@@ -35,7 +35,11 @@ set(DESTDIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/destdir" CACHE PATH "Destination direct
option(DEP_DEBUG "Build debug variants (only applicable on Windows)" ON)
option(DEP_WX_STABLE "Build against wxWidgets stable 3.0 as opposed to default 3.1 (Linux only)" OFF)
-option(DEP_BUILD_IGL_STATIC "Build IGL as a static library. Might cause link errors." ON)
+# IGL static library in release mode produces 50MB binary. On the build server, it should be
+# disabled and used in header-only mode. On developer machines, it can be enabled to speed
+# up conpilation and suppress warnings coming from IGL.
+option(DEP_BUILD_IGL_STATIC "Build IGL as a static library. Might cause link errors and increase binary size." OFF)
message(STATUS "PrusaSlicer deps DESTDIR: ${DESTDIR}")
message(STATUS "PrusaSlicer deps debug build: ${DEP_DEBUG}")