123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268 |
- package Slic3r::Layer::BridgeDetector;
- use Moo;
- use List::Util qw(first sum max min);
- use Slic3r::Geometry qw(PI unscale scaled_epsilon rad2deg epsilon);
- use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(intersection_pl intersection_ex union offset diff_pl union_ex);
- has 'expolygon' => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
- has 'lower_slices' => (is => 'rw', required => 1); # ExPolygons or ExPolygonCollection
- has 'extrusion_width' => (is => 'rw', required => 1); # scaled
- has 'resolution' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { PI/36 });
- has '_edges' => (is => 'rw'); # Polylines representing the supporting edges
- has '_anchors' => (is => 'rw'); # ExPolygons
- has 'angle' => (is => 'rw');
- sub BUILD {
- my ($self) = @_;
- # outset our bridge by an arbitrary amout; we'll use this outer margin
- # for detecting anchors
- my $grown = $self->expolygon->offset(+$self->extrusion_width);
- # detect what edges lie on lower slices
- $self->_edges(my $edges = []);
- foreach my $lower (@{$self->lower_slices}) {
- # turn bridge contour and holes into polylines and then clip them
- # with each lower slice's contour
- push @$edges, map @{$_->clip_as_polyline([$lower->contour])}, @$grown;
- }
- Slic3r::debugf " bridge has %d support(s)\n", scalar(@$edges);
- # detect anchors as intersection between our bridge expolygon and the lower slices
- $self->_anchors(intersection_ex(
- $grown,
- [ map @$_, @{$self->lower_slices} ],
- 1, # safety offset required to avoid Clipper from detecting empty intersection while Boost actually found some @edges
- ));
- if (0) {
- require "Slic3r/SVG.pm";
- Slic3r::SVG::output("bridge.svg",
- expolygons => [ $self->expolygon ],
- red_expolygons => $self->lower_slices,
- polylines => $self->_edges,
- );
- }
- }
- sub detect_angle {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return undef if !@{$self->_edges};
- my @edges = @{$self->_edges};
- my $anchors = $self->_anchors;
- if (!@$anchors) {
- $self->angle(undef);
- return undef;
- }
- # Outset the bridge expolygon by half the amount we used for detecting anchors;
- # we'll use this one to clip our test lines and be sure that their endpoints
- # are inside the anchors and not on their contours leading to false negatives.
- my $clip_area = $self->expolygon->offset_ex(+$self->extrusion_width/2);
- # we'll now try several directions using a rudimentary visibility check:
- # bridge in several directions and then sum the length of lines having both
- # endpoints within anchors
- # we test angles according to configured resolution
- my @angles = map { $_*$self->resolution } 0..(PI/$self->resolution);
- # we also test angles of each bridge contour
- push @angles, map $_->direction, map @{$_->lines}, @{$self->expolygon};
- # we also test angles of each open supporting edge
- # (this finds the optimal angle for C-shaped supports)
- push @angles,
- map Slic3r::Line->new($_->first_point, $_->last_point)->direction,
- grep { !$_->first_point->coincides_with($_->last_point) }
- @edges;
- # remove duplicates
- my $min_resolution = PI/180; # 1 degree
- @angles = map { ($_ >= &PI-&epsilon) ? ($_-&PI) : $_ } @angles;
- @angles = sort @angles;
- for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#angles; ++$i) {
- if (abs($angles[$i] - $angles[$i-1]) < $min_resolution) {
- splice @angles, $i, 1;
- --$i;
- }
- }
- my %directions_coverage = (); # angle => score
- my %directions_avg_length = (); # angle => score
- my $line_increment = $self->extrusion_width;
- my %unique_angles = map { $_ => 1 } @angles;
- for my $angle (@angles) {
- my $my_clip_area = [ map $_->clone, @$clip_area ];
- my $my_anchors = [ map $_->clone, @$anchors ];
- # rotate everything - the center point doesn't matter
- $_->rotate(-$angle, [0,0]) for @$my_clip_area, @$my_anchors;
- # generate lines in this direction
- my $bounding_box = Slic3r::Geometry::BoundingBox->new_from_points([ map @$_, map @$_, @$my_anchors ]);
- my @lines = ();
- for (my $y = $bounding_box->y_min; $y <= $bounding_box->y_max; $y+= $line_increment) {
- push @lines, Slic3r::Polyline->new(
- [$bounding_box->x_min, $y],
- [$bounding_box->x_max, $y],
- );
- }
- my @clipped_lines = map Slic3r::Line->new(@$_), @{ intersection_pl(\@lines, [ map @$_, @$my_clip_area ]) };
- # remove any line not having both endpoints within anchors
- @clipped_lines = grep {
- my $line = $_;
- (first { $_->contains_point($line->a) } @$my_anchors)
- && (first { $_->contains_point($line->b) } @$my_anchors);
- } @clipped_lines;
- my @lengths = map $_->length, @clipped_lines;
- # sum length of bridged lines
- $directions_coverage{$angle} = sum(@lengths) // 0;
- # max length of bridged lines
- $directions_avg_length{$angle} = @lengths ? (max(@lengths)) : -1;
- }
- # if no direction produced coverage, then there's no bridge direction
- return undef if !defined first { $_ > 0 } values %directions_coverage;
- # the best direction is the one causing most lines to be bridged (thus most coverage)
- # and shortest max line length
- my @sorted_directions = sort {
- my $cmp;
- my $coverage_diff = $directions_coverage{$a} - $directions_coverage{$b};
- if (abs($coverage_diff) < $self->extrusion_width) {
- $cmp = $directions_avg_length{$b} <=> $directions_avg_length{$a};
- } else {
- $cmp = ($coverage_diff > 0) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- $cmp;
- } keys %directions_coverage;
- $self->angle($sorted_directions[-1]);
- if ($self->angle >= PI) {
- $self->angle($self->angle - PI);
- }
- Slic3r::debugf " Optimal infill angle is %d degrees\n", rad2deg($self->angle);
- return $self->angle;
- }
- sub coverage {
- my ($self, $angle) = @_;
- if (!defined $angle) {
- return [] if !defined($angle = $self->angle);
- }
- # Clone our expolygon and rotate it so that we work with vertical lines.
