123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581 |
- package Slic3r::TriangleMesh;
- use Moo;
- use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y Z A B unscale same_point);
- # public
- has 'vertices' => (is => 'ro', required => 1); # id => [$x,$y,$z]
- has 'facets' => (is => 'ro', required => 1); # id => [ $v1_id, $v2_id, $v3_id ]
- # private
- has 'edges' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { [] }); # id => [ $v1_id, $v2_id ]
- has 'facets_edges' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { [] }); # id => [ $e1_id, $e2_id, $e3_id ]
- has 'edges_facets' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { [] }); # id => [ $f1_id, $f2_id, (...) ]
- use constant MIN => 0;
- use constant MAX => 1;
- use constant I_FMT => 'ffllLllc';
- use constant I_B => 0;
- use constant I_A_ID => 1;
- use constant I_B_ID => 2;
- use constant I_FACET_INDEX => 3;
- use constant I_PREV_FACET_INDEX => 4;
- use constant I_NEXT_FACET_INDEX => 5;
- use constant I_FACET_EDGE => 6;
- use constant FE_TOP => 0;
- use constant FE_BOTTOM => 1;
- # always make sure BUILD is idempotent
- sub BUILD {
- my $self = shift;
- @{$self->edges} = ();
- @{$self->facets_edges} = ();
- @{$self->edges_facets} = ();
- my %table = (); # edge_coordinates => edge_id
- for (my $facet_id = 0; $facet_id <= $#{$self->facets}; $facet_id++) {
- my $facet = $self->facets->[$facet_id];
- $self->facets_edges->[$facet_id] = [];
- # reorder vertices so that the first one is the one with lowest Z
- # this is needed to get all intersection lines in a consistent order
- # (external on the right of the line)
- {
- my @z_order = sort { $self->vertices->[$facet->[$a]][Z] <=> $self->vertices->[$facet->[$b]][Z] } -3..-1;
- @$facet[-3..-1] = (@$facet[$z_order[0]..-1], @$facet[-3..($z_order[0]-1)]);
- }
- # ignore the normal if provided
- my @vertices = @$facet[-3..-1];
- foreach my $edge ($self->_facet_edges($facet_id)) {
- my $edge_coordinates = join ';', sort @$edge;
- my $edge_id = $table{$edge_coordinates};
- if (!defined $edge_id) {
- # Note that the order of vertices in $self->edges is *casual* because it is only
- # good for one of the two adjacent facets. For this reason, it must not be used
- # when dealing with single facets.
- push @{$self->edges}, $edge;
- $edge_id = $#{$self->edges};
- $table{$edge_coordinates} = $edge_id;
- $self->edges_facets->[$edge_id] = [];
- }
- push @{$self->facets_edges->[$facet_id]}, $edge_id;
- push @{$self->edges_facets->[$edge_id]}, $facet_id;
- }
- }
- }
- sub merge {
- my $class = shift;
- my @meshes = @_;
- my $vertices = [];
- my $facets = [];
- foreach my $mesh (@meshes) {
- my $v_offset = @$vertices;
- push @$vertices, @{$mesh->vertices};
- push @$facets, map {
- my $f = [@$_];
- $f->[$_] += $v_offset for -3..-1;
- $f;
- } @{$mesh->facets};
- }
- return $class->new(vertices => $vertices, facets => $facets);
- }
- sub clone {
- my $self = shift;
- return (ref $self)->new(
- vertices => [ map [ @$_ ], @{$self->vertices} ],
- facets => [ map [ @$_ ], @{$self->facets} ],
- );
- }
- sub _facet_edges {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($facet_id) = @_;
- my $facet = $self->facets->[$facet_id];
- return (
- [ $facet->[-3], $facet->[-2] ],
- [ $facet->[-2], $facet->[-1] ],
- [ $facet->[-1], $facet->[-3] ],
- );
- }
- # This method is supposed to remove narrow triangles, but it actually doesn't
- # work much; I'm committing it for future reference but I'm going to remove it later.
- # Note: a 'clean' method should actually take care of non-manifold facets and remove
- # them.
