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MeshBooleans with CGAL only

tamasmeszaros 5 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

+ 1 - 7

@@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
-endif ()
-find_package(CGAL REQUIRED)
 add_executable(meshboolean MeshBoolean.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(meshboolean libslic3r CGAL::CGAL)
+target_link_libraries(meshboolean libslic3r)
 if (WIN32)

+ 61 - 70

@@ -1,85 +1,76 @@
-#include <libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp>
-#undef PI
-#include <igl/readOFF.h>
-#include <igl/copyleft/cgal/mesh_boolean.h>
-#include <Eigen/Core>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp>
+#include <libslic3r/Model.hpp>
+#include <libslic3r/SLAPrint.hpp>
+#include <libslic3r/SLAPrintSteps.hpp>
+#include <libslic3r/MeshBoolean.hpp>
-#include <admesh/stl.h>
+#include <libnest2d/tools/benchmark.h>
-#include <boost/nowide/cstdio.hpp>
 #include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
 namespace Slic3r {
-bool its_write_obj(const Eigen::MatrixXd &V, Eigen::MatrixXi &F, const char *file)
-  	FILE *fp = boost::nowide::fopen(file, "w");
-  	if (fp == nullptr) {
-		BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "stl_write_obj: Couldn't open " << file << " for writing";
-    	return false;
-  	}
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < V.rows(); ++ i)
-    	fprintf(fp, "v %lf %lf %lf\n", V(i, 0), V(i, 1), V(i, 2));
-  	for (size_t i = 0; i < F.rows(); ++ i)
-    	fprintf(fp, "f %d %d %d\n", F(i, 0) + 1, F(i, 1) + 1, F(i, 2) + 1);
-  	fclose(fp);
-  	return true;
-void mesh_boolean_test(const std::string &fname)
-  using namespace Eigen;
-  using namespace std;
-//  igl::readOFF(TUTORIAL_SHARED_PATH "/",VA,FA);
-//  igl::readOFF(TUTORIAL_SHARED_PATH "/",VB,FB);
-  // Plot the mesh with pseudocolors
-//  igl::opengl::glfw::Viewer viewer;
-  // Initialize
-//  update(viewer);
-  //igl::copyleft::cgal::mesh_boolean(VA,FA,VB,FB,boolean_type,VC,FC,J);
-    std::cout << fname.c_str() << std::endl;
-	TriangleMesh mesh;
-	mesh.ReadSTLFile(fname.c_str());
-    its_write_obj(mesh.its, (fname + "-imported0.obj").c_str());
-	Eigen::MatrixXd VA,VB,VC;
-	Eigen::VectorXi J,I;
-	Eigen::MatrixXi FA,FB,FC;
-	igl::MeshBooleanType boolean_type(igl::MESH_BOOLEAN_TYPE_UNION);
-  	typedef Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor | Eigen::DontAlign>> MapMatrixXfUnaligned;
-    typedef Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<int,   Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor | Eigen::DontAlign>> MapMatrixXiUnaligned;
-	Eigen::MatrixXd V = MapMatrixXfUnaligned(mesh.its.vertices.front().data(), mesh.its.vertices.size(), 3).cast<double>();
-    Eigen::MatrixXi F = MapMatrixXiUnaligned(mesh.its.indices.front().data(), mesh.its.indices.size(), 3);
-    its_write_obj(V, F, (fname + "-imported.obj").c_str());
-    // Self-union to clean up
-    igl::copyleft::cgal::mesh_boolean(V, F, Eigen::MatrixXd(), Eigen::MatrixXi(), boolean_type, VC, FC);
-    its_write_obj(VC, FC, (fname + "-fixed.obj").c_str());
 } // namespace Slic3r
 int main(const int argc, const char * argv[])
-    if (argc < 1) return -1;
+    using namespace Slic3r;
+    if (argc < 1) return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    DynamicPrintConfig cfg;
+    auto model = Model::read_from_file(argv[1], &cfg);
+    if (model.objects.empty()) return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    SLAPrint print;
+    print.apply(model, cfg);
+    PrintBase::TaskParams task;
+    task.to_object_step = slaposHollowing;
+    print.set_task(task);
+    print.process();
+    Benchmark bench;
-    Slic3r::mesh_boolean_test(argv[1]);
+    for (SLAPrintObject *po : print.objects()) {
+        TriangleMesh holes;
+        sla::DrainHoles holepts = po->transformed_drainhole_points();
+        for (auto &hole: holepts)
+            holes.merge(sla::to_triangle_mesh(hole.to_mesh()));
+        TriangleMesh hollowed_mesh = po->transformed_mesh();
+        hollowed_mesh.merge(po->hollowed_interior_mesh());
+        hollowed_mesh.require_shared_vertices();
+        holes.require_shared_vertices();
+        TriangleMesh drilled_mesh_igl = hollowed_mesh;
+        bench.start();
+        MeshBoolean::minus(drilled_mesh_igl, holes);
+        bench.stop();
+        std::cout << "Mesh boolean duration with IGL: " << bench.getElapsedSec() << std::endl;
+        TriangleMesh drilled_mesh_cgal = hollowed_mesh;
+        bench.start();
+        MeshBoolean::cgal::self_union(drilled_mesh_cgal);
+        MeshBoolean::cgal::minus(drilled_mesh_cgal, holes);
+        bench.stop();
+        std::cout << "Mesh boolean duration with CGAL: " << bench.getElapsedSec() << std::endl;
+        std::string name("obj"), outf;
+        outf = name + "igl" + std::to_string(po->model_object()->id().id) + ".obj";
+        drilled_mesh_igl.WriteOBJFile(outf.c_str());
+        outf = name + "cgal" + std::to_string(po->model_object()->id().id) + ".obj";
+        drilled_mesh_cgal.WriteOBJFile(outf.c_str());
+    }
     return 0;

