123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616 |
- #include <catch_main.hpp>
- #include <libslic3r/Point.hpp>
- #include <libslic3r/BoundingBox.hpp>
- #include <libslic3r/Polygon.hpp>
- #include <libslic3r/Polyline.hpp>
- #include <libslic3r/Line.hpp>
- #include <libslic3r/Geometry.hpp>
- #include <libslic3r/ClipperUtils.hpp>
- #include <libslic3r/SVG.hpp>
- using namespace Slic3r;
- TEST_CASE("Polygon::contains works properly", ""){
- // this test was failing on Windows (GH #1950)
- Slic3r::Polygon polygon( Points{
- Point{207802834,-57084522},
- Point{196528149,-37556190},
- Point{173626821,-25420928},
- Point{171285751,-21366123},
- Point{118673592,-21366123},
- Point{116332562,-25420928},
- Point{93431208,-37556191},
- Point{82156517,-57084523},
- Point{129714478,-84542120},
- Point{160244873,-84542120}
- } );
- Point point{ 95706562, -57294774 };
- REQUIRE(polygon.contains(point));
- }
- SCENARIO("Intersections of line segments"){
- GIVEN("Integer coordinates"){
- Line line1{ Point::new_scale(5,15),Point::new_scale(30,15) };
- Line line2{ Point::new_scale(10,20), Point::new_scale(10,10) };
- THEN("The intersection is valid"){
- Point point;
- line1.intersection(line2,&point);
- REQUIRE(Point::new_scale(10,15) == point);
- }
- }
- GIVEN("Scaled coordinates"){
- Line line1{ Point::new_scale(73.6310778185108, 371.74239268924), Point::new_scale(73.6310778185108, 501.74239268924) };
- Line line2{ Point::new_scale(75, 437.9853), Point::new_scale(62.7484, 440.4223) };
- THEN("There is still an intersection"){
- Point point;
- REQUIRE(line1.intersection(line2,&point));
- }
- }
- }
- inline void my_clip_clipper_polygon_with_subject_bbox_templ(const Points &src, const BoundingBox &bbox, Points &out)
- {
- out.clear();
- const size_t cnt = src.size();
- if (cnt < 3)
- return;
- enum class Side {
- Left = 1,
- Right = 2,
- Top = 4,
- Bottom = 8
- };
- auto sides = [bbox](const Point &p) {
- return int(p.x() < bbox.min.x()) * int(Side::Left) +
- int(p.x() > bbox.max.x()) * int(Side::Right) +
- int(p.y() < bbox.min.y()) * int(Side::Bottom) +
- int(p.y() > bbox.max.y()) * int(Side::Top);
- };
- int sides_prev = sides(src.back());
- int sides_this = sides(src.front());
- const size_t last = cnt - 1;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < last; ++ i) {
- int sides_next = sides(src[i + 1]);
- if (// This point is inside. Take it.
- sides_this == 0 ||
- // Either this point is outside and previous or next is inside, or
- // the edge possibly cuts corner of the bounding box.
- (sides_prev & sides_this & sides_next) == 0) {
- out.emplace_back(src[i]);
- sides_prev = sides_this;
- } else {
- // All the three points (this, prev, next) are outside at the same side.
- // Ignore this point.
- }
- sides_this = sides_next;
- }
- // Never produce just a single point output polygon.
- if (! out.empty())
- if (int sides_next = sides(out.front());
- // The last point is inside. Take it.
- sides_this == 0 ||
- // Either this point is outside and previous or next is inside, or
- // the edge possibly cuts corner of the bounding box.
