123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324 |
- /**
- * Mostly ported from t/gcode.t
- */
- #include <catch2/catch.hpp>
- #include <memory>
- #include <regex>
- #include <fstream>
- #include "libslic3r/GCode.hpp"
- #include "libslic3r/Geometry/ConvexHull.hpp"
- #include "libslic3r/ModelArrange.hpp"
- #include "test_data.hpp"
- using namespace Slic3r;
- using namespace Test;
- constexpr bool debug_files = false;
- SCENARIO("Origin manipulation", "[GCode]") {
- Slic3r::GCodeGenerator gcodegen;
- WHEN("set_origin to (10,0)") {
- gcodegen.set_origin(Vec2d(10,0));
- REQUIRE(gcodegen.origin() == Vec2d(10, 0));
- }
- WHEN("set_origin to (10,0) and translate by (5, 5)") {
- gcodegen.set_origin(Vec2d(10,0));
- gcodegen.set_origin(gcodegen.origin() + Vec2d(5, 5));
- THEN("origin returns reference to point") {
- REQUIRE(gcodegen.origin() == Vec2d(15,5));
- }
- }
- }
- TEST_CASE("Wiping speeds", "[GCode]") {
- DynamicPrintConfig config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config();
- config.set_deserialize_strict({
- { "wipe", "1" },
- { "retract_layer_change", "0" },
- });
- bool have_wipe = false;
- std::vector<double> retract_speeds;
- bool extruded_on_this_layer = false;
- bool wiping_on_new_layer = false;
- GCodeReader parser;
- std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, config);
- parser.parse_buffer(gcode, [&] (Slic3r::GCodeReader &self, const Slic3r::GCodeReader::GCodeLine &line) {
- if (line.travel() && line.dist_Z(self) != 0) {
- extruded_on_this_layer = false;
- } else if (line.extruding(self) && line.dist_XY(self) > 0) {
- extruded_on_this_layer = true;
- } else if (line.retracting(self) && line.dist_XY(self) > 0) {
- have_wipe = true;
- wiping_on_new_layer = !extruded_on_this_layer;
- const double f = line.has_f() ? line.f() : self.f();
- double move_time = line.dist_XY(self) / f;
- retract_speeds.emplace_back(std::abs(line.dist_E(self)) / move_time);
- }
- });
- CHECK(have_wipe);
- double expected_retract_speed = config.option<ConfigOptionFloats>("retract_speed")->get_at(0) * 60;
- for (const double retract_speed : retract_speeds) {
- INFO("Wipe moves don\'t retract faster than configured speed");
- CHECK(retract_speed < expected_retract_speed);
- }
- INFO("No wiping after layer change")
- CHECK(!wiping_on_new_layer);
- }
- bool has_moves_below_z_offset(const DynamicPrintConfig& config) {
- GCodeReader parser;
- std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, config);
- unsigned moves_below_z_offset{};
- double configured_offset = config.opt_float("z_offset");
- parser.parse_buffer(gcode, [&] (Slic3r::GCodeReader &self, const Slic3r::GCodeReader::GCodeLine &line) {
- if (line.travel() && line.has_z() && line.z() < configured_offset) {
- moves_below_z_offset++;
- }
- });
- return moves_below_z_offset > 0;
- }
- TEST_CASE("Z moves with offset", "[GCode]") {
- DynamicPrintConfig config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config();
- config.set_deserialize_strict({
- { "z_offset", 5 },
- { "start_gcode", "" },
- });
- INFO("No lift");
- CHECK(!has_moves_below_z_offset(config));
- config.set_deserialize_strict({{ "retract_lift", "3" }});
- INFO("Lift < z offset");
- CHECK(!has_moves_below_z_offset(config));
- config.set_deserialize_strict({{ "retract_lift", "6" }});
- INFO("Lift > z offset");
- CHECK(!has_moves_below_z_offset(config));
- }
- std::optional<double> parse_axis(const std::string& line, const std::string& axis) {
- std::smatch matches;
- if (std::regex_search(line, matches, std::regex{axis + "(\\d+)"})) {
- std::string matchedValue = matches[1].str();
- return std::stod(matchedValue);
- }
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- /**
- * This tests the following behavior:
- * - complete objects does not crash
- * - no hard-coded "E" are generated
- * - Z moves are correctly generated for both objects
- * - no travel moves go outside skirt
- * - temperatures are set correctly
- */
- TEST_CASE("Extrusion, travels, temeperatures", "[GCode]") {
- DynamicPrintConfig config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config();
- config.set_deserialize_strict({
- { "gcode_comments", 1 },
- { "complete_objects", 1 },
- { "extrusion_axis", 'A' },
- { "start_gcode", "" }, // prevent any default extra Z move
- { "layer_height", 0.4 },
- { "first_layer_height", 0.4 },
- { "temperature", "200" },
- { "first_layer_temperature", "210" }
- });
- std::vector<double> z_moves;
- Points travel_moves;
- Points extrusions;
- std::vector<double> temps;
- GCodeReader parser;
- Print print;
- Model model;
- Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, print, model, config, false, 2);
- std::string gcode = Test::gcode(print);
- parser.parse_buffer(gcode, [&] (Slic3r::GCodeReader &self, const Slic3r::GCodeReader::GCodeLine &line) {
- INFO("Unexpected E argument");
- CHECK(!line.has_e());
- if (line.has_z()) {
- z_moves.emplace_back(line.z());
- }
- if (line.has_x() || line.has_y()) {
- if (line.extruding(self) || line.has_unknown_axis()) {
- extrusions.emplace_back(scaled(line.x()), scaled(line.y()));
