123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633 |
- package Slic3r::Layer;
- use Moo;
- use Math::Clipper ':all';
- use Slic3r::ExtrusionPath ':roles';
- use Slic3r::Geometry qw(scale unscale collinear X Y A B PI rad2deg_dir bounding_box_center shortest_path);
- use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(safety_offset union_ex diff_ex intersection_ex xor_ex is_counter_clockwise);
- use Slic3r::Surface ':types';
- # a sequential number of layer, starting at 0
- has 'id' => (
- is => 'rw',
- #isa => 'Int',
- required => 1,
- );
- has 'slicing_errors' => (is => 'rw');
- has 'slice_z' => (is => 'lazy');
- has 'print_z' => (is => 'lazy');
- has 'height' => (is => 'lazy');
- has 'flow' => (is => 'lazy');
- has 'perimeters_flow' => (is => 'lazy');
- has 'infill_flow' => (is => 'lazy');
- # collection of spare segments generated by slicing the original geometry;
- # these need to be merged in continuos (closed) polylines
- has 'lines' => (
- is => 'rw',
- #isa => 'ArrayRef[ArrayRef]',
- default => sub { [] },
- );
- # collection of surfaces generated by slicing the original geometry
- has 'slices' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { [] });
- # collection of polygons or polylines representing thin walls contained
- # in the original geometry
- has 'thin_walls' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { [] });
- # collection of expolygons generated by offsetting the innermost perimeter(s)
- # they represent boundaries of areas to fill
- has 'fill_boundaries' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { [] });
- # collection of polygons or polylines representing thin infill regions that
- # need to be filled with a medial axis
- has 'thin_fills' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { [] });
- # collection of surfaces generated by clipping the slices to the fill boundaries
- has 'surfaces' => (
- is => 'rw',
- #isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::Surface]',
- default => sub { [] },
- );
- # collection of surfaces for infill
- has 'fill_surfaces' => (
- is => 'rw',
- #isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::Surface]',
- default => sub { [] },
- );
- # ordered collection of extrusion paths to build all perimeters
- has 'perimeters' => (
- is => 'rw',
- #isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop]',
- default => sub { [] },
- );
- # ordered collection of extrusion paths to fill surfaces for support material
- has 'support_fills' => (
- is => 'rw',
- #isa => 'Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection',
- );
- # ordered collection of extrusion paths to fill surfaces
- has 'fills' => (
- is => 'rw',
- #isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection]',
- default => sub { [] },
- );
- # Z used for slicing
- sub _build_slice_z {
- my $self = shift;
- if ($self->id == 0) {
- return $Slic3r::_first_layer_height / 2 / $Slic3r::scaling_factor;
- }
- return ($Slic3r::_first_layer_height + (($self->id-1) * $Slic3r::layer_height) + ($Slic3r::layer_height/2))
- / $Slic3r::scaling_factor; #/
- }
- # Z used for printing
- sub _build_print_z {
- my $self = shift;
- return ($Slic3r::_first_layer_height + ($self->id * $Slic3r::layer_height)) / $Slic3r::scaling_factor;
- }
- sub _build_height {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->id == 0 ? $Slic3r::_first_layer_height : $Slic3r::layer_height;
- }
- sub _build_flow {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->id == 0 && $Slic3r::first_layer_flow
- ? $Slic3r::first_layer_flow
- : $Slic3r::flow;
- }
- sub _build_perimeters_flow {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->id == 0 && $Slic3r::first_layer_flow
- ? $Slic3r::first_layer_flow
- : $Slic3r::perimeters_flow;
- }
- sub _build_infill_flow {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->id == 0 && $Slic3r::first_layer_flow
- ? $Slic3r::first_layer_flow
- : $Slic3r::infill_flow;
- }
- sub add_line {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($line) = @_;
- push @{ $self->lines }, $line;
- return $line;
- }
- # build polylines from lines
- sub make_surfaces {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($loops) = @_;
- {
- my $safety_offset = scale 0.1;
- # merge everything
- my $expolygons = [ map $_->offset_ex(-$safety_offset), @{union_ex(safety_offset($loops, $safety_offset))} ];
- Slic3r::debugf " %d surface(s) having %d holes detected from %d polylines\n",