- (sides_prev & sides_this & sides_next) == 0)
- out.emplace_back(src.back());
- //assert(out.size() > 2 || out.empty());
- }
- SCENARIO("clip_clipper_polygon_with_subject_bbox"){
- BoundingBox bb(Point::new_scale(0,0),Point::new_scale(10,10));
- GIVEN("inside"){
- Slic3r::Polygon poly({Point::new_scale(3,1),Point::new_scale(6,2),Point::new_scale(4,8)});
- THEN("The intersection is valid"){
- Slic3r::Polygon result = ClipperUtils::clip_clipper_polygon_with_subject_bbox(poly, bb);
- REQUIRE(poly == result);
- }
- }
- GIVEN("both"){
- Slic3r::Polygon poly({Point::new_scale(-15,1),Point::new_scale(1,1),Point::new_scale(9,1),Point::new_scale(15,1),
- Point::new_scale(9,7),Point::new_scale(7,9),Point::new_scale(5,11),
- Point::new_scale(3,9),Point::new_scale(1,7)});
- THEN("The intersection is valid"){
- Slic3r::Polygon result = ClipperUtils::clip_clipper_polygon_with_subject_bbox(poly, bb);
- //Slic3r::Polygon poly_result({Point::new_scale(1,1),Point::new_scale(9,1),
- //Point::new_scale(9,7),Point::new_scale(7,9),
- //Point::new_scale(3,9),Point::new_scale(1,7)});
- REQUIRE(poly == result);
- }
- }
- GIVEN("outside but crossing"){
- Slic3r::Polygon poly({Point::new_scale(-3,-1),Point::new_scale(6,-2),Point::new_scale(4,11)});
- THEN("The intersection is valid"){
- Slic3r::Polygon result = ClipperUtils::clip_clipper_polygon_with_subject_bbox(poly, bb);
- REQUIRE(poly == result);
- }
- }
- GIVEN("outside, including the bb inside"){
- Slic3r::Polygon poly({Point::new_scale(-3,-3),Point::new_scale(20,-3),Point::new_scale(20,20),Point::new_scale(-3,20)});
- THEN("The intersection is valid"){
- Slic3r::Polygon result = ClipperUtils::clip_clipper_polygon_with_subject_bbox(poly, bb);
- REQUIRE(poly == result);
- }
- }
- GIVEN("outside not crossing"){
- Slic3r::Polygon poly({Point::new_scale(-3,-1),Point::new_scale(-6,-2),Point::new_scale(-4,-11)});
- THEN("The intersection is none"){
- Slic3r::Polygon result = ClipperUtils::clip_clipper_polygon_with_subject_bbox(poly, bb);
- REQUIRE(result.empty());
- }
- }
- GIVEN("weird thing"){
- Slic3r::Polygon polytest({Point{-5253696,6941803},Point{-5390322,7004051},Point{-5529994,7112838},Point{-5642583,7262245},Point{-5708854,7426076},Point{-5731772,7600991},Point{-5710375,7774699},Point{-5643429,7942791},Point{-3001108,11534999},Point{-2782155,11687851},Point{-2602580,11739919},Point{-2335818,11727897},Point{-2161635,11659878},Point{-1955359,11486297},Point{-1830017,11244692},Point{-1806677,10973499},Point{-1888105,10716510},Point{-4515353,7139500},Point{-4638040,7031082},Point{-4773007,6958051},Point{-4924657,6915497},Point{-5069276,6907438}});
- BoundingBox boxtest(Point{-1854941, 7335228}, Point{4734351, 9668157});
- Slic3r::Polygon result = ClipperUtils::clip_clipper_polygon_with_subject_bbox(polytest, boxtest);
- //Slic3r::Polygon result;
- //my_clip_clipper_polygon_with_subject_bbox_templ(polytest.points, boxtest, result.points);
- //::Slic3r::SVG svg("weird.svg");
- //svg.draw(boxtest.polygon(), "grey");
- //svg.draw(polytest.split_at_first_point(), "blue", scale_t(0.05));
- //for(Point pt : result.points)
- // svg.draw(pt, "green", scale_t(0.03));
- //svg.Close();
- //REQUIRE(result.size() > 2);
- REQUIRE(result.empty());
- }
- }
- /*
- Tests for unused methods still written in perl
- {
- my $polygon = Slic3r::Polygon->new(
- [45919000, 515273900], [14726100, 461246400], [14726100, 348753500], [33988700, 315389800],
- [43749700, 343843000], [45422300, 352251500], [52362100, 362637800], [62748400, 369577600],
- [75000000, 372014700], [87251500, 369577600], [97637800, 362637800], [104577600, 352251500],