+ 125 - 18

@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
 #include "MeshBoolean.hpp"
+#include "libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp"
+#undef PI
 // Include igl first. It defines "L" macro which then clashes with our localization
 #include <igl/copyleft/cgal/mesh_boolean.h>
 #undef L
-#include "libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp"
+// CGAL headers
+#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/corefinement.h>
+#include <CGAL/Exact_integer.h>
+#include <CGAL/Surface_mesh.h>
 namespace Slic3r {
 namespace MeshBoolean {
@@ -13,27 +17,41 @@ namespace MeshBoolean {
 typedef Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor | Eigen::DontAlign>> MapMatrixXfUnaligned;
 typedef Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<int,   Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor | Eigen::DontAlign>> MapMatrixXiUnaligned;
+typedef std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::MatrixXi> EigenMesh;
 static TriangleMesh eigen_to_triangle_mesh(const Eigen::MatrixXd& VC, const Eigen::MatrixXi& FC)
-    Pointf3s vertices;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<VC.rows(); ++i)
-        vertices.push_back(Vec3d(VC(i,0), VC(i,1), VC(i,2)));
-    std::vector<Vec3crd> facets;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<FC.rows(); ++i)
-        facets.push_back(Vec3crd(FC(i,0), FC(i,1), FC(i,2)));
-    TriangleMesh out(vertices, facets);
+    Pointf3s points(size_t(VC.rows())); 
+    std::vector<Vec3crd> facets(size_t(FC.rows()));
+    for (Eigen::Index i = 0; i < VC.rows(); ++i)
+        points[size_t(i)] = VC.row(i);
+    for (Eigen::Index i = 0; i < FC.rows(); ++i)
+        facets[size_t(i)] = FC.row(i);
+    TriangleMesh out{points, facets};
     return out;
+static EigenMesh triangle_mesh_to_eigen_mesh(const TriangleMesh &mesh)
+    EigenMesh emesh;
+    emesh.first = MapMatrixXfUnaligned(mesh.its.vertices.front().data(),
+                                       Eigen::Index(mesh.its.vertices.size()),
+                                       3).cast<double>();
+    emesh.second = MapMatrixXiUnaligned(mesh.its.indices.front().data(),
+                                        Eigen::Index(mesh.its.indices.size()),
+                                        3);
+    return emesh;
 void minus(TriangleMesh& A, const TriangleMesh& B)
-    Eigen::MatrixXd VA = MapMatrixXfUnaligned(A.its.vertices.front().data(), A.its.vertices.size(), 3).cast<double>();
-    Eigen::MatrixXi FA = MapMatrixXiUnaligned(A.its.indices.front().data(), A.its.indices.size(), 3);
-    Eigen::MatrixXd VB = MapMatrixXfUnaligned(B.its.vertices.front().data(), B.its.vertices.size(), 3).cast<double>();
-    Eigen::MatrixXi FB = MapMatrixXiUnaligned(B.its.indices.front().data(), B.its.indices.size(), 3);
+    auto [VA, FA] = triangle_mesh_to_eigen_mesh(A);
+    auto [VB, FB] = triangle_mesh_to_eigen_mesh(B);
     Eigen::MatrixXd VC;
     Eigen::MatrixXi FC;
@@ -43,21 +61,110 @@ void minus(TriangleMesh& A, const TriangleMesh& B)
     A = eigen_to_triangle_mesh(VC, FC);
 void self_union(TriangleMesh& mesh)
-    Eigen::MatrixXd V = MapMatrixXfUnaligned(mesh.its.vertices.front().data(), mesh.its.vertices.size(), 3).cast<double>();
-    Eigen::MatrixXi F = MapMatrixXiUnaligned(mesh.its.indices.front().data(), mesh.its.indices.size(), 3);
+    auto [V, F] = triangle_mesh_to_eigen_mesh(mesh);
     Eigen::MatrixXd VC;
     Eigen::MatrixXi FC;
     igl::MeshBooleanType boolean_type(igl::MESH_BOOLEAN_TYPE_UNION);