- scalar(@$expolygons), scalar(map $_->holes, @$expolygons), scalar(@$loops);
- push @{$self->slices},
- map Slic3r::Surface->new(expolygon => $_, surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNAL),
- @$expolygons;
- }
- # the contours must be offsetted by half extrusion width inwards
- {
- my $distance = scale $self->perimeters_flow->width / 2;
- my @surfaces = @{$self->slices};
- @{$self->slices} = ();
- foreach my $surface (@surfaces) {
- push @{$self->slices}, map Slic3r::Surface->new
- (expolygon => $_, surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNAL),
- map $_->offset_ex(+$distance),
- $surface->expolygon->offset_ex(-2*$distance);
- }
- # now detect thin walls by re-outgrowing offsetted surfaces and subtracting
- # them from the original slices
- my $outgrown = Math::Clipper::offset([ map $_->p, @{$self->slices} ], $distance);
- my $diff = diff_ex(
- [ map $_->p, @surfaces ],
- $outgrown,
- 1,
- );
- if (@$diff) {
- my $area_threshold = scale($self->perimeters_flow->spacing) ** 2;
- @$diff = grep $_->area > ($area_threshold), @$diff;
- push @{$self->thin_walls},
- map $_->medial_axis(scale $self->perimeters_flow->width),
- @$diff;
- Slic3r::debugf " %d thin walls detected\n", scalar(@{$self->thin_walls}) if @{$self->thin_walls};
- }
- }
- if (0) {
- require "Slic3r/SVG.pm";
- Slic3r::SVG::output(undef, "surfaces.svg",
- polygons => [ map $_->contour, @{$self->slices} ],
- red_polygons => [ map $_->p, map @{$_->holes}, @{$self->slices} ],
- );
- }
- }
- sub make_perimeters {
- my $self = shift;
- Slic3r::debugf "Making perimeters for layer %d\n", $self->id;
- my $gap_area_threshold = scale($self->perimeters_flow->width)** 2;
- # this array will hold one arrayref per original surface (island);
- # each item of this arrayref is an arrayref representing a depth (from outer
- # perimeters to inner); each item of this arrayref is an ExPolygon:
- # @perimeters = (
- # [ # first island
- # [ Slic3r::ExPolygon, Slic3r::ExPolygon... ], #depth 0: outer loop
- # [ Slic3r::ExPolygon, Slic3r::ExPolygon... ], #depth 1: inner loop
- # ],
- # [ # second island
- # ...
- # ]
- # )
- my @perimeters = (); # one item per depth; each item
- # organize islands using a shortest path search
- my @surfaces = @{shortest_path([
- map [ $_->contour->[0], $_ ], @{$self->slices},
- ])};
- # for each island:
- foreach my $surface (@surfaces) {
- my @last_offsets = ($surface->expolygon);
- my $distance = 0;
- # experimental hole compensation (see ArcCompensation in the RepRap wiki)
- if (0) {
- foreach my $hole ($last_offsets[0]->holes) {
- my $circumference = abs($hole->length);
- next unless $circumference <= $Slic3r::small_perimeter_length;
- # this compensation only works for circular holes, while it would
- # overcompensate for hexagons and other shapes having straight edges.
- # so we require a minimum number of vertices.
- next unless $circumference / @$hole >= scale 3 * $Slic3r::flow->width;
- # revert the compensation done in make_surfaces() and get the actual radius
- # of the hole
- my $radius = ($circumference / PI / 2) - scale $self->perimeters_flow->spacing/2;
- my $new_radius = (scale($self->perimeters_flow->width) + sqrt((scale($self->perimeters_flow->width)**2) + (4*($radius**2)))) / 2;
- # holes are always turned to contours, so reverse point order before and after
- $hole->reverse;
- my @offsetted = $hole->offset(+ ($new_radius - $radius));
- # skip arc compensation when hole is not round (thus leads to multiple offsets)
- @$hole = map Slic3r::Point->new($_), @{ $offsetted[0] } if @offsetted == 1;
- $hole->reverse;
- }
- }
- my @gaps = ();
- # generate perimeters inwards
- my $loop_number = $Slic3r::perimeters + ($surface->additional_inner_perimeters || 0);
- push @perimeters, [];
- for (my $loop = 0; $loop < $loop_number; $loop++) {
- # offsetting a polygon can result in one or many offset polygons
- if ($distance) {
- my @new_offsets = ();
- foreach my $expolygon (@last_offsets) {
- my @offsets = map $_->offset_ex(+0.5*$distance), $expolygon->offset_ex(-1.5*$distance);
- push @new_offsets, @offsets;
- my $diff = diff_ex(
- [ map @$_, $expolygon->offset_ex(-$distance) ],
- [ map @$_, @offsets ],
- );
- push @gaps, grep $_->area >= $gap_area_threshold, @$diff;
- }
- @last_offsets = @new_offsets;
- }
- last if !@last_offsets;
- push @{ $perimeters[-1] }, [@last_offsets];
- # offset distance for inner loops
