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Added possibility for upload to Duet

Further changes:
- Added new configuration option Host Type
- Added abstract base class for future printer hosts
- Moved location of upload dialog (also made it a little bit more configureable)
- added possibility to send file via postfield instead a new frame
Martin Loidl 6 years ago

+ 2 - 0

@@ -167,6 +167,8 @@ sub thread_cleanup {
     *Slic3r::GUI::PresetHints::DESTROY      = sub {};
     *Slic3r::GUI::TabIface::DESTROY         = sub {};
     *Slic3r::OctoPrint::DESTROY             = sub {};
+    *Slic3r::Duet::DESTROY                  = sub {};
+    *Slic3r::PrintHostFactory::DESTROY                  = sub {};
     *Slic3r::PresetUpdater::DESTROY         = sub {};
     return undef;  # this prevents a "Scalars leaked" warning

+ 8 - 7

@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ sub new {
     my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
     $self->{config} = Slic3r::Config::new_from_defaults_keys([qw(
         bed_shape complete_objects extruder_clearance_radius skirts skirt_distance brim_width variable_layer_height
-        serial_port serial_speed octoprint_host octoprint_apikey octoprint_cafile
+        serial_port serial_speed host_type print_host printhost_apikey printhost_cafile
         nozzle_diameter single_extruder_multi_material wipe_tower wipe_tower_x wipe_tower_y wipe_tower_width
 	wipe_tower_rotation_angle extruder_colour filament_colour max_print_height printer_model
@@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ sub on_export_completed {
             $message = L("File added to print queue");
             $do_print = 1;
         } elsif ($self->{send_gcode_file}) {
-            $message = L("Sending G-code file to the OctoPrint server...");
+            $message = L("Sending G-code file to the Printer Host ...");
             $send_gcode = 1;
         } else {
             $message = L("G-code file exported to ") . $self->{export_gcode_output_file};
@@ -1585,9 +1585,10 @@ sub on_export_completed {
     # Send $self->{send_gcode_file} to OctoPrint.
     if ($send_gcode) {
-        my $op = Slic3r::OctoPrint->new($self->{config});
-        if ($op->send_gcode($self->{send_gcode_file})) {
-            $self->statusbar->SetStatusText(L("OctoPrint upload finished."));
+        my $host = Slic3r::PrintHostFactory::get_print_host($self->{config});
+        if ($host->send_gcode($self->{send_gcode_file})) {
+            $self->statusbar->SetStatusText(L("Upload to host finished."));
         } else {
@@ -1914,8 +1915,8 @@ sub on_config_change {
         } elsif ($opt_key eq 'serial_port') {
-        } elsif ($opt_key eq 'octoprint_host') {
-            $self->{btn_send_gcode}->Show($config->get('octoprint_host'));
+        } elsif ($opt_key eq 'print_host') {
+            $self->{btn_send_gcode}->Show($config->get('print_host'));
         } elsif ($opt_key eq 'variable_layer_height') {
             if ($config->get('variable_layer_height') != 1) {

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1007,8 +1007,8 @@ max_layer_height = 0.25
 min_layer_height = 0.07
 max_print_height = 200
 nozzle_diameter = 0.4
-octoprint_apikey = 
-octoprint_host = 
+printhost_apikey = 
+print_host = 
 printer_notes = Don't remove the following keywords! These keywords are used in the "compatible printer" condition of the print and filament profiles to link the particular print and filament profiles to this printer profile.\nPRINTER_VENDOR_PRUSA3D\nPRINTER_MODEL_MK2\n
 printer_settings_id = 
 retract_before_travel = 1

+ 8 - 1

@@ -251,8 +251,14 @@ add_library(libslic3r_gui STATIC
+    ${LIBDIR}/slic3r/Utils/PrintHostSendDialog.cpp
+    ${LIBDIR}/slic3r/Utils/PrintHostSendDialog.hpp
+	${LIBDIR}/slic3r/Utils/Duet.cpp
+	${LIBDIR}/slic3r/Utils/Duet.hpp
+	${LIBDIR}/slic3r/Utils/PrintHostFactory.cpp
+	${LIBDIR}/slic3r/Utils/PrintHostFactory.hpp
@@ -411,7 +417,8 @@ set(XS_XSP_FILES
-    ${XSP_DIR}/Utils_OctoPrint.xsp
+	${XSP_DIR}/Utils_PrintHostFactory.xsp
+	${XSP_DIR}/Utils_PrintHost.xsp

