@@ -177,18 +177,13 @@ sub BUILD {
return ($value - $oldmin) * ($newmax - $newmin) / ($oldmax - $oldmin) + $newmin;
- # use center location to determine print area. assume X200 Y200 if center is 0,0
- # TODO: add user configuration for bed area with new gui
- my $printx = $Slic3r::print_center->[X] * 2 || 200;
- my $printy = $Slic3r::print_center->[Y] * 2 || 200;
# use actual part size plus separation distance (half on each side) in spacing algorithm
my $partx = unscale($self->x_length) + $Slic3r::duplicate_distance;
my $party = unscale($self->y_length) + $Slic3r::duplicate_distance;
# this is how many cells we have available into which to put parts
- my $cellw = int($printx / $partx);
- my $cellh = int($printy / $party);
+ my $cellw = int($Slic3r::bed_size->[X] / $partx);
+ my $cellh = int($Slic3r::bed_size->[Y] / $party);
die "$Slic3r::duplicate parts won't fit in your print area!\n" if $Slic3r::duplicate > ($cellw * $cellh);
# width and height of space used by cells
@@ -196,11 +191,11 @@ sub BUILD {
my $h = $cellh * $party;
# left and right border positions of space used by cells
- my $l = ($printx - $w) / 2;
+ my $l = ($Slic3r::bed_size->[X] - $w) / 2;
my $r = $l + $w;
# top and bottom border positions
- my $t = ($printy - $h) / 2;
+ my $t = ($Slic3r::bed_size->[Y] - $h) / 2;
my $b = $t + $h;
# list of cells, sorted by distance from center
@@ -212,8 +207,8 @@ sub BUILD {
my $cx = $linint->($i + 0.5, 0, $cellw, $l, $r);
my $cy = $linint->($j + 0.5, 0, $cellh, $t, $b);
- my $xd = abs(($printx / 2) - $cx);
- my $yd = abs(($printy / 2) - $cy);
+ my $xd = abs(($Slic3r::bed_size->[X] / 2) - $cx);
+ my $yd = abs(($Slic3r::bed_size->[Y] / 2) - $cy);
my $c = {
location => [$cx, $cy],