- [107014700, 340000000], [104577600, 327748400], [97637800, 317362100], [87251500, 310422300],
- [82789200, 309534700], [69846100, 294726100], [254081000, 294726100], [285273900, 348753500],
- [285273900, 461246400], [254081000, 515273900],
- );
- # this points belongs to $polyline
- # note: it's actually a vertex, while we should better check an intermediate point
- my $point = Slic3r::Point->new(104577600, 327748400);
- local $Slic3r::Geometry::epsilon = 1E-5;
- is_deeply Slic3r::Geometry::polygon_segment_having_point($polygon, $point)->pp,
- [ [107014700, 340000000], [104577600, 327748400] ],
- 'polygon_segment_having_point';
- }
- {
- auto point = Point{736310778.185108, 5017423926.8924};
- auto line = Line(Point{(long int} 627484000, (long int) 3695776000), Point{(long int} 750000000, (long int)3720147000));
- //is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment($point, $line), 0, 'point_in_segment';
- }
- // Possible to delete
- {
- //my $p1 = [10, 10];
- //my $p2 = [10, 20];
- //my $p3 = [10, 30];
- //my $p4 = [20, 20];
- //my $p5 = [0, 20];
- THEN("Points in a line give the correct angles"){
- //is Slic3r::Geometry::angle3points($p2, $p3, $p1), PI(), 'angle3points';
- //is Slic3r::Geometry::angle3points($p2, $p1, $p3), PI(), 'angle3points';
- }
- THEN("Left turns give the correct angle"){
- //is Slic3r::Geometry::angle3points($p2, $p4, $p3), PI()/2, 'angle3points';
- //is Slic3r::Geometry::angle3points($p2, $p1, $p4), PI()/2, 'angle3points';
- }
- THEN("Right turns give the correct angle"){
- //is Slic3r::Geometry::angle3points($p2, $p3, $p4), PI()/2*3, 'angle3points';
- //is Slic3r::Geometry::angle3points($p2, $p1, $p5), PI()/2*3, 'angle3points';
- }
- //my $p1 = [30, 30];
- //my $p2 = [20, 20];
- //my $p3 = [10, 10];
- //my $p4 = [30, 10];
- //is Slic3r::Geometry::angle3points($p2, $p1, $p3), PI(), 'angle3points';
- //is Slic3r::Geometry::angle3points($p2, $p1, $p4), PI()/2*3, 'angle3points';
- //is Slic3r::Geometry::angle3points($p2, $p1, $p1), 2*PI(), 'angle3points';
- }
- SCENARIO("polygon_is_convex works"){
- GIVEN("A square of dimension 10"){
- //my $cw_square = [ [0,0], [0,10], [10,10], [10,0] ];
- THEN("It is not convex clockwise"){
- //is polygon_is_convex($cw_square), 0, 'cw square is not convex';
- }
- THEN("It is convex counter-clockwise"){
- //is polygon_is_convex([ reverse @$cw_square ]), 1, 'ccw square is convex';
- }
- }
- GIVEN("A concave polygon"){
- //my $convex1 = [ [0,0], [10,0], [10,10], [0,10], [0,6], [4,6], [4,4], [0,4] ];
- THEN("It is concave"){
- //is polygon_is_convex($convex1), 0, 'concave polygon';
- }
- }
- }*/
- TEST_CASE("Creating a polyline generates the obvious lines"){
- auto polyline = Slic3r::Polyline();
- polyline.points = Points({Point::new_scale(0, 0), Point::new_scale(10, 0), Point::new_scale(20, 0)});
- REQUIRE(polyline.lines().at(0).a == Point::new_scale(0,0));
- REQUIRE(polyline.lines().at(0).b == Point::new_scale(10,0));
- REQUIRE(polyline.lines().at(1).a == Point::new_scale(10,0));
- REQUIRE(polyline.lines().at(1).b == Point::new_scale(20,0));
- }
- TEST_CASE("Splitting a Polygon generates a polyline correctly"){
- Slic3r::Polygon polygon = Slic3r::Polygon({Point::new_scale(0, 0), Point::new_scale(10, 0), Point::new_scale(5, 5)});
- Slic3r::Polyline split = polygon.split_at_index(1);
- REQUIRE(split.points.size() == 4);
- REQUIRE(split.points[0]==Point::new_scale(10,0));
- REQUIRE(split.points[1]==Point::new_scale(5,5));
- REQUIRE(split.points[2]==Point::new_scale(0,0));
- REQUIRE(split.points[3]==Point::new_scale(10,0));
- }
- TEST_CASE("Bounding boxes are scaled appropriately"){
- Slic3r::BoundingBox bb(Points{Point::new_scale(0, 1), Point::new_scale(10, 2), Point::new_scale(20, 2)});