     igl::copyleft::cgal::mesh_boolean(V, F, Eigen::MatrixXd(), Eigen::MatrixXi(), boolean_type, VC, FC);
     mesh = eigen_to_triangle_mesh(VC, FC);
+namespace cgal {
+namespace CGALProc   = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing;
+namespace CGALParams = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::parameters;
+using Kernel = CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel;
+using _CGALMesh = CGAL::Surface_mesh<Kernel::Point_3>;
+struct CGALMesh { _CGALMesh m; };
+static void triangle_mesh_to_cgal(const TriangleMesh &M, _CGALMesh &out)
+    for (const Vec3f &v : M.its.vertices)
+        out.add_vertex(_CGALMesh::Point(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()));
+    for (const Vec3crd &face : M.its.indices) {
+        auto f = face.cast<CGAL::SM_Vertex_index>();
+        out.add_face(f(0), f(1), f(2));
+    }
+static TriangleMesh cgal_to_triangle_mesh(const _CGALMesh &cgalmesh)
+    Pointf3s points;
+    std::vector<Vec3crd> facets;
+    points.reserve(cgalmesh.num_vertices());
+    facets.reserve(cgalmesh.num_faces());
+    for (auto &vi : cgalmesh.vertices()) {
+        auto &v = cgalmesh.point(vi); // Don't ask...
+        points.emplace_back(v.x(), v.y(), v.z());
+    }
+    for (auto &face : cgalmesh.faces()) {
+        auto    vtc = cgalmesh.vertices_around_face(cgalmesh.halfedge(face));
+        int     i   = 0;
+        Vec3crd trface;
+        for (auto v : vtc) trface(i++) = int(v.idx());
+        facets.emplace_back(trface);
+    }
+    TriangleMesh out{points, facets};
+    out.require_shared_vertices();
+    return out;
+std::unique_ptr<CGALMesh> triangle_mesh_to_cgal(const TriangleMesh &M)
+    auto out = std::make_unique<CGALMesh>();
+    triangle_mesh_to_cgal(M, out->m);
+    return out;
+void cgal_to_triangle_mesh(const CGALMesh &cgalmesh, TriangleMesh &out)
+    out = cgal_to_triangle_mesh(cgalmesh.m);
+void minus(CGALMesh &A, CGALMesh &B)
+    CGALProc::corefine_and_compute_difference(A.m, B.m, A.m);
+void self_union(CGALMesh &A)
+    CGALProc::corefine(A.m, A.m);
+void minus(TriangleMesh &A, const TriangleMesh &B)
+    CGALMesh meshA;
+    CGALMesh meshB;
+    triangle_mesh_to_cgal(A, meshA.m);
+    triangle_mesh_to_cgal(B, meshB.m);
+    CGALMesh meshResult;
+    CGALProc::corefine_and_compute_difference(meshA.m, meshB.m, meshResult.m);
+    A = cgal_to_triangle_mesh(meshResult.m);
+void self_union(TriangleMesh &m)
+    _CGALMesh cgalmesh;
+    triangle_mesh_to_cgal(m, cgalmesh);
+    CGALProc::corefine(cgalmesh, cgalmesh);
+    m = cgal_to_triangle_mesh(cgalmesh);
+} // namespace cgal
 } // namespace MeshBoolean
 } // namespace Slic3r

+ 21 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #ifndef libslic3r_MeshBoolean_hpp_
 #define libslic3r_MeshBoolean_hpp_
+#include <memory>
 namespace Slic3r {
@@ -11,6 +12,26 @@ namespace MeshBoolean {
 void minus(TriangleMesh& A, const TriangleMesh& B);
 void self_union(TriangleMesh& mesh);
+namespace cgal {
+struct CGALMesh;
+std::unique_ptr<CGALMesh> triangle_mesh_to_cgal(const TriangleMesh &M);
+void cgal_to_triangle_mesh(const CGALMesh &cgalmesh, TriangleMesh &out);
+// Do boolean mesh difference with CGAL bypassing igl.
+void minus(TriangleMesh &A, const TriangleMesh &B);
+// Do self union only with CGAL.
+void self_union(TriangleMesh& mesh);
+// does A = A - B
+// CGAL takes non-const objects as arguments. I suppose it doesn't change B but
+// there is no official garantee.
+void minus(CGALMesh &A, CGALMesh &B);
+void self_union(CGALMesh &A);
 } // namespace MeshBoolean
 } // namespace Slic3r