- sub clean {
- my $self = shift;
- # retrieve all edges shared by more than two facets;
- my @weird_edges = grep { @{$self->edge_facets->{$_}} != 2 } keys %{$self->edge_facets};
- # usually most of these facets are very narrow triangles whose two edges
- # are detected as collapsed, and thus added twice to the edge in edge_fasets table
- # let's identify these triangles
- my @narrow_facets_indexes = ();
- foreach my $edge_id (@weird_edges) {
- my %facet_count = ();
- $facet_count{$_}++ for @{$self->edge_facets->{$edge_id}};
- @{$self->edge_facets->{$edge_id}} = grep $facet_count{$_} == 1, keys %facet_count;
- push @narrow_facets_indexes, grep $facet_count{$_} > 1, keys %facet_count;
- }
- # remove identified narrow facets
- foreach my $facet_id (@narrow_facets_indexes) {last;
- splice @{$self->facets}, $facet_id, 1;
- splice @{$self->facets_edges}, $facet_id, 1;
- foreach my $facet_ides (values %{$self->edge_facets}) {
- @$facet_ides = map { $_ > $facet_id ? ($_-1) : $_ } @$facet_ides;
- }
- }
- Slic3r::debugf "%d narrow facets removed\n", scalar(@narrow_facets_indexes)
- if @narrow_facets_indexes;
- }
- sub check_manifoldness {
- my $self = shift;
- # look for any edges not connected to exactly two facets
- my ($first_bad_edge_id) =
- grep { @{ $self->edges_facets->[$_] } != 2 } 0..$#{$self->edges_facets};
- if (defined $first_bad_edge_id) {
- warn sprintf "Warning: The input file contains a hole near edge %f-%f (not manifold). "
- . "You might want to repair it and retry, or to check the resulting G-code before printing anyway.\n",
- @{$self->edges->[$first_bad_edge_id]};
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub unpack_line {
- my ($packed) = @_;
- my @data = unpack I_FMT, $packed;
- splice @data, 0, 2, [ @data[0,1] ];
- $data[$_] = undef for grep $data[$_] == -1, I_A_ID, I_B_ID, I_FACET_EDGE, I_PREV_FACET_INDEX, I_NEXT_FACET_INDEX;
- return [@data];
- }
- sub make_loops {
- my ($lines) = @_;
- my @lines = map unpack_line($_), @$lines;
- # remove tangent edges
- {
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#lines; $i++) {
- next unless defined $lines[$i] && defined $lines[$i][I_FACET_EDGE];
- # if the line is a facet edge, find another facet edge
- # having the same endpoints but in reverse order
- for (my $j = $i+1; $j <= $#lines; $j++) {
- next unless defined $lines[$j] && defined $lines[$j][I_FACET_EDGE];
- # are these facets adjacent? (sharing a common edge on this layer)
- if ($lines[$i][I_A_ID] == $lines[$j][I_B_ID] && $lines[$i][I_B_ID] == $lines[$j][I_A_ID]) {
- # if they are both oriented upwards or downwards (like a 'V')
- # then we can remove both edges from this layer since it won't
- # affect the sliced shape
- if ($lines[$j][I_FACET_EDGE] == $lines[$i][I_FACET_EDGE]) {
- $lines[$i] = undef;
- $lines[$j] = undef;
- last;
- }
- # if one of them is oriented upwards and the other is oriented
- # downwards, let's only keep one of them (it doesn't matter which
- # one since all 'top' lines were reversed at slicing)
- if ($lines[$i][I_FACET_EDGE] == FE_TOP && $lines[$j][I_FACET_EDGE] == FE_BOTTOM) {
- $lines[$j] = undef;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @lines = grep $_, @lines;
- # count relationships
- my %prev_count = (); # how many lines have the same prev_facet_index
- my %a_count = (); # how many lines have the same a_id
- foreach my $line (@lines) {
- if (defined $line->[I_PREV_FACET_INDEX]) {
- $prev_count{$line->[I_PREV_FACET_INDEX]}++;
- }
- if (defined $line->[I_A_ID]) {
- $a_count{$line->[I_A_ID]}++;
- }
- }
- foreach my $point_id (grep $a_count{$_} > 1, keys %a_count) {
- my @lines_starting_here = grep defined $_->[I_A_ID] && $_->[I_A_ID] == $point_id, @lines;