- bb.scale(2);
- REQUIRE(bb.min == Point::new_scale(0,2));
- REQUIRE(bb.max == Point::new_scale(40,4));
- }
- TEST_CASE("Offseting a line generates a polygon correctly"){
- Slic3r::Polyline tmp(Points{{10,10},{20,10} });
- Slic3r::Polygon area = offset(tmp, scale_d(5)).at(0);
- REQUIRE(area.area() == Slic3r::Polygon({Point::new_scale(10,5),Point::new_scale(20,5),Point::new_scale(20,15),Point::new_scale(10,15)}).area());
- }
- SCENARIO("Circle Fit, TaubinFit with Newton's method") {
- GIVEN("A vector of Pointfs arranged in a half-circle with approximately the same distance R from some point") {
- Vec2d expected_center(-6, 0);
- Pointfs sample {Vec2d{6.0, 0}, Vec2d{5.1961524, 3}, Vec2d{3 ,5.1961524}, Vec2d{0, 6.0}, Vec2d{-3, 5.1961524}, Vec2d{-5.1961524, 3}, Vec2d{-6.0, 0}};
- std::transform(sample.begin(), sample.end(), sample.begin(), [expected_center] (const Vec2d& a) { return a + expected_center;});
- WHEN("Circle fit is called on the entire array") {
- Vec2d result_center(0,0);
- result_center = Geometry::circle_center_taubin_newton(sample);
- THEN("A center point of -6,0 is returned.") {
- REQUIRE((result_center - expected_center).norm() < EPSILON);
- }
- }
- WHEN("Circle fit is called on the first four points") {
- Vec2d result_center(0,0);
- result_center = Geometry::circle_center_taubin_newton(sample.cbegin(), sample.cbegin()+4);
- THEN("A center point of -6,0 is returned.") {
- REQUIRE((result_center - expected_center).norm() < EPSILON);
- }
- }
- WHEN("Circle fit is called on the middle four points") {
- Vec2d result_center(0,0);
- result_center = Geometry::circle_center_taubin_newton(sample.cbegin()+2, sample.cbegin()+6);
- THEN("A center point of -6,0 is returned.") {
- REQUIRE((result_center - expected_center).norm() < EPSILON);
- }
- }
- }
- GIVEN("A vector of Pointfs arranged in a half-circle with approximately the same distance R from some point") {
- Vec2d expected_center(-3, 9);
- Vec2ds sample {Vec2d{6.0, 0}, Vec2d{5.1961524, 3}, Vec2d{3 ,5.1961524},
- Vec2d{0, 6.0},
- Vec2d{3, 5.1961524}, Vec2d{-5.1961524, 3}, Vec2d{-6.0, 0}};
- std::transform(sample.begin(), sample.end(), sample.begin(), [expected_center] (const Vec2d& a) { return a + expected_center;});
- WHEN("Circle fit is called on the entire array") {
- Vec2d result_center(0,0);
- result_center = Geometry::circle_center_taubin_newton(sample);
- THEN("A center point of 3,9 is returned.") {
- REQUIRE((result_center - expected_center).norm() < EPSILON);
- }
- }
- WHEN("Circle fit is called on the first four points") {
- Vec2d result_center(0,0);
- result_center = Geometry::circle_center_taubin_newton(sample.cbegin(), sample.cbegin()+4);
- THEN("A center point of 3,9 is returned.") {
- REQUIRE((result_center - expected_center).norm() < EPSILON);
- }
- }
- WHEN("Circle fit is called on the middle four points") {
- Vec2d result_center(0,0);
- result_center = Geometry::circle_center_taubin_newton(sample.cbegin()+2, sample.cbegin()+6);
- THEN("A center point of 3,9 is returned.") {
- REQUIRE((result_center - expected_center).norm() < EPSILON);
- }
- }
- }
- GIVEN("A vector of Points arranged in a half-circle with approximately the same distance R from some point") {
- Point expected_center { Point::new_scale(-3, 9)};
- Points sample {Point::new_scale(6.0, 0), Point::new_scale(5.1961524, 3), Point::new_scale(3 ,5.1961524),
- Point::new_scale(0, 6.0),
- Point::new_scale(3, 5.1961524), Point::new_scale(-5.1961524, 3), Point::new_scale(-6.0, 0)};
- std::transform(sample.begin(), sample.end(), sample.begin(), [expected_center] (const Point& a) { return a + expected_center;});