+ 20 - 12

@@ -1137,24 +1137,36 @@ PrintConfigDef::PrintConfigDef()
     def->cli = "nozzle-diameter=f@";
     def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0.5 };
-    def = this->add("octoprint_apikey", coString);
-    def->label = L("API Key");
-    def->tooltip = L("Slic3r can upload G-code files to OctoPrint. This field should contain "
-                   "the API Key required for authentication.");
+    def = this->add("host_type", coEnum);
+    def->label = L("Host Type");
+    def->tooltip = L("Slic3r can upload G-code files to a printer host. This field must contain "
+                   "the kind of the host.");
+    def->cli = "host-type=s";
+    def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum<PrintHostType>::get_enum_values();
+    def->enum_values.push_back("octoprint");
+    def->enum_values.push_back("duet");
+    def->enum_labels.push_back("OctoPrint");
+    def->enum_labels.push_back("Duet");
+    def->default_value = new ConfigOptionEnum<PrintHostType>(htOctoPrint);
+    def = this->add("printhost_apikey", coString);
+    def->label = L("API Key / Password");
+    def->tooltip = L("Slic3r can upload G-code files to a printer host. This field should contain "
+                   "the API Key or the password required for authentication.");
     def->cli = "octoprint-apikey=s";
     def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
-    def = this->add("octoprint_cafile", coString);
+    def = this->add("printhost_cafile", coString);
     def->label = "HTTPS CA file";
     def->tooltip = "Custom CA certificate file can be specified for HTTPS OctoPrint connections, in crt/pem format. "
                    "If left blank, the default OS CA certificate repository is used.";
     def->cli = "octoprint-cafile=s";
     def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
-    def = this->add("octoprint_host", coString);
+    def = this->add("print_host", coString);
     def->label = L("Hostname, IP or URL");
-    def->tooltip = L("Slic3r can upload G-code files to OctoPrint. This field should contain "
-                   "the hostname, IP address or URL of the OctoPrint instance.");
+    def->tooltip = L("Slic3r can upload G-code files to a printer host. This field should contain "
+                   "the hostname, IP address or URL of the printer host instance.");
     def->cli = "octoprint-host=s";
     def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
@@ -2107,10 +2119,6 @@ void PrintConfigDef::handle_legacy(t_config_option_key &opt_key, std::string &va
         std::ostringstream oss;
         oss << "0x0," << p.value.x << "x0," << p.value.x << "x" << p.value.y << ",0x" << p.value.y;
         value = oss.str();
-// Maybe one day we will rename octoprint_host to print_host as it has been done in the upstream Slic3r.
-// Commenting this out fixes github issue #869 for now.
-//    } else if (opt_key == "octoprint_host" && !value.empty()) {
-//        opt_key = "print_host";
     } else if ((opt_key == "perimeter_acceleration" && value == "25")
         || (opt_key == "infill_acceleration" && value == "50")) {
         /*  For historical reasons, the world's full of configs having these very low values;