- $distance = scale $self->perimeters_flow->spacing;
- }
- # create one more offset to be used as boundary for fill
- {
- my @fill_boundaries = map $_->offset_ex(-$distance), @last_offsets;
- $_->simplify(scale $Slic3r::resolution) for @fill_boundaries;
- push @{ $self->fill_boundaries }, @fill_boundaries;
- # detect the small gaps that we need to treat like thin polygons,
- # thus generating the skeleton and using it to fill them
- push @{ $self->thin_fills },
- map $_->medial_axis(scale $self->perimeters_flow->width),
- @gaps;
- Slic3r::debugf " %d gaps filled\n", scalar @{ $self->thin_fills }
- if @{ $self->thin_fills };
- }
- }
- # process one island (original surface) at time
- foreach my $island (@perimeters) {
- # do holes starting from innermost one
- my @holes = ();
- my %is_external = ();
- my @hole_depths = map [ map $_->holes, @$_ ], @$island;
- # organize the outermost hole loops using a shortest path search
- @{$hole_depths[0]} = @{shortest_path([
- map [ $_->[0], $_ ], @{$hole_depths[0]},
- ])};
- CYCLE: while (map @$_, @hole_depths) {
- shift @hole_depths while !@{$hole_depths[0]};
- # take first available hole
- push @holes, shift @{$hole_depths[0]};
- $is_external{$#holes} = 1;
- my $current_depth = 0;
- while (1) {
- $current_depth++;
- # look for the hole containing this one if any
- next CYCLE if !$hole_depths[$current_depth];
- my $parent_hole;
- for (@{$hole_depths[$current_depth]}) {
- if ($_->encloses_point($holes[-1]->[0])) {
- $parent_hole = $_;
- last;
- }
- }
- next CYCLE if !$parent_hole;
- # look for other holes contained in such parent
- for (@{$hole_depths[$current_depth-1]}) {
- if ($parent_hole->encloses_point($_->[0])) {
- # we have a sibling, so let's move onto next iteration
- next CYCLE;
- }
- }
- push @holes, $parent_hole;
- @{$hole_depths[$current_depth]} = grep $_ ne $parent_hole, @{$hole_depths[$current_depth]};
- }
- }
- # do holes, then contours starting from innermost one
- $self->add_perimeter($holes[$_], $is_external{$_} ? EXTR_ROLE_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER : undef)
- for reverse 0 .. $#holes;
- for my $depth (reverse 0 .. $#$island) {
- my $role = $depth == $#$island ? EXTR_ROLE_CONTOUR_INTERNAL_PERIMETER
- $self->add_perimeter($_, $role) for map $_->contour, @{$island->[$depth]};
- }
- }
- # add thin walls as perimeters
- {
- my @thin_paths = ();
- for (@{ $self->thin_walls }) {
- if ($_->isa('Slic3r::Polygon')) {
- push @thin_paths, Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop->pack(polygon => $_, role => EXTR_ROLE_PERIMETER);
- } else {
- push @thin_paths, Slic3r::ExtrusionPath->pack(polyline => $_, role => EXTR_ROLE_PERIMETER);
- }
- $thin_paths[-1]->flow_spacing($self->perimeters_flow->spacing);
- }
- my $collection = Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection->new(paths => \@thin_paths);
- push @{ $self->perimeters }, $collection->shortest_path;
- }
- }
- sub add_perimeter {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($polygon, $role) = @_;
- return unless $polygon->is_printable($self->perimeters_flow->width);
- push @{ $self->perimeters }, Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop->pack(
- polygon => $polygon,
- role => (abs($polygon->length) <= $Slic3r::small_perimeter_length) ? EXTR_ROLE_SMALLPERIMETER : ($role // EXTR_ROLE_PERIMETER), #/
- flow_spacing => $self->perimeters_flow->spacing,
- );
- }
- sub prepare_fill_surfaces {
- my $self = shift;
- my @surfaces = @{$self->surfaces};
- # merge too small internal surfaces with their surrounding tops
- # (if they're too small, they can be treated as solid)
- {
- my $min_area = ((7 * $self->infill_flow->spacing / $Slic3r::scaling_factor)**2) * PI;
- my $small_internal = [
- grep { $_->expolygon->contour->area <= $min_area }
- grep { $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNAL }
- @surfaces
- ];
- foreach my $s (@$small_internal) {
- @surfaces = grep $_ ne $s, @surfaces;
- }
- my $union = union_ex([
- (map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_TOP, @surfaces),
- (map @$_, map $_->expolygon->safety_offset, @$small_internal),
- ]);
- my @top = map Slic3r::Surface->new(expolygon => $_, surface_type => S_TYPE_TOP), @$union;
- @surfaces = (grep($_->surface_type != S_TYPE_TOP, @surfaces), @top);
- }
- # remove top/bottom surfaces
- if ($Slic3r::solid_layers == 0) {
- $_->surface_type(S_TYPE_INTERNAL) for grep $_->surface_type != S_TYPE_INTERNAL, @surfaces;