- WHEN("Circle fit is called on the entire array") {
- Point result_center(0,0);
- result_center = Geometry::circle_center_taubin_newton(sample);
- THEN("A center point of scaled 3,9 is returned.") {
- REQUIRE(result_center.coincides_with_epsilon(expected_center));
- }
- }
- WHEN("Circle fit is called on the first four points") {
- Point result_center(0,0);
- result_center = Geometry::circle_center_taubin_newton(sample.cbegin(), sample.cbegin()+4);
- THEN("A center point of scaled 3,9 is returned.") {
- REQUIRE(result_center.coincides_with_epsilon(expected_center));
- }
- }
- WHEN("Circle fit is called on the middle four points") {
- Point result_center(0,0);
- result_center = Geometry::circle_center_taubin_newton(sample.cbegin()+2, sample.cbegin()+6);
- THEN("A center point of scaled 3,9 is returned.") {
- REQUIRE(result_center.coincides_with_epsilon(expected_center));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // A PU
- //TEST_CASE("Chained path working correctly"){
- // // if chained_path() works correctly, these points should be joined with no diagonal paths
- // // (thus 26 units long)
- // std::vector<Point> points = {Point::new_scale(26,26),Point::new_scale(52,26),Point::new_scale(0,26),Point::new_scale(26,52),Point::new_scale(26,0),Point::new_scale(0,52),Point::new_scale(52,52),Point::new_scale(52,0)};
- // std::vector<Points::size_type> indices;
- // Geometry::chained_path(points,indices);
- // for(Points::size_type i = 0; i < indices.size()-1;i++){
- // double dist = points.at(indices.at(i)).distance_to(points.at(indices.at(i+1)));
- // REQUIRE(abs(dist-26) <= EPSILON);
- // }
- //}
- SCENARIO("Line distances"){
- GIVEN("A line"){
- Line line{ Point::new_scale(0, 0), Point::new_scale(20, 0) };
- THEN("Points on the line segment have 0 distance"){
- REQUIRE(line.distance_to(Point::new_scale(0, 0)) == 0);
- REQUIRE(line.distance_to(Point::new_scale(20, 0)) == 0);
- REQUIRE(line.distance_to(Point::new_scale(10, 0)) == 0);
- }
- THEN("Points off the line have the appropriate distance"){
- REQUIRE(line.distance_to(Point::new_scale(10, 10)) == scale_t(10));
- REQUIRE(line.distance_to(Point::new_scale(50, 0)) == scale_t(30));
- }
- }
- }
- SCENARIO("Polygon convex/concave detection"){
- //GIVEN("Polygon with many angles"){
- // // this test was failing on Windows (GH #1950)
- // Points pts;
- // double x = 0;
- // pts.push_back(Point::new_scale(x,0));
- // for (int angle = 0; angle < 90; angle += 10) {
- // //std::cout<<"angles:"<<angle<<"\n";
- // double xadd = std::cos(PI * angle / 180.);
- // x += xadd;
- // pts.push_back(Point::new_scale(x, std::sin(PI * angle / 180.)));
- // if (pts.size() > 2) {
- // std::cout << "add pt " << ((int(unscaled(pts[pts.size() - 2].x()) * 100)) / 100.) << ":"
- // << ((int(unscaled(pts[pts.size() - 2].y()) * 100)) / 100.) << "[" << (pts.size() - 2)
- // << "] (convex if ccw) with angle :"
- // << (180 *
- // angle_ccw(pts[pts.size() - 3] - pts[pts.size() - 2],
- // pts[pts.size() - 1] - pts[pts.size() - 2]) /
- // PI)
- // << "\n";
- // }
- // x += xadd;
- // pts.push_back(Point::new_scale(x, 0));
- // std::cout << "add pt " << ((int(unscaled(pts[pts.size() - 2].x()) * 100)) / 100.) << ":"
- // << ((int(unscaled(pts[pts.size() - 2].y()) * 100)) / 100.) << "[" << (pts.size() - 2)
- // << "] (convex if cw) with angle :"
- // << (180 *
- // angle_ccw(pts[pts.size() - 3] - pts[pts.size() - 2],
- // pts[pts.size() - 1] - pts[pts.size() - 2]) /
- // PI)
- // << "\n";
- // }
- // Slic3r::Polygon polygon_ccw(pts);
- // polygon_ccw.points.push_back(Point::new_scale(x, 2));
- // std::cout << "add ccw pt " << (pts.size() - 1) << " with angle :"
- // << (180 *
