@@ -2259,12 +2259,38 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_shells(const Print& print)
while (true) {
GLVolumePtrs::iterator it = std::find_if(m_shells.volumes.volumes.begin(), m_shells.volumes.volumes.end(), [](GLVolume* volume) { return volume->is_modifier; });
if (it != m_shells.volumes.volumes.end()) {
- delete (*it);
+ delete *it;
- }
+ }
+ // removes volumes which are completely below bed
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i < m_shells.volumes.volumes.size()) {
+ GLVolume* v = m_shells.volumes.volumes[i];
+ if (v->transformed_bounding_box().max.z() < SINKING_MIN_Z_THRESHOLD + EPSILON) {
+ delete v;
+ m_shells.volumes.volumes.erase(m_shells.volumes.volumes.begin() + i);
+ --i;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // search for sinking volumes and replace their mesh with the part of it with positive z
+ for (GLVolume* v : m_shells.volumes.volumes) {
+ if (v->is_sinking()) {
+ TriangleMesh mesh(wxGetApp().plater()->model().objects[v->object_idx()]->volumes[v->volume_idx()]->mesh());
+ mesh.transform(v->world_matrix(), true);
+ indexed_triangle_set upper_its;
+ cut_mesh(mesh.its, 0.0f, &upper_its, nullptr);
+ v->model.reset();
+ v->model.init_from(upper_its);
+ v->set_instance_transformation(Transform3d::Identity());
+ v->set_volume_transformation(Transform3d::Identity());
+ }
+ }
for (GLVolume* volume : m_shells.volumes.volumes) {
volume->zoom_to_volumes = false;