- my $expolygon = $self->expolygon->clone;
- $expolygon->rotate(PI/2 - $angle, [0,0]);
- # Outset the bridge expolygon by half the amount we used for detecting anchors;
- # we'll use this one to generate our trapezoids and be sure that their vertices
- # are inside the anchors and not on their contours leading to false negatives.
- my $grown = $expolygon->offset_ex(+$self->extrusion_width/2);
- # Compute trapezoids according to a vertical orientation
- my $trapezoids = [ map @{$_->get_trapezoids2(PI/2)}, @$grown ];
- # get anchors and rotate them too
- my $anchors = [ map $_->clone, @{$self->_anchors} ];
- $_->rotate(PI/2 - $angle, [0,0]) for @$anchors;
- my @covered = (); # polygons
- foreach my $trapezoid (@$trapezoids) {
- my @polylines = map $_->as_polyline, @{$trapezoid->lines};
- my @supported = @{intersection_pl(\@polylines, [map @$_, @$anchors])};
- # not nice, we need a more robust non-numeric check
- @supported = grep $_->length >= $self->extrusion_width, @supported;
- if (@supported >= 2) {
- push @covered, $trapezoid;
- }
- }
- # merge trapezoids and rotate them back
- my $coverage = union(\@covered);
- $_->rotate(-(PI/2 - $angle), [0,0]) for @$coverage;
- # intersect trapezoids with actual bridge area to remove extra margins
- $coverage = intersection_ex($coverage, [ @{$self->expolygon} ]);
- if (0) {
- my @lines = map @{$_->lines}, @$trapezoids;
- $_->rotate(-(PI/2 - $angle), [0,0]) for @lines;
- require "Slic3r/SVG.pm";
- Slic3r::SVG::output(
- "coverage_" . rad2deg($angle) . ".svg",
- expolygons => [$self->expolygon],
- green_expolygons => $self->_anchors,
- red_expolygons => $coverage,
- lines => \@lines,
- );
- }
- return $coverage;
- }
- # this method returns the bridge edges (as polylines) that are not supported
- # but would allow the entire bridge area to be bridged with detected angle
- # if supported too
- sub unsupported_edges {
- my ($self, $angle) = @_;
- if (!defined $angle) {
- return [] if !defined($angle = $self->angle);
- }
- # get bridge edges (both contour and holes)
- my @bridge_edges = map $_->split_at_first_point, @{$self->expolygon};
- $_->[0]->translate(1,0) for @bridge_edges; # workaround for Clipper bug, see comments in Slic3r::Polygon::clip_as_polyline()
- # get unsupported edges
- my $grown_lower = offset([ map @$_, @{$self->lower_slices} ], +$self->extrusion_width);
- my $unsupported = diff_pl(
- \@bridge_edges,
- $grown_lower,
- );
- # filter out edges parallel to the bridging angle
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$unsupported; ++$i) {
- if (first { abs($_->direction - $angle) < epsilon } @{$unsupported->[$i]->lines}) {
- splice @$unsupported, $i, 1;
- --$i;
- }
- }
- if (0) {
- require "Slic3r/SVG.pm";
- Slic3r::SVG::output(
- "unsupported_" . rad2deg($angle) . ".svg",
- expolygons => [$self->expolygon],
- green_expolygons => $self->_anchors,
- red_expolygons => union_ex($grown_lower),
- no_arrows => 1,
- polylines => \@bridge_edges,
- red_polylines => $unsupported,
- );
- }
- return $unsupported;
- }
- 1;