- Slic3r::debugf "%d lines start at point %d\n", scalar(@lines_starting_here), $point_id;
- # if two lines start at this point, one being a 'top' facet edge and the other being a 'bottom' one,
- # then remove the top one and those following it (removing the top or the bottom one is an arbitrary
- # choice)
- # The "// ''" on the next line avoids uninitialized value errors mentioned in issue #357 but these
- # errors occur on fixed models so the root cause still needs to be found
- if (@lines_starting_here == 2 && join('', sort map $_->[I_FACET_EDGE] // '', @lines_starting_here) eq FE_TOP.FE_BOTTOM) { #/
- my @to_remove = grep $_->[I_FACET_EDGE] == FE_TOP, @lines_starting_here;
- while (!grep defined $_->[I_B_ID] && $_->[I_B_ID] == $to_remove[-1]->[I_B_ID] && $_ ne $to_remove[-1], @lines) {
- push @to_remove, grep defined $_->[I_A_ID] && $_->[I_A_ID] == $to_remove[-1]->[I_B_ID], @lines;
- }
- my %to_remove = map {$_ => 1} @to_remove;
- @lines = grep !$to_remove{$_}, @lines;
- } else {
- Slic3r::debugf " this shouldn't happen and should be further investigated\n";
- if (0) {
- require "Slic3r/SVG.pm";
- Slic3r::SVG::output("same_point.svg",
- lines => [ map $_->line, grep !defined $_->[I_FACET_EDGE], @lines ],
- red_lines => [ map $_->line, grep defined $_->[I_FACET_EDGE], @lines ],
- #points => [ $self->vertices->[$point_id] ],
- no_arrows => 0,
- );
- }
- }
- }
- # optimization: build indexes of lines
- my %by_facet_index = map { $lines[$_][I_FACET_INDEX] => $_ }
- grep defined $lines[$_][I_FACET_INDEX],
- (0..$#lines);
- my %by_a_id = map { $lines[$_][I_A_ID] => $_ }
- grep defined $lines[$_][I_A_ID],
- (0..$#lines);
- my (@polygons, @failed_loops, %visited_lines) = ();
- my $slicing_errors = 0;
- CYCLE: for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#lines; $i++) {
- my $line = $lines[$i];
- next if $visited_lines{$line};
- my @points = ();
- my $first_facet_index = $line->[I_FACET_INDEX];
- do {
- my $next_line;
- if (defined $line->[I_NEXT_FACET_INDEX] && exists $by_facet_index{$line->[I_NEXT_FACET_INDEX]}) {
- $next_line = $lines[$by_facet_index{$line->[I_NEXT_FACET_INDEX]}];
- } elsif (defined $line->[I_B_ID] && exists $by_a_id{$line->[I_B_ID]}) {
- $next_line = $lines[$by_a_id{$line->[I_B_ID]}];
- } else {
- Slic3r::debugf " line has no next_facet_index or b_id\n";
- $slicing_errors = 1;
- push @failed_loops, [@points] if @points;
- next CYCLE;
- }
- if (!$next_line || $visited_lines{$next_line}) {
- Slic3r::debugf " failed to close this loop\n";
- $slicing_errors = 1;
- push @failed_loops, [@points] if @points;
- next CYCLE;
- } elsif (defined $next_line->[I_PREV_FACET_INDEX] && $next_line->[I_PREV_FACET_INDEX] != $line->[I_FACET_INDEX]) {
- Slic3r::debugf " wrong prev_facet_index\n";
- $slicing_errors = 1;
- push @failed_loops, [@points] if @points;
- next CYCLE;
- } elsif (defined $next_line->[I_A_ID] && $next_line->[I_A_ID] != $line->[I_B_ID]) {
- Slic3r::debugf " wrong a_id\n";
- $slicing_errors = 1;
- push @failed_loops, [@points] if @points;
- next CYCLE;
- }
- push @points, $next_line->[I_B];
- $visited_lines{$next_line} = 1;
- $line = $next_line;
- } while ($first_facet_index != $line->[I_FACET_INDEX]);
- push @polygons, Slic3r::Polygon->new(@points);
- Slic3r::debugf " Discovered %s polygon of %d points\n",
- ($polygons[-1]->is_counter_clockwise ? 'ccw' : 'cw'), scalar(@points)
- if $Slic3r::debug;
- }
- # TODO: we should try to combine failed loops
- for (grep @$_ >= 3, @failed_loops) {
- push @polygons, Slic3r::Polygon->new(@$_);
- Slic3r::debugf " Discovered failed %s polygon of %d points\n",
- ($polygons[-1]->is_counter_clockwise ? 'ccw' : 'cw'), scalar(@$_)
- if $Slic3r::debug;
- }
- return ($slicing_errors, [@polygons]);
- }
- sub rotate {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($deg) = @_;