+ 21 - 6

@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ enum GCodeFlavor {
     gcfSmoothie, gcfNoExtrusion,
+enum PrintHostType {
+    htOctoPrint, htDuet,
 enum InfillPattern {
     ipRectilinear, ipGrid, ipTriangles, ipStars, ipCubic, ipLine, ipConcentric, ipHoneycomb, ip3DHoneycomb,
     ipGyroid, ipHilbertCurve, ipArchimedeanChords, ipOctagramSpiral,
@@ -61,6 +65,15 @@ template<> inline t_config_enum_values& ConfigOptionEnum<GCodeFlavor>::get_enum_
     return keys_map;
+template<> inline t_config_enum_values& ConfigOptionEnum<PrintHostType>::get_enum_values() {
+    static t_config_enum_values keys_map;
+    if (keys_map.empty()) {
+        keys_map["octoprint"]       = htOctoPrint;
+        keys_map["duet"]            = htDuet;
+    }
+    return keys_map;
 template<> inline t_config_enum_values& ConfigOptionEnum<InfillPattern>::get_enum_values() {
     static t_config_enum_values keys_map;
     if (keys_map.empty()) {
@@ -789,18 +802,20 @@ class HostConfig : public StaticPrintConfig
-    ConfigOptionString              octoprint_host;
-    ConfigOptionString              octoprint_apikey;
-    ConfigOptionString              octoprint_cafile;
+    ConfigOptionEnum<PrintHostType> host_type;
+    ConfigOptionString              print_host;
+    ConfigOptionString              printhost_apikey;
+    ConfigOptionString              printhost_cafile;
     ConfigOptionString              serial_port;
     ConfigOptionInt                 serial_speed;
     void initialize(StaticCacheBase &cache, const char *base_ptr)
-        OPT_PTR(octoprint_host);
-        OPT_PTR(octoprint_apikey);
-        OPT_PTR(octoprint_cafile);
+        OPT_PTR(host_type);
+        OPT_PTR(print_host);
+        OPT_PTR(printhost_apikey);
+        OPT_PTR(printhost_cafile);

+ 2 - 1

@@ -64,9 +64,10 @@ REGISTER_CLASS(PresetCollection, "GUI::PresetCollection");
 REGISTER_CLASS(PresetBundle, "GUI::PresetBundle");
 REGISTER_CLASS(TabIface, "GUI::Tab");
 REGISTER_CLASS(PresetUpdater, "PresetUpdater");
-REGISTER_CLASS(OctoPrint, "OctoPrint");
 REGISTER_CLASS(AppController, "AppController");
 REGISTER_CLASS(PrintController, "PrintController");
+REGISTER_CLASS(PrintHost, "PrintHost");
+REGISTER_CLASS(PrintHostFactory, "PrintHostFactory");
 SV* ConfigBase__as_hash(ConfigBase* THIS)

+ 2 - 0

@@ -586,6 +586,8 @@ boost::any& Choice::get_value()
 			m_value = static_cast<SupportMaterialPattern>(ret_enum);
 		else if ("seam_position") == 0)
 			m_value = static_cast<SeamPosition>(ret_enum);
+		else if ("host_type") == 0)
+			m_value = static_cast<PrintHostType>(ret_enum);
 	return m_value;

+ 2 - 0

@@ -604,6 +604,8 @@ void change_opt_value(DynamicPrintConfig& config, const t_config_option_key& opt
 				config.set_key_value(opt_key, new ConfigOptionEnum<SupportMaterialPattern>(boost::any_cast<SupportMaterialPattern>(value)));
 			else if ("seam_position") == 0)
 				config.set_key_value(opt_key, new ConfigOptionEnum<SeamPosition>(boost::any_cast<SeamPosition>(value)));
+			else if ("host_type") == 0)
+				config.set_key_value(opt_key, new ConfigOptionEnum<PrintHostType>(boost::any_cast<PrintHostType>(value)));
 		case coPoints:{

+ 5 - 1

@@ -459,8 +459,12 @@ boost::any ConfigOptionsGroup::get_config_value(const DynamicPrintConfig& config
 		else if ("support_material_pattern") == 0){
 			ret = static_cast<int>(config.option<ConfigOptionEnum<SupportMaterialPattern>>(opt_key)->value);
-		else if ("seam_position") == 0)
+		else if ("seam_position") == 0){
 			ret = static_cast<int>(config.option<ConfigOptionEnum<SeamPosition>>(opt_key)->value);
+		}
+		else if ("host_type") == 0){
+			ret = static_cast<int>(config.option<ConfigOptionEnum<PrintHostType>>(opt_key)->value);
+		}
 	case coPoints:

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff