@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ std::regex skirt_regex("G1 X[-0-9.]* Y[-0-9.]* E[-0-9.]* ; skirt");
SCENARIO( "PrintGCode basic functionality", "[PrintGCode]") {
GIVEN("A default configuration and a print test object") {
- Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config();
WHEN("the output is executed with no support material") {
- config.set_deserialize("layer_height", "0.2");
- config.set_deserialize("first_layer_height", "0.2");
- config.set_deserialize("first_layer_extrusion_width", "0");
- config.set_deserialize("gcode_comments", "1");
- config.set_deserialize("start_gcode", "");
+ Slic3r::Print print;
Slic3r::Model model;
- std::shared_ptr<Slic3r::Print> print = Slic3r::Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, model, config);
+ Slic3r::Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, print, model, {
+ { "layer_height", "0.2" },
+ { "first_layer_height", "0.2" },
+ { "first_layer_extrusion_width", "0" },
+ { "gcode_comments", "1" },
+ { "start_gcode", "" }
+ });
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode(print);
THEN("Some text output is generated.") {
REQUIRE(gcode.size() > 0);
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ SCENARIO( "PrintGCode basic functionality", "[PrintGCode]") {
THEN("final Z height is 20mm") {
double final_z = 0.0;
GCodeReader reader;
- reader.apply_config(print->config());
+ reader.apply_config(print.config());
reader.parse_buffer(gcode, [&final_z] (GCodeReader& self, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line) {
final_z = std::max<double>(final_z, static_cast<double>(self.z())); // record the highest Z point we reach
@@ -83,16 +83,18 @@ SCENARIO( "PrintGCode basic functionality", "[PrintGCode]") {
WHEN("output is executed with complete objects and two differently-sized meshes") {
+ Slic3r::Print print;
Slic3r::Model model;
- config.set_deserialize("first_layer_extrusion_width", "0");
- config.set_deserialize("first_layer_height", "0.3");
- config.set_deserialize("layer_height", "0.2");
- config.set_deserialize("support_material", "0");
- config.set_deserialize("raft_layers", "0");
- config.set_deserialize("complete_objects", "1");
- config.set_deserialize("gcode_comments", "1");
- config.set_deserialize("between_objects_gcode", "; between-object-gcode");
- std::shared_ptr<Slic3r::Print> print = Slic3r::Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20,TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, model, config);
+ Slic3r::Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20,TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, print, model, {
+ { "first_layer_extrusion_width", "0" },
+ { "first_layer_height", "0.3" },
+ { "layer_height", "0.2" },
+ { "support_material", "0" },
+ { "raft_layers", "0" },
+ { "complete_objects", "1" },
+ { "gcode_comments", "1" },
+ { "between_objects_gcode", "; between-object-gcode" }
+ });
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode(print);
THEN("Some text output is generated.") {
REQUIRE(gcode.size() > 0);
@@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ SCENARIO( "PrintGCode basic functionality", "[PrintGCode]") {
THEN("final Z height is 20.1mm") {
double final_z = 0.0;
GCodeReader reader;
- reader.apply_config(print->config());
+ reader.apply_config(print.config());
reader.parse_buffer(gcode, [&final_z] (GCodeReader& self, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line) {
final_z = std::max(final_z, static_cast<double>(self.z())); // record the highest Z point we reach
@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ SCENARIO( "PrintGCode basic functionality", "[PrintGCode]") {
double final_z = 0.0;
bool reset = false;
GCodeReader reader;
- reader.apply_config(print->config());
+ reader.apply_config(print.config());
reader.parse_buffer(gcode, [&final_z, &reset] (GCodeReader& self, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line) {
if (final_z > 0 && std::abs(self.z() - 0.3) < 0.01 ) { // saw higher Z before this, now it's lower
reset = true;
@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ SCENARIO( "PrintGCode basic functionality", "[PrintGCode]") {
double final_z = 0.0;
bool reset = false;
GCodeReader reader;
- reader.apply_config(print->config());
+ reader.apply_config(print.config());
reader.parse_buffer(gcode, [&final_z, &reset] (GCodeReader& self, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line) {
if (final_z > 0 && std::abs(self.z() - 0.3) < 0.01 ) {
reset = (final_z > 20.0);
@@ -151,13 +153,12 @@ SCENARIO( "PrintGCode basic functionality", "[PrintGCode]") {
WHEN("the output is executed with support material") {
- Slic3r::Model model;
- config.set_deserialize("first_layer_extrusion_width", "0");
- config.set_deserialize("support_material", "1");
- config.set_deserialize("raft_layers", "3");
- config.set_deserialize("gcode_comments", "1");
- std::shared_ptr<Slic3r::Print> print = Slic3r::Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, model, config);
- std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode(print);
+ std::string gcode = ::Test::slice({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, {
+ { "first_layer_extrusion_width", "0" },
+ { "support_material", "1" },