- return if $deg == 0;
- my $rad = Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad($deg);
- # transform vertex coordinates
- foreach my $vertex (@{$self->vertices}) {
- @$vertex = (@{ +(Slic3r::Geometry::rotate_points($rad, undef, [ $vertex->[X], $vertex->[Y] ]))[0] }, $vertex->[Z]);
- }
- }
- sub scale {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($factor) = @_;
- return if $factor == 1;
- # transform vertex coordinates
- foreach my $vertex (@{$self->vertices}) {
- $vertex->[$_] *= $factor for X,Y,Z;
- }
- }
- sub move {
- my $self = shift;
- my (@shift) = @_;
- # transform vertex coordinates
- foreach my $vertex (@{$self->vertices}) {
- $vertex->[$_] += $shift[$_] || 0 for X,Y,Z;
- }
- }
- sub align_to_origin {
- my $self = shift;
- # calculate the displacements needed to
- # have lowest value for each axis at coordinate 0
- my @extents = $self->extents;
- $self->move(map -$extents[$_][MIN], X,Y,Z);
- }
- sub duplicate {
- my $self = shift;
- my (@shifts) = @_;
- my @new_facets = ();
- foreach my $facet (@{$self->facets}) {
- # transform vertex coordinates
- my ($normal, @vertices) = @$facet;
- foreach my $shift (@shifts) {
- push @new_facets, [ $normal ];
- foreach my $vertex (@vertices) {
- push @{$self->vertices}, [ map $self->vertices->[$vertex][$_] + ($shift->[$_] || 0), (X,Y,Z) ];
- push @{$new_facets[-1]}, $#{$self->vertices};
- }
- }
- }
- push @{$self->facets}, @new_facets;
- $self->BUILD;
- }
- sub extents {
- my $self = shift;
- return Slic3r::Geometry::bounding_box_3D($self->vertices);
- }
- sub size {
- my $self = shift;
- return Slic3r::Geometry::size_3D($self->vertices);
- }
- sub slice_facet {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($print_object, $facet_id) = @_;
- my @vertices = @{$self->facets->[$facet_id]}[-3..-1];
- Slic3r::debugf "\n==> FACET %d (%f,%f,%f - %f,%f,%f - %f,%f,%f):\n",
- $facet_id, map @{$self->vertices->[$_]}, @vertices
- if $Slic3r::debug;
- # find the vertical extents of the facet
- my ($min_z, $max_z) = (99999999999, -99999999999);
- foreach my $vertex (@vertices) {
- my $vertex_z = $self->vertices->[$vertex][Z];
- $min_z = $vertex_z if $vertex_z < $min_z;
- $max_z = $vertex_z if $vertex_z > $max_z;
- }
- Slic3r::debugf "z: min = %.0f, max = %.0f\n", $min_z, $max_z;
- if ($max_z == $min_z) {
- Slic3r::debugf "Facet is horizontal; ignoring\n";
- return;
- }
- # calculate the layer extents
- my $min_layer = int((unscale($min_z) - ($Slic3r::Config->get_value('first_layer_height') + $Slic3r::Config->layer_height / 2)) / $Slic3r::Config->layer_height) - 2;
- $min_layer = 0 if $min_layer < 0;
- my $max_layer = int((unscale($max_z) - ($Slic3r::Config->get_value('first_layer_height') + $Slic3r::Config->layer_height / 2)) / $Slic3r::Config->layer_height) + 2;
- Slic3r::debugf "layers: min = %s, max = %s\n", $min_layer, $max_layer;
- my $lines = {}; # layer_id => [ lines ]
- for (my $layer_id = $min_layer; $layer_id <= $max_layer; $layer_id++) {
- my $layer = $print_object->layer($layer_id);
- $lines->{$layer_id} ||= [];
- push @{ $lines->{$layer_id} }, $self->intersect_facet($facet_id, $layer->slice_z);
- }
- return $lines;
- }
- sub intersect_facet {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($facet_id, $z) = @_;
- my @vertices_ids = @{$self->facets->[$facet_id]}[-3..-1];
- my @edge_ids = @{$self->facets_edges->[$facet_id]};
- my @edge_vertices_ids = $self->_facet_edges($facet_id);
- my (@lines, @points, @intersection_points, @points_on_layer) = ();
- for my $e (0..2) {
- my $edge_id = $edge_ids[$e];
- my ($a_id, $b_id) = @{$edge_vertices_ids[$e]};
- my ($a, $b) = map $self->vertices->[$_], ($a_id, $b_id);
- #printf "Az = %f, Bz = %f, z = %f\n", $a->[Z], $b->[Z], $z;