- }
- # remove internal surfaces
- if ($Slic3r::fill_density == 0) {
- @surfaces = grep $_->surface_type != S_TYPE_INTERNAL, @surfaces;
- }
- $self->fill_surfaces([@surfaces]);
- }
- sub remove_small_surfaces {
- my $self = shift;
- my $distance = scale $self->infill_flow->spacing / 2;
- my @surfaces = @{$self->fill_surfaces};
- @{$self->fill_surfaces} = ();
- foreach my $surface (@surfaces) {
- # offset inwards
- my @offsets = $surface->expolygon->offset_ex(-$distance);
- # offset the results outwards again and merge the results
- @offsets = map $_->offset_ex($distance), @offsets;
- @offsets = @{ union_ex([ map @$_, @offsets ], undef, 1) };
- push @{$self->fill_surfaces}, map Slic3r::Surface->new(
- expolygon => $_,
- surface_type => $surface->surface_type), @offsets;
- }
- Slic3r::debugf "identified %d small surfaces at layer %d\n",
- (@surfaces - @{$self->fill_surfaces}), $self->id
- if @{$self->fill_surfaces} != @surfaces;
- # the difference between @surfaces and $self->fill_surfaces
- # is what's too small; we add it back as solid infill
- if ($Slic3r::fill_density > 0) {
- my $diff = diff_ex(
- [ map $_->p, @surfaces ],
- [ map $_->p, @{$self->fill_surfaces} ],
- );
- push @{$self->fill_surfaces}, map Slic3r::Surface->new(
- expolygon => $_,
- surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNALSOLID), @$diff;
- }
- }
- # make bridges printable
- sub process_bridges {
- my $self = shift;
- # no bridges are possible if we have no internal surfaces
- return if $Slic3r::fill_density == 0;
- my @bridges = ();
- # a bottom surface on a layer > 0 is either a bridge or a overhang
- # or a combination of both; any top surface is a candidate for
- # reverse bridge processing
- my @solid_surfaces = grep {
- ($_->surface_type == S_TYPE_BOTTOM && $self->id > 0) || $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_TOP
- } @{$self->fill_surfaces} or return;
- my @internal_surfaces = grep { $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNAL || $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNALSOLID } @{$self->slices};
- SURFACE: foreach my $surface (@solid_surfaces) {
- my $expolygon = $surface->expolygon->safety_offset;
- my $description = $surface->surface_type == S_TYPE_BOTTOM ? 'bridge/overhang' : 'reverse bridge';
- # offset the contour and intersect it with the internal surfaces to discover
- # which of them has contact with our bridge
- my @supporting_surfaces = ();
- my ($contour_offset) = $expolygon->contour->offset(scale $self->flow->spacing * sqrt(2));
- foreach my $internal_surface (@internal_surfaces) {
- my $intersection = intersection_ex([$contour_offset], [$internal_surface->p]);
- if (@$intersection) {
- push @supporting_surfaces, $internal_surface;
- }
- }
- if (0) {
- require "Slic3r/SVG.pm";
- Slic3r::SVG::output(undef, "bridge_surfaces.svg",
- green_polygons => [ map $_->p, @supporting_surfaces ],
- red_polygons => [ @$expolygon ],
- );
- }
- Slic3r::debugf "Found $description on layer %d with %d support(s)\n",
- $self->id, scalar(@supporting_surfaces);
- next SURFACE unless @supporting_surfaces;
- my $bridge_angle = undef;
- if ($surface->surface_type == S_TYPE_BOTTOM) {
- # detect optimal bridge angle
- my $bridge_over_hole = 0;
- my @edges = (); # edges are POLYLINES
- foreach my $supporting_surface (@supporting_surfaces) {
- my @surface_edges = map $_->clip_with_polygon($contour_offset),
- ($supporting_surface->contour, $supporting_surface->holes);
- if (@supporting_surfaces == 1 && @surface_edges == 1
- && @{$supporting_surface->contour} == @{$surface_edges[0]}) {
- $bridge_over_hole = 1;
- }
- push @edges, grep { @$_ } @surface_edges;
- }
- Slic3r::debugf " Bridge is supported on %d edge(s)\n", scalar(@edges);
- Slic3r::debugf " and covers a hole\n" if $bridge_over_hole;
- if (0) {
- require "Slic3r/SVG.pm";
- Slic3r::SVG::output(undef, "bridge_edges.svg",
- polylines => [ map $_->p, @edges ],
- );
- }
- if (@edges == 2) {
- my @chords = map Slic3r::Line->new($_->[0], $_->[-1]), @edges;
- my @midpoints = map $_->midpoint, @chords;
- my $line_between_midpoints = Slic3r::Line->new(@midpoints);
- $bridge_angle = rad2deg_dir($line_between_midpoints->direction);
- } elsif (@edges == 1) {
- # TODO: this case includes both U-shaped bridges and plain overhangs;
- # we need a trapezoidation algorithm to detect the actual bridged area
- # and separate it from the overhang area.
