process_layer->($_) for keys %layers;
  803. },
  804. );
  805. foreach my $layer_id (keys %layer_paths) {
  806. my $layer = $self->layers->[$layer_id];
  807. $layer->support_islands($layer_islands{$layer_id});
  808. $layer->support_fills(Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection->new);
  809. $layer->support_contact_fills(Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection->new);
  810. push @{$layer->support_fills->paths}, @{$layer_paths{$layer_id}};
  811. push @{$layer->support_contact_fills->paths}, @{$layer_contact_paths{$layer_id}};
  812. }
  813. }
  814. }
  815. 1;