- } else if (!extrusions.empty()){ // skip initial travel move to first skirt point
- travel_moves.emplace_back(scaled(line.x()), scaled(line.y()));
- }
- } else if (line.cmd_is("M104") || line.cmd_is("M109")) {
- const std::optional<double> parsed_temperature = parse_axis(line.raw(), "S");
- if (!parsed_temperature) {
- FAIL("Failed to parse temperature!");
- }
- if (temps.empty() || temps.back() != parsed_temperature) {
- temps.emplace_back(*parsed_temperature);
- }
- }
- });
- const unsigned layer_count = 20 / 0.4;
- INFO("Complete_objects generates the correct number of Z moves.");
- CHECK(z_moves.size() == layer_count * 2);
- auto first_moves = tcb::span{z_moves}.subspan(0, layer_count);
- auto second_moves = tcb::span{z_moves}.subspan(layer_count);
- CHECK( std::vector(first_moves.begin(), first_moves.end()) == std::vector(second_moves.begin(), second_moves.end()));
- const Polygon convex_hull{Geometry::convex_hull(extrusions)};
- INFO("All travel moves happen within skirt.");
- for (const Point& travel_move : travel_moves) {
- CHECK(convex_hull.contains(travel_move));
- }
- INFO("Expected temperature changes");
- CHECK(temps == std::vector<double>{210, 200, 210, 200, 0});
- }
- TEST_CASE("Used filament", "[GCode]") {
- DynamicPrintConfig config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config();
- config.set_deserialize_strict({
- { "retract_length", "1000000" },
- { "use_relative_e_distances", 1 },
- { "layer_gcode", "G92 E0\n" },
- });
- GCodeReader parser;
- Print print;
- Model model;
- Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, print, model, config);
- Test::gcode(print);
- INFO("Final retraction is not considered in total used filament");
- CHECK(print.print_statistics().total_used_filament > 0);
- }
- void check_m73s(Print& print){
- std::vector<double> percent{};
- bool got_100 = false;
- bool extruding_after_100 = 0;
- GCodeReader parser;
- std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode(print);
- parser.parse_buffer(gcode, [&] (Slic3r::GCodeReader &self, const Slic3r::GCodeReader::GCodeLine &line) {
- if (line.cmd_is("M73")) {
- std::optional<double> p = parse_axis(line.raw(), "P");
- if (!p) {
- FAIL("Failed to parse percent");
- }
- percent.emplace_back(*p);
- got_100 = p == Approx(100);
- }
- if (line.extruding(self) && got_100) {
- extruding_after_100 = true;
- }
- });
- INFO("M73 is never given more than 100%");
- for (const double value : percent) {
- CHECK(value <= 100);
- }
- INFO("No extrusions after M73 P100.");
- CHECK(!extruding_after_100);
- }
- TEST_CASE("M73s have correct percent values", "[GCode]") {
- DynamicPrintConfig config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config();
- SECTION("Single object") {
- config.set_deserialize_strict({
- {" gcode_flavor", "sailfish" },
- {" raft_layers", 3 },
- });
- Print print;
- Model model;
- Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, print, model, config);
- check_m73s(print);
- }
- SECTION("Two copies of single object") {
- config.set_deserialize_strict({
- {" gcode_flavor", "sailfish" },
- });
- Print print;
- Model model;
- Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, print, model, config, false, 2);
- check_m73s(print);
- if constexpr (debug_files) {
- std::ofstream gcode_file{"M73_2_copies.gcode"};
- gcode_file << Test::gcode(print);
- }
- }
- SECTION("Two objects") {
- config.set_deserialize_strict({
- {" gcode_flavor", "sailfish" },
- });
- Print print;
- Model model;
- Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20, TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, print, model, config);
- check_m73s(print);
- }
- SECTION("One layer object") {
- config.set_deserialize_strict({
- {" gcode_flavor", "sailfish" },
- });
- Print print;
- Model model;
- TriangleMesh test_mesh{mesh(TestMesh::cube_20x20x20)};
- const auto layer_height = static_cast<float>(config.opt_float("layer_height"));
- test_mesh.scale(Vec3f{1.0F, 1.0F, layer_height/20.0F});
- Test::init_print({test_mesh}, print, model, config);
- check_m73s(print);
- if constexpr (debug_files) {
- std::ofstream gcode_file{"M73_one_layer.gcode"};
- gcode_file << Test::gcode(print);
- }
- }
- }
- TEST_CASE("M201 for acceleation reset", "[GCode]") {
- DynamicPrintConfig config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config();
- config.set_deserialize_strict({
- { "gcode_flavor", "repetier" },
- { "default_acceleration", 1337 },
- });
- GCodeReader parser;
- std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({TestMesh::cube_with_hole}, config);
- bool has_accel = false;
- bool has_m204 = false;
- parser.parse_buffer(gcode, [&] (Slic3r::GCodeReader &self, const Slic3r::GCodeReader::GCodeLine &line) {
- if (line.cmd_is("M201") && line.has_x() && line.has_y()) {
- if (line.x() == 1337 && line.y() == 1337) {
- has_accel = true;
- }
- }
- if (line.cmd_is("M204") && line.raw().find('S') != std::string::npos) {
- has_m204 = true;
- }
- });
- INFO("M201 is generated for repetier firmware.");
- CHECK(has_accel);
- INFO("M204 is not generated for repetier firmware");
- CHECK(!has_m204);
- }