- # in the mean time, we're treating as overhangs all cases where
- # our supporting edge is a straight line
- if (@{$edges[0]} > 2) {
- my $line = Slic3r::Line->new($edges[0]->[0], $edges[0]->[-1]);
- $bridge_angle = rad2deg_dir($line->direction);
- }
- } elsif (@edges) {
- my $center = bounding_box_center([ map @$_, @edges ]);
- my $x = my $y = 0;
- foreach my $point (map @$, @edges) {
- my $line = Slic3r::Line->new($center, $point);
- my $dir = $line->direction;
- my $len = $line->length;
- $x += cos($dir) * $len;
- $y += sin($dir) * $len;
- }
- $bridge_angle = rad2deg_dir(atan2($y, $x));
- }
- Slic3r::debugf " Optimal infill angle of bridge on layer %d is %d degrees\n",
- $self->id, $bridge_angle if defined $bridge_angle;
- }
- # now, extend our bridge by taking a portion of supporting surfaces
- {
- # offset the bridge by the specified amount of mm (minimum 3)
- my $bridge_overlap = scale 3;
- my ($bridge_offset) = $expolygon->contour->offset($bridge_overlap);
- # calculate the new bridge
- my $intersection = intersection_ex(
- [ @$expolygon, map $_->p, @supporting_surfaces ],
- [ $bridge_offset ],
- );
- push @bridges, map Slic3r::Surface->new(
- expolygon => $_,
- surface_type => $surface->surface_type,
- bridge_angle => $bridge_angle,
- ), @$intersection;
- }
- }
- # now we need to merge bridges to avoid overlapping
- {
- # build a list of unique bridge types
- my @surface_groups = Slic3r::Surface->group(@bridges);
- # merge bridges of the same type, removing any of the bridges already merged;
- # the order of @surface_groups determines the priority between bridges having
- # different surface_type or bridge_angle
- @bridges = ();
- foreach my $surfaces (@surface_groups) {
- my $union = union_ex([ map $_->p, @$surfaces ]);
- my $diff = diff_ex(
- [ map @$_, @$union ],
- [ map $_->p, @bridges ],
- );
- push @bridges, map Slic3r::Surface->new(
- expolygon => $_,
- surface_type => $surfaces->[0]->surface_type,
- bridge_angle => $surfaces->[0]->bridge_angle,
- ), @$union;
- }
- }
- # apply bridges to layer
- {
- my @surfaces = @{$self->fill_surfaces};
- @{$self->fill_surfaces} = ();
- # intersect layer surfaces with bridges to get actual bridges
- foreach my $bridge (@bridges) {
- my $actual_bridge = intersection_ex(
- [ map $_->p, @surfaces ],
- [ $bridge->p ],
- );
- push @{$self->fill_surfaces}, map Slic3r::Surface->new(
- expolygon => $_,
- surface_type => $bridge->surface_type,
- bridge_angle => $bridge->bridge_angle,
- ), @$actual_bridge;
- }
- # difference between layer surfaces and bridges are the other surfaces
- foreach my $group (Slic3r::Surface->group(@surfaces)) {
- my $difference = diff_ex(
- [ map $_->p, @$group ],
- [ map $_->p, @bridges ],
- );
- push @{$self->fill_surfaces}, map Slic3r::Surface->new(
- expolygon => $_,
- surface_type => $group->[0]->surface_type), @$difference;
- }
- }
- }
- 1;