settings.ini 1.6 KB

  1. # all files taken as input to construt the knowledge base
  2. # a file can't overwrite what's already inside (unless it's empty), so put the best files in first.
  3. # if a file ins't here, a warning message will be emmited
  4. data = Slic3r.po
  5. data = TODO.po
  6. data = it_database.po
  7. data = PrusaSlicer_it.po
  8. data = SuperSlicerITAnew.po
  9. # optional: output all the knowledge base into a file, to be reused in the future.
  10. database_out = it_database.po
  11. # path to the ui_layout dir, to grab all ui string defined here
  12. ui_dir = ../../ui_layout/default
  13. # to allow to keep the msgctxt tags. You need a recent version of gettext to use that.
  14. allow_msgctxt = false
  15. # the tool to ignore the case when comparing msgid if no exact translation is found.
  16. ignore_case = false
  17. # will remove the comments in the output files (not the todo).
  18. remove_comment = true
  19. # flaot between 0 and 1. If higher than 0, the tool may porpose you some similar transaltion from the knowledge base in the comment
  20. # to help you write the translation. It's useful when only a part of the original string changes, so you can reuse almost everything.
  21. # it's the % of diff (levenshtein distance / msgid length) allowed for an other string to be proposed
  22. percent_error_similar = 0.4
  23. # max number of proposed translation per item. Work with percent_error_similar.
  24. max_similar = 3
  25. # strings written in the header
  26. language = italian
  27. language_code = it
  28. # input is the pot (or po) where the msgid are picked
  29. input = ..\Slic3r.pot
  30. # the todo will receive the msgid for which no translation are found
  31. todo = TODO.po
  32. # the output will receive the other msgid with their translation
  33. output = Slic3r.po