- if ($a->[Z] == $b->[Z] && $a->[Z] == $z) {
- # edge is horizontal and belongs to the current layer
- my $edge_type = (grep $self->vertices->[$_][Z] < $z, @vertices_ids) ? FE_TOP : FE_BOTTOM;
- if ($edge_type == FE_TOP) {
- ($a, $b) = ($b, $a);
- ($a_id, $b_id) = ($b_id, $a_id);
- }
- push @lines, pack I_FMT, (
- $b->[X], $b->[Y], # I_B
- $a_id, # I_A_ID
- $b_id, # I_B_ID
- $facet_id, # I_FACET_INDEX
- $edge_type, # I_FACET_EDGE
- # Unused data:
- # a => [$a->[X], $a->[Y]],
- );
- #print "Horizontal edge at $z!\n";
- } elsif ($a->[Z] == $z) {
- #print "A point on plane $z!\n";
- push @points, [ $a->[X], $a->[Y], $a_id ];
- push @points_on_layer, $#points;
- } elsif ($b->[Z] == $z) {
- #print "B point on plane $z!\n";
- push @points, [ $b->[X], $b->[Y], $b_id ];
- push @points_on_layer, $#points;
- } elsif (($a->[Z] < $z && $b->[Z] > $z) || ($b->[Z] < $z && $a->[Z] > $z)) {
- # edge intersects the current layer; calculate intersection
- push @points, [
- $b->[X] + ($a->[X] - $b->[X]) * ($z - $b->[Z]) / ($a->[Z] - $b->[Z]),
- $b->[Y] + ($a->[Y] - $b->[Y]) * ($z - $b->[Z]) / ($a->[Z] - $b->[Z]),
- undef,
- $edge_id,
- ];
- push @intersection_points, $#points;
- #print "Intersects at $z!\n";
- }
- }
- return @lines if @lines;
- if (@points_on_layer == 2 && @intersection_points == 1) {
- $points[ $points_on_layer[1] ] = undef;
- @points = grep $_, @points;
- }
- if (@points_on_layer == 2 && @intersection_points == 0) {
- if (same_point(map $points[$_], @points_on_layer)) {
- return ();
- }
- }
- if (@points) {
- # defensive programming:
- die "Facets must intersect each plane 0 or 2 times" if @points != 2;
- # connect points:
- my ($prev_facet_index, $next_facet_index) = (undef, undef);
- $prev_facet_index = +(grep $_ != $facet_id, @{$self->edges_facets->[$points[B][3]]})[0]
- if defined $points[B][3];
- $next_facet_index = +(grep $_ != $facet_id, @{$self->edges_facets->[$points[A][3]]})[0]
- if defined $points[A][3];
- return pack I_FMT, (
- $points[A][X], $points[A][Y], # I_B
- $points[B][2] // -1, # I_A_ID /
- $points[A][2] // -1, # I_B_ID /
- $facet_id, # I_FACET_INDEX
- $prev_facet_index // -1, # I_PREV_FACET_INDEX /
- $next_facet_index // -1, # I_NEXT_FACET_INDEX /
- -1, # I_FACET_EDGE
- );
- #printf " intersection points at z = %f: %f,%f - %f,%f\n", $z, map @$_, @intersection_points;
- }
- return ();
- }
- sub get_connected_facets {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($facet_id) = @_;
- my %facets = ();
- foreach my $edge_id (@{$self->facets_edges->[$facet_id]}) {
- $facets{$_} = 1 for @{$self->edges_facets->[$edge_id]};
- }
- delete $facets{$facet_id};
- return keys %facets;
- }
- sub split_mesh {
- my $self = shift;
- my @meshes = ();
- # loop while we have remaining facets
- while (1) {
- # get the first facet
- my @facet_queue = ();
- my @facets = ();
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$self->facets}; $i++) {
- if (defined $self->facets->[$i]) {
- push @facet_queue, $i;
- last;
- }
- }
- last if !@facet_queue;
- while (defined (my $facet_id = shift @facet_queue)) {
- next unless defined $self->facets->[$facet_id];
- push @facets, map [ @$_ ], $self->facets->[$facet_id];
- push @facet_queue, $self->get_connected_facets($facet_id);
- $self->facets->[$facet_id] = undef;
- }
- my %vertices = map { $_ => 1 } map @$_[-3..-1], @facets;
- my @new_vertices = keys %vertices;
- my %new_vertices = map { $new_vertices[$_] => $_ } 0..$#new_vertices;
- foreach my $facet (@facets) {
- $facet->[$_] = $new_vertices{$facet->[$_]} for -3..-1;
- }
- push @meshes, Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new(
- facets => \@facets,
- vertices => [ map $self->vertices->[$_], keys %vertices ],
- );
- }
- return @meshes;
- }
- 1;