- // angle_ccw(pts[pts.size() - 2] - pts[pts.size() - 1],
- // Point::new_scale(x, 2) - pts[pts.size() - 1]) /
- // PI)
- // << "\n";
- // polygon_ccw.points.push_back(Point::new_scale(0, 2));
- // Slic3r::Polygon polygon_cw(pts);
- // polygon_cw.points.push_back(Point::new_scale(x, -2));
- // std::cout << "add cw pt " << (pts.size() - 1) << " with angle :"
- // << (180 *
- // angle_ccw(pts[pts.size() - 2] - pts[pts.size() - 1],
- // Point::new_scale(x, -2) - pts[pts.size() - 1]) /
- // PI)
- // << "\n";
- // polygon_cw.points.push_back(Point::new_scale(0, -2));
- //
- // std::cout<<"TEST MAX\n";
- // for (int angle = 5; angle < 180; angle += 10) {
- // std::cout<<"===== angle "<<angle<<" =====\n";
- // std::vector<size_t> concave_1 = polygon_ccw.concave_points_idx(0, PI * angle / 180.);
- // std::cout<<"concave ccw :";
- // for(size_t idx : concave_1) std::cout<<", "<<idx;
- // std::cout<<"\n";
- // std::vector<size_t> concave_2 = polygon_cw.concave_points_idx(0, PI * angle / 180.);
- // std::cout<<"concave cw :";
- // for(size_t idx : concave_2) std::cout<<", "<<idx;
- // std::cout<<"\n";
- // std::vector<size_t> convex_1 = polygon_ccw.convex_points_idx(0, PI * angle / 180.);
- // std::cout<<"convex ccw :";
- // for(size_t idx : convex_1) std::cout<<", "<<idx;
- // std::cout<<"\n";
- // std::vector<size_t> convex_2 = polygon_cw.convex_points_idx(0, PI * angle / 180.);
- // std::cout<<"convex cw :";
- // for(size_t idx : convex_2) std::cout<<", "<<idx;
- // std::cout<<"\n";
- // }
- //
- // std::cout<<"TEST MIN\n";
- // for (int angle = 5; angle < 180; angle += 10) {
- // std::cout<<"===== angle "<<angle<<" =====\n";
- // std::vector<size_t> concave_1 = polygon_ccw.concave_points_idx(PI * angle / 180., PI);
- // std::cout<<"concave ccw :";
- // for(size_t idx : concave_1) std::cout<<", "<<idx;
- // std::cout<<"\n";
- // std::vector<size_t> concave_2 = polygon_cw.concave_points_idx(PI * angle / 180., PI);
- // std::cout<<"concave cw :";
- // for(size_t idx : concave_2) std::cout<<", "<<idx;
- // std::cout<<"\n";
- // std::vector<size_t> convex_1 = polygon_ccw.convex_points_idx(PI * angle / 180., PI);
- // std::cout<<"convex ccw :";
- // for(size_t idx : convex_1) std::cout<<", "<<idx;
- // std::cout<<"\n";
- // std::vector<size_t> convex_2 = polygon_cw.convex_points_idx(PI * angle / 180., PI);
- // std::cout<<"convex cw :";
- // for(size_t idx : convex_2) std::cout<<", "<<idx;
- // std::cout<<"\n";
- // }
- // REQUIRE(true);
- //}
- GIVEN(("A Square with dimension 100")){
- Slic3r::Polygon square/*new_scale*/( Points{
- Point::new_scale(100,100),
- Point::new_scale(200,100),
- Point::new_scale(200,200),
- Point::new_scale(100,200)});
- THEN("It has 4 convex points counterclockwise"){
- REQUIRE(square.concave_points(0, PI).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(square.concave_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(square.convex_points(0, PI).size() == 4);
- REQUIRE(square.convex_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 4);
- }
- THEN("It has 4 concave points clockwise"){
- square.make_clockwise();
- REQUIRE(square.concave_points(0, PI).size() == 4);
- REQUIRE(square.concave_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 4);
- REQUIRE(square.convex_points(0, PI).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(square.convex_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 0);
- }
- }
- GIVEN("A Square with an extra colinearvertex"){
- Slic3r::Polygon square /*new_scale*/( Points{
- Point::new_scale(150,100),
- Point::new_scale(200,100),
- Point::new_scale(200,200),
- Point::new_scale(100,200),
- Point::new_scale(100,100)} );
- THEN("It has 4 convex points counterclockwise"){
- REQUIRE(square.concave_points(0, PI).size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(square.concave_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(square.convex_points(0, PI).size() == 5);
- REQUIRE(square.convex_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 4);
- }
- }
- GIVEN("A Square with an extra collinear vertex in different order"){
- Slic3r::Polygon square /*new_scale*/( Points{
- Point::new_scale(200,200),
- Point::new_scale(100,200),
- Point::new_scale(100,100),
- Point::new_scale(150,100),
- Point::new_scale(200,100)} );
- THEN("It has 4 convex points counterclockwise"){
- auto concave_points = square.concave_points(0, PI*2/3);
- auto concave_points23 = square.concave_points(0, PI);
- auto convex_points = square.convex_points(0, PI);
- auto convex_points23 = square.convex_points(0, PI*2/3);
- REQUIRE(square.concave_points(0, PI).size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(square.concave_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(square.convex_points(0, PI).size() == 5);
- REQUIRE(square.convex_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 4);
- }
- }
- GIVEN("A triangle"){
- Slic3r::Polygon triangle( Points{
- Point{16000170,26257364},
- Point{714223,461012},
- Point{31286371,461008}
- } );
- THEN("it has three convex vertices"){
- REQUIRE(triangle.concave_points(0, PI).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(triangle.concave_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(triangle.convex_points(0, PI).size() == 3);
- REQUIRE(triangle.convex_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 3);
- }
- }
- GIVEN("A triangle with an extra collinear point"){
- Slic3r::Polygon triangle( Points{
- Point{16000170,26257364},
- Point{714223,461012},
- Point{20000000,461012},
- Point{31286371,461012}
- } );
- THEN("it has three convex vertices"){
- REQUIRE(triangle.concave_points(0, PI).size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(triangle.concave_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(triangle.convex_points(0, PI).size() == 4);
- REQUIRE(triangle.convex_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 3);
- }
- }
- GIVEN("A polygon with concave vertices with angles of specifically 4/3pi"){
- // Two concave vertices of this polygon have angle = PI *4/3, so this test fails
- // if epsilon is not used.
- Slic3r::Polygon polygon( Points{
- Point{60246458,14802768},Point{64477191,12360001},
- Point{63727343,11060995},Point{64086449,10853608},
- Point{66393722,14850069},Point{66034704,15057334},
- Point{65284646,13758387},Point{61053864,16200839},
- Point{69200258,30310849},Point{62172547,42483120},
- Point{61137680,41850279},Point{67799985,30310848},
- Point{51399866,1905506},Point{38092663,1905506},
- Point{38092663,692699},Point{52100125,692699}
- } );
- THEN("the correct number of points are detected"){
- auto concave_points = polygon.concave_points(0, PI*2/3);
- auto concave_points23 = polygon.concave_points(0, PI);
- auto convex_points = polygon.convex_points(0, PI);
- auto convex_points23 = polygon.convex_points(0, PI*2/3);
- REQUIRE(polygon.concave_points(0, PI).size() == 6);
- REQUIRE(polygon.concave_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 6);
- REQUIRE(polygon.convex_points(0, PI).size() == 10);
- REQUIRE(polygon.convex_points(0, PI*2/3).size() == 10);
- }
- }
- }
- TEST_CASE("Triangle Simplification does not result in less than 3 points"){
- Slic3r::Polygon triangle( Points{
- Point{16000170,26257364}, Point{714223,461012}, Point{31286371,461008}
- } );
- REQUIRE(triangle.simplify(250000).at(0).points.size() == 3);
- }