+ { "raft_layers", "3" },
+ { "gcode_comments", "1" }
+ });
THEN("Some text output is generated.") {
REQUIRE(gcode.size() > 0);
@@ -175,10 +176,9 @@ SCENARIO( "PrintGCode basic functionality", "[PrintGCode]") {
WHEN("the output is executed with a separate first layer extrusion width") {
- Slic3r::Model model;
- config.set_deserialize("first_layer_extrusion_width", "0.5");
- std::shared_ptr<Slic3r::Print> print = Slic3r::Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, model, config);
- std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode(print);
+ std::string gcode = ::Test::slice({ TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, {
+ { "first_layer_extrusion_width", "0.5" }
+ });
THEN("Some text output is generated.") {
REQUIRE(gcode.size() > 0);
@@ -193,48 +193,46 @@ SCENARIO( "PrintGCode basic functionality", "[PrintGCode]") {
WHEN("Cooling is enabled and the fan is disabled.") {
- config.set_deserialize("cooling", "1");
- config.set_deserialize("disable_fan_first_layers", "5");
- Slic3r::Model model;
- std::shared_ptr<Slic3r::Print> print = Slic3r::Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, model, config);
- std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode(print);
+ std::string gcode = ::Test::slice({ TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, {
+ { "cooling", "1" },
+ { "disable_fan_first_layers", "5" }
+ });
THEN("GCode to disable fan is emitted."){
REQUIRE(gcode.find("M107") != std::string::npos);
WHEN("end_gcode exists with layer_num and layer_z") {
- config.set_deserialize("end_gcode", "; Layer_num [layer_num]\n; Layer_z [layer_z]");
- config.set_deserialize("layer_height", "0.1");
- config.set_deserialize("first_layer_height", "0.1");
- Slic3r::Model model;
- std::shared_ptr<Slic3r::Print> print = Slic3r::Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, model, config);
- std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode(print);
+ std::string gcode = ::Test::slice({ TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, {
+ { "end_gcode", "; Layer_num [layer_num]\n; Layer_z [layer_z]" },
+ { "layer_height", "0.1" },
+ { "first_layer_height", "0.1" }
+ });
THEN("layer_num and layer_z are processed in the end gcode") {
REQUIRE(gcode.find("; Layer_num 199") != std::string::npos);
REQUIRE(gcode.find("; Layer_z 20") != std::string::npos);
WHEN("current_extruder exists in start_gcode") {
- config.set_deserialize("start_gcode", "; Extruder [current_extruder]");
- Slic3r::Model model;
- std::shared_ptr<Slic3r::Print> print = Slic3r::Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, model, config);
- std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode(print);
+ std::string gcode = ::Test::slice({ TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, {
+ { "start_gcode", "; Extruder [current_extruder]" }
+ });
THEN("current_extruder is processed in the start gcode and set for first extruder") {
REQUIRE(gcode.find("; Extruder 0") != std::string::npos);
- config.set_num_extruders(4);
- config.set_deserialize("infill_extruder", "2");
- config.set_deserialize("solid_infill_extruder", "2");
- config.set_deserialize("perimeter_extruder", "2");
- config.set_deserialize("support_material_extruder", "2");
- config.set_deserialize("support_material_interface_extruder", "2");
- Slic3r::Model model;
- std::shared_ptr<Slic3r::Print> print = Slic3r::Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, model, config);
- std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode(print);
+ DynamicPrintConfig config = DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config();
+ config.set_num_extruders(4);
+ config.set_deserialize({
+ { "start_gcode", "; Extruder [current_extruder]" },
+ { "infill_extruder", "2" },
+ { "solid_infill_extruder", "2" },
+ { "perimeter_extruder", "2" },
+ { "support_material_extruder", "2" },
+ { "support_material_interface_extruder", "2" }
+ });
+ std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, config);
THEN("current_extruder is processed in the start gcode and set for second extruder") {
REQUIRE(gcode.find("; Extruder 1") != std::string::npos);
@@ -242,15 +240,13 @@ SCENARIO( "PrintGCode basic functionality", "[PrintGCode]") {
WHEN("layer_num represents the layer's index from z=0") {
- config.set_deserialize("complete_objects", "1");
- config.set_deserialize("gcode_comments", "1");
- config.set_deserialize("layer_gcode", ";Layer:[layer_num] ([layer_z] mm)");
- config.set_deserialize("layer_height", "1.0");
- config.set_deserialize("first_layer_height", "1.0");
- Slic3r::Model model;
- std::shared_ptr<Slic3r::Print> print = Slic3r::Test::init_print({TestMesh::cube_20x20x20,TestMesh::cube_20x20x20}, model, config);
- std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode(print);
+ std::string gcode = ::Test::slice({ TestMesh::cube_20x20x20, TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, {
+ { "complete_objects", "1" },
+ { "gcode_comments", "1" },
+ { "layer_gcode", ";Layer:[layer_num] ([layer_z] mm)" },
+ { "layer_height", "1.0" },
+ { "first_layer_height", "1.0" }
+ });
// End of the 1st object.
size_t pos = gcode.find(";Layer:19 ");
THEN("First and second object last layer is emitted") {